Chapter Twenty Two

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They sorted it out, of course, but only after a few hours of fighting. They agreed to keep the child, who was coming in six months, and to father him or her together.

They took it in steps, and the first step was having a wedding, even though in China gay couples weren't allowed to get legally married. It was amazing. Ci Ci was the flower girl, Zhen Wen Yu Hao's best man, Zhen Wu Zi Xuan's. Zi Xuan's whole family was there, his sister and HoJae, even, while Yu Hao's side was mostly empty. Of course he missed his mother dearly, and of course, cried when he looked out and saw she was missing. But Zi Xuan was there for him. He was always there.

They honeymooned in Singapore, where nights and mornings were spent naked under the covers, and days were spent exploring the modern jungle island. Yu Hao didn't stop smiling once.

They came back home and resumed working, earning enough money for the second step. Selling the apartment and buying a house. They had chosen a neighbourhood that was close to the athletic centre they both worked at, but also close to a school, so that the kid would have somewhere to go when it was old enough.

And the house... well, it was a bit of a fixer upper, but that was okay. There was a basement and a main floor, three bedrooms, three bathrooms. A kitchen, a living room. It was what they needed, and so they made it a home.

The next step was bigger, but once they found out that the baby was going to be a girl, they bought toys and a crib, along with a little wardrobe for her. There was two months until the baby was due in June, but it seemed like it was approaching very quickly.

After work, they would usually sit together on the couch, Yu Hao laying down, his head in Zi Xuan's lap, and read those parenting books that everyone read before they had a baby.

Yu Hao and Zi Xuan prepared for something scarier than anything they had ever faced, wether it was an Olympic match, a graduation speech, or the loss of a loved one.

And that something was parenthood.


The last two weeks of her pregnancy, Zi Xuan and Yu Hao stayed at her house. They cooked for her, cleaned for her, and prepared for the day her water broke and they would have to drive her to the hospital.

Yu Hao had gotten his license back, but his knee was starting to cramp more often. Zi Xuan would massage it for him whenever he needed it, and he needed it a lot.

Preparing was an everyday thing, and all three of them were on high alert the day the baby was due.

They drove to the hospital the second she felt any sort of pain, and Yu Hao stayed in the back, trying to keep her calm even though he himself was panicking.

She managed to get to a hospital room, but she was obviously in a lot of pain. Although all three had heard about it, no one was really prepared for what was about to happen, and as a result the two men were bothered by watching the process.

On June 12, at 2:54 pm, Qi Xia Yang Yue was born. The doctor cleaned her and then handed her to Yu Hao, who was hardly breathing staring at her. Zi Xuan peered over his shoulder, observing the crying newborn that Yu Hao was rocking back and forth.

The woman who had just performed the miracle of birth was obviously tired. She stared at the two men, somewhat amazed. This wasn't the Yu Hao she remembered.

The old Yu Hao didn't care about... well, anything really. Not his job, not his mom or his future or the girls he hooked up with. She was surprised she was the first one he had accidentally impregnated. But this Yu Hao... he was a different person. He cared about the guy that was rubbing his shoulder right now. He cared about the baby in his arms, and he cared about what was happening next in his life.

He looked up, tears in his eyes, and smiled at her. He mouthed 'thank you' and she nodded.

He may have changed, but she never wou. She swore to herself that she would never become soft and stupid like Yu Hao. Right now, all she wanted to do was go home. This was a charity case that she didn't mean to take.

Zi Xuan wrapped his arms around Yu Hao's waist, chin resting on shoulder and staring down at her. He kissed Yu Hao's jaw, happy to be with him at this moment.

They now had a child, a little baby that shared both their family names, someone they would both forever care for and love, through thick and thin.

Yu Hao brought her up to his mouth and kissed her tiny forehead, smiling softly.

Life was weird sometimes.

It was only about to get weirder.

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