Part 2 - Closer

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Hi everyone...!

Thanks for your response and feedback... I have added names for the characters as told by you guys 😊 hope u all relate to dem much better now

Here's the next chapter...

Happy reading!

Part 2 – Closer

tell me no…haha I won’t mind. Anyways I used to be clad showing off my six pack abs all the time we shot…haha Like you said in the interview morning… I should get used to by now…” I teased her referring to her comment when she was asked about my body by the emcee, she had instantly said that I’m an extremely good-looking man and I should be used to by such compliments now. I blushed thinking of the same, waiting for her answer.

She crossed her legs and brought her knees closer to her hugging them with her arms….

she looked at me and said “of course Shaheer! I’m a straight woman and when such a handsome man is roaming in front of me all the time flaunting his perfectly toned body would anyone resist to ignore? Haha well, I feel they aren’t human if they did ignore” with such confidence and ease she accepted something that girls usually hesitate to and yet again I was bowled over her honesty and brilliant ways of answering to questions thrown at her.

All I could do was just gape at her with a little opened mouth in awe of the lady sitting next to me who had just confessed checking me out with absolute ease as if she had no qualms in accepting upfront with me.

Perhaps, even I would not have guts to accept in front of any girl if they asked me something like this. Pooja differed from everyone in such matters, she had immense dignity yet spoke her mind and this got me attracted to her and not just her mere beauty.

And her answer took me back to the days we shot our show Mahabharat and I had seen her for the first time clad in Draupadi’s look. She looked ethereal in a princess’s get up as if she descended right from the mythology era. I was amazed by her beauty at first and almost stunned at the way she carried herself. But, I resisted myself to think anything more about her as firstly I was in a relationship at that time and secondly I felt it’s wrong to check out girls that way.

Another instance where she took my breath away for few seconds was when she came to the set clad in plain cotton attire for the vanvaas sequence with no jewellery and simple look. She walked over with such grace that I guess most of them were smitten by her on the set that day including me.

But then, again my senses knocked me with the same reasons that I shouldn’t be seeing another woman that way. But, being a man, sometimes it gets difficult to not notice her in front of me.

Oh hello… where are you lost hero?” her voice broke my trance and I was back to reality. I had not realised I was recalling all those instances while staring at her with a goofy smile on my face.

ah uh… nothing. Just admiring the beauty in front of me…” I said nonchalantly. Did I flirt with her? Hell yes, I did! When she was being all honest why not I be too.

beauty in front of you? Means the beach, the sky and the stars?” she quipped with a soft shy giggle wanting to hear more from me.

Nope!”  I turned completely towards her, held her hands and said “Beauty in front of me… that’s you!” I winked leaving her turn pink.

haha so cheesy shaheer…!” she hit on my shoulder lightly. She looked beautiful when she laughed and I loved to see her that way all the time.

Well, I don’t say cheesy lines usually. But, I don’t know how I did say one now… haha” I chuckled at myself rubbing the back of my neck.

No harm hero… I’m liking it anyways!” she smiled assuring me and that automatically brought smile on my face too.

We spoke for some more time about many things that we hadn’t spoken before on a personal level… I got to know that she was single from past 4 years and she got to know about my relationships too. We talked about how our careers were shaping into and also about our passion for acting.

We shared memories of our early days in the entertainment industry. My modelling days, college in Pune and her anchoring in Zoom channel and her ad shoots etc. We had a matured discussion while not losing out on teasing each other and having fun too.

We even spoke about our trip to Indonesia with our entire team of Mahabharat and how much fun we had during the events. While speaking of the same she asked “Shaheer, remember you sang that Indonesian song for me which meant I looked perfect in your eyes?

Of course, I remember Pooja… that was the first time I flirted with you” I winked.

Honestly, I was flattered that moment because nobody had ever told me so till then Shaheer” she confessed.

oh really? But, I thought I would be some 105th man to tell you so…” I teased.

oh please… not like the way you said” She pressed her lips together controlling her shyness and continued further, “And remember how you scared the anchor when he called me Pooja darling? Haha oh god! That was fun… and I still remember you said I looked gorgeous…

And you blushed when I said that…” I smirked without letting her complete.
Pooja looked away for a second, blushing again the same way and hummed in response.

Pooja…tell me something. Within a day we have known each other so much that we didn’t get to know throughout a year during Mahabharat right?” I asked out of the blue which perhaps startled her for a second due to my husky voice.

umm…yeah. We got to spend so much time with each other with nobody else around us. So yeah, what you said is true. But, why did you ask this suddenly?”. She said.

Nothing...just like that...” I dodged her question while in reality I wanted to ask her if she feels whatever we have between us can be more than friendship. But I erased that thought as I felt it was too early to ask her. I wanted to give us more time to explore each other, I wanted to give her space.

As it was almost 1 30 in the mid night, we decided to retire to our rooms and get some sleep as we had another long day awaiting us. We walked back to our rooms and as we reached the doors, Pooja took out the keys to unlock her room while I just stared at her.

Good night Shaheer…” she smiled at me.

Hmm ya good night Pooja…” I said still rooted to the spot I stood lost in admiring her with a goofy smile.

What?” she asked

What?” I asked

Why are you standing? Your room is right here no… go?” she chuckled.

ah uh yeah… going” I realised that I was lost in her and said in embarrassment while she did the unexpected leaving me speechless.

She walked forward and gave me a warm hug.

Her gesture was surprising and left me stunned but my hands knew what they had to do… automatically my hands wrapped around her waist as she whispered “Good night hero… now go sleep

This was the first time we embraced each other, like a proper hug. I was amazed at our proximity that moment as we never were so close before. We did not have much romantic scenes in our show so we had not hugged while acting too except for few occasional side hugs during events or interviews.

This moment was to be cherished for a lifetime as I had not felt this with any other woman. Before I could get carried away and tighten my arms around her waist, she moved apart and waved at me as she went inside her room and locked the door.

The small escapade brought us little closer and our comfort level had increased by the end of day 1 in Thailand.

Hoping for a bright day ahead I returned to my room and slept peacefully.

***************************************Pooja's Room

I shut the door and stood against it and smiled to myself as I recalled the whole day spent with Shaheer. We had not spent such quality time together till date and it was amazing and beyond my expectations as Shaheer made sure that I was comfortable and happy throughout the time he was with me.

We both felt different for each other today and that was evidently seen in the way we behaved with one another. From giggling at our stupid jokes to conversing about my footwear to strolling over the sea shore to sharing our memories to embracing each other, the day was a complete surprise package that we gifted ourselves as I’m sure both of us had never expected one fine day in a far off country we would bond over and probably mark the start of a new relationship.

A new relationship? Really? Do I foresee our friendship turning into a relationship? Perhaps, I don’t have a clear answer as of now… But there was something more than just friendship with Shaheer.

Earlier, while we shot Mahabharat he was dating his first co-actress so, I never considered him anything more than my co star or a friend. But, years down the line now, we both feel we could have had better rapport during those days and regret not enacting more scenes together.

At present, tender feelings have started developing in each other’s heart and its evident from our actions. I do not know when exactly all this started but I’m happy when I’m around him. He is not like other men who would have considered our beach walk as a chance to get close to me. Shaheer was a thorough gentleman with me and behaved decently throughout the time we spent on the beach.

Even when I hugged him, he was sceptical about reverting as he did not want to cross personal space. Thinking of him and the day, I slowly drifted to sleep.

Day 2 in Thailand

It was 7 in the morning when I woke up and realised that today, we had few interviews, Meet and greet with fans, our performance too. I was excited for the day.

I did not want to be late for the event, so I hurried to get ready. I wore a simple yet elegant maroon lehenga and a sleeveless choli, let the single layer of the blue dupatta flow free from my left shoulder. I did minimal make up and let hair loose pinning the top portion a bit with bobby pins. I was adjusting my hair in the front when I heard the bell ring.

Hoping for the breakfast to have arrived, I walked ahead and opened the door only to be surprised by the person who stood in front of me with the breakfast tray.

Good morning madam, room service” he said.


Oah I had to end it here 😛

Guess who’s at the door? 🧐

I’ll dedicate the next chapter to whoever guesses it right… not that tough 😊 common try now

And, please do tell me how was the chapter?

Reminiscing good old Mahabharat days, some honest confessions, little flirting and progress of their did u all like it?

Anything to improve on also u may all give me feedback… constructive feedback always welcomed 😊 btw don’t forget to hit on the ⭐ if you have liked the story so far…!

Thanks guys!


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