CHAPTER SIX, wedding without a ring

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Desiree was working at her coin shop, helping out a customer when Shawn entered the store. "Hey, Dezi. Can we talk to you for a minute?" He asked, walking over to her.

"Uh, sure." Desiree nods giving her full attention to him as the customer left with a thank you. "What's up?"

"Got another case." Shawn grins at her, leaning on the counter. "I thought you would like to help."

"Ooh, what is it?" She curiously asked, leaning on the counter as well.

"It was supposed to be stolen computers from a high school." Shawn rolls his eyes. "There's a much better case we need to get on Lassy and Juliet are on. Plus I already solved that one, it was easy."

"Oh? Then tell me how you solved it." Desiree challenged.

"The secretary did it. She was faking her own signature." Shawn replies bluntly, surprising Desiree. "So, this other case, it's about a wedding wing being missing. Best man hasn't been heard from. And I mean, we're not really supposed to be working on this case until the one we're supposed to be working on is solved even though I already solved it, but I need your help. Plus Gus won't help me. Says he's too busy with meetings." He scoffs. He then looks at her pleadingly. "Please, Dezi? Please?"

Desiree hesitates, glancing around her store. It wasn't that busy, but she did have her manager and other employees there too. She could have her manager be in charge for the day while she was gone, she did that many times before when she had a day off and decided to stay home or if she wanted to take the day off and have a day to herself. "Alright, fine." She sighs heavily, turning to look at Shawn, who smiles widely at her and was about to let out a cheer when she stopped him by pointing at him. "But you're getting me breakfast. I ran late this morning and didn't have time to eat."

"Sure! Of course!" Shawn agreed happily.

"Alright, let me tell the manager and I'll meet you at my car." She told him, chuckling at his excitement.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" Shawn thanked, giving her a quick hug.

"Yeah, yeah, alright." She chuckles, waving him off. She watches him leave and heads over to her manager. She explains the situation and tells her that she's leaving, letting her know that she would be back later. Her manager reassured her that it was alright and she was okay with running the store while she was gone. She thanked the manager and grabbed her purse that had her phone in it and grabbed her keys before heading out. "Alright, let's go."


"So, why isn't Gus with us? Still too busy with his job?" Desiree asked Shawn as they drove to the hotel the bridal party was staying at. She took a sip of her large McDonalds drink she had gotten when they stopped at the drive through on their way. She had also gotten a breakfast burrito which she was enjoying, glad she had eaten something since she had been getting hungry but hadn't had any time to get something to eat. Shawn got himself a drink as well and like he agreed he paid for them both which she appreciated.

"Well, you know how he gets. He thinks I'm a distraction." Shawn rolls his eyes. "I guess he has a point, whatever." He mutters, then noticing new stickers on the dashboard. "Ooh, new stickers."

She chuckles and nods. "Yeah, decided to decorate it a little."

"That explains the pineapple decoration hanging from the rear view mirror." Shawn points to the pineapple, grinning at it. "I like it. Very festive."

"Figured you would." Desiree chuckles, feeling a bit more relaxed as she drives. "You know, I'm actually really curious about this missing ring case. Plus how does a best man just disappear?"

Shawn leans back in his seat, sipping his drink after picking it up from the cup holder. "That's the mystery we're going to solve. I have a feeling it's more complicated than it seems. But I got you here to help me figure it out and us two psychics will solve the mystery. Just like Scooby Doo gang."

Desiree couldn't help but laugh at his comparison. "I haven't watched Scooby Doo in years."

"We should watch that later." Shawn gasps dramatically and grins at her. "We'll have a Scooby Doo marathon later." He pointed at her with a serious look, making her giggle and nod.

"Fine. A Scooby Doo marathon later." She agrees. "Also, we're not psychics." She reminded him, glancing at him before focusing on the road again.

Shawn rolls his eyes, waving a dismissive hand at her. "Details, details." He mumbled before taking another sip of his drink and looking out the window. Desiree glanced at him with amusement before looking back at the road and continuing the drive.


Soon the two best friends get to the hotel the bridal party was staying and walked inside, making sure to avoid being seen by Lassiter and Juliet. "Mandatory briefing, Magnolia room, fifteen minutes." Lassiter's voice is heard when he walked by. Desiree let out a surprised yelp when Shawn suddenly grabbed her wrist and pulled her to hide behind a large potted plant. Confused, she knelt beside him, giving him a look.

"Did you have to pull me so roughly? I could've easily walked behind the plant with you." She complained in a whisper, pulling her arm away from him as he sent her an apologetic look. She shook her head and looked over the plant with him, listening in on the conversation as the detectives talk with attorney general Maxwell.

"Detective, I trust we're making progress." Maxwell spoke, shaking Lassiter's hand.

"I am right on schedule, sir." Lassiter assures him. "I've booked myself a suite to use as a command center."

"Why?" Maxwell questioned.

"I'll stay the night if I have to, keep an eye on things-"

"The city's not paying for that, is it?" Maxwell interrupted Lassiter, who looked confused.

"Uh, no?"

"That ring has been in my family for two hundred years. My mother agonized over the decision to give it to my son. I'm not letting it get away now." Maxwell explained firmly.

"Sir, we are checking every person who came through that door-" Lassiter started.

"Clearly not." Desiree muttered to herself since she and Shawn were easily able to sneak right in. Shawn snickered quietly beside her.

"Every employee, every guest." Lassiter finished.

"Nobody checks out of this hotel until we're just short of going through every piece of their luggage." Maxwell told him.

"Way ahead of you, sir." Lassiter reassured him.

"No, you're not." Maxwell argued and turned to walk away as Juliet gave Lassiter a look.

"What?" Lassiter asked the blonde. She just hummed in response with a shrug.

"Shawn, get down. They might be able to see you." Desiree scolded quietly when he had leaned out further from their hiding spot, but quickly got down before they noticed him. Lassiter did look over in that direction, thinking he saw something, but turned and walked away with Juliet.

"That was close." Desiree murmured.

"Can I help you, sir and ma'am?"

At the sudden voice, they both jump and instinctively grab onto each other. They turn to see an officer kneeling down by them. They share a look. "We're just...Listening." Shawn stammered and Desiree refrained the urge to roll her eyes at his lame excuse.

"For what?" The officer questioned.

"For what?" Shawn scoffs, glancing at the officer. He immediately notices the mask and white gloves on his belt and thought of an idea. "Lyme disease." He dramatically said. Desiree easily noticed the protective gear and knew exactly where Shawn was going with this.

"Lyme disease?" The officer repeated, starting to look panicked.

"Lyme disease. Rickets. Avitaminosis. Legionnaire's. Bubonic. You name it." Shawn tells him, glancing at Desiree. "Isn't that right, Dez?"

Desiree hums and nods, looking at the officer. "Oh, definitely. We're just here to make sure that the proper precautions are taken," Desiree adds, playing along. "You know, just in case someone needs to be quarantined or something."

"Exactly." Shawn agrees, nodding in agreement. "I want you to listen to something." He tells the officer, knocking on the pot as the officer stared at him. "Hear that?" The officer hums in response. "We have spores in the wall."

The officer's eyes widen. "Spores?"

"You know where else they are?" Shawn continues. "In the planter. You know where else?" As he stands, Desiree follows his lead with the officer. "Everywhere in the entire hotel."

"Who called you two?" The officer questioned hesitantly. "Mike?"

"Is this a big joke to you?" Shawn asks, furrowing his eyebrows and pretending to get upset. "We don't answer to Mike. Have you seen Mike lately? Mike can kiss our a**es. We were called in by the state inspector himself. Are you at all aware how dangerous this is?"

"H** yes, I am!" The officer replied immediately, looking nervous and worried and Desire noticed he had one hand on his mask, getting ready to use it just in case.

"Good, I'm glad. We need access to this whole place-Elevator shafts, air vents, the safe room, obviously-"

"The safe room is a crime scene." The officer interrupted Shawn.

"This eucalyptus will be dead by lunch." Shawn tells him. "The safe room will be a triage unit if we don't get those spores out of there."

The officer pulls his mask out, nodding. "Understood. Can we let the cops finish up in there first?" He asked nervously.

"You tell them to hurry." Shawn nodded.

"Oh, man." The officer looked around anxiously, covering his mouth with his mask as he left.

"You scared that poor man for nothing." Desiree chuckles as Shawn grinned. "But nice thinking on your feet. Where do we go now?"

"The detectives are gonna have a meeting soon, I say we listen in on it now that we got access to everywhere in this hotel." Shawn smirks. "Including the vents."

Desiree groans, already knowing where he was going. "Shawnie, I am not crawling through a vent."

"Aw, come on, Dezi. It'll be fun!" Shawn grins, nudging her. "I'll be right there beside you, helping you. Besides, you've never been claustrophobic before."

"Yeah, but that doesn't means I want to crawl through a vent," Desiree gave Shawn a skeptical look, crossing her arms. "You know, there are other ways to find out what's going on without crawling through a vent."

Shawn pouts. "But crawling through vents is so much more better. Plus how else would we listen in to the meeting without them knowing we're there?" He points out. "C'mon, we're like the Scooby Doo gang, remember? We're solving mysteries and all that. It's what they would do."

"I think I'll just let you do the crawling through the vent while I stay down here and keep an eye out for anything." Desiree chuckled.

"What?! No! Come on, Dezi, please? I need a partner!" Shawn pleads, looking at her with his puppy eyes. "I can't go up there alone. What if I get lost? You gotta be there to help me find my way out."

"Shawnie, you'll be fine, stop being so dramatic." Desiree said with amusement, shoving him playfully to the side so he wasn't looking at her with the puppy dog eyes anymore. "It'll be easy. I have confidence you'll get out easily." She told him, reaching over to give his shoulder a gentle squeeze.

Shawn sighs and slumps his shoulders in defeat. "Fine." He grumbles, looking away from her. "I'll be up there by myself. Crawling through a vent, alone." He grumbles as he started to walk away. "If I don't make it out alive, at least know that I love you."

Desiree chuckles, looking at him with amusement and ignoring the flutter her heart suddenly did. "I'll keep that in mind. Now hurry up, the meeting should start soon." Shawn glanced over his shoulder at her with a pout before heading off. Desiree shook and chuckled. She knew she would have to keep an eye out for him.


After the meeting that Shawn was able to listen in on, he went to meet up with Desiree again, updating her on what he found out. "So, Lassiter thinks someone built a scale replica of the safe room." Shawn chuckles, rolling his eyes as he walks with her out of the hotel. "I mean, can you believe that nonsense? Said all alibies checked out but one. Dietrich Manheim."

"Weird name." Desiree commented, unlocking her car and climbing in with Shawn, who pointed at her in agreement.

"Right?" Shawn agrees, climbing into the car as well. "So, turns out he was in the room when the ring was placed in the safety box. Though that was his only lead so not really for sure about him being the guy. He does show signs of possibly being the one to take the ring, but I don't know." He shrugs. "I was thinking of maybe trying to talk to Juliet and get some more info from her."

"Sounds good. So that means I can go back to work." Desiree told him.

"Work? No, no, no, no." Shawn quickly shakes his head, pointing at her. "You're going with me. Or if you don't want to, just wait in the car while talking to Juliet. It'll be quick, I promise. Oh, and then we need to try to get Gus to come and help us."

"Shawn, I can't stay long. I already took time off work to do this. I gotta go back and check on my store and make sure things are okay. Plus I have other stuff to do." Desiree reminded him, glancing at him before looking ahead, backing her car out.

"But Dezi," Shawn whines, giving her a pleading look. "Please? For me?"

"I already helped you. And you got me breakfast. We're even." She chuckles as she drove. "I have stuff to do today."

"But this is more important." Shawn argued.

"Shawn." She sighed.

"Dezi." He drawled out her name and giving her a pleading puppy dog eyed look that made her heart melt and made it difficult to say no.

She glances at him, feeling her resolve crack. "Alright, alright. I'll come with you for a bit longer, but only because you're being so convincing."

Shawn's face lit up with a grin. "Yay! Thanks, Dezi! I promise I won't keep you too long. We just need to get some more info from Juliet and then we can check on Gus."

Desiree sighs but couldn't help smiling at Shawn's enthusiasm. "Fine. But we'll make this quick."

As they drove to the precinct, Shawn kept chattering about his theories and ideas. Desiree listened, occasionally nodding or adding her own observations. She could easily see why people believed he was a psychic. His observations were very spot on, and his deductions were incredible. If she hadn't known him since they were kids, she probably would have thought he was a psychic. They went to the station, finding out Juliet had went out for lunch so they went to find out where she was. Eventually they found the place, but Desiree decided to stay inside the car while Shawn went in to talk to Juliet. Desiree sat patiently in her car, waiting for Shawn. She leaned back in her seat, music playing quietly as she hummed along, glancing out the window. She didn't mind waiting in the car while Shawn talked to the blonde detective. She liked having the time to herself to relax.

Soon enough Shawn came back to the car. "So?" She asked curiously while he climbed in and closed the door behind him.

"Apparently she thought this place would be different and nobody respects her opinions-"

"I meant about the case, Shawnie." Desiree chuckles with amusement. "Not her personal life."

"Oh." Shawn pauses and nods. "Right. Of course." He grins sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck. "Okay, so-" He began to fill her in on the new information and she listened attentively while driving to Gus' work place to pick him up.

"Wow, I'm glad that she agreed to help." Desiree spoke once Shawn finished filling her in.

"Yeah, me too. Now thanks to her we know more about the case than we did. Okay, I'm gonna go see if we can get Gus. But we need a believable excuse to why he has to leave work." Shawn told her, unbuckling his seatbelt after Desiree parked the car.

"Okay, um, just say he has a pet that got hurt and he has to go take care of it." Desiree suggested.

Shawn pauses and grins at her. "Brilliant idea, Dezi." He gasps dramatically. "It should be an orange tabby cat. The cat needs a name. Gimme a name, Dezi."

"Pickles." Desiree shrugged, earning an amused look from him.

"Seriously? Pickles?" Shawn snickered.

"What? I like pickles. And it was the first thing that popped in my head." Desiree tells him, crossing her arms and rolling her eyes. "You can call the cat whatever you want, but you did ask me for a name."

Shawn nods. "That I did. And you have a great naming sense, Dezi. So I'll go with that. Pickles. Love it. Okay, I'll be right back." He grinned, getting out of the car and heading inside. A few moments later, he came back out and told her he informed some of his coworkers to let him know since they said Gus was busy. He now was laying on the hood of her car and she had gotten out to join him, leaning against it and him slightly with crossed arms. They were currently playing 'I Spy' to pass the time. First, they had done rock paper scissors to decide who should pick the game they would play. Desiree won so she got to pick, which was 'I Spy.' They were in a few games when Gus finally came out, looking frustrated.

"So now I have a cat."

Shawn claps his hands, sitting up straighter. "An orange tabby. Last Christmas, you made her a tiny Santa hat. It was adorable."

"Fantastic, I can't even have a make-believe boy cat." Gus grumbled.

"What's wrong with having a make-believe girl cat?" Desiree defensively asked, giving him a small glare.

"Gus, she's right, plus a bot cat wouldn't serve my purposes nearly as well." Shawn agrees, earning a grin from Desiree, who was happy that he agreed with her while Gus just sent a small glare back at her while she mocked the glare. "The next time I need you, Pickles is having kittens."

"'Pickles'?" Gus asked, furrowing his eyebrows.

"Don't dis the name." Desiree argues. "I came up with it and it's a great name for the cat."

"You would name a cat 'Pickles'?" Gus scoffed.

"What's wrong with Pickles?" Desiree challenged, putting her hands on her hips and stepping closer to him.

"Everything is wrong with it, Dez. It's a terrible name for a cat." Gus said with a roll of his eyes.

"You're a terrible name for a cat." Desiree childishly replied.

"Real mature." Gus rolled his eyes again.

"'Mrs. Pickles' is her full name...Though I'm not actually sure cats can marry outside of Boston." Shawn admitted.

"Yeah, well, in a related issue, I'm blocking both of yours numbers on all the phones in the office." Gus told them and turned to walk away.

"If you think that will work, I think it's endearing. In the meantime, aren't you the least bit curious about who was there when they put the ring in the hotel safe?" Shawn called out, getting Gus' attention and getting him to stop and turn back to face him and Desiree.

"Wait a minute...This is a safecracking case?" Gus inquired, walking back to his friends.

"Did I forget to mention that?" Shawn asked, pretending to be surprised and innocent while jumping off the hood of the car to walk over to the passenger side. Desiree followed his lead, heading to the drivers side while Gus hesitantly but curiously walked to the back seat.

"What kind of safe?"

"The, uh, Hydra 700?" Shawn replied to Gus.

"The 700 is out?" Gus gapes. "That's impossible. Nobody could have cracked that."

"I haven't even told you about the wall sensors." Shawn pointed out, closing the door behind him once he got inside. Desiree climbed inside the driver's seat, closing the door behind her as Gus looked through the window at his best friends.

Gus hesitates, glancing back at the building then back at his best friends. "Can we be done by three?"

Desiree and Shawn shares a look. "Can we be done by three?" Desiree questioned, not sure herself what time it would take.

Shawn is quiet for a moment before he nods. "Yes." That was all it took for Shawn to climb into the back seat and buckle up.  


The trio got to the hotel the bridal party was staying at as Shawn updated Gus. "The safe room...Right behind that door." Shawn explained, pointing over his shoulder to behind the front desk at the hotel when they walked by the front desk.

"What is all this?" Gus inquired, referring to the police tape on the front desk and the police officers surrounding the area. "I thought this was a safe job."

"Oh, uh, Lassiter has this insane idea that this is an elaborate heist, right? Like on par with Oceans Eleven or Thomas Crown or, uh...Ooh, or the one where they killed Donald Sutherland in the first ten minutes. Remake, uh..." Shawn answered. Desiree chuckled and shook her head at them.

"Mr. Spencer. Mr. Guster. Ms. O'Neal." Chief Vick's voice gains the trio's attention, causing them to turn to see the blonde behind them. "What a surprise."

"Chief!" Shawn smiles. "Lookin' good. You're probably wandering-"

"I sent an officer down to the high school to take a look at your secretary suspect. She cracked. He didn't even get the first question out." Chief Vick explained, causing Shawn to look surprised.

"Really? But-" When Gus shoved him in the side roughly, Shawn corrects himself. "Because I...Envionsed that being harder."

"Yet I don't recall asking you to come down here to the De La Cruz." Chief Vick spoke, crossing her arms and narrowing her eyes at him.

"Well, we have reason to believe this case goes in a completely different direction." Gus told her.

Chief Vick nods. "Huh. Let me be perfectly clear - I didn't see you and we didn't talk. Call me if you have something." She added, surprising the trio.

"Really?" Desiree couldn't help but ask, earning a nod and a smile from Chief Vick. "Yes, ma'am. Will do." She replies, smiling reassuringly at the blonde. Chief Vick nodded, humming in response and turning to walk away. "Wow. That went better than I thought it would." She confessed, glancing between her two friends, who shared the same look.

"I love her." Shawn said, earning a chuckle and an amused look from Desiree.

"Yeah." Gus agreed.

"Yeah, she is really great." Desiree spoke in agreement.  


"He knows you?" Gus asked Shawn with surprise when he saw the receptionist waving at Shawn when they walked over to him. Shawn had waved and smiled back at the guy. The receptionist was also friendly with Desiree, making her smile and wave back at him.

"Yeah, Dezi and I had to lay some groundwork. He doesn't believe in psychics. This is Plan 'B'." Shawn replied.

The receptionist smiles at them. "Chief Inspector Shawn and Deputy Inspector Desiree, how are you?"

Shawn shushes him. "We're undercover. Not even the American Police know we're in on this."

"I'm sorry. I-I blew it again, didn't I? A-And after you two brought me into your confidence-"

"Bobby," Shawn interrupts the nervous receptionist. "It's fine. Believe me, these other interpol guys are very appreciative of what you're doing here."

"Yeah, don't worry about it." Desiree chimes in, smiling reassuringly at the receptionist. "You're fine. Thank you for your help. It's greatly appreciated."

"Of course." Bobby smiles, holding a binder that showed the British flag on the side of it. "How long do you guys need?"

After sharing a look, Desiree and Shawn look back at him with a smile. "Just as we discussed. Five minutes, tops. You're our man." Shawn grinned at Bobby, shaking his hand. Desiree shared a smile with Bobby and the trio followed him to the safe room behind the front desk as Bobby walked away.

"Interpol?" Gus questioned, looking confused.

"That's right. Missing ring division. I believe I was recruited out of North Africa when I was fifteen." Shawn explains. "Desiree was recruited from Europe when she was fifteen as well."

"Then how come you didn't use a British accent?" Gus asked them both.

"'Cause we made it where our British accents slipped into a fake American one 'cause we've been here so long that we picked up an American accent." Desiree answered.

"Bobby gave us some pointers." Shawn adds. "Apparently you Americans say 'Howdy' a lot." When a girl walked by, Shawn smiles and calls out to her, "Howdy." The girl looked back at him with a smile before she kept walking by. Desiree rolled her eyes at seeing Shawn's gaze lingering on the girl as he watched her walk by. She shared an annoyed look with Gus, who elbowed Shawn in the side.

"What are you doing?"

Shawn snaps out of it, handing him a piece of paper. "Uh, a list. I made a list of suspects after attending Lassiter's briefing."

"He let you in his briefing?" Gus asked with surprise while looking at the paper. Desiree leaned over his shoulder to look at it as well.

"No, more like he climbed through a vent and watched it from there." Desiree chuckled.

"All your suspects are in the wedding party." Gus noticed.

"The only ones ho knew they put that ring in the safe were at the rehearsal dinner." Shawn pointed out.

"So it was an inside job." Gus realized.

"Looking like it." Shawn agreed. Desiree nodded in agreement. It would make sense for it to be an inside job since they were the only ones who knew the ring was put into the safe. It was the most likely scenario.

"You're making keys?" Gus asked incrudiously.

"Gus, how else do you expect for us to get in the room?" Shawn questioned.

"Shawn, you can't do that!" Gus scolded Shawn after seeing he was making keys.

"Of course I can. I worked at the Hampton Inn for that three-day weekend in Austin when we were nineteen. I know you remember that. Gus, this is so easy. Try making a key." Shawn encouraged, gaining a look from Gus. "So, that's a no?" He guessed, glancing at Desiree, who looked amused.

"Yeah, definitely a no." Desiree giggled.


"Dude, I rule." Shawn grins when the key worked with opening the door to the room they went to. "Nope. Innocent. Let's move." He said, closing the door and backing back into the hallway.

"What are you talking about?" Gus inquires, furrowing his eyebrows. "We haven't even stepped a foot in there."

"Gus, do you need the remedial course? Really?" Shawn sighs, opening the door and looking inside. Desiree looked inside the room, immediately noticing keys on the table near a chair, coins near a wallet and glasses were there as well. "Uncle Leo left his wallet on the table. Criminals are sneaky, jaded, suspicious people. They're smart and defensive. This guy has a reason to be trusting. Can we go now?"

"He's right." Desiree agrees when Gus looked at her for confirmation. "We can move on. The guy's innocent."

Gus gestured for them to try the next door. They open it with the key, surprised with what they saw inside. The bridal party was inside the suite and it seemed like one of the girls knew who Shawn was. "Shawn?" The brunette-haired girl, who was sitting at a desk, had got up and looked over at the trio with surprise. Desiree assumed she was the bride since she was with a blonde-haired man and there was another girl sitting on the coffee table, looking at a paper and had different papers scattered on the coffee table. Papers that she noticed were for wedding planning. She figured she must be the wedding planner. She and the brunette-haired girl also looked similar, similar enough to be related. Most likely sisters.

"Guys. Hey. Uh, your door was open." Shawn lied.

"Oh, it was?" The blonde-haired man asked with surprise.

"Yes, and me and my partner were worried that something horrible had happened." Shawn continued, gesturing to Desiree, who nodded and went along with it.

"Is everyone okay?" She questioned, glancing at the group with concern.

"Yeah, yeah." The blonde-haired man replied, holding hands with the woman by him.

"I told you we didn't have to come in here." Shawn tells Gus with a scoff. "They're fine. Everybody's fine."

"Sorry, did you say partner?" The woman beside him inquired, looking at Shawn curiously and then Desiree.

"Yes, uh, Desiree, here, is also a fellow psychic investigator. She helps me, I help her. We work together, you know? We're a great team." Shawn answered, putting an arm around Desiree's shoulders.

"Hi, it's nice to meet you guys." Desiree replied as she smiled at the group.

"Nice to meet you too. I'm Lacey and this is my fiancé Dylan. And my sister, Bethany." Lacey introduced them, smiling at Desiree and shaking Desiree's hand. Desiree shared a smile with her and then shook Dylan's hand as well.

"Oh, and this is our associate, Gus." Desiree added, pointing at Gus with a smile.

"Yes, you can just call him 'Peter Panic'." Shawn joked while Gus shook hands with Dylan.

"How are you doing?" Gus asked, shaking Lacey's hand next.

"So you're a psychic too?" Dylan questioned, glancing at Gus curiously.


"Gus, here, is a safe expert." Shawn interrupts Gus. "Yes...He subscribes to the safecracker...Uh, safecracking..." His voice trails off as his gaze lingers on Bethany, who was smiling at him. "Comic book."

Desiree rolls her eyes, shaking her head. "It's an online magazine." Gus clarifies. "And it's a trade publication."

Desiree watches as Shawn sat on the couch near Bethany, not listening to what Gus was explaining to the couple and instead listening to what Shawn was talking to Bethany. "Excuse me for saying so, but how exactly do you figure into this legal family?"

"I started my criminal law degree. Then I came to my senses, went to Europe, painted, slept, ate, sank a boat..." Bethany admits, earning a dramatic gasp from Shawn. "Disappointed?"

"Besotted." Shawn replied.

Gus finally notices Shawn talking to Bethany, rolling his eyes and glancing at Desiree, who was now looking at the ground and fidgeting with a ring she wore. He noticed she almost seemed to be trying to ignore Shawn talking to the girl. He could tell Shawn's attention towards the girl was starting to bother Desiree which made him curious and then his eyes widened as he pieced things together. He made a mental note to talk to her later. He glances over at Shawn, getting his attention. "We'd like to speak to the best man if possible."

"So would we." Dylan agrees. "Any ideas where he is?"

"We haven't seen him since the night of the sixth." Bethany added.

Desiree's eyes widen. "Isn't that the night the ring disappeared?" She asked, realizing that was the same night as the rehearsal dinner.

Lacey nods. "That's right. The florist quit, so after we dropped the ring off at the safe, we had to wrap bouquets all night in our suite." She explained, moving to sit on the couch by Shawn, who moved to the side to give her room.

"Everybody but Jack." Dylan chimed in.

"Do you think he's a suspect?" Gus asked him.

"No, no. We just think he's lazy." Dylan admits. When a man walked into a room, holding a present, Dylan smiles at him. "Hey, dad, this is Shawn Spencer. He's the psychic I told you about."

"I know." Dylan's dad replies, walking over to shake Shawn's hand once Shawn stood up. Mr. Maxwell then suddenly pulls Shawn forward roughly, surprising him. "Let's talk. Son, I'm very comfortable with the current direction of the investigation, so let's let the real police department do their job." He guided Shawn to the door, causing Desiree and Gus to follow.

"Sir, believe me, I-" After Desiree cleared her throat, he sends her a small smile and corrects himself. "We are only here to help." He glanced over at Bethany with a smile, who returned the smile and looked down shyly. Desiree and Gus both rolled their eyes and walked ahead of Shawn out the door.

"Guy shook my hand like I stole something." Shawn complained as they walked down the hallway.

They go to another room where Gus knocked before Shawn put the key in. "See? That's why Dezi and I need some help on this job." Shawn said. Desiree chuckled, following Shawn inside with Gus, who she saw was looking around to make sure no one saw them before closing the door behind them.

"Wow, that is about as orange as you can get." Shawn called out, noticing the color of the bed spread.

Desiree grimaces at the color, agreeing with him. "Ugh, it's awful."

"Which suspect's room is this?" Gus questioned.

"Lassiter's." Shawn replied.

"The head detective? He has his own room?" Gus inquired, watching as Shawn went over to the counter where a gift basket was at.

"Ooh." Shawn grins, picking up an apple out of the basket. "Perhaps paid for by the city."

"No, no. This has gone too far. We're not staying." Gus nervously said.

"Gus, we need these witness statements. It's not exactly like we're being overwhelmed with cooperation here." Shawn spoke up, tossing the apple at Gus, who managed to catch it. He then went to check the peephole nervously.

"Gus, we'll be fine. We'll get what we need and then we'll leave." Desiree assures Gus, patting his shoulder and walking over to check out the witness statements Shawn was looking at.

"Oh, Lacey." Shawn murmurs while looking at one of the witness statements. He brings it with him to the bed where he sat down. "Lacey, you can sink my boat."

"Real mature, Shawn." Desiree chuckled, rolling her eyes and hitting his head when she walked over to him, earning an 'ow' and a pout from him.

"What? She's hot." Shawn defended.

Desiree rolls her eyes and sat on the bed by him, taking the apple he had that Gus threw back at him. Before he could take a bite, she had grabbed it and took a bite instead. "Okay, rude." Shawn pouts, watching her with a glare. She giggled, rolling her eyes. "Toss me the remote." He calls out to Gus, eyes widening when Gus threw the remote at him hard. "Woah!" He turned the Tv on and a baseball game is shown on the TV.

"What do you got? You got anything good?" Shawn asked curiously.

"I hate to say it, but yeah. The attorney general has an insurance policy on the ring." Gus explained. As he spoke, Shawn had snatched the apple back from Desiree, who raised her eyebrows at him.

"You're still gonna eat it even though I had a bite?" She questioned.

"It was mine first, Dezi. Plus I've done worse." Shawn shrugged and took a bite of the apple.

She rolls her eyes, chuckling and then looked back at Gus, listening to him. "So?"

"He'll collect a cool three million dollars on it as long as it still belongs to him, which is does only until these two are married." Gus finished saying, causing his friends to look at him with surprise.

"Well, well, well." Shawn commented just as the door latch clicked, signaling someone entering the room. Desiree was quick to get off the bed to hide behind it, grabbing Shawn's wrist and pulling him with her while he turned off the TV. Gus hid behind the counter as someone walked into the room. But when Shawn peeked over the bed, they saw it was just a hotel staff bringing towels.

"I-I'm supposed to knock." He stutters. "Forgive me, detective."

"Detective?" Shawn asked.

"Head detective." The hotel staff corrects himself. "Sorry." Shawn stands with Desiree and Gus, surprising the hotel staff. Desiree was relieved that it was Lassiter who came into the room. "I was told you wouldn't be here until six tonight."

"That's right, six tonight. Head detective. I changed my plan. Please don't tell anyone." Shawn told him.

"Absolutely, sir." The hotel staff reassured him and then pretended to zip his lips and throw away the key.

"Thanks." Shawn nods. "Six, huh?" He asked, sharing a look with Gus and Desiree.

"Is there anything I can do while I'm here?" The staff offered.

"As a matter of fact, yes, there is." Shawn replies. "We'd like a room service menu delivered immediately." The hotel staff smiled, pointing at him and saluting before he left the room. 

A/N i love the humor in this show, its so funny 

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