Chapter 8~Flashback: Rohan is leaving

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As soon Jai left the house, he went straight to the basketball court, where he knew he would find Rohan.

"How could you do that you bloody idiot," Jai roared."How can you accuse Aisha of all those things!"

"I don't care, don't interfere in this," Rohan yelled back.

"I am not interfering in this," Jai shouted."You are destroying your friendship. You let her come in between. You and Yami, that bitch both hurt Aisha."

"YOU BASTARD," Rohan continued yelling. "Aisha betrayed me, my trust and she hurt Yami."

Jai laughed bitterly."You are the real bastard and your girlfriend is a complete bitch. The Rohan I know would never let anyone hurt his Chirkut. You have changed."

Rohan threw the ball at him but Jai caught the ball.

"I don't know how you changed. The real Rohan would go and apologise to Aisha. Till then, I or Aisha don't know you anymore," Jai smiled weakly and left the court. Rohan was shocked. Jai broke his friendship with him.


"You what," Aisha whimpered.

"I had to," Jai muttered.

"You broke your friendship with Rohan. I did but you broke it because of me," Aisha cried and Jai hugged her tightly.

"Aisha, he has changed. If he is my friend he will have to prove it to me by apologising to you. His behavior can't be accepted," Jai stated. "Crying doesn't suit you you know."

Aisha smiled a bit.

"Thanks for being there for me Jai," Aisha spoke softly.

"Don't mention it," Jai assured her and engulfed her into a hug.

"Remember Princess, I didn't expect to break my friendship. The way he reacted, it's not Rohan. He really changed, and I suspect Yami." Jai murmured.

Pari, Abhi and Raj were having their conversation. They all were horrified by the fact that Rohan's friendship with Aisha and Jai was broken, he has always been closest to them.

Yami came and smiled at them.

"Hey guys," she greeted them."Do you know where Rohan is?"

They ignored her and she felt offended.

"Excuse me," She said. "I am talking to you."

"But we don't want to talk to you," Pari shot back.

"There is no need to be rude, let's start again," Yami smiled.

"Are you freaking mental?" Pari screamed. "If I am rude then you are a bitch."

Raj stated, "She is right. You may have been successful in your plan to manipulate Rohan but you can't do it with us."

"You are my future friends," she protested."You will come begging to me when I am popular and that Aisha is not."

"Future Friends," Abhi said looking disgusted." Let's get this sorted. We hate you. We don't like you. You may have trapped Rohan and hurt Aisha but don't think that we will fall into your traps. So get lost."

"And maybe you should google the meaning of friendship," Abhi smirked. "It's important to know the meaning of it."

"Oh and one more thing Yami, today you made me realise that there are some remarkably dumb people in the world," Pari said, looking satisfied. "Thanks for helping me realise that."

With that they left an offended Yami. Yami started walking towards Rohan's house cursing Aisha, Jai, Pari, Raj and Abhi.

She entered Rohan's house and saw his mother. She smiled at her.

"Hello Aunty," She greeted her.

"Hello beta," Anjali Nanda said rather gruffly and gave her a fake smile.

Yami groaned. Everyone was il-treating her. She went up to Rohan's room.

"Hi Rohan," She hugged him.

"Oh hey," he smiled a little.

"What happened Ro," she asked.

"Yami, I am breaking up with you." He announced.

"Wait, why? Am I the reason," Yami asked, startled.

"No, you are not the problem. I am leaving so it's the best thing to do," he sighed.

"When are you going? Why and when are you coming back?" Yami asked.

"I am going to London. My parents are moving to expand the business or something and I will definitely be gone for more than a year," He replied.

"Oh," Yami muttered.

"I am sorry Yami, but it was a pleasure knowing you," He smiled.

"You too Rohan, maybe when you come back, we will know we might be together again," Yami smiled at him and Rohan hugged her.

Your views on the update

Do you all think Jai did the right thing?

Till then signing off
Mrs Hrithik Roshan

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