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He turned around when Mint walked inside the classroom filled with full authorities. Her face was calm, but her gaze told another story.

Her eyes were filled with the exact same coldness like the one he saw when they first met each other.

She walked near him and stopped on his left side as she did a staring contest with the teacher.

He was eyeing her the whole time and he was sure that everyone in the classroom got their eyes on them.

He was chewing on his lips softly when suddenly the girl placed her right arm around his shoulder and pulled him down and closer to her, making him bend down a little as all of the students including him gasped loudly.

"I'm the one who asked him to come with me."

He eyed her in disbelief and the teacher looked quite surprised too.

Raising one of her eyebrows, she asked, "Got problem with that?" The teacher was going to say something when she cutted him suddenly.

"No? Fine then," she released the boy and suddenly pulled the boy's elbow towards their seats, leaving the teacher standing there, speechless.

They reached their seats and she sat on her chair and pulled the boy to sit beside her. The boy was blushing all the time and he tried his best to hide it from everyone.

He lowered his head as he sat and he could feel the teacher's glaring at the both of them before he continued talking about the not so important things.

Mint noticed Jeong Guk's weird behavior and pulled out a paper and a pen and wrote, 'Hey, told ya to not worry. Why keep your head low? Something wrong?'

Passing the paper and the pen to him, he looked up a bit and saw her staring at him.

He bit his lower lips and read it before he wrote, 'No, it's nothing. Don't mind me. And thank you once again.' and passed it back to the girl.

She read it and she looked at him with no emotions once again before she wrote, 'Don't believe that shit tho.' and passed it to the boy.

He sighed as he read it and replied, 'Whatever.'

She then wrote her reply and passed it to the boy. 'Lunch. Rooftop.'

He just stared at her reply blankly and looked at her, only to find her staring sternly at him.

He gulped and nodded and finally she stopped staring at him and started staring outside the window.

He sighed softly and started taking notes for the rest of the lessons. Little did they know, that a certain pale guy was watching them all of the time with a glint of anger and sadness glittering inside his gaze.

• • •

The bell finally rang and Jeong Guk was packing his things when suddenly he felt someone tapped his shoulder and when he looked over, he found that Mint was the one who tapped his shoulder.

"Go buy your lunch, Imma wait you at the rooftop," she said.

"And you have to come or else I'll burn you 'till you become ashes."

He gulped nervously and nodded immediately before she nodded back and went outside the classroom.

He packed his things quickly and ran towards the cafeteria. He just bought a sandwich and dashed towards the rooftop, earning confused look from the other students.

He jumped up along the stairs and when he was about to open the new iron door with a broken lock, he heard voices coming from outside.

Opening the door quietly and peeked through the small spaces, he furrowed his eyebrows as he saw her with a guy that he doesn't know.

He tried to eavesdrop on their conversation and he succeeded.

"What do you want now?" Mint finally spoke after awhile of silence and Jeong Guk tried to take a look at the brown haired male but failed immediately because he was back facing him.

"Yoon-ah," She clenched her fist tightly as she heard her old stupid nickname slipped from that fucking bastard's filthy mouth.

He was going to speak again when suddenly she cutted him off, leaving him speechless once again with her heart stabbing words.

"Who the fuck are you to fucking call me with that fucking stupid nickname?" Jeong Guk narrowed his eyes because of the harsh language that she used.

The atmosphere was slowly tensing and he kinda sense that she was having even more darker aura than before.

Her face remained poker but she was giving a deadly glare which was very scary that made Jeong Guk sure that if looks could kill, that guy would probably have been sent to the afterlife world or maybe hell.

Even though Jeong Guk was peeking through the door, he still can see the coldness in her eyes was slowly getting back.

And did he mentioned that she's serious before? Well now she was drop dead serious.

Jeong Guk gulped hard and he swore that he saw the guy flinched and his body shook slightly when his gaze met with her deadly glare.

"I . . I . ." He was stuttering and he looked away from her.

"Why can't you just give me a chance?" he sighed. "I already said to you that I will proof to you that I am worth for that last chance. But why can't you just trust me? What is wrong with me that make you mad at me like th一"

"You fucking betrayed me, Sehun."

"How dare you act all innocent in front of me? I've had enough of your bullshits and didn't I tell you that I don't want to talk to you again?"

"You asked me what the fuck is wrong with you, right? Well your whole existence is wrong," she spat at him.

"And don't worry, coz I won't trust you ever again."

Jeong Guk flinched as he saw the difference between her harsh words and her calm attitude. He was shocked and confused at the same time.

Trust? Betrayed? Last chance? What are they talking about? Who is that guy? Why is she mad at him? Are they in a relationship or somethings before?

Jeong Guk has so many questions inside of his mind as he kept peeking through the small spaces.

"N-no, no, no, Yoonie. It's not like that, I can expla一"

"Stfu. You're 100 years late, bitch."

"You fucking dumped me, you left me suffering alone for years. Don't you remember? Well I guess not, comparing from your action right now," she chuckled bitterly.

The boy was silent for a while, her words seemed to stabbed him real hard before he stepped closer to her, "So now you're replacing me with that new guy? Did he brainwashed you? Why the fuck are you doing this to me?" He sighed frustatedly.

"Enough, Sehun," she said.

"He's my family and my best friend. He wouldn't betray me like someone and I'm sure as fuck about it."

"You're nothing but pain to me, and I fucking hate you."

"This is only the beginning, Sehun, only the beginning. Next time I'll make sure that you will regret your stupid actions 3 years ago and regret that you ever met me 5 years ago."

Mint walked towards the door and when she opened it she found Jeong Guk standing in front of her with an unreadable expression.

He gulped when he locked his gaze with the girl cold gaze but then he saw the girl's gaze softened as she saw his reaction.

The girl sighed and just walked passed him, bumping his shoulder roughly in process, causing him to stumble and almost fell if he doesn't held the stairs railings.


ust who are you exactly, Mint?

Jeong Guk thought in his mind as he stared into spaces, he finally snapped back into reality as the coffee cans slipped from both of his hands and he started running down the stairs quickly.

He ran along the crowded corridor and searched for a certain mint green haired girl among the students with different hair colors.

He was panting and his heart beat faster than before as he kept on searching the girl. He doesn't know where to find her, so he just followed wherever his leg brought him.

He suddenly stopped in front of the indoor basketball court door and panted heavily. He wiped his sweat away from his forehead and took a deep breath before opening the door slowly.

He took a peek inside and entered fully as he saw the girl standing in the middle of the court, holding a basketball in both of her hands.

She was too preoccupied to the ball and doesn't even realize that the boy was standing on the side, staring at her.

Her grip tightened suddenly and she started dribbling the basketball with her right hand as she ran towards the ring.

When she was near the ring, she jumped suddenly and slam dunked. The boy was staring at her in awe as she hung up in the air because she was holding the ring with her left hand.

The boy's jaw was dropped onto the ground and he was amazed by the sight before him. She stayed like that for awhile before she loosened her grip and jumped down and landed on the ground safely.

She was standing with her head hung low and looked at the ground blankly. The ball bounced up and down and hit the wall causing it to bounced back towards the girl.

The girl just stared at the bouncing ball blankly as it bumped her left leg slowly. The boy eyed her with confusion when suddenly the girl lost her balance and before she could fall to the cold and hard floor, the boy ran and caught her in his arms.

The girl was panting heavily as the boy held her closer to him. He removed her bangs away from her forehead and touched it with the back of his palm.

His eyes widen in shock because her forehead is very hot and the fact that she was panting heavily worsened the situation.

"Y-yah! Mint! Open your eyes, please! Why don't you tell me earlier that you have a fever?! Yah!" The boy panicked and shook her body gently.

She opened her eyes slowly and she groaned as she felt her head throbbing in pain. She held her head when a sudden memory started flashing back in her mind.

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