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"Tell the other that we won't coming later," Yoongi hyung sighed frustratedly. "Wait!" I called for Yoongi hyung but he just left me standing here dumbfounded.

I opened my mouth once again but nothing came out. I sighed softly and looked at the damaged wooden floor beside my feet blankly.

I stayed there for awhile and finally decided to take a walk since I'm not in the mood for studying anymore.

I explored the school all by myself and went towards my classroom as I realized that it's almost the end of the school time.

I stopped near the classrom and leaned my body on one of the wall and sighed as I closed my eyes.

I hit my head lightly to the wall repeatedly until I heard the bell rang, and I stood properly immediately and hid behind the wall, waiting for the teacher to go away first.

After awhile, I saw the teacher walked away and I dashed to the classroom almost immediately.

I was bumping into the other students and I muttered some "Sorry" every time I bumped them, but not until I bumped into a tall guy with broad shoulders that made me stumbled on my place.

I tried to keep my balance and before I could fall, the guy grabbed my arm. I looked up and found Namjoon hyung looking at me.

I smiled slightly and he released my arm as I steadied myself. I walked pass him towards my desk and grabbed the plastic bags and my backpack and gave the plastic bags to him.

"What's this?" He eyed me with furrowed eyebrows as he took the plastic bags and took a peek inside.

"Snacks. I bought it on the way here for a sign of thank you for letting me join the group."

"Where's Suga and Mint?" He looked at me, confused, as I grabbed Mint's and Yoongi hyung's backpacks, "I don't know, I think they went home already. Yoongi hyung said that they won't come later." I sighed frustratedly as I remembered the event earlier.

"What happened?" Namjoon hyung eyed me, wide eyed, and I shook my head slightly, "Mint . . . She got a fever suddenly and well, somethings happened before, and then she passed out and I panicked but luckily, Yoongi hyung found us and he walked away with a collapsed Mint," as I told him half of the event that happened earlier.

"What kind of things that happened before?" He asked me with one eyebrow raised, "Err... I don't think I can tell you about that . . ." I trailed as I answered him hesitantly and he only nodded and said, "I'll ask them later then," and I nodded in response.

"Well, let's go to the studio." I walked with him as he said that and we went to the studio to meet with the other.

• • •

We arrived at the studio and Namjoon hyung opened the door, revealing 4 guys that were fooling around in the studio.

They froze on their spot as they heard the door opened and looked at us almost immediately.

We entered the studio and suddenly Tae hyung, Jimin hyung, and Hoseok hyung snatched the plastic bags away from Namjoon hyung's grasp and started digging inside.

The three of them squealed in delight as they started opening the snacks and eat it while humming happily.

I smiled at them but I can't help but think about Mint. I'm so worried and I couldn't stop myself from feeling anxious.

I saw Namjoon hyung talked to Jin hyung about Mint and Yoongi hyung's absence and Jin hyung nodded and looked at me.

He seemed to notice my anxiety because he walked towards me and sat on the couch as he patted the spot next to him, signing me to sit there.

I nodded and sit beside him and leaned my back on the couch.

"Are you okay? You seem to worry about something." I was quite surprised because of Jin hyung's question and because of the motherly tone that he used.

"I'm okay," I mumbled as I avoided eye contact with him, "No, you're not," he raised an eyebrow at me.

"I know that you're worried about Mint, but it's okay, she's with Yoongi. So you don't have to worry about her. She's save." I stayed silent all of the time as Jin hyung said that to me.

I could feel my heart breaking into million pieces slowly when he said 'She's with Yoongi.' and 'She's save.' and I kinda dislike it.

I gulped silently and just nodded at him and he reached his hand and ruffled my hair playfully as he chuckled, "Just enjoy your time right now, okay? And don't let your anxiety make you feel down. Now let's go, we'll play and then started practicing later," and he pulled me and we joined the other, eating happily and fooling around.

I feel so glad that I met Jin hyung because he kinda remind me of my mom, I really love her and I miss her so much right now.

I joked and played with the other and I feel like all of my anxiety are slowly vanishing and was replaced with happiness when I'm with them.

I was laughing all the time as Taehyung hyung showed me his so called alien language and he even made faces that almost made me cry out of laughter.

After we finished all the snacks that I bought, we rest for awhile before we started practicing and I tried my best to keep up with them because well, the choreography is quite hard, and now I'm learning one of their songs choreography called 'We Are Bulletproof Pt. 2'.

They said that I need to learn how to rap a little bit because I'll get some rap part in some songs.

I practiced with them all of the time until it's already dark outside and we're very exhausted from all of the practice that we have today, from dancing to singing and rapping.

Before I go home, I exchanged numbers with the hyungs and then I bid goodbye and went home first.

I walked silently along the empty street and I kicked some small rocks along the way.

I walked and walked and come into a halt as I walked past a mini market. I went inside and went to the vending machine and quickly picked a can of coffee, French Vanilla to be exact and went to the cashier and paid for it.

I went outside the store and opened the can and drank the coffee. I hummed happily and I licked my lips as I stared at the coffee can in my hand.

I stopped walking as I recalled the event at the rooftop and when I released both of the coffee cans earlier and it fell.

I smiled sadly and shook my head as I started walking again and I drank my coffee along the way.

I finished my coffee as I reached my apartment building and threw the can away in a trash bin and walked inside the building.

I walked through the empty lobby and went inside a lift. Usually I would rather take the stairs, but I prefer lift right now because I'm really tired.

I pressed the button to the 3rd floor and waited patiently as the lift started moving upwards.

After awhile I reached the 3rd floor, I walked along the empty corridor and stopped infront of a door with number '2501' etched on it and pulled out the key from my pocket.

I unlocked the door and got inside and I slipped off my shoes and wore my slippers. I walked to the living room and slumped my body on the couch as I sighed tiredly.

I stayed there for awhile, just sitting on the couch while staring at the ceiling.

I stood up from the couch and stretched my body and my body cracked almost immediately. I walked towards my room as I brought my backpack and threw it beside my study table's leg.

I went to the bathroom and took a refreshing shower. I finished showering after awhile and dried my body with a towel.

I then wore a plain white loose shirt and a pair of black pants and hung the wet towel. After that I walked towards my bed and jumped, making me bounce lightly on the soft covers.

I layed on my belly and burried my face on a pillow as I hugged it tightly. I inhaled and exhaled deeply and didn't move afterwards.

After awhile I rolled over and layed on my back and grabbed my phone. I set the alarm on and placed it on the bedside table.

I covered my body with the blanket and closed my eyes as I relaxed my body. I took a last deep breath before I was drifted off to a deep sleep.

× × ×

Hello, my lovely readers! ❤️
Chapter 11 is done! 😆😁

I'm sorry if I haven't updated for a long time
Because I don't know what to write about and I was kinda distracted because I played RP in line XD
I just wanna thank you all for reading my story and voted for it.
I love you, dear my beloved readers! ❤️

Hope you enjoy my story
Don't forget to vote and comment~


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