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"Heung..." I heard the kid mumbled in my arms he shifted from his current position. I pulled him away a little so I can see his face and he sat on my lap as he rubbed his eyes slowly and he's cute af. If just we're not inside a hospital now, I would probably hug him and squeal loudly because of his cuteness.

"Hey, you're awake," I said to him as I caressed his hair and smiled at him. "Where is this?" He asked me innocently. "This is the hospital," I spoke and he nodded his head in response.

"What's your name?" "Jun." He replied me shortly. "Alright Jun, I'm Jin, just call me Jin hyung, arasseo?" I smiled at him. "Arasseo, Jin hyung," he smiled at me. "Good," I ruffled his hair and he giggled a little.

"Where's noona?" He asked as he looked around. "She's inside that room," I pointed towards the emergency room and he tilted his head in confusion. "What is noona doing there? And why are the hyungs looked so sad?"

I heaved a deep sigh, "Noona is doing a surgery right now, we're praying for the best for her right now." "It's . . it's my fault," his eyes started to get teary and he started sniffing.

"No~ it's not your fault, hey, Jun, don't cry. You're a big boy, big boy don't cry," I shushed him and wiped the soon-to-fall-tears away with my thumb and hugged him once again.

"B-but noona is--" "She'll be okay. She saved you right?" I smiled at him and he nodded slowly. "Then don't worry, she'll heal fast," he nodded and smiled at me and I just pinched his cheek.

"Are you hungry?" I ask him as he rubbed his tummy and he nodded while blushing slightly. "How about we go eat first and buy some foods for the other?" I suggested as I raised my eyebrows and his face lightened immediately.

"Eung!" He nodded happily and I lifted him from my lap and he stood on the ground. "I'll go buy foods, do anyone have any suggestions?" I asked as I stood up from the seat and eyed everyone.

"Bibimbap!" "Jajjangmyeon!" "No! Sushi!" "Naaah, fried chicken will do." I chuckled as the other exclaimed suddenly and I shushed them while smiling, "Alright, alright, calm down guys. We're in a freaking hospital so be quiet."

"How about you, Jeong Guk? Do you want something?" I turned to look at him and he thought for awhile before saying, "I want some gimbap, please." I smiled and ruffled his hair, "alright then, I'll just buy some gimbap, no buts, kids."

"Aaawww..." Taehyung and Jimin cooed sadly and they pouted cutely but I just chuckled and held Jun's hand as I walked away from them. We went outside the building and walked along the road side, Jun was holding onto my hand tightly and I could see that he's still affraid because of the incident earlier.

I sighed and stopped walking suddenly. He looked at me confusedly and I released his hand before kneeling with one leg in front of him. "Get on, Junnie," he smiled because of the nickname and he hopped on my back immediately.

He wrapped his small arms around my neck and his leg were wrapped around my waist, I held his leg and he giggled as I stood up slowly. I walked with him on my back happily when my eyes caught a glimpse of a small restaurant.

We went there and ordered 7 packs of gimbap then we took a seat at one of the table. I was smiling all the time because he's really cute. He's gazing around the restaurant with his mouth wide open and I chuckled that made him looked at me suddenly.

"Aigoo, why did you have to be so cute~" I cooed as I pinched his cheek and he squealed in delight. "Junnie, hyung want to ask some things," I said as I released his cheek and just looked at him. "Ne?" He answered as he tilted his head to the side a bit.

"What are you doing in the middle of the road earlier? Where are your parents?" His smile vanished into thin air immediately, as soon as I asked that questions. "I don't know..." he mumbled under his breath as he lowered his head.

"I-I was with my mom, but then she said that she need to go somewhere for awhile. She said that I need to wait for her there, so I waited," he sniffed.

"I waited for so long but she didn't come back... S-so I decided to cross the road and follow her," he said as a tear fell across his bare small cheek slowly. "Junnie~ uljima yo, it's okay. We'll search for your mom later, arasseo?" I wiped his tear and ruffled his hair as he nodded.

Just then our orders finished and I stood up and bowed then paid the bill. We bid our goodbyes and I held Jun's hand with my left hand while I held the plastic bags with my other hand. We walked back towards the hospital happily and as expected, everyone were back to their gloomy side.

"We're back," I exclaimed suddenly while raising the platic bags and their face lightened up immediately. "FOOD!" Taehyung and Jimin exclaimed and they tackled me on the ground as they pulled out the packs of gimbap from the plastic bags.

"Gomawo yo, Jin eomma~" they said cheekily and started eating while they gave the other a pack to each one of them. Even Yoongi who looked so lifeless, eat the food deliciously because Jimin kept insisting him. I smiled as I saw them eating and I sat on the chair again and pulled Jun to seat on my lap.

I pulled out a pack of gimbap and I ate it and I fed Jun too, I don't want his hand get dirty so I fed him instead. We finished eating after awhile and Hoseok threw the trash away inside a trash bin nearby.
We waited for hours again and finally, the doctor came out from the operation room.

"Doctor! How's her condition? Is she okay? Did she fractured her bones? Is she still unconcious right now? Does her wound really really bad? Did she lost her memory or something like that?"

Yoongi bombarded the doctor with questions, "Calm down, sir. She's okay right now and she's completely concious. She didn't fractured her leg but her wound was deep and it's quite bad. And no, she didn't lost her memory," the doctor answered all of his questions and Yoongi sighed in relief immediately.

"Ouch," Yoongi groaned suddenly as someone smacked the back of his head. "Ey, hyung, what kind of stupid question is that? She didn't even hit her head so why would she lost her memory?" Jimin said and Yoongi glared at him.

"Stfu u shorty," "Well if I'm a shorty then what r u? Midget?" Jimin replied and smirked as Yoongi cursed under his breath. "Excuse me," the doctor cleared his throat awkwardly and Yoongi turned to him questioningly, "Yeah?"

"May I ask who's incharge of the fee?" "I'll pay. But can I check on her first?" The doctor nodded and walked away and we barged inside the room immediately. "Mint!" we chorused as we saw her leaning her back on the pillow while she sat there quietly.

Yoongi rushed towards her side and engulfed her in a big tight hug, making her groane because he was suffocating her. "I don't have any idea a to why do you like to try killing me," she said and she glared at him as she pushed Yoongi away.

"Sorry," he smiled sheepishly and hugged her again, gently. She sighed and hugged him back, "I'm sorry for earlier. I'm panicking and I don't know what to do. I'm so stupid." He mumbled on her shoulder, "Finally you realized that you're indeed stupid."

"Yah!" Suga smacked the back of her head softly and she just cursed under her breath. She eyed me and the rest that were standing in front of the door while smiling at us and signed us to come join them.

We smiled even more brightly, especially Jeong Guk and Hoseok and we hugged them and soon enough we have a group hug for quite a long time before we pulled away.

• • •

Hello my readers!
It's good to finally get 2 update this story
Sorry if it's sucks
And sorry 4 not updating 4 a long time
I have to go 2 school again now and there are so many hard homeworks TT^TT
Thank you 4 reading my story
And for voting 4 my story and commenting XD
Don't forget 2 vote and comment coz I really appreciate that
And I love you guys ♡♡♡


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