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After that pissing moment, Mint walked along the hallway towards her classroom with both of her hands inside her jacket's pockets.

She was wondering about the iron door that she broke earlier. Will the principal fix it or just let it be? That question kept repeating inside her head and she sighed quietly because she thought that she shouldn't have kicked the door that hard.

She should just break the lock rather than breaking the door. Cursing under her breath, she kept on walking towards her classroom.

In her way to the classroom, she saw a clock hanging on the wall and it showed 1. 30 pm.

Clicking her tounge in annoyance, she sighed because she thought that she spent more time, so she could just go home and rest peacefully, rather than spending the rest of the time studying here.

She was thinking of an escape plan, but if she do that now, she's sure as hell that Suga will nag her later. After awhile, she finally reached her classroom.

She opened the door without knocking and got inside the classroom casually. Han seonsaengnim, the teacher, paused his explanation for awhile, waiting for her to seat first before continuing.

She knew that everyone were eyeing her curiously because she didn't attend the classes before, but she ignored them all and just went to her desk and sat on her seat.

Looking to her side, she found Jeong Guk staring at her. "What?" She said coldly to him as she leaned her back on the chair.

Jeong Guk just shook his head and looked in front, paying attention to the teacher. Deep inside he was really curious and he want to stare at her more, but he didn't want her to think of him as a creep that kept on staring at her.

He was afraid that if he do that, she'll get annoyed and she would never want to talk nor go near him ever again.

That's why he tried his best to keep on focusing on the subject and not to the beauty next to him.

After awhile of taking notes of the subject, he gave up and stole a glance at her and saw her looking in front with her arms crossed over her chest.

He was quite happy because she didn't fell asleep like earlier and was paying attention to the teacher, even if she didn't take any notes.

He was wondering how the hell she understood all of the subject if she was skipping classes and not taking any notes.

Giving up on thinking about it, he started writing notes again and from the corner of his eyes, he saw Suga staring at them一at her to be exact一with blank stare.

He wanted to look at Suga but he stopped himself from doing so because he was afraid of Suga. He thought that Suga could even eat him alive anytime.

He slapped himself mentally and kept on muttering, "Focus, focus, focus..." under his breathe whenever he got the urge to glance at the girl.

• • •


"Finally!" Jungkook sighed in relief as the last bell rang, signing it's time to escape from the hell hole called school.

He was packing his thing and was going to walk away when someone called him. "Yah, Jeong Guk! Where do you think you're going, huh?"

The said guy turned around and looked at the silver haired guy with confusion when suddenly he remembered that he will meet with the others after school.

He smiled sheepishly, "Oh, sorry, I forgot." Namjoon just smiled and ruffled his hair, "It's okay."

"Hey, you two. Come," he turned around and called for Mint and Suga.

Mint nodded and walked towards them while Suga groaned tiredly and stretched his body as he said, "Nah, I don't wanna go. I'm tired af. Can you imagine how tiring and boring here, just sitting there and "listened" to the teachers all the time, while she skipped some classes . ."

Suga yawned loudly when suddenly someone smacked the back of his head really hard causing him to stumble and almost fell onto the ground.

"Hoa一Ow! What the hell?!" He turned around and saw Mint staring at him innocently and he was going to talk when she beat him to it.

"Then why did you let me go earlier? You can say no if you don't want me to go anyway."

"I let you go because I love you." Suga wrapped his arms around Mint and kissed her forehead for several times while she was struggling to release herself from his deadly hug.

When Jungkook heard Suga said that he loved her, he felt as if something stabbed his heart and his heart was shattered into tiny pieces.

Why do I feel hurt all of a sudden?

He thought in his mind as his grip on his backpack is tightening when he saw the scene in front of him.

He bit his bottom lips and tried to calm himself and after awhile Mint finally got to pushed Suga away and released from the deadly hug.

Wiping her forehead with the back of her hand, she said, "Gdi, bish, can you please kindly don't ever do that again or else I won't stop myself from throwing you outside the window."

Suga just laughed and he grinned widely, "Aye aye, captain!" He then wrapped his right arm around her shoulder and faced Namjoon, "I changed my mind, now let's go."

Namjoon nodded and the 4 of them walked out of the classroom and walked along the hallway towards their own lockers.

Jeong Guk was going to open his locker when someone suddenly opened the locker right next to him harshly that caused him to flinch and looked to the side.

"It's seems that we're neighbours, huh?" He saw Mint packing her things and slamed the locker that caused him to flinched once again.

Looking at Jeong Guk with a raised eyebrow, Jeong Guk just stared at her, confused as to why she stared at him.

The girl licked her lips and said, "Well, aren't you going to packed your things? Or are you just going to stand here while staring at me?"

Jungkook blushed and opened his locker and packed his things quickly then closed the locker and he heard she said, "Let's go."

He nodded and followed the other with his head hung low, he was afraid to look up because he was embarrassed and he was afraid because he could feel Suga sending daggers to him with his death glare.

Gulping silently, he just stayed quiet and followed them.

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