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"Annyeong! I'm Oh The Hun! What ith your name?" A boy stood in front of me as he grinned widely and reached his right hand in front of me.

He looked a bit older than me, about 2 or 3 years older. He got a strong jawline, black soft hair, pale white skin, dark brown orbs, and his lips were pink.

I raised an eyebrow as I asked, "Thehun?" He pouted and shook his head slightly. I eyed him, confused, and he said, "It's Sehun, I've got a lisp and sometimes when I say 's' it'll be like 'th'."

I nodded and smiled as I shook hands with him, "Yoon Hee. Min Yoon Hee. Nice to meet you Sehun-ssi." and he smiled once again.

"Just call me Sehunnie or Hunnie, you don't need to be so formal," he chuckled and I nodded and smiled as I called him, "Sehunnie~" I could see his cheeks reddened once again.

I giggled and said, "You can call me Yoonie or Yoon-ah then." I smiled at him and he nodded and called me, "Yoonie~" I nodded and we laughed together.

Since then we became best friends and I never know that I will regret it soon.

• • •

"Yah, dongsaengie. Why do you keep on playing with him? I already say that he's not who you think he is. He is bad, he's not good for you. Why don't you just listen to me—" "Why do you keep on telling me that?! Why do you keep on saying bad things about Sehunnie?! He's so kind to me and he never do anything bad to me, so why do I have to listen to you?"

I cut my cousin's sentence and he became quiet immediately. I narrowed my eyes at him as he tried to search for a word to say.

But in the end he just sighed and said, "Fine then. Don't listen to me. You'll see what will happen later. I already warn you, but you won't listen to me so don't you come crying to me if he ever do something to you," before he walked away leaving me angry but anxious at the same time.

I bit my lower lips and thought, Sehunnie will never do something bad to me. He is my best friend and we always spend most of our time together for 2 years until now. But why do I feel something bad's going to happen? Aish...

I sighed and went home and was greeted happily by my parents and we ate dinner together and spend the whole night talking with each other until I fell asleep.

• • •

"Annyeong, Sehunnie!" I greeted him happily as I saw him sitting on a bench in the school's garden quietly.

He looked up and smiled nervously at me as he greeted me back. I sat beside him and saw him playing with his fingers nervously as he chewed his lips softly.

I furrowed my eyebrows and asked, "What's wrong? Why do you seems so nervous?" and he froze immediately.

He sat there quietly for awhile until he sighed and turned to face me. He gulped hardly and took a deep breath and said, "I like you, Yoonie."

I was frozen on my spot and my breath hitched immediately. I could feel my cheeks heating and my heart was pounding inside my rib cages.

I bit my lower lips and looked away as I said, "I-I like you too, Sehunnie." and blushed even more. I swear that from the corner of my eye I saw him smirking for a second before it disappeared and was replaced by a fake smile.

But I didn't really mind it and just shrugged it off when suddenly he hugged me tightly and burried his face on the crook of my neck, sending shivers down through my spines.

I gulped when he raised his head up and whispered beside my leftt ear, "I'm sorry but I'm lying. I don't like you, I hate you." I froze as I could feel tears welling up in my eyes and a tear escaped my left eye.

He pushed me away harshly and stood up immediately and said, "Aww... The princess is crying. I'm sorry but I have to do this because I don't want to lose a bet. I always win and I will do whatever it takes for winning."

"A-ahh . . Is that so?"

"Huh?" He seemed surprised to hear my answer and I just grinned with tears streaming down across my cheeks.

"Well now that you won, I hope you'll wait for my revenge," I smirked.

"Don't worry, I'll make you regret ever meeting me soon. I'll make you wish that you either turn back time or just die," his expression was priceless it even made me laugh.

"Remember that I'll make you pay for this."

I walked away, and when it was far enough, I ran.

• • •

I panted heavily when I reached my house and I wiped my tears away as I opened the front door, only to be greeted by my cousin hugging me tightly like there's no tomorrow.

I hugged him back and suddenly I heard him sobbing as I looked around and found all of my family were here, wearing all black outfits and some of them were crying and some of them just stared blankly at nothing in particular.

I furrowed my eyebrows as I saw my aunt and my uncle walked towards us and my aunt kneeled on the floor and hugged the both of us as she sobbed loudly.

I looked at my uncle and saw him trying hold back his tears that threatening to fall anytime soon as he clenched his fist tightly.

"What happened? Where's my mom and dad? Why is everyone crying? Why . . ." My voice trailed off as I asked no one in particular.

My aunt then pulled away and my cousin also pulled away and he eyed me sadly with his red and puffy eyes.

I looked at my aunt and she was trying to stop herself from sobbing and stood up with the help of my uncle.

He supported my aunt as my aunt calmed down finally and she took a deep breath before she said, "Your parents... They're involved in a car accident."

I looked at her blankly as I tried to process her words for awhile and when I finally get it, my eyes widened in shock and horror.

I tried to held back my tears and gulped hardly, "They're... They're a-alive, right? T-they didn't die, aren't they?" I clenched my fist tightly and I could feel my nail digging through my skin.

"Aunty, you're joking, right? They're not dead, aren't they?! TELL ME, AUNTY! THIS ISN'T REAL! ALL OF THIS IS A LIE! NO... NO!" I screamed hysterically as I broke down into tears and covered both of my ears as I kept shaking my head furiously.

No... No... This is just a nightmare, a really bad nightmare. I want to wake up from his nightmare! This is not real... No... No!


My cousin tried to calm me down but I took a step back and kept screaming hysterically. "EOMMAAAAAAAAAAA!!! APPAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! WAE YO?! WAAAAEEEEE???!!!"

I kept wailing like there's no tomorrow as I cried my heart out. All of my family gathered near me and tried to calm me down but I just took a step back whenever one of them tried to reach me.

I shut my eyes closed tightly and covered my mouth with my right palm as I placed my left hand on the wall to support me.

I opened my eyes slowly and found some of them crying, including my aunt and my cousin, and some of them eyed me pitifully.

No... Don't look at me like that. I don't need all of your pitiful stares. No! No!

I thought in my mind before I slammed the door opened and dashed outside. I sped up as I heard them shoutings my name and I ran without a destination.

I just followed wherever my leg brought me and I stopped abruptly as I reached a river.

"AAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! I HATE MY LIFE!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed on the top of my lungs and breathed heavily as tears kept rolling down my pale cheeks.

I fell on my knees and cried loudly. I punched the ground repeatedly until my right hand bled and just cried like a mad person.

I stayed like that for a few hours, crying my heart out as I can't believe that things like this can happen in just one day.

One day is enough to break my heart into billion pieces and it's enough to make me feel lifeless.

I just can't accept the truth even though I know that I need to accept it sooner or later. But I just can't seems to find the answers to all of my questions.

I couldn't find a reason for God to let this happened to me, leaving me alone in despair. I never thought that things like this would happen now. Never once in my life.

And I don't understand why God took my parents away from me, right after my so called 'best friend' betrayed me.

After a few hours of wailing I finally calmed down a little bit and just sat on the river side, with both of my legs folded and I hugged my knees tightly in front of my chest and burried half of my face in my folded arms.

I stared blankly at nothing in particular and didn't move a single inch.

I'm sure that I looked like a mess right now, but I don't care and just stayed like that for awhile longer, with my tears stained pale cheeks, red and puffy eyes, and with my messy hair.

I stayed there until the sun goes down and the sky was dark. I stood up slowly as I felt my head pounding painfully and I groaned and held my head with my hand.

I shook my head lightly to ease the pain and walked away without any destination once again. I don't even know where am I and I don't want to know.

I just kept walking and walking when suddenly my head started to pound once again and my vision started to became blurry.

I groaned in pain and held my head once again as I closed my eyes. But suddenly I heard honking sound and when I opened my eyes and looked to my side, I found a big truck coming towards me and the next thing that I knew was I flew a few meters away from my position earlier as the truck hit me.

I was bouncing and rolling on the ground and finally stopped after awhile. My body felt numb and I couldn't move a single muscle as I felt fresh blood trickling down my head, cheeks, legs, arms, and many other parts of my body.

I was laying there hopelessly and I saw peoples started to circle around me and I heard some people shouting out my name before everything turned pitch black as I closed my eyes and got consumed by the darkness.

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