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[J. J. K]


The word kept repeating in my mind like a broken record. I couldn't stop my mind from repeating her name.

What is this? Why is my heart pounding really fast that I think it could jump out from my chest? Why do I feel that my cheeks were heating?

I have so many questions in my mind and I kept on looking at her because she was beautiful and she made me crazy even though she didn't do anything to me.

I was staring at her for God-know-how-long and our gazes met when she looked up. We were staring at each other eyes and I couldn't help but shiver because of the glint of coldness in her eyes.

Her face is blank but her eyes told another story, her eyes were filled with coldness but I felt comfortable as if I was meant to stare at her eyes, as if I was belonged to her.

I wish I could stop the time and stared at her like this forever, it felt so right somehow.

Every seconds felt like forever to me as I kept staring deep into her dark orbs.

I don't know how long did we stared at each other but I felt like I'm trapped in her eyes, her eyes were so captivating.

I was okay, before someone smacked the back of my head quite hard suddenly and made me broke the eye contacts with her.

"Ahh . ." I groaned as I rubbed the back of my head and looked to my right and found a really, really pissed Yoongi hyung, sending death glare at me. If looks could kill, I could have sworn that I was sent to the Heaven already.

I gulped once again and looked away and inhaled deeply and said, "My name is Jeon Jeong Guk."

I bowed my head a little and Jimin started asking me a question. "So... when is your date of birth?"

"September 1st 1997."

Jimin and the other looked quite surprised (except Mint and Yoongi, of course . .) when I told them my date of birth and I raised an eyebrow as I asked, "Is there something wrong?"

They quickly shook their head and Jimin said, "No, we're just surprised because you're so young yet you're already entered highschool."

"Ahh, okay," I said.

They just smiled at me and I asked, "So . . When are your date of birth? All of you."

Taehyung raised his right hand quickly, "Let me answer that!!!" He said quite loudly, drawing the other students attention and I chuckled at him when the other just rolled their eyes and I nodded signing him to answer it.

Taehyung clapped his hands and said, "Okay, so I was borned in December 30th 1995. The jamless boy over there was borned in October 13th 1995," he said as he pointed at Jimin. "Yah! I'm not jamless, you stupid 4D Alien!"

"Pfft . . Just admit it already," he rolled his eyes, "okay after that the Pink Princess or our mom A.K.A. Jin hyung was borned in December 4th 1992. The God of Destruction A.K.A. Our leader Namjoon hyung was borned in September 12th 1994. J-Horse or J-Hoe A.K.A. Hoseok hyung was borned in February 19th 1994. And then the grumpy grandpa or our dad A.K.A. Yoongi hyung was borned in March 9th 1993. And lastly the sassy gurl一"

"That's enough."

• • •

Mint cutted Taehyung's sentence suddenly and everything became awkward for awhile before Taehyung decided to cleared his throat, "Well that's all . . I think." He mumbled the last part but Jeong Guk could still hear it clearly.

But he just nodded and his mouth was forming the shape 'O' and he asked again, "Wait, if Jin hyung is 1992 liner, shouldn't he graduated already? And why is Yoongi hyung一"

"It's Suga for you, kid," the said male growled quietly at him and Jeong Guk could do nothing but nod.

"Okay I mean, Suga hyung, why is he in the same class as me? Isn't he my senior?"

They chuckled at him and he asked innocently, "What?" Namjoon smiled, "Nothing."

"Oh and for you questions, you see, actually all of us are in the same grade as you."

He widened his eyes and his jaw was left hanging in the air as he heard the answer. "What?" was the only word that left his mouth and Namjoon smiled once again and said, "Well, ya know, Jin hyung, Hoseok, Suga hyung, and I didn't go to high school for years. So basically we ditched school and we always spent time together and then we decided to go to school because the Queen of Sass over there is going to be a high schooler and that's explained the answers."

Jungkook looked at him confused as to why did they go to school because of Mint? Who is she? And as if Jin read his mind, he said, "She is our beloved princess."

"Correction ; Queen," she blurted while flipping her hair.

He blinked several times and looked at them in confusion but he grinned anyway upon hearing her words.

Suga eyed him fiercely and said, "Yeah, so back off, she is off limit." He gulped and nodded and looked at Mint and she was rolling her eyes at his statement and said, "Fuck off, Suga, I ain't your baby."

Suga hufted and said, "Stfu." "Whatever." Suga rolled his eyes and glared at Taehyung and Jimin because they were mimicking him and Mint.

Mint was sipping on her iced French Vanilla coffee when she asked suddenly, "How did you became a high schooler when actually you're a junior high schooler?"

"Well, the principal said that I could skip grades and become a high schooler because I have very good grades."

Mint nodded and said, "Hmm... Same here." He widened his eyes and he bit his bottom lips and mumbled, "Oh..."

Suddenly Jimin whistled and said, "Well, it looks like you got a rival, Mint." Mint just shrugged her shoulders and said, "No big deal."

Taehyung rolled his eyes and said, "Yeah, yeah, of course, you're the smartest person in the whole school anyway."

Mint just sighed and said, "Whatever, Tae." Seconds later, Namjoon spoke, "Say, Jeong Guk, can you sing or dance?"

He nodded, "Yeah, I can do both." Namjoon grinned upon hearing his answer and said, "Alright then."

Jeong Guk remembered the time when he always practice his dancing and singing skills whenever he got some free times back then when he was younger.

Suga stood up abruptly from his seat, drawing their attention, "Time's up." They nodded their head in unison, knowing what he meant and stood up from their seat and headed towards their own classrooms.

Namjoon, Suga, Mint, and Jeong Guk were walking side by side to their classroom, when suddenly Mint stopped and said, "You three go first, I have something to do."

They turned to face her and she was exchanging meaningful look with Suga before she went to the opposite direction as Suga nodded at her.

Jungkook was confused but he decided to just keep quiet and just stared at her figure that was slowly disappearing.

He then turned around and followed Namjoon and Suga to the classroom and went to sit on his seat beside Mint's seat.

He stared at her empty seat for awhile and he shivered a little as he remembered her stare, that cold stare that she got inside her beautiful dark brown orbs.

He remembered how she stared at him, he felt like he was drowning in her stare, he felt as if he was consumed by her deep stare.

And somehow he felt that she was hiding something behind her cold gaze, but he just couldn't seems to figure it out, even after he tried so many times.

He remembered her voice, her beautiful voice that he heard just awhile before. He wants to hear her voice again, he wants to hear it every time.

Her sweet yet cold voice kept repeating in his ears, he couldn't seems to forget about it.

But then he thought about earlier again. What was she doing? Where was she? Is she okay? Is she going to comeback?

He have so many questions in his mind and he couldn't help but got curious and worried at the same time.

He sighed and looked over at Suga and found him burying his face on his crossed arms on the table, sleeping silently.

He shook his head and chuckled silently as he thought 'They are the same.'

He then turned his attention to the front because the teacher already arrived and the lesson's started.

× × ×

Chapter 2 is finished

Thank you for the voments


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