Chapter 3

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Without answering he went to his room followed by them. Avni try to get up because of neil's shout. All drum truck to see them like this. Bebe is  already there. Next neil and others to came. They all are at the doorstep. Avni is lying on the bed and ali little bit bend down at the same time because avni's struggling ali's button got stuck with her chain.

Shock written from everyone's face. Someone hurt, someone happy, someone angry,  someone guilty, like everyone all expressions are at the doorstep. Ali realy felt guilty, he can feel what neil going trough, he is praying to god that he should not misunderstan them. Ali made avni sit properly and try to explain them. But before that swetha took a chance to question about her character by using cheap words against avni.

Swetha - see this badameez girl, she is using my tillu's room to romance with her ex boyfriend, how cheap.

Its just like pouring oil into the trench of fire to bebe, she also started to question her,

Bebe- Avni answer me, what are you doing here with ali, what is the relationship between you and ali, answer me avni mehta, ohhh i think you are shocked right, because i called you as avni mehta.

All are shocked, mostly avneil, so many thoughts running in their mind, the way bebe talked and how did she knows that avni's real name.

Avni's head bend down, she dont no what to say, she can do only one thing, and she did, that is look into neil's eyes.

Neil- bebe what are you saying  ( in disbelief tone)

Bebe- (sarcastically)  ohh dont act like you don't no, how can you do this to your family,  you choose avni over us,  knowing everything about her you supported her, you know about her birth truth, and she married you by cheating, now when her husband is alive she is with her ex,  and you are telling me to keep silent, , i didnt expect this from you.

Avni's eyes were still on neil's. Except this, bebe saying turth, now she thought neil also blame her like others. But in this also neil proved her thoughts were wrong. He stand by avni, he took avni's side. Avni look at neil by teary eyes.

Neil- enough bebe enough,  no more words against my wife, you cant blame her like this.

Bebe- why cant i tillu, why cant, she is cheating you and our family,  you are supporting her,  then why cant i blame her, anyhow she married you not this ali, then how shouldn't i  blame her, and  she is a liar, she hide everything about her, i dont think she is pure,

At this point neil's eyes turned red, pure red, tears were leaking ftom avni'seyes,  she is continuously crying, neil didnt expect this much low from bebe, how can she say like without thinking,

Bebe- and i dont think she can not  stay in this house,  and i cant let her stay in my house,  i mean it. Tillu tell her to go away from my house.

Other side neela ma felt something  bad going to happen.

Thats enough of neil, he is boiling with anger. He cant take any words against his wife. He is so much angry on bebe for the first time.

Neil- yah bebe you are right,  avni cant stay in this house, she should have to leave, wait bebe i will make her  leave. But before that i have small work do so  may i....

Again all were shocked, few minutes ago he is lashed at bebe but now all of sudden he is agreed with bebe, all were thinking whats going on his mind. Avni is silently observing everything, and riya and swetha were cloud nine because neil himself told he make avni leave this house, thats all they wanted now its processing,  but they dont no their game is going to backfire on them.

Neil took baby step toward avni.....

their emotional eyes connected with eachother......

unspoken words were exchanged trough eyes......

Unshaded tears were in their eyes.......

Finding peace trough eyes.....

Their eyes are Searching answer to all the questions who were raising on them......

Seeing neil, ali make avni sit properly, neil kneeled down beside avni and hold avni's hand.

Neil- Avni i will give answers to questions  but before that i want to tell you something,  (taking deep breath ) avni i know how our marriage was happened and why did you married me,  that time we didnt know eachother well, and (feeling sad) there is no any name of love between us, then slowly slowly i got know everything, and then i realised real avni is playing hide and seek with  ananya and this cruel world. But i started live my life with that avni, who is will be on this room only,  now i will  directly come to the point, avni i told i started live my life with this avni, that mean i trust you avni, totally trust you, avni no matter what happen, no matter what is the situation i will always trust you and  always there for you, i wont let feel that you are alone.

Avni  i am thanking you, by mistakenly you came to my life like a storm, but i love that mistake. You make my life colourful, you gave a chance and reason to live this life again, dont no how many times should i have to thank you, i am really blessed to have you in my life avni, and now you dont have any idea what you meant to me, you are my life avni, you gave this life, without you is this life is nothing, (he looks in to her eyes deeper)  I Love You Avni Neil Khanna. Really do.....

Saying he waited for her. Avni have nothing to say,  she dont no, what to say, how to say, even how to start, she scared by saying anything she will lost this happiness, her mind erased all abuse things happened while ago, she cherished this moment by turning, rolling her big eyes and by making her lips to all expressions, and hugged him tightly by giving kiss on his cheeks. Sometimes words couldn't described everthing and does body language.  With her body language neil understood his answer and hugged her. Forgetting everything both stay in eachother embrace. Suddenly neil remembered their situation and he apart them and sit on the bed and hold avni's cheek

Neil- avni do you want to say anything, she blink her eyes

Avni- ( with lots of love) I Love You To Neil.

As neil expected avni said this so everyone could here them......

Anyone can guess what will be his answers.........

Kindlyignore grammar and spelling mistakes......

Note-  "Realising The Love" soon to be out on  anytime be waited........

Much love

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