Chapter 35

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Hello to all of my Cuties. Sorry Sorry Sorry I know I have been very irregular since last month with this particular story. And I reckon, you know the reason already.

Whereas equivalently, the best part is_you people have never failed to amaze me, showering so much love to this particular story every often I have updated till now.

Thank you so much with all my heart for being there always with me in my thick and thin.

I hope you all will be the same till the end of this journey. ( relax it's a long way to go to reach the end)

I promise I'll try to be regular onwards with You Are My Love , as I usually do with my other on going works.

Enjoy Reading.



"Aaro akta maach di Ayan toke?" Maa insisted Ayan. ( Ayan have some more fish)

"Why are you asking him Neela...just slide the best piece in his plate" Dad instructed Mom who was sitting next to Ayan and serving all of us.

"Ami r parbona Mimi....shotti bolchi" Ayan is in verge of whine gaurding his plate with his both hands over it. I silently giggled when his miserable face turned to me as if pleading me in support so that Mamma close this torture of feeding him. ( "I can't Mimi...I swear")

Even I can see how full he is at this moment. But in revenge enjoying the view I stayed quite. Everytime me and didu used to go to pondicherry spending vacation with Chatterjees Ayan's Mamma Shiuli Aunty used to do with me and Didu especially the same. And those days Ayan was the same sitting beside us and sniggered enjoying our hardship in lunch table having full with his mom's delicious dishes almost into our burst out stomach.

Today it's my turn to return him his thing with interest. Therefore I sealed my lips not to interrupt Mamma in this particular act of her.

Me and Dadda exchanged a puckish smile with eachother across the table we were seated around, having lunch. And then turned our gazes to Ayan while Mamma's attention was fully on Ayan not letting any corner inside his stomach unloaded without food. And his situation is something of a view.

In parallel being excellent anaesthetist Ayan has a great enticing physic, combination with exemplary height and look. Added with his extraordinary humble persona girls drool over him.

Almost every junior, intern nurses and doctors in our hospital these days, has got crush on him since he joined us. I can sense it by their gesture around him. Whereas on the other side Ayan is oblivious, strictly professional with all of them.

Ayan is a very fitness conscious person, he hardly eat such fried; reach in spices food. He barely ordered food from any resturant unless he is out of stock, though in that case he mostly ordered boiled dishes or food highly rich in minerals like salads, pastas. And whenever we go out for meal he preferred less oily like healthy items.
In one word he choose healthy over tasty. Unlike us. But the only thing that Ayan cannot resist not gobbling atleast a pair at a time or sometimes more than just two, is _sweets. It can be any of its kind, from any corner of the world, he will never step back to indulge into. So knowing his love for sweets Mamma made it especially for him at home so that Ayan can enjoy almost the exact taste that we only manage to get in our ancestors' homeland West Bengal.

Still Ayan is in great trouble gulping the whole bowl.

Obviously who doesn't! Only if someone would be some monster in disguise of human if he says he is empty around 4pm having such heavy bengali lunch upto his neck full at the end of the noon hours.

Precisely if I describe his food habits_been living in abroad for several years Ayan got used to with their meal routine. That's mostly into those short meals like sandwiches, soups as well as both fruits,veg and non-veg salads with sprinkle of olive oil.

Surely I can clearly presume next one week he is going to be visiting the gym, the hours twice he usually spend there.

Poor Ayan.

I couldn't control chuckling in my head.


" You took revenge. Didn't you?" As soon as we strode out of our house Ayan crucified, threw his words at me,glared. He walked across his car other side and unlocked it.

I smiled sheepishly. Without any word exchange in response I quitely slithered inside the vehicle and took the seat beside him in the passenger side.

It was 2:30 when we finally finished our lunch. It was lunch for us while for Ayan it was kinda_please god save me, My stomach is on the way to be detonated at any moment.

However besides all of this we know Ayan is a big fan of my Mamma's cooking. Although, indeed his mother was a great cook but it says taste differs with the person, not the recipe. So in that case he is very fond of my Mamma's fish curry recipes.

We all reclined on the couch, chatting at the living area, relived some old golden days we used to spend all together. Also addition of some bittersweet reminiscent of his parents Ayan sighed smiling pensively, contrition, while Dad put his hand on his shoulder showing his empathy, sent him the sense to hold up.

Around 4:30pm having some home made misti doi Ayan finally had got the escape from those food, or rather it would be better if I would explain it as a over-eat contest organised by my Mamma has ended with the dessert.

Our Bengali's favourite sweet-curd at the end of every special heavy meal, without which we consider our meal is incomplete.

With a straight face Ayan ignited the engine and the car was manoeuvred to the route we have planned to be destined, the Mall; for the stuffs we are searching to get settled in his new home.


"Shit" Ayan cursed under his breath. Being annoyed, fretted he threw gaze outside through the glass door. We were in the long queue to the cash counter with our two overloaded carts.

My curious eyes followed him along with heavy rainfall sounds and thunderstorms outside, caused me brooding.

We had chosen this hour for shopping those household stuffs because we thought this would be the best clock to avoid the crowd of weekend that usually starts gather around the late evening. But the pervade of shoppers all around proved us abortively wrong. We are not only stuck in the long queue but also now in abundant rain outside.



Waiting and staring at the downpour outside through the glass wall with all hope that it will soon slow down, amongst the crowd of people since an hour. We decided to move to the parking lot and get somehow inside the car.

How come today we both missed the weather broadcast where it has been reported already about the upcoming weather possibilities. We got to know this when a mother and Son was irksome blabbering stood next to us waiting for this copious rain until drizzle. Our both head snapped at them, then at us. I gulped nervously and Ayan's face hardened in repugnance anticipating the possibilities, we looked away.

Eventually within half an hour we have noticed the pouring slowed down, the crowd started to dissolve so we were. It's not that all the people were stuck and without the umbrellas_it was the harshness of weather for what all preferred to stay inside untill it's heaviness doesn't changed atleast into mizzle.

We have scuried to the parking lot, released a sigh of slightly comfort, settled our goods on the back seat, thought atleast we have got into the car. But before we could have felt some relief, and on the way half to his housing complex the weather resumed and got worst. As if it took place another round of heavy pour.

On the way travelling in the car I called my mother and informed her we are done with the things and heading to Ayan's apartment, as decided. As it was 6:30 in the evening therefore nothing to worried about for Mamma regarding our safety. So she hung up after couple of few imperative words exchange with me.

Ayan's face appeared antsy glancing around through the windshield, his hands moving warily the steering wheel.


" Let me get some dry clothes for you...or else you would get sick" Ayan said when I was looking for the spot to sit those heavy carry bags in my hold look alike some mini sacks loaded with stuffs.

Ayan took them hurriedly off my grip and set them down against the kitchen wall with the other four he has brought along.

My gaze stopped at him, reluctant. I pushed my spec over my nose, adjusted it.

His hair all wet, water droplets dropping off his face down his neck. His white linen shirt sticked to those all his perfect abbs. That's the evident, it's nothing but a strict life style he follows, habitual working out in gym.

I looked away being flushed, tuck few strands of my loose fringes away my face and forehead.

That small distance from the mall building to our car at the parking lot, have got us drenched before we got inside the vehicle.

Water dripping down my hair, my clothes are partly wet.

"You use the bed room. I'll change in here....only I'll locked the door from outside before I doesn't finish changing into something dry as well" Ayan smiled sincerely caused me creased my forehead and it immediately relaxed when I figured out the reason behind his words.
Nothing appeared incongruous, amiss.

"I have that sense. I wouldn't have unlocked it without calling you before I would step outside" I articulated, narrowing my eyes castigating him softly I rolled my eyes and trod to his room with a straight face. There wasn't much room for me to get formal telling him to use the room instead. So I preferred not to be formal and offer him the room on my place.

It was an immaculate, pristine single bedroom apartment with attached bath, a spacious dinning space and a open kitchen. It seems the floor is near about 800 hundred square feet carpet area, adequately furnished for a single person living.

I freshened up in the attached bath, hung my wet clothes on the rack, quickly changed into the clothes were given to me.

An enough loose round dark green Tee hugging my upper body unexpectedly comfortable.
Miraculously my inner garments remained dry or had got dried due to my body heat during the car journey to his place_if they had partly drenched. I didn't notice with my mind mayhem since the weather worsen.
And my bottom is covered in a long cotton pant of someone six feet height person, which I had to made few folds upto my ankle so that it couldn't get toppled on my feet and I would tumble hard. I felt refreshed and reinvigorated. I picked my glasses off the bed put them on. I have left it there before I walked inside the washroom.

I heard the door clicked unlock at the other side. And I did the same almost instantly, quickly unlocked it from inside.

As soon as I got outside I heard a ring tone. Surely it's my ph, ringing.

Ayan was in the kitchen his wet hair all freshly set, no more water dripping. He wore a v-neck sky blue tee pairing with black sweat pant, looking handsome as always.

He grabbed two big coffee mug off the cabinet. Definitely he is making coffee for both of us. I inhaled deeply, the smell of caffein hit my nostril effected immediately closed my eyes for some seconds, a smile crept on my lips.

The muffled ring tone trailed my attention back and I hastened my steps to the spot where I kept my bag sitting on the coffee table and grabbed my ph out of it.
The caller ID said it was Neil.

"I'm sorry I won't be able to make it tonight. I have got stuck in rain" I crooned, explained holding the ph speaker close to my mouth.

"Where are you" I heard Neil's distraught voice on the other side immediately in response of my words.

"I'm in..." I hesitate with my words, felt bad for Neil.

I have promised him and Aman we will have movie night this weekend. And this unforseen weather demolished all the fun.

Though Neil knew about my today's plan with Ayan, helping him settle his apartment, but still I felt pang in my heart for saying him no at the last moment.

"Are you drenched!" His voice grew tensed, coaxed with concern.

"Don't worry I have dried myself" I answered in a assuring tone.

"Are you in......"

"I'm with his place" I immediately cut him off not letting him to complete his sentence.

My scull pickled by his single harsh deep breath in response. Why I felt disquiet!

I was about to hung up saying him bye but something caught me off guard. I winced, a loud gasp blew out of my mouth when two large hand from behind put a towel over my head. Almost covering half of my face they started rubbing the fabric tenderly over my hair.

"And she still has not learned yet how to dry her hair properly. As same as she could never used to in her childhood days....see the water from your hair still dripping down your face" Ayan growled in a low voice, complained. His voice shook while his hands kept rubbing gently over my head.

I pulled off my glasses, my eyes got closed on their own accord by the relaxation his hands created moving around my head, above that soft fabric.


" Hello! Avni!" Jolted I came out of my daze, bustled putting on my glasses back when Neil yelled in my ear staying on the line. At that moment Ayan also finished with my hair. Chuckling lightly he shook his head, walked passed me and went out of my sight, probably to get rid off that towel just now he has dried my hair.

"I'll talk to you later" I said in atempt to end the call because I was no more into keep talking to him when I was the reason of his offend.

In response Neil just hummed and cut the call. My breath stiffled by the enormity in his tone.

Did I upset him! I hope I haven't caused him much dismayed.

I felt an incongruous twinge of penitent in my chest.


"So!! Boy friend huh?" Ayan enunciated, leaned with his back against the kitchen counter, his amused gaze slightly creased at me waiting for my reply. He put his mug down on the counter surface.

Ending the call with Neil I had took my seat at the dinning. Sipping my coffee holding the mug in between my both hands, his questions made me slowed down the liquid I gulped. Inwardly disconcerted my impassive gaze flitted up at him then I pulled them away Ayan's waggish gaze over me. I quietly brought down the mug off my lips, put it on the table causiously. I licked my lips once, before I persisted.

"It was Neil" I looked up straight at him, replied with a vacant facade.

"I knew it" Ayan snapped, hollered then sniggered. And my heart skipped to my throat watching him all exhilarated. I was bemused, anxious.

Now what the hell does it mean!


Wasn't the update enthralling;)))

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Love MoN ♥️

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