Chapter 43

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"Sorry to make you wait so long.... actually a client from UK has come to visit our place..." Walking in, then taking his seat Neil spoke in a single breath and Aravi's meticulous gaze followed his every movement.

Riddhi his PA served Aravi a glass of cool vanila shake. She very well know Avni and Aravi is like family to Khannas. There wasn't any instructions required from his employer Neil, to get Aravi in his cabin and take care of her personally when her boss isn't around. So she let Aravi comfortable in a couch and also didn't forget to offer her some refreshment.

Her hand stood still before her lips causiously moved to the glass to take another sip from that vanila shake.

"You didn't keep me hold on too long" gulping down the smooth liquid she replied with a small smile. And he returned a wide one.

It was just next to impossible for Aravi to have a talk with Neil in both their houses without any audience around. Therefore this morning before she was dropped in her sasural Aravi had decided to meet Neil in his office. Before stepping out of the house she didn't forget to let Neil know over a short call, that she would see him at office if he will be available at the said timing..

And then she left her house around 11a.m.

"So?" saying Neil clasped his both hands over the table in front of him and leaned forward in a manner his entire attention on Aravi.

He waited for her sudden emerge in his office, at this hour. When Aravi called him he furrowed in consternation but it was instantly, brusquely pushed aside by his head when he reminded his tight schedule of the day. And he focus was back to his rendezvous lined up next.

Aravi took a deep breath, quitely put the glass down off her hand on the short coffee table at the centre. Her demeanor stark intense, as if someone inwardly preparing oneself to start some consequential discussion. His vaguely crinkled eyes followed her actions.

"It's about Ayan" she dropped the bomb and immediately his face faded the smile it was there on his lips, instead it grew serious. From the distance Aravi was, she saw his shoulder squared up being shrewd. The name she took turned his whole form taut, his face tightened in way someone in disdain. And she remained poised.

"Trust me Neil you don't have to feel insecure regarding anything about Ayan" her diligent words were. She watched his hands clasping hardened.

"I know" his arctic tone caused Aravi flexed her facial muscle in search of a stupendous reply.

"Then why do you act this awful around him? You go weirdly on acute silent mode whenever he is around or by any chance any of us take his name in between our conversation lately" she rebuked.

"I don't" he spat mildly with his same cold tone and looked everywhere but her. Unclashping his hands he pulled a file near him, pretended to retrieve his work but failed. Neil closed his eyes shut to circumvent her words away his mind.

"Would you stop with your those hogwash mono syllabic replies? Or you want me to bang your head on that concrete at the back of you?" Aravi condemned. Her accusative words brought his eyes abruptly opened and his morose gaze darted, recoiled Aravi on the spot she was across him.

"Look Neil the vagaries of your behaviour is itself a prove that something is up with you" Aravi was no way ready to yielding up so easily. She crossed her arms and he heaved a sigh of vexation under her badger before he spoke.

"Nothing is there to talk about" His flippant reply, impudence, annoyed her but she let it pass focussing onto more getting it to fix.

"Don't you have trust on Avni or there is some other issues you are not spilling out right now. Tell me so that I can help you out with this misery of yours" she said. At the mention of that name Avni he shot her a glare then looked away.

Inhaling deep in indignation . His gaze back at her, stoney.

"I have told you I'm okay. Why don't you let it go for once Arav?" His annoyance was evident of her dredging up the topic repeatedly for his liking.

"Nope I won't...I can't see you like this. Before You are a friend of mine Neil, then you are someone's boyfriend. Now please share what's going on in that overly exasperated head of yours presently. Or I'm not gonna leave anytime soon. Trust me I have got plenty of time here" her words spanked in a way so harsh and clear, that made him rethink. And finally he spilled a small part of it, that eating him inside since last few days.

"I'm not liking that guy Ayan" His scornful words were averting his eyes, while running roughly his hands over his hair down to his neck.

"That's I have figured out already by now...the thing I'm not liking is, the transition of yours into something non-Neil like." She snapped. He flitted his icy, firm gaze over her.


"Look Neil we are no more those some kind of teenage lovesick kids from school crushing on some random guy or girl on their way every often. Atleast you have been always totally different mature, overly sensible in the lot. You always loved Avni. Then what's so different now? You are both so much in love. Everyone can see it. And if you ask me honestly then I would say there isn't much time has left to get others notice it soon as well watching you both around eachother" Aravi let out a harsh sigh finishing her speech. Her words earned him meticulously shifted on his seat because who knows him better than Aravi does? His only bestie is stating the gospel factually. She is the only person who had discovered first, that Neil is in love with Avni since the very beginning. So in that note no one would understand his entire journey until now, but her. His hold got tightened on his chair both the hand-rest leaving the binders his faux concern was on few minutes ago, in a failed attempt to dodge Aravi and her words.

"So now tell me why are you so restless with Ayan, at this stable stage of your relationship with my bonu? What made you think it on another level when you are well aware of how your Avni is. Since hell god knows how long. Or you couldn't understand her yet? Tell me I want to know" Her prudent speech ended and she crossed back her arms together as a manner waiting for his explanation to her words.

"Okay got it. Since You have never seen any guy with Avni this close apart from you and your brother Aman. So you are jealous. Neil khanna is jealous. How didn't I think it this way" her amazed voice then insolent smirk at her own statement. Neil's face askew in sheer contemplating. His head took him time to register her astonishment state and instantly his face straightened.

"Like seriously Aravi? You have got this crap with this entire conversation?" He snarled, his face hard.

"One sided conversation. You didn't take any part though" her reply with a cheeky grin.

"See this is the reason I was not ready to share with you at the first place anything as such. But damn, you ever have tried taking things seriously" he scoffed before he resumed back.

"No. I'm not jealous. There is something from his side the way he look at Avni, talks with her" he remarked in a indignant scoff reasoning out her all accusations towards Neil.

"That's what I'm saying you don't need to grow all doubtful over him. He is doing exactly that anyone would do at his place..." Aravi promptly paused, then gulped as if her mouth was about to spill out something that shouldn't be exposed by any means. He have no idea how her heart is feral, berserk inside her chest.

"Why so? What do you mean by that now?" A deep frown appeared on his face his eyes creased meticulously at her. Her sudden change of countenance grew him looking at her in suspicion.

"I mean everything is fine. Ayan is fine. Avni is fine. I'm fine. You are fine. Everyone. Is. Absolutely. fine." She tried to dissolve the tension around. Her voice slightly stammered.

"What the hell Aravi? Did you even hear yourself how stupid you sound?" He barked breaking his narrowed gaze into implausible. Aravi sucked a breath of relief sensing she saved herself from Neil's dubious gape over her, or Mom and Dadda would have terminated her.

She got back her breathing.

"Trust me" she said in a solicitous tone.

"Nope" his indomitable voice retorting back but inside he couldn't help taken aback by her sudden change of facade into that pacified.

"Then go to hell" Aravi grunted, threw the cushion aiming Neil that was closer to her. And he caught it before it could hit him.

And here comes the real Aravi. All loud and vivacious.

"Yes then I will appear in your dreams every night and haunt you." There grew a mirth in his eyes he retaliated back.

"And then I will get a boy, fix bonu with him and they will be happy forever after" Neil boiled at her Cheshire cat grin tantalizing him saying how-was-it raising her one brow?

"And then you would be in hell too" and his words back to rebuttal, dry at the end.

In reply Her prudent smile was all she responded.

This is how the tensity dissipated between them and they are back into their normal mode, the way they behave with eachother all crazy.

"I hope this inquisition ended. I need to leave now. I have a meeting to attend" his words in next subsequent hour raising up his seat to leave the spot..


This afternoon I got a second message from Neil. He sent me an address to reach the spot approximately six in the evening.

The place is ten miles farther than the main city, not much congested not much void as I noticed sweeping my glances around...there is adequate greenery both sides of the road in between my cab is on the driveway. However the buildings are two high, all are high rises those I have observed as the vehicle rushing towards my destination.

And I hurriedly asked my cab driver to stop as soon as I spotted Neil leaning against his car opposite side of the way I was. He ducked his ph immediately in his trouser pocket when he saw me climbing down the cab. So did I the same...cut the call I was on asking him the location to make sure I have reached the right location.

He gave me a wave with a juvenile grin, his hair all dishevelled by the breeze.

Turning my face left and right I crossed the road, skittering I reach him.

"What is it here?" I immediately asked as I reached him. Whereas thousands of butterfly flipped inside my stomach the moment my eyes met his. This is the first time after yesterday night I'm seeing him. All last night incidents crowded my mind, I bit my lips feeling really too coy all of sudden around him.

"It's a surprise" with a surreptitious tone he said then grinning he got back inside his car. And I quickly followed him not exchanging any word in reply. I don't know why I'm so excited to know why we are here? Where he will take me to?

Neil manoeuvred his car through a huge gate and parked next to a higher building. My neck pained when I looked up to have a look to it's roof from the glass window.

The place is a vast land surrounded by plentiful skyscrapers with almost same hights more or less. The place is broad, beautifully decorated, well maintained.

The fresh, cool breeze hit my face and instantly my chest swelled up inhaling the unpolluted oxygen as I climbed down the car. Unknowingly my lips curved a pleasant smile glancing around the area. I'm already in love with the place.

My reverie broke when Neil took my hand and said softly " this way" and with my unnerving heart I strode behind him being awestruck.

We got inside an allivater and his free hand which was not holding me pushed the button to the 20th floor. Woooow that's sky-high.


It took few minutes the elevator door dinged opened lifting us to the 20th floor and we stepped out.

We took the left foyer. Passing over three doors each both the sides behind. We stopped at the fourth one. I glanced around wondering why we are here? To meet whom?

I saw him entered a card into security panel and the door clicked. Holding the door handled Neil pushed opened it before giving me a rapturous smile and next second we are inside a big house.

I couldn't resist admired the sight, my eyes is not enough to take whole of it. I looked at Neil he is smiling shoving his hands inside his pocket I didn't realise when his hold slipped off me.

I reluctantly pulled my gaze away him. My heart stopped beating for few seconds staring at the breathtaking interior around. The light and show effect created some humongous cosy vicinity all over.

Whoever the owner is of this house, he or she must be filthy rich. The moment this thought hit my mind my forehead creased alarming me.

"This is awestrucking...spendid...."
"Whose this?" I asked my voice low in a mystified countenance. With a boyish grin Neil walked to me and next moment he is behind me.


"Nothing more beautiful than you my Jaan..." Nuzzling my hair his low, raspy voice was and butterflies are back in my stomach. His arms wrapped around me.

"This is our house my love" he spoke with the same voice and gave a peck on my cheek but I felt a jolt that gripped my senses back and my face grew a perplexed frown. What did he blabbered? Whose house?

"Wait what do you mean by our house?" My chest let out a yelp. I turned and met with his impish gaze.

"Once we will get married this will be our house...simple...we will settle here the next day our reception will over" his flippant voice and my heart crescendo listening to his words.

"You are kidding's not true" I spoke under my loud chest.

"No it's true babe. I have bought this house last week" he confirmed. What the hell he is blabbering!

"Are you going to leave Khanna Mansion, your parents? Do you?" My face fell, there is a shadow similar when someone in utter surprise but in a dissatisfactory way.

"Yup" his smile didn't fade as if he is enjoying watching me this bemused.

"Neil! Are you out of your mind or what?" I exclaimed, not before taking a quick glance around that sumptuous space.

"How could you think of leaving your parents? I can't believe it's you I'm talking to..." Here I'm loosing my temper and he is uncharacteristically unfazed.

"Okay then let me clarify the entire thing.." he grabbed my hand again and led me to a place where one more time my heart is in awe having the sight of it. It's a balcony. I can't put in words how stomach churning spot it was. I have never saw my city from this high. I breath squawked out of chest when my hands held the balustrade. The breeze, the lightings, the ambience is too much warm to handle. Oh I have forgotten to mention the house is all furnished and ready to move in.


"it's a traditional thing. In our family when a Son get a job, first thing they do is buy a house with their earnings. As I did.
I'm not leaving my parents, not by any means...we two would live in this house, our will live with your husband in your house, nor in your in-law's neither of your parents''s nothing I'm doing's started since my grandparents have done the same...even my dad have his own house...Bebe keeps falling ill most of the time now days that's why she is with us or you well know she goes back to her own house whenever she feel like visiting that's how it is...." His sincere gaze off my hands he was holding then right into my eyes. I swallowed. Yup he is stating the truth. His grandparents have a big house at other end of the city. Not much afar from our place.

"No one is leaving none" his voice assuring and he has started making some sense in my head. I adjusted my glasses tentatively.

"But know..." My voice stumbled. I really don't know what to reason him out not to do this.

"Ooh Avu now don't act like those daily soap female leads all unrealistic. Who goes to every possible extent to satisfy others but their husbands..." He grunted with a low berated voice but smiled at the end.

"But...." he hesitated, my eyes blinked twice in loss of words.

"There is no's all decided..." saying he is again behind wrapping his arms around me. And I sighed.

"And you know what I can't wait until when the night would come and I would get to hug or love my girl only in our room....what if I have a long day and want to hold my wife as soon as I'm back home?" Embracing me tight his childish voice stated those words. I couldn't help my mouth escaped a giggle.

"Neeil..." I let out a light reprimanded tone when I remembered I should be tough to him from all these talks.

"Yes I want to hug you there...or there...then there....even we would watch our favourite movies cuddling in the couch with lots of can't be possible if our parents would be around...right?" Pointing towards all to spots, the kitchen, the hall, the dinning Neil spoke pressing his mouth over my cheeks. I felt an involuntary current passed through my spine with his words of adoration and the touch of his lips over my skin this long fist time. Isn't he growing much intrepid, daredevil getting me all alone?

In his territory. There is a voice in my head sniggered.

This is us. A minute ago serious then next second all love-dovey.

"Look Neil...." My voice soft in his hold in attempt to put some sense in his head but instantly stopped by him.

" more let me hold you..." His husky voice caused me gulped hard, my words got lost.

"it's so perfect being this close to you..." He cooed and I melted. We stayed like this for few minutes.
And there is no point arguing with this man anymore.

O dariya.. mujhe nahi jaana uss paar
Aaya Ranjha mera, aaya Ranjha mera
O dariya.. zara rokan do majhdhaar
Aaya Ranjha mera, aaya Ranjha mera

"What if you get mad at me someday and say me to leave this house?" I tried to play a little, said in a sad tone and immediately earned a frown gape from him. His face pulled away me. He looked into my eyes as if trying to decipher if I'm seriously asking him that!

"It won't be my house only...after marriage I'll made it ours officially..." His stern voice created palpitated inside me. What did he say? Am I heard him correct?

"Neil....." His name timidly came out my mouth. I held his intensified gaze. My eyes then back and forth looking at the sincerity in his gape. This man never fails stealing my heart again and again. Now what I would say in reply? What would be that appropriate word to retort him back? I'm speechless. I have nothing to say. Do you have?

My inner self is in a shape highly saturated in those plethora of emotions.

"And now I think I deserve a kiss... doesn't I ! Hum?" His low raspy voice, dark gaze over my lips sent some spark at the back of my neck, my eyelids trembled in contemplation.

He leaned on me and my body shuddered when his mouth moves towards my lips, his warm breath fell over me. Is he really going to kiss me? I shut my eyes tight, my breath caught my throat in response to his tender grasp around my waist too low. Slowly very tenderly his hands moved, made me stand facing him. Oh god finally the moment has come. My scalp prickled, limbs turned into jelly.

My closed eyes might have signalled him the cue and next second a harsh grasp blew out my lips when he crashed his hot mouth with mine.

Our steps stumbled, he walked me to support my back with something sturdy near by I guess, deepening the kiss...our form vehement, my chest about to explode inside my ribcage being into a state euphoric. I'm having my first kiss with him...another first with him from my list....

My back lightly hit a wall I felt, now leaving the lower part of my body his both hands moved to my hair, partly around my neck. His fingers doing some smooth movements over the spot building my mind turned into dizzy. In response leaving his shirt I was clutching, my hands moved to his neck by their own accord, embracing him I kissed him back.

Pouring out our intense longing for one another our lips delicately, gently smashed together as if we both are made of glass.

I have dreamt of this many times, but in real this emotion is something language ever could be discovered in this world , to put this feeling into words.

It is that mind-numbling, chest bursting.


Wish you all the strength to overcome this terrific situation, presently we are all stuck with.

Pray. Stay safe.

Love MoN 💞

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