Chapter 59

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"Mom it's Avni. I love Avni" After having a great contemplation Neil actually spilled out the truth taking Sweta by effing shock. And now there is a palpable silence in the room. None speak for a good minute. Only the clock ticking sound was heard, too much for anyone's hearing aid.

Neil had decided this day, this hour to be appropriate when they all assembles in the hallway having their last cup of coffee of the day before they go to their respective rooms and bid eachother goodnight. Let's see if it was a good idea or the worse.

"Hahahaha Bhai bhi na kuch bhi.
Majak karta raita hai" Aman acted frolic, tried dissolve the air with his chaff, as he does always. He half laughed half uttered in a state of sheer heebie-jeebies, glanced between his brother and Mom in terror, then the two other member around, both of who are in the same state of taking in the scene. They were seen slowly rose off their seats in sync.

"Aman" Neil shot him a warning look eyeing not to dare to meddle in, not today. And Aman gulped down an imaginary lump getting reprimanded, suffice to evacuate him quite. Hollyshit. Muttering Aman ran his hand through his hair roughly. Shutting his eyes he let out a frustrated sigh before he fixed his gaze back at them praying inwardly.

"Look Mom" he paused. And abruptly Sweta's disconcerting gaze left Aman and met him frowning.
"Waaoh. I didn't know I would be this nervous telling you it finally" He blew out a nervous laugh which obviously didn't reached his eyes. Clearly everyone is waiting for the elephant in the room. Aman kept chewing his lips suffocating his breath inside whilst Neil stood tall tenacious in loosening the tension off his shoulder for once and all before he squatted down face to face his mom.

"The time has come, you should know everything. Well I believe I should have told you long back. I'm already apologetic for my act of hiding it from you this far Mom." Neil blurted out and Sweta rose off her seat leaving Neil who scooted to her a minute before. Neil's hold slipped off her, Sweta pulled off absent mindedly.
He had took hold of her hands in his tentative ones while talking. And now she was waiting for him to continue, with the most discombobulate gaze she has.

"Mom trust me I always wanted to say you it all. But I couldn't. May be I wasn't ready then. But I'm now" Neil urged. The look Neil gave as if he is in some pain.

At this point his eyes grew bigger, Aman looked between Neil and Sweta in horror. It would be understatement if anyone say Aman is in verge of panic attack, he is much more than that to be precise. He felt his hands clammy and throat dried up as if it is not Neil talking but it him doing the talking to his mom who is at the moment all ears to his big brother and going to burn down the house soon once he will finish.

"What about Avni, Neil? You were saying something about Her. But you stopped. Aman interrupted. Tell me?" Her eyes waiting. Neil grew confused at her response. Out of such a astounding speech from him his mom only remembered this?

"I love her Mom. She is the girl I want to marry" Neil immediately stated not leaving any ground to slip off her mind his words more like a promise it sounded to her.

And next second Sweta is speechless, frozen on the spot, deadpan listening to her son who she thought she knows all of him like a open book and how wrong she was she realised just now. Her heart broke. Her blank gaze got fixed at Neil like ages. As if she has forgotten how to speak, behave at the moment. His confession repeating again and again in her head. She looked so blank. She got that anguished and in shock.

Such reaction Neil never expected he would face when he will reveal the girl name to his mom, who has his heart. So many scenes his mind apprehended his mother would be responding once he is going to unveil such news, it is least he ever know could happen, until this moment. A harsh breath escaped from his chest watching his mother this upright, not able to release out her emotion whatever may it is_hurt, distaste or agitation.

The Silence, the tension was so thick in the room that someone can run a knife through it.

Mom please say something. Anything. Neil silently prayed, his mom's being into muted since he blurted out the thing was killing him each passing second.

And Sweta finally spoke with her cold gaze only over one person. Neil, yet she actually asking or rather say it as accusing everyone present there including her compliant Son she never expected would hurt her the most. She coudn't even put in words how left out she is feeling at the moment. Her facade eerily calm, words came out arctic, unlikely over dramatic Sweta. That made everyone frown, completely baffled looking at her state. Her indecipherable expression was enough to run down a chilly wave through anyone's spine. That's what did to Aman. And Neil countenance was unchanged, as serious as before but inside only he knew, his heart is close to his ear now.
"My Son is talking about the Roy, our Avni right?" She broke the silence spoke in a very icy tone, reassuring. Neil slowly nodded confirming her holding his breath. His brows crinkled touching eachother watching his mother this placid. This is the least he anticipated.
Prakash and Bebe both tried to speak in support to Neil but nothing came out of their mouth. They must have taken aback looking at Sweta this unpredictable, severe. Even they can sense it clear that something is big time bizarre with Sweta.

Neil's face dropped watching his mom's poker face slowly turning bitter in resentment at the response to his admission to the fact. Now anyone can figure it out with a single gape over the person standing facing to her son_ someone is in grave.


Avni on the other side in her room, having a premonition of a terrible event going to happen soon. She is frantic, disturbed not getting to shut her brain away the thought and tossing over her bed uncomfortably.


"I'm sorry. To ring you this hour at the night. I have nothing to say but I'm suffering from insomnia at the moment. I just wanted to talk to someone" I meekly said, blurted out my supposition. That sounded pathetic and I'm well aware of it.

It's not that the thought talking to Neil didn't cross my mind first, but at the very moment I restrained that urge, instantaneously. He must have slept, worn out being active the entire day.
Therefore it would be better to choose my last option. That is Ayan.

"Relax Babi. Just relax. You are stressing out too much of no reason" I heard him shuffled, his groggy voice reasoned me out through the speaker and I felt terrible troubling him at this hour of the night, or midnight it would be better if I mention it in one word. I must have interrupted his sound sleep. Definitely I did.
How can he be so sweet? when someone like me who is bothering him in the midnight with all my anxious heart out bare. My mind is awfully distress since I heard it from Sweta Mom that Neil has agreed to get married soon. She said it to me when she made me drink the soup in that bedroom where I and Neil made love quite few times without bothering to carry any protection along. Duh!

Mamma was present their too and we shared few quick discreet glances with each other when SwetaMom talked about her son and that mischievous girl as she referred.
If she knew. I felt horrible, shit for myself lying to her she is such a beautiful soul. Unwantedly I'm growing the bad person. Mamma felt my inner turmoil I guess because she pulled me closer to her by my shoulder and put my head to her chest. Our heart is so similar, The Loudest. I clutched her little part of pallu as if I want none but my Mamma, only she can save me out of all this disarray.

And Neil. There is a voice in my head shouted in response to this notion. And I bit my lips sighing heavily. I don't know. Tears threatening to welled up my eyes, I struggled not to let them find their way out my heart. My chest is heavy holding down my unshed tears. I can't even breath through my nose. The feeling is so much similar to excruciating ache of nerves.

She was supper elated while talking about that girl's arrival in this house. I bit my lips not able to keep up with her happiness when she was talking without any pause. Still I masked up my inner torment with a small smile in my lips.

In result my incriminating conscience got the best of me. I can't even look at my Mamma who's facade is nothing contrast to mine was, helpless, fighting to keep the smiling face listening to her. That's how it is plausible. I created it all.

Thank god, Aman soon rescued us getting me a glass of cold water to drink so that it can calm down my nauseating enzymes. Due to this sudden apprehensive, edgey feeling my stomach has again started building back the rumble inside poking me to throw up again but the chilled water Aman brought did some miracle and it subdued cooling down my inside. I swallowed hard. Coming days are going to be the real death of me I can reckon from today this hour sitting here.

Aman left me speechless with his comforting phrases.

"Love can heal all our frenzied heart you know? Everything will be just fine. Trust me. You can count on me whenever you feel like having me by your side. okay? And not the least talk to Neil. Have some great hours with him tomorrow."
His tender voice drifted me to the present and I sighed nodding in agreement to his soothing words and the mention of that name at the end placid my nerves the most. I know he can't see me. He is right may be I'm overthinking. Neil is going to do everything right. By the way I need to ask Neil what he actually do to dissolve things with Ayan. I'm very curious to know it all. I'm already over intrigued when it comes to these two. At this thought a faint chuckle made it's way in my heart. I let out a soundless laugh.

His tone actually calmed my unnerving self. I'm feeling better than before now, tension shifted away my unsettled chest few minutes ago and my eyes are droopy instead. There is a feeling like I'm going to pass out at any time soon and my fatigue eyes are no more active grasping the fluffy bolster pillow in between my arms.

Tomorrow I would talk to Neil first. No only those morning endeavours through text but also his voice. I would hear his voice before I will begin my day. That would be the best. Thinking of him I smile in my sleep. I so love him.


Thank you so much my lovely people for wishing my Mom a healthy life. She sent you all loads of blessings. Massive love to every single person out there for being so kind to me and understanding the situation everytime I came up with my unavailability in Wattpad. You people are real gem and beautiful from heart, that's the most rare thing in world now days.
I'm so so lucky to have you guys.

And a humongous heart to those who read, voted and commented this update.

Love MoN❣️

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