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As you all might have predicted, so yeah. Ayan did a happy dance in his head when Neela gave him the pregnancy news as well as the news of Avniel getting married soon. It was a small wedding ceremony only close friends and family included. Their blessings was the only thing they wished for. Indeed It was their happy beginning.

Few months later Ayan was on the verge of shedding tears holding the twins in his arms, his niece and nephew. A cute chubby girl and a handsome tiny boy is going to call him Ayan mamu, and Neil and Avni Dadda Mum soon.

Nevan and Amara.
Nick name- Neev and Aamu
Neev popped out 16seconds before Aamu did. So he is the elder one. Amara stole his daddy's heart the moment Neil laid his eyes on her. That little Avni he always wanted to relive. Neil's happiness was boundless holding those two little bundle of god's grace in his arms.

Then the day came, the day Ayan had to leave for his new Job in another country. As per as his concern his mission completed, the mission his sis-wedding;
Avniel's wedding.

During her delivery Avni lost lot of blood as we all know this organ part of her has always involved complications to Avni. And Ayan came as a cure to her, his blood saved her life.

Consequently one year later Neil finally gathered courage to reveal those secrets related to Avni's birth, about her mother Aaheli Chatterjee. He has to do this for Ayan the person he knows since last few years, is the best soul he barely come across in his life. It was now or never for him. There was no other way. Neil truly believe Ayan deserve the truth to be known to his sister. They both deserve reunion, ofcourse not like friends but with the real bond they factually share. And it was the right decision to be made when Avni could interpret the entire situation from a different perspective, when she is herself a mother now. It was the best time for her to know the truth, her truth.

Ofcourse she went eerily silent at the same time had the biggest shock of her life after she got to know about her birth history, which no one can imagine in their wildest nightmares could be this harrowing, startling and agonizing. It took her time to recover from the shock. When she gained back a little sanity she confronted all the details from her adopted parents Reyaansh and Neela, which if Someone explain was agonizing would be understatement. It was extremely gut clenching for them to face Avni in such state. It was emotional wreck for both the side. It was something out of her core for Avni to swallow it all with a big heart, ofcourse without judging anyone. This new found information are not that easy for a child when they get to know all of a sudden about their birth giver. You have no idea how tormenting it could be. Avni wasn't different in the lot, ofcourse this piece of information about her real parents did break her down. It was painful to see her this broken. But Neil was there with her the whole time supporting her, loving her, taking care of her. Tt was't that easy for Neil as well to stay put when the love of his life is breaking every second in front of his eyes.

Avni was restless, overwhelmed, couldn't bring together her eyes to shut them for weeks, not even could swallow adequate meals for days. All the time Neil was there supporting her. She cried and cried until she finally let her husband step in, and since then her condition gradually retrieved, her mental strength started turning sort of normalcy. like too slowly the heavy clouds are sliding away the sky, indicating us a little ray of hope.
Despite her heart break then it reconstructed understanding in a much placid mind, finally She decided to talk to Ayan. It was the only thoughts in her mind once she brought herself out of that mornful state. They talked, the fought, the sobbed, the healed, the laughed, realised they are blessed.
And since then they have the best bond any sibling could come up with, being separated for years from their real identity, that real connection they weren't aware of though Ayan knew it few years prior than Avni did.

Presently there not a single day passes that Ayan and Avni miss having the face time before they call it a day. And Ayan couldn't be more happier by heart at the same time be grateful to Neil for being so understanding and be there for Avni in her hell days. Day by day three of their bonds are growing remarkably stronger.

Next year 2023 Jan Ayan is coming to meet Avni, along with his girlfriend who he met her during a medical camping. Her name is Elara. She is from Loss Angeles, a veterinarian. She is a single mother, has a gorgeous 6 years old son named Blake. They are planning their wedding in June next year.

So they all are doing good. Even Aman met a girl. Rati Singh. Six months ago she joined as an finance intern in Khanna Industry. Her direct boss is Aman. In a very short time Rati proved herself much efficient and dedicated towards her work. It's not her talent attracted Amam but her cute clumsiness did the magic to his heart. And that caught Aman's attention amidst the lot.
Yes Rati is a bit clumsy most of the time, an average looking girl with long silky hair, deep eyes, chubby cheeks, medium height, and extraordinarily stylish yet energetic in appearance (which is somewhere the only reason she staggered with her steps and get hit with the door, table, even laptop on her desk every single hour) She is a total nerd with those high index glasses, she has all the answers related to finance whenever she is asked. It is a proof she only studied her whole life, Unlike Aman. We all know right?
Though they went for few short dates as for now, but they both decided to take baby steps. let's see how it goes. And the best part is Aman is falling really hard and fast for this interesting girl.

That was their happily ever after.


Thank you so much for the love you all have showered on this Book 'You Are My Love'. My heartiest congratulations to all of them who has make it through this journey with me.

Loads of acknowledgments to each an every reader who voted, dropped all those inspiring, beautiful comments to my work that genuinely helped me be always enthusiastic and the outcome was I came up with much better dialogues, scenes everytime than the previous one. And the result, I grew better everytime with my each updates.

In one word your kind words are one of the several reasons that I always urge to extend my knowledge. I truly appreciate you people for being there for me in a very unexpected way. Loads of love to every single person who has not only read my books but also acknowledged my hardwork as well.

I'll really really miss everything here, your comments, your votes, the adrenaline rush I felt everytime I dropped my updates thinking how would be the chapter this time, my readers would like it or not or they going to get bored. All the dms I have received from the readers appreciating my work, few has become my friends as well who I talk to more often through texts. Thanks to those who have been very regular and never left me for whatever I write.

I love this platform like I never loved any other social media the way I look forward to this app, because this spot is where I had discovered a new me. On that note I would love to say that I'm going to miss you each one; my lovely followers, readers.

I'm not going invisible of this app,  I'll be very much here because I am a reader first later writer.
In that terms my readers can DM me, talk to me any time they feel like, I'll would definitely love to hear from my awesome readers and followers. My Books will be there for you all, you can read them, save them to your reading list
And not the least but lastly please please keep supporting me through your precious votes and inline comments, and share my work with your loved ones as much as you can.

As I have already talked about it, The thing is lately I'm not feeling like writing any fanfiction Book, that's the only reason I decided to be off.

For last one time.
Love MoN❤️

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