broken heart

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    You are my love 😍

        Part - 3

Recap ( laksh coming back to india ...ragini went to temple ...laksh prank on his parents )

Ragini remaind her childhood days with laksh ,some sceens rushed into her memory layer of tears formed in her eyes ...

Ladoo grandy called her...she immediately wiped her tears nd rushed out ...

Haan grandy y did u called me.. Betta ap called me

She informed to me that laksh reached home

Really but how  grandy ?

Wo laksh na he is very naughty he left london night nd surpriced his parents how sweet na... Lovely boy he couldnt wait anymore thats y he landed in india early...

Ragini lips turns to curve... Still he didnt forgot to surprice all ..i hope he is my same naughty  lucky...she chuckled

She starts to walk in her dreamland...i wanna share everything to him how i used to share before... I wanna say how much i missed him...

Ladoo grandy voice interrupts her thoughts...

Haan grandy...betta carefull wr were u lost looks down nd walk properly... Now only she noticing the stairs near by...oops sry grandy...

Dont worry ladoo soon my lucky will takes u away then u wont lost in ur dream land na...

Ragini blushed ...dont tease me grandy she tried to hide her blush nd acted like nothing affect to her... she replied nd ran away...

Grandy smiled..r u trying to hide ur feelings from me poor girl...u r still a kid but u forget that ur grandy already crossed ur age she smiled... ....

Grandy waiting inside the hall restlessly looking on the door...ragini too worried for grandy..

She is worried nd excited too...

Soon they heared an car horn sound...grandy they came ragini said happily

Grandy gets up...ragini go nd bring arathi soon... Ragini rushed inside to kitchen

Here ap nd dp got down from car along with their luggage....

Ragini came with arathi long lasting smile were pasted in her lips... She saw grandy hugging ap... Ragini rushed near to them..she took blessings from dp nd ap... They looking ragini happily... Ragini eyes were searching her luck everywhere impatiently ...

Wr is laksh  grandy asked to them...

Bhoom some sound...

Ragini scared she fell down  unconciously ....

Two strong arms hold her ...everyone shocked to see unconcious ragini...

Laksh wt have u done asked by ap......

Dont u knew she scared of sounds..

Maa i am really sry maa i forgot abt it...

Its ap its usual here grandy said nd saw still laksh holding ragini in same position... She smiled

They splashed water on her face...she slowly opend her eyes ...she saw grandy sitting beside her ...

Wr were u lost ragini... R u dreaming... Go nd get arathi they reached near gate...

Ragini stood ...god it was my dream she banged her head nd moved to take arathi...

Grandy waiting near door , car stopped , ap nd dp gets down from the car laksh too got down

...he didnt wait for a sec he ran near to grandy...he lifts her in his hands nd twirl...

Ap nd dp too came there smiling

Grandy i love u so much , i missed u alot he is shouting alot ...ragini heared his voice beaitifull smile appeared on her lips... My lucky came...

She takes arathi in her hands nd rushed out...she saw laksh rounding there while carrying grandy...

Hey naughty leave me down my head is spinning man... No way grandy i missed u alot ...

Leave me down orelse i will left u forever he pout nd leave her... Dont u dare to speak like this..he hugged her tightly... Both sharing an beautifull bonding...

Ragini freezed to see him , my god Is this my lucky , he changed alot , he is looking handsome now

I cant take my eyes off him , he is simple nd cool, but stiill no changes in his  naughtiness , nd love on his grandy...

They broked the hug... Laksh looking grandy from top to bottom...grandy i must say u r still young if i have chance i must marry u... Itni beautifull in 80+  not bad...

Grandy banged his head r u trying to flirt with ur grandy stupid..

Arrey maa he doesnt have shame see how he flirting with his own grandy nd mom..

Arrey wts wrong with u all i am just praising ur beauties he said cutely...

Ragini smiled in his antics ....she adjusted herself , nd checked once she is looking perfect or not ? She needs his comments about how she is looking... She blushed lil...

Ladoo grandy called her...come nd takes arathi na...

Everyone gaze fell on ragini... She is walking near to them keeping a pretty smile in her lips ... Her heart beating faster than before while her distance decreasing inbetween them...

Arrey ladoo ap hugged her she took blessings from ap nd dp... She looked laksh but he is looking in his mbl... Ragini felt sad... Soon she cover up with her smile...

Take arathi ladoo grandy said...

She takes arathi to laksh nd placed thilak on her forehead he forward a smile ... Ragini felt very happy...

They entered inside ragini moved to kitchen ...

She brings juice to them... Everyone sitting in the hall...

Laksh held his head on grandy shoulder nd playing with her fingers...

Ap nd dp chittcgatting ...ragini were busy to stare laksh... Who is busy in grandy pamper...

He keeps talking to grandy nd sharing his experience in london...

Grandy noticed that ragini waiting to speak with him ... She smiled

Lucky did u forgot ladoo ?

Haan ladoo... No way grandy

Ragini face lighten up...

Its yummy...if u did it in ur hands then i will eat it whole day without taking rest... Can u make it for me..

Everyone smiled in his antics...i will  it for u sure but i am not speaking about that ladoo laksh


I am speaking about ur childhood friend ladoo

Laksh blinked my childhood friend ? Whose that ?

Ragini felt her heart broked into million pieces 💔 her tears r rushing to fall down she is trying hard not to let it fall down ....

Ap ,dp nd grandy looking laksh confusedly

Laksh r u serious dont u remembered our ladoo

He nod hmm whose that ?

Hey laksh see she is our ladoo  (ragini) , ur childhood friend

Laksh looked ragini nd said sry i didnt remember u 

Ragini lips vibrated her friend words were true he forget her throughly , when he got new friends ... She faked her smile

Grandy looked ragini sadly...

Ap asked to u rememembering shekhar uncle nd janaki maa

Haan maa lil... Thank god atleast u remembered them...she is janaki daughter ragini... U used to play with her always in ur childhood days now u r saying u didnt remember her...

I am sry maa...

Its ok no need to say sry ...i will takes ur luggage to ur room by saying this ragini left that place...

Ragini placed their luggage in their room ...tears were flowing down to her cheek continuously ...

His words often echoed in her could he forget me so easily ...

Ladoo come down...grandy called her she wiped her tears nd moving down

Suddenly someone pulls her aside her heart were beating uncontrollably cz her lips were locked by laksh 💋 she couldnt believe it , he is kissing her passionately , ragini standing there nump without understanding anything...she is neither not pushing him or responding to him ......

His one hand caressing her head nd abother one were pulling her more close to him...ragini losted in his kiss...
Screen freezed 

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