Part 27

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   you are my love 


recap ( raglak engagement topic ..raglak past ) 

In morning 

 laksh is sleeping peacefully in his bed cuddling to his favorite pillow its his usual habit cuddling to it nd kissing it thinking about ragini even she used those things when she missed laksh badly .. ragini peeped inside his room with his morning coffee she placed it beside the side table her hair is still wet it clearly saying she rushed out of bathroom without wiping her head properly to wake her love soon .. she about to wake him up she saw how lakhs is sleeping cutely while opening his mouth lil she giggled seeing him .. she bend near him nd helped him in closing his mouth its worked she caressed his hair lovingly how handsome u r while sleeping too i am so lucky she said to herself .. yeah after all i am the world best some voice ..she glared laksh so u r awake she asked placing her hands on her waist ..he opened his eyes nd looked her smiling 

yes i am my love how could i continue my sleep after inhaling ur fragrance .. u r lie ragini pout soon he pulls her towards him the next sec she is on his chest ragini eyes widen he takes an turn in the result ragini is beneath him ragini eyes open wide ..laksh wt r u dg ? leave me .. aww bbay girl just wait lemme inhale ur fragrance again by saying he nuzzled her neck she is lost in his hot breath ...he smiled seeing her u know wt ragini when u entered inside i catch ur smell fresh smell its saying my baby girl just now only took her shower ..i wished to sleep with that smell only but ur this wet hair disturbed my sleep he said touching it gently rgaini smiling seeing his antics .. then y did u acted like sleeping ? if i didn't i may missed ur lovely words he said winking ..ragini beats him ok ok get up from me now u wanna go to ur office right ? i won't he said pouting 

y she asked ? ragini didn't u heard they r discussing about our engagement i wanna give pressure to them then only they will arrange it today itself he said winking .. laksh i am here only i won't go anywhere leaving u then y did u behaving like this ? u r an dumb bbay girl not understanding my feelings .. laksh u r so mean she said back .. ragini i have an extremely hot nd beautiful girl how long i could control myself ..ragini open her mouth widely u shameless always thinking about this she said beating him .. he hold her hands so i am only thinking about it ok madam i agreed i am shameless .. whats wrong in it is it wrong ? she blinked looking him 

if u don't like these all i will stop disturbing u then he said in fake serious tone .. laksh i didn't mean anything in that manner i just spoke casually pls don't mind it .. i do ragini it seems i am forcing u he said looking away ..ragini eyes filled with tears she cupped his face nd kissing all over his face lovingly i love u damn it if i never loved u means wts the needs to came here if i really thought u r forcing me i won't do these all right ? he smiled nd looked her so u like it he asked naughtily she hugged him in same position nd said i loved it idiot she caressed his hair laksh too reciprocated with her .. 

laksh ap voice ..ragini pushed him lil ap maa she said getting down from his bed she adjusted herself ..laksh looking her smiling just then ap entered inside his room ragini u here .. yes maa i came to give this coffee to laksh .. she smiled nd caressed her hair u r not his wife yet but taking care of him well ragini blushed hearing it .. laksh rubbed his nape .. 

laksh get ready soon today take leave on office lets go to temple ...raglak confused y maa ? 

we r gonna check ur horoscope is matching or not ? then wanna take engagement date too 

raglak blushed hearing it .. ragini u come with me i will make u ready she nods .. laksh winked at her she blushed seeing him .. 

few minutes later 

laksh is sitting in hall speaking to manager to change the schedule nd postpond the meetings .. just then dp joined there along with grandy he cut the call after saw them there .. grandy looking so young today wt is the secret laksh asked side hugging her ..see dp ur son is flirting with me in this age too .. he is ur pet right handle by ur own dp said smiling ..laksh pout did i flirt u grandy i am praising my grandy beauty .. he heard ragini anklet sound his attention turns towards them ragini coming down wearing sarie she is breath taking beautiful in that traditional wear laksh stands there awestruck .. grandy said so beautiful ragini no one evil eyes fell on my kid she said placing black dots behind her ears she smiled nd took blessings from her ..laksh say how is ragini looking today ap asked ...raglak looked each other smiling .. i think i must protect my girl from everyone jealous eyes today he said taling deep breath .. arrey wow wt an decent flirting grandy said laksh pout .. ragini giggled 

laksh tell me how is she looking ap asked again ..maa she is looking like an princess my angel always pretty today looking breathtaking he said made her cheek turns in crimson red .. not bad ap said .. ok guys getting late lets go dp said .. all rushed out laksh pulls ragini back by holding her hair plait ouch she shout her back hits his chest ..he hugged her from behind .. y r u so beautiful my baby girl that i am loosing my control over u he said whispering ..rgaini blushed hardly lakhs lets go they r waiting .. even i am waiting for u these many years let them wait by saying he kissed on her shoulder ... laksh ap called him coming he shouts back .. he kissed on her both cheek in rush ... ragini touched her cheeks nd smiling .. 

screen froze 

guyz leave ur cmnts ..wt will happen in nxt epi will their horoscope will match or not ? will they accept it or laksh fight for his love ? 

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