Part -31

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 you are my love 

   part - 31 

recap ( raglak romance .. ragini dream about raglak separation ..laksh consoling ragini ) 

scene begins in laksh hugging ragini she is crying on his chest ...ragini please be strong my dear won't happen so takes it at chill ..don't u trust me ? 

laksh i already said i am trusting u more than myself .. 

laksh patted her back in consoling way .. ok fine listen ragu .. if anything happened like this then i promise u i won't leave u in any situation ..i will be with u forever he said kissing her forehead .. ragini too smiled ..he wipes her tears .. 

ok ragu lets go down or else everyone will doubt on us cz we were missing for long ..he said winking ..ragini hits him playfully .. both went down hand in hand ... 

another side zoya is shown she is in airport ..her papa came with her to send off .. zoya baby think twice before going to convince him ? 

papa u don't worry he will listen to me after all he loves me right ? he is treating me like his own daughter then wt is your problem ... 

but baby he is angry with me so he won't come .. no papa he will definitely come i am going to convince him right ? 

ok when will u return baby ? 

according to the situation papa i can't say anything now .. min 2 days .. he smiled nd send zoya to london .. 

scene shifted to MM .. 

raglak came down hand in hand .. grandy saw them chuckled ...i said right ? ap

look how they r coming hand in hand .. yes mom now i ma trusting you ..

whats going on here laksh asked sitting beside grandy ragini just stand behind her ...grandy caressing laksh hair .. 

nothing laksh i searched for ragini everywhere but couldn't find her anywhere in this house so i said to ap don't worry your lovely son will be with her that is y she is not responding .. 

raglak felt embarrassed .. grandy how could u say like this laksh pout .. 

ragini blushing ... lakhs don't be act smart we knew u well ... can't u stay away from here till your engagement naughty fellow ... ap said teasing 

lakhs rubbed his nape ...ragini looking away couldn't face ap .. 

maa its too much we r gonna marry so we have to discuss about our future right ? 

really ? but it doesn't seem u r discussing about your future but romancing her .. that's it ragini ran from there blushing ..laksh pout maa u r teasing us too much see how ragini ran away crying .. 

ap frown ..really laksh did she cried or blushed ? 

laksh again got caught by his mother ... 

ok ok stop teasing my boy grandy said ....laksh gave his innocent face to her .. 

do u know ap his grand father also like him ..always roam around me he will never miss any chance u know  ? she said blushing ..laksh nd ap smiled seeing her .. arrey wow so u r an juliet to that romeo not bad .. 

so don't tease my kids let them enjoy after all they r gonna marry each other ....grandy gave permission to him .. thank u grandy he kissed on her cheek nd escaped from there .. 

ragini who is murmuring about recent incident .. rgaini you r too bad see how all r teasing u here after don't allow him to romance with u .. he is naughty know all way to seduce me ..she pout 

god i couldn't deny him whenever he is near me , i love him nd his closeness so avoiding him is impossible wt will i do now she pout .. 

then don't avoid me said laksh hugging her from behind ..ragini eyes widen laksh leave me ..she shrugged bacha i won't he said rubbing his nose with her ..laksh can't u see how they r teasing us plz lets do this all after our marriage .. 

no i can't control my feelings likewise don't u dare to ask me to stay away from you ... it won't happen he said in cute angry 

its not like that baba she cupped his face .. we must be in our limit see all r teasing me i couldn't face them ... 

laksh smiled ragu takes it as chill yrr .. they r like that only after all they r our parents .. see i wanna say something to u ..wt was that ? 

even our grandy is having love story with grandpa...she gave permission to romance u at any time cz everyone knew that i was addicted to this angel i can't stay away from u he said nuzzling her neck .. laksh she whispered feeling his hot breath .. yes baby he called her in husky voice made her lost in him .. he is busy in giving wet kisses to her ...ragini couldn't resist him ..she clutched his shirt tightly he rubbed her back while kissing her forehead ...

That day went peacefully .... 

two days later .... 

MM is shown ...its were decorated beautifully ...colourful lights nd settings giving beautiful view ..imported flowers smell is everywhere in that house taking all into another world .. relations were less but those kids noise is enough to fill happiness there ..young ladies giggling sound giving more beauty ...we could see ap is running here nd there in tension ..dp is welcoming everyone.. grandy instructing priest to check the arrangements ... he said everything is good ..just bring bride nd groom here ... now scene shifted to laksh room .... he got ready in his dark blue golden work sherwani .. he is looking handsome in it .. he is more than happy today after all ragini is going to be officially engaged to him ... his relatives take him down .. he sat on the chair but his eyes were roaming around for his girl ... ap teased him ..wait laksh she is yours but give some time to her come down .. he rubbed his nape smiling ... 

soon he heard girls gossiping sound his attention turns towards his girl who is coming down in blue lehanga ... having dazzling look , he mesmerised to see her ...she is also smiling for being his officially engaged girl .. she is blushing hard feeling his gaze on her ... she stood beside him ap made her sit ..breath taking in this dress he muttered ... only dress she asked laksh smiled did u need any proof that u r beautiful ? u r already this dress added more ... 

u selected this for me she replied ... he shook his head .. 

both staring each other ... smiling 

another side zoya mbl received na notification .. laksh's ragini engagement .. her eyes widen ..shit today laksh sister engagement i forget about that ... ( silly girl ) 

screen froze 

guys leave ur cmnts 

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