unexpected news

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  You are my love 😍

      Part - 33

Recap ( raglak engagement...zoya felt sad for missing ragini engagement unaware of laksh engaged her...raglak moment )

Next day begins zoya reached india ...her only intention is to convince her papa to bring back her brother .....he nd her papa having some misunderstanding , its affecting their works...zoya papa is politician due to his son some works its gave bad image to him so he threw her brother zain out of house he currently live with his uncle ....both father nd brother r zoya world like their too.... She is only weakness to them... Zoya unaware of zain work only her papa knew it... But never shared with her instead tighten her security....

Somehow she convinced her brother nd got permission from uncle ....here her papa also missing his son gave green signal to zoya...her mission completed successfully ....now her target is to find her feelings on laksh she thought chuckling....so she wished to visit their house ...


Grandy is so happy ...she shouts everyone come here ...i wanna share one important thing ...her happiness having no bounds ....

Ragini nd ap came out of kitchen , dp too came there only laksh is missing

Wr is this laksh now ?

Ragini betta u go nd bring him down soon i wanna share happy news to u all she chirped excitedly all r confused ...

Ok grandy i will ragini said rushed to laksh room...

She knocked the room but no response she slightly touched it hee surprise its already open...laksh wr r u ?

She is looking for him...but she heared door locking sound ragini jerked

She turns to face him...her eyes widen seeing laksh only in his towel...she felt her cheek heating up she changed her gaze from him laksh smirked... He took steps near her made her heart beat raised...laksh st...sto...stop there she said stammering ....laksh smirked more

Y ragu don't u like me ? My presence near u ? He asked in fake worry ?

Ragini felt pinch in her heart listening it she turns to reply but for her surprise he is very close to her ,she lost her balance laksh grab her through waist pulls her close to him at the result she landed on his bare chest....both could feel the different hormones changes in their body...laksh naughty mind worked seeing his love in his arms...he starts to fill her with wet kisses made her numb....

He covered her in his grip on her...his closeness made her breathless she is not in the state to refuce him instead she love it lossing in his love on her... Laksh nuzzling her neck crook ragini dips her nails in his flesh ...laksh moan though he didn't left her ...he is staring her lips passionately raising his eyebrows to get permission from her...ragini closed her eyes let him... He sealed her lips with him...both kissing each other gently laksh trying to make it deep soon ragini heared grandy shout...she pushed him away

Raginii he shouts in disappointment ... She taking breath heavily ....laksh i am sorry i forget for wt purpose i came here by your sudden kiss..

Laksh grinned  ....

Laksh if u keep do like this then i will turn mad in your love forget to eat , drink , sleep also she complained...laksh rubbed his nape smiling ...ok bacha tell me wt happened he said pulling her close to him...again she is in his embrace ....grandy calling u down ...she wanna share some important thing to us... Laksh confused wt was that?

No idea ...first u go nd wear something laksh she said pouting

He smirked...y baby don't i look good in it ?

U r looking hot she muttered under her breath for her bad time he heared it...so i am looking hot thanks for the compliment i will be more hot to u after our marriage he said kissing her cheek...ragini blushing hard... She rushed down keeping that smile in her face

Wr is laksh grandy asked ? Ragini came back to earth...wo grandy he is taking bath will come in two minutes... Ok she nodd

Laksh came down changing his dress... Grandy y r u looking so excited share with us he yelled

Come here she called laksh ...then ragini ...she hold both raglak hand nd announced after five days their marriage gonna happen

All r shocked yet surprised to hear it....wt laksh was the one who hell surprised

Yes priest informed to me that ragini horoscope having some changes ...she gonna face some hard times to rescue her make her marry with laksh soon... When he heared it laksh not feeling good...

Wt hard time grandy he asked about it ?

Nothing laksh... U please be ready to marry my angel she divert his mind ..laksh looked ragini lovingly she is also blushing hardly....its so unexpected ...within five days she gonna be his officially its made her heart dance in happy... Laksh also hell happy but somewhere grandy small word hurt him...ap hugged ragini nd wishing her dp also seems to be happy for this news...

Laksh thought y priest said like that...? Whatever i'm here for my ragini not let anything happen to my love he took pledge to himself staring her....

He wanna cherish this moment..so don't u wanna wish me ragini he asked smirking...she know her intention fake glared him... He smiled... Ap kissed on laksh forhead so happy for u...soon i am gonna be mother in law... Yippee.

Laksh side hugged raginii she lean to his chest lovingly... So get ready to be my wife ragini he whispered to her...

Dp said stop dancing now ...only 5 days left wanna do manythings...lemme do all arrangements soon...we r having less time ... Laksh better u take all ladies for shopping today only this task will take so much time he said looking ap...she glared him...

Laksh nodd  ok... Dp went out

Ok ladies get ready for grand shopping ... Ap said no laksh u take ragini with u choose dress for us too...we r having less time lemme book priest first...maa u create one list of our relations ...

But maa ragini interrupt...ap smiled ragini betta go with laksh ur dress is very important ... We can choose it day before marriage too so no worry...laksh go

He shook his head... Raglak moved to change

Here we could see zoya looking disappointed cz her plan flopped to visit laksh house... Her cousin wanna do shopping with her... So without option she gave company to her...they reached on mall...

Here raglak also reached ....they welcome them.. . What would u like to select first mam he asked...she looked laksh.. He smiled show me expensive diamond set ... Ragini hold him laksh what's the need of diamond gold enough right ? He glared her ragini kept quite ...

He is selecting all like girls...checking small small things whether it will suit to her or not...ragini admiring him...he placed those necklace on her neck...looking beautiful he commented...his likes is her too she is least interested in these all... He moved to bangles section he is checking whether it will hurt her skin or not by scratching his skin...ragini went aww 😍 in his care...

Everything chose for her except nuptial chain... Laksh asked ragini to select it... She looked him lovingly...laksh u r gonna tie it on my neck so its also ur duty to select ....but ragu its gonna be in your neck so u choose... Ragini pout laksh melt ok bacha lemme choose ok now smile

She smiled happily... Laksh eyes fell on small nuptial chain having single diamond ... Its look simple but more expensive its rare diamond ...wow its beautiful he commented ragini also liked it

He understood through her smile infact he select everything checking her smile through mirror.....

Sir its expensive sales man said

The person who gonna wear it more precious than this he said placed it on ragini neck...ragini eyes brimmed with tears.... Its not usual thing he placed but nuptial chain...more than his word straighlty drenched her heart in happiness....

Screen froze

Precap : raglak meeting zoya

Guys leave ur cmnts... Do u wanna see zoya as jealous or ragini ? In next episode ....

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