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During a cold day in early December, Lee Min-hwa was out shopping for a gift for her husband, Lee Sung-won. She sees a nice looking watch in the window and walks into the store to pay for it. Little does she know a foreign man is watching her movements carefully.

After purchasing the watch, Min-hwa looks down at the small bump on her stomach and says, "I just picked out an amazing Christmas present for your Appa. Do you think he'll love it?" She smiles while rubbing her stomach, and walks to a food cart selling some freshly cooked bread.

While she does this, the same man, tall, wearing a tuxedo, and appears to be African, goes toward the booth. He looks at one of the men he is with and says, "I think she'll be an amazing concubine, what do you think?" "I think so too, Your Highness," says the man, "but I think this woman is married."

Min-hwa walks away from the booth and eats the bread while rubbing her stomach. Another man said, "And she seems to be expecting." "It just makes her more and more tempting," the sharply dressed king, King Abdelahi of Morocco, said to his bodyguards, "After I charm her and have her carry my child, I'm going to make her my concubine."

He goes into a flower shop and buys a bouquet of roses. Min-hwa is talking on the phone with Sung-won by a street light while waiting for a bus. "Hey Jagiya, how are you?" he asks her through the phone. Min-hwa says, "I'm doing just fine dear, and so is the baby." "That's a good thing to hear," Sung-won says, "I want to make sure nothing happens to my two babies."

"I assure you everything will be fine Sung-won," Min-hwa reassured her husband, "The appointment went well, the shopping went well. I'm on my way home." "Good, see you when you arrive Min-hwa," he said. They ended the call. Abdelahi walks to where Min-hwa was standing along with his bodyguards.

Abdelahi drops his wallet besides Min-hwa and gets her attention. "Pardon me miss," he says. Min-hwa says, "It's okay sir. Have I seen you somewhere before?" "Not trying to brag, but I'm somewhat famous," Abdelahi explains, "My name is Abdelahi Simba Malik. King of Morocco in Africa. I sometimes travel to South Korea for business purposes related to my kingdom."

"Ah, I heard so much about you," she says, "you came here to help out with a poverty charity and be the guest speaker for it. I helped cater for it." "No wonder why you look so familiar," he says, "what's a beauty like you doing out here all alone?" "I had a appointment with my gynecologist to check on my baby, and I bought my husband a Christmas present," Min-hwa said.

"You're expecting?" Abdelahi asks. She explains, "Yeah, I'm almost a month along. I'm about to go home actually." "Hold on," he says, "I'm about to go to my private condo here in Seoul. I have some shirts you could give him." "Why thank you your highness," Min-hwa says, being escorted to the limo.

At the private condo, she is led to a bedroom and looks around while Abdelahi locks the door and grabs a hand towel. He gets up behind Min-hwa and knocks her out with the rag, undresses her, and rapes her.

He knocks her out again with the towel and puts her on his private jet back to Morocco. Min-hwa was crowned queen and forced to marry Abdelahi in a private ceremony. Missing person's posters were put out in Seoul when Min-hwa found out she was having twins.

In mid-August, she gave birth to fraternal twin girls, Soo-hwa and Soo-min, both of whom have different father's. Min-hwa is forced to give her husband in Seoul her Soo-hwa because she wasn't Abdelahi's daughter after being given the chance to spend some time with her for two weeks.

Sung-won sees his daughter on the doorstep, and holds her while reading the letter from Min-hwa:

"Dear Sung-won

I am sorry this had to happen. Abdelahi took advantage of me and forced me to wed him. I gave birth to not only Soo-hwa, but her younger sister Aminah Soo-min Lee Malik. Abdelahi told me to keep Soo-min because he's her birth father as a result of the rape. He did let me spend time with Soo-hwa before I had to give her up. Don't tell anyone where I'm at or about Soo-min, because Abdelahi said if you do, he'd kill not only me, but Soo-min. I love you and Soo-hwa. Please take care of her.


After reading the letter, Sung-won finds a picture in the envelope of Soo-hwa and Soo-min, and of Min-hwa holding them when they were born. Sung-won says, "Don't worry Min-hwa. One of these days, I'll make sure you and Soo-min are saved. Abdelahi will pay for this. I'm going to take good care of Soo-hwa along the way too."

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