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"I have found so much beauty in the Dark
as I have found a lot of horrors in light."

"Just die, you already have nothing left in this world anymore," I say strangling his neck with my hands making him gasp in pain

" I don' need," He says trying his best to breathe
What could he say at this moment? Should I try believing him "I swear to God if you are fooling with me about this, then you know what will happen," I say losing my grip from his neck

"What are you doing" why is he touching my shoes now?
" me...I know what I did was wrong of me to do.....I..please forgive me.." He says rubbing his hands aggressively in front of my legs

"Forgive you for what my little brother," I say crouching down to his level
"You haven't answered my question yet, WHY DID YOU TORTURED Y/N WHEN YOU LOVED HER," I say lifting my voice at him

"I will be your slave for my whole life but please don't let anyone know about this," He says crying painfully
"I said answer my damn question," I say in a low voice making him look at me in dislike

His eyes were bloodshot, tears were continuously flowing from his eyes, it looks like I'm watching a person who just ran away from the mental hospital

"yes, I wouldn't lie...I have tortured her because I did what I was ordered to do" He says laughing like a complete psycho

"what the freaking bullshit you are talking about park jimin," I say grabbing him by his collar
"I've said what I wanted to say" He mumbles

"would you tell me who did this or do you wanna see yourself getting killed by me next," I say growling at him

"EXPLAIN IT," I say throwing his body in front of the table
Blood starts dripping from his head, I don't even feel bad for what I did just now

if he wouldn't tell me who it is, then you've let me with no choice park jimin

Jimin's pov:
He kicked me hard this time, As he throwed me I land near the big chair in front of me, my head slams into the corner of the chair making me wince more in pain

I have to tell him everything before he tries to do something worse "listen up boy i'm gonna give you 10 seconds if you wanna tell me who was it behind all of this, even after 10 seconds you decide to keep your mouth shut then you've left me with no choice" He says in a demanding tone

should I tell him but he might think I'm just lying about it, I mightq die even after telling him as I was lost in my thoughts I hear his voice "6..5..4..3..2.." I'm going to tell him

"yes I will tell you everything," I say in a low voice making him chuckle at my answer
"go ahead, tell everything in detail," He says smirking looking at how I'm looking

"I was that quiet kid in school you know, I never interfered with anyone I just used to mind my own business but...never had any friends...used to sit alone in the lunchtime...was awkward in socializing so that's why I never had any friends" I take a deep breathe

He is just silently listening to my story "continue" He mumbles
"So yeah I never had any friends but my life took a U-turn, everything changed as if in those magical storybooks, I never knew getting into the university would get me to torture I still don't believe how I changed" I chuckled

"Perhaps I should bring some popcorns and drinks cuz It's gonna be a long story," He says looking at me with a mad expression all over his face

"I'm sorry...I would make it short then...On my 2nd day of university, I got to meet Y/n and taeyong, I was sitting alone in the cafeteria when suddenly y/n and taeyong came and sat beside me making me surprise" I say smiling at recalling old memories

only if we could turn back time and change our mistakes, I take a deep breath again "as days passed by I became good friends with them, I never knew a person like me would ever have any friends..then one-day might know who i'm talking about" He nods his head at my question

"He also joined the University...and I'm sorry for not saying this earlier but as time passed by I felt myself getting more attached to Y/n, her beautiful smile..." I saw him clenching his fist tightly making me a bit scared

"what you thought was right, you don't deserve to have friends you asshole," He says pointing at me

I have heard from everyone, that I don't deserve to have friends and i'm not even hurt because i'm used to it
"ok...anyways I saw myself liking Y/n..she was a girl filled with happiness... her smile made me smile, her being sad made me sad too I never told anyone that I liked..y/n.....because of the thought that she might reject me because of how I used to look"

"you still ugly anyways," He says crossing his arms
I just ignored his response and starting proceeding with my story
"I always used to bring her birthday cake on her birthday, we always used to go on hangout together, Lisa Y/n taeyong jungkook and me....but one day I heard that jungkook is going out with Y/n, as you know jungkook was the popular boy of our gang, the news of them spread on our friend's group first when I saw the picture of jungkook kissing Y/n...I....convinced myself that it's not Y/n....but the evidence just turned out to be true..though I asked Y/n that is she dating him or not she always used to say no...and laugh at my question... every day In the class I used to see jungkook teasing y/n..literally every more time passed by...Y/n never used to sit with us in the cafeteria...always...with...jungkook"
a tear falls from my eye, just why did I think I could have some friends

"stop with this emotional drama of yours, I've not that much time also end it fast, I already know that, continue from the part from"

He comes closer to me glancing sideways  "where you got threatened," He says in a low and deep voice making me quiver in fear.

[Did you guys liked this chapter? Let me know if there's something I need to change!!! Loveee you ♡]

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