24.Make his life hell

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" Pari look, I think you are overreacting, this is not the first time you are getting such threats, even last time one criminal threatened to take your life but what now? Listen everything will be alright" He tried convincing her. Note the keyword "convinced".

"Yeah! Maybe I am overreacting but those were empty threats, they did not take any step but look, this time that son of bitch, tried hurting him. If I were the one to get hurt, I will gladly get hurt, but-but he is trying to hurt Yuvi, I couldn't take it anymore. I checked the whole 2months footage wherever I went but most of the footage is crashed. Freaking 2 months!!" She yelled a cry in frustration.

"What!! 2 months?" He was completely taken aback.

"Yeah! For freaking 2 months he has been stalking, but I don't know why all in a sudden he is giving me threats. I won't spare him if lays even a finger on My Yuvi, if something happens I will make his life a living hell." She was angry suddenly.

"Pari, don't worry. Yuvi is strong enough to face everything with you on his side. He knows to protect himself and also to protect you" He tried to sow some confidence in her.

" I know My Yuvi is strong enough to face, but I am not Karthi, I am not. He is the only weakness of my life, what if something happens to him, I can't even imagine that" she was being an emotional mess.

Karthick was devastated at his sister's vulnerable state. He has never seen her cry this much.

He felt anger rising in him, he pledged himself to make the person's life hell who made his bubloo cry.

After an hour soothing, she was somewhat normal, not normal.

As they couldn't avoid their work, they went to meet the victim's boyfriend.

But it was of no use as he met with an accident on Sunday, that is two days before her death. He was in complete sedation as he broke his ribs.

They returned to their office as they needed to file today's record.

After a long discussion, they planned to visit the 6th victims family tomorrow and she started to depart.

As Pari went to parking,

"Madam, puncture madam. It will take half an hour mam" He said with an apologetic look.

"Its okay, brother. You directly come home tomorrow, I will leave with Karthick" She said and dialed Karthick.

"Karthick drop me, my car tire is punctured" She said whining.

"Yeah! Wait there itself I am coming" He said and cut the call.

She messaged Yuvi,

(My angel)

Mon ange: (pari)

Darling! On my way to home

(My life)

Ma vie : (yuvi)

Waiting for you sweetheart, have a surprise for you

Mon ange:

Tell me what is that?

Ma vie:

Not big but come and see yourself

Then Karthick arrived, they reached home in his Royal Enfield.

He left after giving an assuring hug and peck on her head.

When she entered the house and locked the door. A loud boooo sound ringed in her ears.

Her whole family including Sid was there.

She showed fake anger to everyone, but someone was really angry with her.

Again someone knocked on the door, Yuvi went and opened the door. Taddaaaaaa...

There comes Zara, her parents, and Karthik.

Now Pari skipped the happy mode to angry mode on seeing Zara.

She welcomed everyone including Zara.

Zara was taken aback, she came expecting Pari to be angry with her, but this was more dangerous.

"How are you Pari?" Suguna inquired about their well being followed Ravikumar and Balakrishnan, the Mathews.

"How are you guys, all are here. Am I missing something?" Pari asked.

"Hmm, Yeah! We three partners uncle Mathews, uncle(PARIS'S Dad), and I have cracked an important deal, this will be a greatest achievement in my career. It is a government project not only we earn money but also gonna help many people" Yuvi himself exclaimed happily.

"Wow! That's amazing! Congrats alll" she congratulated them.

Then they all ate and was chitchatting, Zara took it as a chance and tried talking with her,

" Pari! Sorry babe" Zara said apologetically.

"Why are you apologizing to me?" Pari replied smilingly. Yeah! It was a fake one.

" Sorry! Didn't mean to hide it from you" She replied again.

"Yeah! Yeah! That's the role I play in your life and I deserve it. It's not your fault" She said still smiling.

"Look babe, It's not like that" she was cut off by Pari.

"I deserved what I deserve, there's nothing wrong in you" She said and looked into her phone.

Karthick was sitting idol.

"Karthick please say something!" Zara asked Karthick to help.

"No way! I got an earful already, its your turn now. After all, this is our fault" He shrugged his shoulders.

Everyone was silent.

" Babe!"


"PARI THAT'S ENOUGH!" The one word from yuvi made her shut.

"She is saying sorry, right? That's enough, you know it she didn't do it intentionally" He roared at her.

" You don't really love me, I hate you!" Saying this she ran upstairs.

"Pariii!" Zara was about to go but yuvi stopped her.

"Its okay Zara, she will be alright after some time " Yuvi gestured her to sit.

"Guys! She is a little bit stressed with the current case, don't take anything to heart, she has been lashing out at everyone" Karthick made a white lie to prevent his sister.

She was stressed but not about the case but about the threat.

"She is the one always in the limelight" Deepthi whined.

"I was angry at her and thought to fight with her but see, she started even before me" She whined and everyone chuckled at her behavior.

"Oh! Come on darling, You are always at the limelight in my heart" Sid replied dramatically keeping his hands in the chest.

She smacked her at his head.

"By the way why are angry at her?" Yuvi asked her.

"Because of her, I want to marry this monkey" She smacked him.

"You will one day thank her!" Zara said smiling sadly.

"I will surely fight with her" Deepthi replied again.

"Whatever but don't do it now, because she is stressed a lot, maybe it will become a problem" Karthick advised everyone and everyone nodded at him.

Everyone stayed there for the night, expect Sid and Karthik. They both departed saying they have some work.

When yuvi went to his room Pari already snoozed off.

He freshened up and laid beside her, as soon as she felt his warmth she snuggles into him.

He lovingly started stroking her hair.

"Sorry!" She mumbled hugging him.

"It's okay, leave it. Sleep well" He said pecking her forehead.

There was a silence, but both didn't sleep.

After a deep silence,

" Yuvi, will you forgive me if you come to know that I hid something from you?" She asked without looking at him.

"There's nothing to forgive, My Pari will hide things to me only when it will harm me or like that. So I trust my Pari, it's okay if you hide something from me. But remember You don't have to suffer alone you always have me by your side" He said as he pecked her crown.

A lone tear escaped from her eyes...

He didn't expect her answer, he knows she is stressed.

He just tried to soothe her.

At 1:32 AM,


Pari's phone chimed.

Yuvi and Pari both woke up.

She grabbed her phone,

"Hello! Who is this? She asked rubbing her eyes.

A piece of news came as a bombshell.




"Yeah! Coming"

"What happened Pari?" I asked her, her face so pale.

"Karthi-c-k, Kar-thick" she shuttered.

"What? what happened to Karthick?" I asked her again, shaking her shoulders.

"Met with an accident, they-y call-ed from the hospital" Tears rolled down her cheeks.

"Don't worry! He will be fine, come let's go. We can inform others in the morning" I tried consoling her, then we changed and started to hospital.


"Excuse me!" We were about to enquire but a nurse interrupted the receptionist.

"Did you inform that police officer's family?" The nurse asked the receptionist.

"Excuse me! sister! Are you asking about Karthick, I.P.S officer?" Pari enquired her.

"You are?" She asked.

"Parinithi,.I.P.S his sister!" she said to her.

"Yeah! We were waiting for you, please follow me" She said and started to move but Pari stopped her.

"Sister, Is he fine?" She asked with nervousness filled in my voice.

"Not fine but safe" The nurse replied with a nervous smile.

We followed her till we reached the emergency ward; she told us to sign in some forms, Pari signed. As they both are police, formalities didn't take much time.

After about half an hour, the doctor came out.

"You are?" The old doctor asked her.

"His sister, Parinithi I.P.S" She said, we both know using her power everywhere was wrong but, here people don't care for ordinary people and we can't do anything to this till, each and everyone changes.

He started to say something.

"Ms."... I cut him.

"Mrs." I corrected him.

He looked like 'is this very important now'.

But continued to speak,

"Okay! Mrs.Parinithi, he is safe nothing to worry. Fractured his right arm and about others, I will give a detailed report please meet me before 9:30, My duty gets over at 9:30" He said to Pari and moved.

The nurse came out from the ward,

"Sister, can we see him now?" Pari asked her with a longing look.

"No! Child, we can't let you in. We will shift him to the normal ward in an hour you can see him then" She said with a soft smile and walked.

"Don't worry Pari, he will be alright" I persuaded her as she leaned on my shoulder.

Then I went to pay bills, she was looking pale without energy, So I made her sit in front of the ward.

After about an hour, they transferred him to the normal ward, but he unconscious as he was sedated.

Pari went near him and kissed his forehead. She sat near his bed and slept leaning on the bedside table.

I slept on the couch after locking the door.

Someone was stroking my hair, I opened my eyes to see Pari giving me a faint smile.

"Good morning! Yuvi I think all would've woke up so, let's inform them" She said.

"Good morning! Pari, I will inform either of our dads, they will inform everyone" I said, she just nodded.

When I took my phone, I saw missed calls from dad.

I dialed dad,

He attended.

"Hello! Dad"

"Hello! Yuvi where are you and Pari, I saw your car was not there and the security said you went out at midnight. Are you both alright? Anything serious?" He asked with a worry-filled voice.

"Did everyone knew about this?" I asked him.

"No! Yuvi myself and Bala came out for walking others are inside so they don't know " He replied.

"Nothing serious dad but Karthick met with a small accident and fractured his hand, so don't get nervous, he is safe you all can come and visit," I said.

"Oh! Okay, Which hospital?" He asked.

"YK Multispeciallity Hospital" I said him.

" Ok! we will be there." He said and ended the call.

Soon after an hour, everyone came except for my mom, she was cooking for us it seems.

Everyone cannot get in the room at the same time, there was a guest room attached in front of the room so two people went in at a time, he was still unconscious. Maybe due to the strong dosage.

We were sitting in the guestroom not wanting to disturb his unconscious state, Deepthi's eyes plugged out of the socket not knowing whom to comfort Zara or Pari.

But she decided to comfort Zara, but Pari looked paler than Zara. May be tired, I convinced myself.

The room was filled with awkward silence until the nurse decided to break it,

"Excuse me! Madam" All turned towards her.

"Patient's belongings, check if something is missing " She gave a pack. I got and started checking it contained his dress, his gold chain, wristwatch, his wallet, and his pistol.

"Yeah! But give his wallet" Pari asked me.

I handed it to her.

"Sister! His mobile and ID is missing" Pari asked the nurse.

"Oh! Sorry madam, we took it for informing you. It is in the reception, I will get it now" She said and walks out.

An envelope fell down from his dress, I took and started to open but Pari snatched it from me and started reading.

I don't know what was in that, but I could see the mixture of emotion in her eyes one was clearly visible, that was her anger. She fuming with rage her eyes and face became red. But the other emotion I couldn't figure out maybe sad, restless, or helpless.

She crushed the letter and slammed her hand the metal chair.

"Pari!" I gasped.

The metal pierced her skin and the blood started oozing out.

"PARI!" I yelled and tried moving near her.

"STOP!! DON'T COME NEAR ME" She yell cried, blood drops were dropping down on the floor.

"Pari, what happened? Your hand is bleeding" I tried getting near her.

"Sid! Take everyone home" She yelled without even looking at me.

"Pari..." I was about to speak but sid gestured me not to.

"Deepthi! My pistol is in my room, bedside table second draw. You go and get it here yourself, Understood!" She roared, seeing her tone Zara and her mother flinched.

" YUVI CAREFUL!" She said without looking at me.

She was standing her back facing me.

"TAKE CARE!" I said and moved from there with Sid and others.

I just want her to be safe, I have full confidence in her, I believe her.



Everyone was silent during the whole ride.

I spoke once we reach our house,

"No one should let a word here, over is over! I don't want anyone to speak about that" I said and moved inside.

"Why all are back? I was about to start" Mom said in a confused tone.

"Nothing aunty, that boy! Nothing happened to him, he was ready to go to work, so both went to their office" A white lie came out from Sid's mouth.

"Then what about his injuries?" Mom asked again with a shocked expression.

"Its nothing new to him, just a fracture so he went to work," Deepthi said.

"JUST A FRACTURE?" Mom asked again with a shocked expression.

Deepthi just shrugged her shoulders.

"But" She was about to start again but I am not in the mood to speak, so I gave a frustrated groan.

" Mom! Is breakfast ready? Can I eat it?" I asked her. She could absolutely feel my frustration.

"Yeah!" she said and muttered something under her breath and went inside the kitchen.

Deepthi touched my shoulder.

"Pistol?" she asked and I gave her cupboard keys.

She went up took it and went without even having breakfast.

Sid went with her, I know he went because he knows that, I will question him.

I know she was hiding something from me, she doesn't want to disclose it to me.


A letter fell down from Karthick's dress, my eyes widened thinking about the letter, Yuvi was about to read,


I snatched it from him and started reading,


My dear deer,

Hello love! How are you? I know you are good because I am the one who is protecting you. See the creep was taking advantage of your situation that's why I want to kill him.

How dare he touch what's mine. Love, tell everyone you are mine, only mine. Mine to protect, mine to ruin. That dirt, your so called husband If he comes closer to you, I will kill him. Not easily but stabbing him again and again till he float in his own blood. And this ugly bastard, how dare he touch you! That's why he is here. Be happy love, I will soon come to take you. Remember love you're mine to protect mine to ruin.

See you soon sweetheart.

I know you are mine! I will take you with you, my love.


My blood boiled reading this, I couldn't control my anger.

When Yuvi saw my anger and tried to come near me, I didn't have any other option the first thing that came to mind was his words,


Noooo! I can't let this happen.

That filthy bastard, he may be here I can't let him hurt my yuvi.

I yelled at him not to come near me.

I made everyone go back.

Then in minutes, the nurse returned she bandaged my hand.

When I touched his chain, I couldn't control my overflowing tears. That was my gift for his last birthday.






But one thing,


As Deepthi returned to the hospital, I made her wait in front of Karthick's room with his gun.

Yeah! She knows to shoot.

I went to meet the doctor.

The doctor's word made me numb.

"This is not a fracture alone but ........

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