35. Silly lad

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She fell on her knees and sobbed hard.

She was crying in front of my eyes but I couldn't do anything!

Sid was clutching my hand.

I want to take her in my arms, console that he will return well and good!

But I couldn't!

Why the f*uck?!

I gestured Deepthi to look after her; Deepthi was crying but, Pari was broken! She tried comforting her.

She crawled to a corner and sat hugging her knees.

When she stood up to see the doctor, I saw. I saw the determination in her eye.

I know she will come back.

All she wants is support! I can give her but, why does she want to hide it from me?

Pari broke my trance. She asked for the keys I gave her.

Where did I fail to gain her trust?

I know Sid knows it but he will not say.

But let's try one?


"Hmm! Yeah?"

"I just want a positive one-line answer, will you say?" I asked.

" To my level best!"

"What is the main reason Pari is hiding something from me or you can say not sharing anything?" He was about to tell me something I cut him before he starts.

"Please don't say," it's not my place to say" just tell a one-word answer!"

"She is afraid of your insecurities, you are her weakness!" He said and turned.

My insecurities!

I failed to show her my strong side, I was always vulnerable when she was around me.

I was vulnerable only with her, not always.

Yeah! I had and have insecurities but I won't let it ruin our relationship or anything that affects her.

My thoughts deprived me, I sat there thinking about it until I heard her gloomy voice.

She sat opposite to eyes connected but didn't convey anything, we stared at each other.

I will win over the insecurities. I will gain her trust in my strength!

I pledged to win over the insecurities.

I can't lose another important part of my life.

I will always be the comfort of her,

Strenght of her,

protector of her,

light of her,

I can and I will do it!

We decided to go home, Pari looked soo exhausted.

She needs time to digest everything that happened!

The car ride was silent neither she spoke with nor did I.

She needs to get everything out of her mind, so I let her be silent.

When we reached home everyone tried to plant hope and confidence in her.

After everyone went I asked if she wants coffee, she said she wanted. So, I sent her up and went to the kitchen.

I will be the real me like I was.

I will put my insecurities out, I am not all ready to lose Pari like I lost Mithra.

Suddenly the power went, we checked the inverter and it was spoilt. The wires were damaged a little.

When we went to living, our parents were already present.

The power station officer said that they will check what happened to the supply.

She leaned on me.

Then suddenly she asked about the back door, yeah! it was already open.

Then she said about some faint sound.

What the heck now?

When we moved nearer even I heard a clicking sound.

"Well hello! Welcome home my dear boy" She said sarcastically is this the way she speaks with criminals?

"Seriously? Is he really a burglar?" She asked in amusement.

"Why do you have a doubt about that?" I asked her.

"Did I speak aloud?"

I shrugged.

"Are you really a burglar, why are you doing the things that you don't know? Huh?" She asked him.

Is she for real?

The next thing she did was unbelievable.

Freaking she gave him a lecture on how to rob.

Her moods, god!

Now I was at the peak of anger here she is playing like a kid.

After sending dad down, I slapped him to relieve my frustration.

I already have much to handle and now this little thing too.

When I heard Arjun's name, the first that comes to mind is beating him to a pulp. That little thing always tries to meddle in my work.

He wants to take revenge it seems.

For that, he is trying to steal my design?



Whatever! After a lot of swearing and getting him arrested I close the road.

I turned to see her behind me, we smiled.

I asked whether she still wants the coffee.

"Nope! I am toooo sleepy" She said giggling.

It was cute, she was cute.

Now, Yuvi! you do have some mood swings.


I scooped her off her feet and went up.

We changed and laid on bed.

She was hot? or cute?

Very important. My inner self mocked me.

She suddenly asked about Arjun, doesn't she remember.

Did she forget that?

Then she remembered when said the word party.

" Don't you remember the one at the party night?" After I said the keyword she remembered him.

" That piece of meat?" She gritted the words.

"Yes! He is the one"

" That brainless creature!" She muttered under breath.

"That's why I told you not to speak more. You know "Action is better than the words" you could have shown your intelligence in feature rather than words," I said.

"What do you mean by that? I was wrong?" She asked in an escalated voice.

I just shrugged, it was good to see, and also felt happy that she took my side but now the threat is on her, what should I do now?

"Yuvi! I was not wrong" She whined.

"You were not wrong and yeah, I loved watching you taking my side. But, that should have been in a limit, he felt humiliated! That's what made him take revenge on us especially you!"

" What can I do? It was his fault first he humiliated you, so I did."

"Will you bark at the dog that barks at you?"

" Why would I? Am I a dog, to bark back"

"Okay! Who is Arjun?"

" Foolish, a useless little piece of shit!"

" What did you do to Arjun?"

"I spat back"

"If the dog barks you will not bark back only the dogs will bark back, right?"


"So, if a fool speeaks and you spat back, then who you are?"

" Fool" I smiled at her words, she realized what she said.

"Yuvii!" She whined and started. Punching me on my shoulder

" You are telling me, I am a fool?" She whined again and turned back facing her back to me.

"Oh! Wifey when did I say that?"

"Just now!"

"Did I say?"

"No, uh... I hate you. You always trick me"

" Aww! But I lub my wife Choo much" Her back was facing me but I know she would have smiled now.

I started tickling her to make her turn.

" Yuvi! Stop, no stop!" She turned towards me.

I kissed her forehead, she buried her head in my chest.

" Yuvi!"


"Do you think I did wrong? Do you feel me immature?"

" Aww! No, absolutely not, you did what a wife should have to do there but it's just it was overboard and he is a spoilt brat!"

"Hmm!" She hummed.

" You always don't have revenge on some fools who are just fools! What's the difference between the fool and you when you revenge on him? Then you will become a fool too" I said, she just hummed.

There prevailed a peaceful silence.

" Yuvi!"


"I have a doubt"

" What is that?"

" What did you study in NYC?"

" I studied Architecture here and did my business there, why are you asking? You know that already right?"

" Yeah, but I thought you studied philosophy there!" She asked with a serious face.

" You little devil!" I started tickling her again, we laughed a little.

" Okay, now seriously what did he do the last time?"

" We got a government project right during that tender he informed my two workers that I called them to the basement, he locked them inside a storeroom where there was less air circulation and I couldn't reach them through call as was no signal at the place they were locked up. I didn't know this, I was searching for them. He thought locking them with the laptop that contained our tender quotations will stop me from presenting my project. That idiot didn't know that I always have a copy in my personal mail so I logged in with that and presented. You should see his face that time wow! it was hilarious"

" The employees were suffocated, one had asthma as it was fully closed storeroom there was less oxygen supply so she went unconscious, they yelled for help but there was none to help at last a cleaning worker there saw and then I was informed. She is fine now! But still, think what would have happened, if the worker didn't find them at the correct time? Thank god nothing happened. He is really a silly lad ! Childish"

"Hmm, yeah!" Her voice was soft.

When turned to see her. Her eyes started to droop, I know she is exhausted.

"Sleep! Everything will be alright!" I tugged her more closer.

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