Prologue ✅

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Love... 💘

Some say it's just a fleeting feeling. A mere change in the functioning of hormones. It fills one with happiness, bliss, a high like no other. But after some time, it fades into nothingness. Only thing left are the broken pieces of a shattered heart.

Some say love is dangerous and only kills. They say it's better to jump off a bridge than fall in love as it hurts less.

Some claim it's friendship set on fire. But it's a double edged sword as if that love fails, the friendship is ruined forever. It's the cause of most best friends ending up strangers they say.

Some say love is not real. It's not meant for the real world. It's simply a thing one can find in fiction and movies. In reality, it is just a fantasy. Never expect love, as it cannot be found. Only thing that exists is a decision between two persons to be with each other to fulfill each other's loneliness.

But for him....none of these matter. Because all these are opinions of people who haven't ever been in love. These philanthropists, shrinks, writers...or whoever it may be. They don't know what true love is. That is why they try to explain it. They don't know that true love can never be explained.

He deny all their definitions of love. Because he knows what love is as he have felt it.

It doesn't depend on how much time passes, how beautiful the other is. It doesn't fade away just because the other is not present beside you. Physical presence is important, but even without their presence, you can't ever forget them.

For him... love means only one thing. His definition of love...just one word.


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~ 🌹 Mona 🌹

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