Chapter 14: Charlotte, I Love You

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"Gustave, how is the roast coming along?" Erik asked nervously, dabbing his forehead with a handkerchief.

"How should I know?" Gustave frowned. "You're the one cooking it."

"Because I asked you to check on it, Gustave!" Erik replied, trying to bite back his frustration.

Gustave jumped a bit at hearing his father's tone. "Don't get your tea towel in a twist. I'll check. God."

"Gustave, you know how uptight I am and you are well aware that I want this to go well tonight. Please, for once, just cooperate," Erik begged, smirking as he knew the comment would bother the boy.

"I cooperate! What do you mean?" Gustave frowned.

"I'm just teasing, but you know what I mean. Go on," Erik said, ushering him across the room to the stove. "Go, check on it, please."

"Fine, fine. And keep in mind that I can still tell Charlotte what you have planned for tonight," Gustave smirked, checking the roast.

"Gustave..." Erik warned as he straightened the plates and glasses on the table.

"Well, what can I say? Be nicer," Gustave shrugged.

"I'm just tense. I'm not trying to be rude. You know that."

"And I'm teasing you. Let me have my fun," Gustave chuckled. "The roast is looking good."

"Good. Good," Erik said, wringing his hands together as he looked around the room. "Everything's set up. Dinner is coming along, the table is set, and I have-" he paused as he put his hand in his pocket and didn't feel the ring box. His heart skipped a beat as he quickly checked his other pocket, sighing with relief when his hand wrapped around the little box. "Thank God," he breathed.

Gustave laughed. "Don't be so nervous, Papa."

"I know I shouldn't be. I just can't help but think about the small chance that she'll say no."

"She won't," Gustave smiled. "She loves you, Papa."

At that moment, they heard the front door open and shut. "Hello? Is anyone home?"

"In the kitchen!" Gustave called, giving Erik another grin. "All the best. Let me know when dinner is ready."

Erik nodded and turned to look at Charlotte as she walked into the room. "Hello," he said with a small smile.

"Hello," Charlotte grinned, wrapping her arms around his neck. "How was your day, my love?"

"Good. Work was tiring as usual, but I got quite a bit done. And you?"

"I sold six paintings," Charlotte smiled. "So it was very good."

"I have a blossoming businesswoman in my midst. Congratulations," Erik said, giving her a quick kiss before he walked over to the oven and pulled out the roast. "I actually made dinner today. I'm hoping it was a success. At least somewhat."

"Well, it smells fantastic," Charlotte nodded. "And it looks good too."

"I'm glad. I did cook for myself, but always simple things. Never stuff like this. Plus, you know how my cooking endeavors usually go," Erik said with a chuckle.

"It appears that it's a job well done, but let's wait to make our decision until after we've tried it," Charlotte giggled.

"Yes, definitely. Everything is almost ready. Gustave was helping with the vegetables but has since abandoned his post, as you can see."

"I don't blame him. Poor, poor child."

"I am, by no means, that difficult," Erik said, hands on his his

"Erik, my darling, I love you. But you are," Charlotte nodded.

"I try to do something nice and I end up being attacked. Unbelievable," Erik mumbled.

"I'm only teasing you, dear," Charlotte chuckled, giving his cheek a soft kiss. "Thank you. This is a wonderful surprise."

"You're very welcome. Now, go to the parlor and relax. You and Gustave can chat until everything is ready," Erik said as he kissed her forehead.

"Okay, thank you," Charlotte smiled, going to join Gustave on the couch.

Gustave and Charlotte soon started up a game of checkers and the house fell quiet. It didn't last long, though, as a gasp and crash from the kitchen made the two of them jump.

"I'm fine!" Erik called from the kitchen.

Charlotte caught onto the fact that he was talking through gritted teeth and immediately ran into the kitchen. "Erik, what happened? What did you do?"

"Oh, I got lost in thought and grabbed the pan handle bare-handed," Erik replied as he turned on the sink faucet and put his hand under the water.

"Oh, dear. You got yourself pretty badly, didn't you?" Charlotte sighed.

"It appears that way, yes."

"Come here. Let me wrap your hand," Charlotte said softly.

Knowing there was no sense in protesting, Erik sat down at the dining table so Charlotte could deal with his injury. "I'm alright, love," he said quietly, wincing as her hand brushed the burn on his palm.

"I know, darling. I'm sorry," Charlotte sighed. "I'm trying to be gentle."

"I know you are, it's alright."

"Does it hurt really badly?" Charlotte asked softly.

"It's tender, yes," Erik said with a sigh.

"Poor darling," Charlotte frowned. "I'm going to help you finish dinner, alright? You shouldn't be using this hand."

"No, no, it's fine, Charlotte. Please let me do this. I want to treat you tonight," Erik tried to insist.

"Darling, I love you, and I think it's wonderful that you want to do this for me, but you're just going to hurt yourself even more," Charlotte said softly. "If just me touching it hurts so badly, you won't be able to pick something out without crying. Please let me help."

"Charlotte, tonight was supposed to be special. I was meant to handle dinner so you could relax. You were supposed to end up caring for me."

"Oh, darling, don't look so sad," Charlotte smiled, cupping his face in her hands. "I will never stop caring for you."

"I know you won't, but it's such a constant duty. Between me and Gustave, you never stop. I only wanted you to have a break," Erik said softly as he gave the palm of each of her hands a gentle kiss. "To repay the kindness you've shown us both over these past few months."

"I know, and I really appreciate it, but it's my job to care for you when you're hurting. I can't let you continue without help."

"Although I'm very disappointed, I have a feeling that you are not going to allow me to refuse," Erik sighed.

"No, I won't," Charlotte giggled, pulling him into a hug. "Aw, your poor little heart is beating so fast. You must have given yourself such a fright."

"Well, burning my hand and shocking myself back to reality while I'm off in a world of my own can be quite frightening."

"Were you composing again? I've told you not to compose while you cook," Charlotte laughed. "Last time, you dropped a pot on your foot."

"I told you not to bring that up," Erik said with a chuckle.

"Sorry, dear," Charlotte giggled. "Come on, let's finish dinner."

Erik nodded and got to his feet. Leaving the vegetables to Charlotte, he focused on serving the roast itself. "Perhaps one day I'll learn how to cook without incident," he said with a laugh.

"I can teach you," Charlotte smiled.


"Erik, dinner was amazing," Charlotte said softly. "Thank you so much."

"My pleasure. I'm glad you enjoyed it," Erik said with a smile.

"I really did," Charlotte replied, kissing his cheek. "I'm going to clean up, alright?"

As she moved to walk away, though, Erik took her hand and pulled her back over to him. "How about we clean up after? What would you think of going to just enjoy the evening outside for a moment?" he suggested. "We can watch the sunset."

"Alright," Charlotte chuckled. "Come on, let's go."

Erik kept his hand in Charlotte's as they walked out to the back porch, sitting on the bench to watch the sun setting and turning the sky countless different colors. "It's beautiful, isn't it?" Erik asked.

"Gorgeous," Charlotte smiled, resting her head on his shoulder.

"I must say, though. As beautiful as this is, you certainly rival it at times."

"At times?" Charlotte chuckled.

"All the time, pardon me," Erik said with a smirk.

"I'm only teasing," Charlotte giggled. "But thank you."

The couple sat quietly for a moment before Erik finally tried to speak up. "Charlotte, I..." he began, trailing off as he tried to form his sentences.

"Yes, darling?" Charlotte asked softly.

"I'm just trying to think of how to say what I want to say without sounding foolish," Erik said with a quiet laugh. "Because that's the last thing I want to do at the moment."

"Just tell me," Charlotte smiled. "Go on."

"Right, right. Okay," Erik said, taking a deep breath. " know I love you, and you came to me in a time when I never thought I would ever find love again. My world had become dark again after I lost Christine, and although Gustave provided a dim light, I wandered in darkness until you came along. I now realize how much of a blessing you were and that I don't know what I would do if I didn't have you by my side. So, on that note..." Erik gently pulled away from Charlotte, then slipped off the bench. He pulled something out of his pocket and bent down on one knee, looking up at Charlotte with a smile and tears in his eyes.

"Oh my god," she laughed breathlessly, covering her mouth with one hand.

"Charlotte Daaé, will you marry me?" Erik asked, his voice strained as he tried to fight back his emotions. His hands were shaking as he popped open the velvet box, displaying the sapphire ring to her.

"Of course I'll marry you," Charlotte smiled, tears running down her own cheeks.

Erik grinned and picked up the ring, slipping it on to her finger. Still holding her hand, he leaned his head on her knee, unable to stop himself from crying anymore.

"Oh, my darling," Charlotte said softly. "I love you so much."

"I love you too," Erik said as he lifted his head up. "This is more relief and joy than anything. Happy tears."

"Good," Charlotte smiled, drying his cheeks. "Give me a hug."

Erik sat back on the bench and hugged her tight. "Do you like the ring? I was worried about that," he said.

"I love it! It's beautiful," Charlotte said softly. "And I love you."

"I love you too," Erik said, leaning back from the hug to give her a kiss.

Charlotte smiled as she pulled away, pressing her forehead against his. "Should we go tell Gustave?"

"Yes, definitely. I have a feeling he'll be pleased."

"I certainly hope so."

"He adores you. He'll be happy." Erik stood up with Charlotte and gave her another kiss before he walked to the parlor with her, hand in hand. "Gustave, we have something to tell you," he said.

"Did she say yes?" Gustave grinned, holding Phantom to his chest.

"Look at her hand and see for yourself," Erik replied with a grin.

Seeing the ring on Charlotte's finger, Gustave squealed, which woke the kitten. "I'm so excited!"

"Come give me a hug," Charlotte chuckled.

"I told you he'd be happy," Erik whispered.

"I know, I know," Charlotte giggled as Gustave ran into her arms.

Erik smiled at the two, laughing when Gustave hugged him tight. "I did it like you knew I could," he said.

"I'm proud of you," Gustave grinned. "You didn't mess it up!"

"I didn't! Thank God for that."

Charlotte chuckled. "It couldn't have been more perfect," she said softly.

Erik smiled warmly at her. "I'm glad, my love," he said as he leaned over and gave her a kiss.

"I love you so much," Charlotte grinned.

"I love you too, my dear," Erik replied. "My fiancée."

"You're going to have to get used to saying that," Charlotte smiled.

"Then I'll have to adjust to calling you my wife."

"I'm looking forward to it," Charlotte said softly, kissing his cheek.

Erik smiled. "As am I," he said.

"We'll have to start planning the wedding."

"We will, yes," Erik said with a sigh. "God, I hadn't really thought about that."

"That will definitely be exciting," Charlotte grinned.

"Yes, you seem like you're going to have the time of your life. We have one detail done for certain already, though," Erik nodded.

"Which is?"

"We have our ring boy right here," Erik said as he looked down at Gustave

"I believe that is called a ring bearer," Charlotte giggled. "And yes, that would be wonderful."

"Oh, formalities," Erik replied with a wave of his hand. "But if you're up to the task, Gustave, we would love to have you do that."

"Yes, please!" Gustave grinned.

"Well, there we go. That's one element planned out."

"Certainly," Charlotte smiled. "I'm so happy."

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