Chapter 20

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SUNDAY AFTERNOON and I was sitting with Sophie in our favourite diner that we hadn't been to in forever. 'Johnny's Diner' was not far from Sophie's house and we use to come here after school every Friday to get pizza to start the weekend off. The decor was red and blue, with big leather seated booths. It was the stereotypical 1950's diner and I loved the atmosphere here, even the old jukebox that still worked on every table in the place.
   The red and blue seated booths were as they had always been, but it still looked different from the newly painted walls, the new uniforms and decor. The only thing I hoped was the same was their amazing food. They did everything from pizza to pasta, burgers and fries to chicken salad for the health freaks. They did the most amazing thick milkshakes you've ever had and even their all day breakfast was to die for. I ordered my usual - when there was no one to share my favourite pizza with, bacon cheese burger, seasoned fries with extra onion rings and a cherry milkshake while Sophie ordered a ham and pineapple pizza with a lemonade.

"Want a slice?" She asks when our waitress places our plates on the table and walks away.

"Ewwwwww, no!," I smile back at her as I squeeze mayo on my plate to dip my fries in. One thing myself and Sophie argued about was her weird taste in pizza, who the hell puts pineapple on pizza? "So I take it Matthew is M.I.A," I giggle.

"Urgh, I called him five times this morning and nothing, then when I knocked on his door this morning, his dad said he found him passed out in the upstairs toilet in the middle of the night. Seriously Ryan, he's turned into a even bigger party animal than he was in Florida," she says shaking her head and rolling her eyes.

Last spring break Sophie met us and Amy in Florida for a week of fun and sun. Only Matthew took the partying scene a little too far which meant that Sophie ended up in the same room as myself and Amy. It's not that Matthew was loud, annoying or obnoxious when we went out on the town, but he was not the best patient when it came to recovering from a hangover. He would be up all night throwing his guts up, sleeping in bed all day to then go back to doing it all over again the next night. Sophie didn't mind that he enjoyed himself, she just couldn't take the constant smell of vomit.

"Typical," was all I could say with a chuckle because it never surprised me. "So how was the party?"

"It was good. Matthew was the life of the party as always," she chuckles, biting into her first slice of pizza. "I actually thought we were gonna be the sore thumbs with us being older than everyone, but Jackson's friends are really nice."

"Yeah, they're cool. So did you and Jackson get some alone time?" I say with a raised eyebrow.


Sophie looks around uncomfortably, looking anywhere and everywhere except me. I know she really doesn't want me asking her questions about Jackson, but I want her to feel confident that she can come to me for a girly chat about my nephew rather than hide the fact they like each other. I've known about their on, off relationship since before her senior year and I would never judge her being with Jackson. I love that they both really like each other and they really shouldn't hide it from the people that care about them.

"Soph... you know I want you to come to me and tell me about your relationship with Jackson," I smile, reaching out to hold her hand. "I love the both of you and even though he's family, your my best friend, I just want you to feel comfortable to tell me about your love life."

"I know Ry, it's just weird because he's your Nephew and I'm older than he is and then-"

"Sophie, your babbling," I chuckle, holding up my hand. "In all honesty, how would you feel if I started dating Cole?" I ask, with a little bit of hope in my voice.

Cole was Sophie's older brother, by five years and just so happened to be one of Nate and Nico's best friends. Small world huh? He was cute, not my type if I'm honest as I've never really been into blonde guys that much, but I needed Sophie to see from my point of view. Would she want me not to tell her if I was with Cole or not?

"I guess I would want you to tell me," she says shoulders deflated. "It's just weird because I know you see him as your Brother and it's just... I dunno, I guess... maybe I need to get use to it," she smiles.

"Soph, I'm not asking for details... please god don't share details with me," she laughs out loud, covering her mouth as the other diners look at her with a raised eyebrow. "But listen. All seriousness, you can tell me. If you and Jackson are together you have no idea how happy I would be to hear that. Jackson is very lucky to have a girl like you, but I seriously think you've lost your mind wanting to be with him," I laugh.


"Okay, okay. But Sophie, please don't be embarrassed to tell me. I'm happy for both of you and I'm glad your both willing to see where it goes, but I still want you to tell me." It was true. I really did love them being together and if it meant that one day I'd be getting a phone call that they are officially an item, I would want that first phone call to be me.

"Thanks Ryan, but honestly we don't know what we are just yet. Like I said the other night, we're gonna spend sometime together over the summer and see how it goes. Then once he's at college we can maybe see how long distance is for the both of us or he has said, maybe, possibly transferring to USF," she shrugs her shoulders. "We're just keeping our options open for now."

"Promise me one thing then?"


"If you guys do start dating, I'm the first to know?" I ask her, hoping she would.

"Of course! Your always top of my list on speed dial," she chuckles.


Sophie and Jackson were a great couple, just like Tori and Noah. They were the other half of each other's soul and I really wanted them to not be ashamed of being together. I think it was mainly on Sophie's side because I knew from Matthew that Jackson talks about nothing but Sophie whenever Matthew talks to him. As I'm family, Jackson would never, ever ask me about her, knowing that I would ask all the embarrassing questions a Aunt/big Sister should ask so the only other person close to her was Matt. He always wanted to know when she was gonna be home or how school was, casually dropping in the question of "is she seeing anyone special at the moment?"

"So, how was your night?" She asks not looking at me and grab another slice of her gross pizza.

My face blushes hot, a crimson red as I relive the events of last night in my head. I had been going over and over every little detail of Nate's lips on mine, his fingertips caressing my skin and his hot tongue on my neck, leaving tiny bites as he moved down to the crook. I had a mark on my shoulder where Nate bit me a little too hard, but luckily enough I could cover it up with clothes and not have to explain where I got it from. I wanted to tell Sophie what happened, get her advice on what she thought I should do. Nate had said that both him and Nico wanted to be with me, but how does it look that two men want the same person.

"It was okay, Nate came round for dinner and then..." but I stop, scared to finish the rest of my story. the air is filled with silence as she patiently looks at me to continue, but all I can do is pick at my fries.

"And then?" She smiles, looking at me like she's begging for me to carry on.

"We went for ice cream and he drove us to..." I pause again. Only days ago both her and Matt were teasing me about Nate. Now I've had a hot make-out session with him in the back of his car; where he not only was the first man to ever touch me and make me orgasm three times, but he asked me how I felt about being sandwiched between him and his Brother - the only thing that has consumed all my dreams at night.

"Ryan, your killing me here," she groans, but then leans forward, whispering, "did something happen between you and Nathan?"



"We... we kissed-"

"Did you kiss him or did he kiss you?" She says excited.

"H-he did," I say and a excited squeal leaves her lips. "Soph, please calm down."

"Oh... my... god... Ryan!" she squeals again, exaggerating her hand movements as she speaks. "Are you guys like a thing now or what?"

"No, but there's more."

"Did you sleep with a sex god?!" She shouts out loud enough for the whole diner to hear and I look around at everyone staring at us in our booth. If Sophie wasn't my best friend I would of scolded her and probably hit her as hard as I could for embarrassing me, however, there are way too many witnesses.

"Urgh, oh my god!"

"Sorry, that was too loud wasn't it?"

"Uh-huh," I nod, smiling at the old lady sitting next to us as she turns her nose up at me. "I didn't sleep with him okay, but we kissed... a lot and then he, kinda played with... it," I say through gritted teeth, looking downwards so I won't say it out loud.

"Ryan," she smiles, "with Nathan?"

"He's the first guy to ever... you know."

"Touch you?" she questions with a small smile, "Ryan, I know we've never had that kind of friendship because how things were in high school for you but... are you still a virgin?"

I look at her blinking in surprise. Even though Sophie and I had been the best of friends for nearly seven years now, we actually never really spoke about kissing or sex or even boys in general. The bullies I had in high school made my life a living hell for so long that I never had the chance to experience anything.
   My first kiss was with Nico on the night of our fake prom and I didn't have a real first date with a guy till I met Dean. Then there was everything that happened with Nate last night. He had given me my first touch of foreign hands on my body and had given me my first orgasm from just the touch of his fingers. My shyness as a kid really did not help me to experience things as a "normal" teenager.


"Did you do anything else with him?" She asks eagerly, that small smile still playing on her lips as she grabs another slice of her pizza.

"Well, I can of need to ask your advice on something," I wearily say, looking around so no one can hear the next part. Shuffling forward I lean into her, whispering the question that Nate wanted me to think about. "Do you remember that women that was with them from the club? Melanie?"

"Yeah, she was the interior designer or landscaper or something?"

"Yeah, well I kinda saw her with... with Nico, kissing but then I saw..." I pause taking one final look around, making sure the focus is not on us and I whisper, "then I saw Nate was with them."

"As in a threesome?" She asked so cool, like it was normal.

"I was kind of expecting a bigger reaction than that," I giggle surprised.

"People do threesomes all the time Ryan, it's not unheard of."

"I know but, I thought you'd be more shocked because it's Nate and Nico?"

"I don't know," she says thinking thoughtfully. "Maybe it's because they are so close that is doesn't really surprise me," she says shrugging her shoulders.

It was true. They were really close and often got mistaken for twins even though they weren't. In fact, all three of the Greyson Brother were not just siblings, but friends too. They didn't have a relationship like Tori and me. We were Sisters and even though we loved each other, she treated me more like her child than her Sister. We were still close and the bond that Noah, Nico and Nate had was solid, I've never known them to bicker or argue or fight at all.

"Okay... so this next bit will be easy," I say, taking in a deep breath. "Nate asked me how I felt...about him and Nico," I pause, hoping she'll figure out the rest, but she just gestures her hand for me to carry on. "Together... with me... at the same time." Her eyes widen, sudden realisation hitting her like a wave. For once in my life I might have rendered Sophie speechless, completely dumbfounded and I start to think I've broken her. "Say something Sophie, I really want your advice."


"Sophie, snap out of it and help me," I whine and she giggles as she shakes her head.

"Okay, okay... it's just... wow that's a lot to take in," she says straightening herself up. "In what way Ryan?"

"How do you mean?" I ask confused. I wasn't sure what she was asking me, it was plain and simple. Nate asked me how I felt about being with both him and Nico, just like Melanie was. It wasn't rocket science.

"Ryan, do they want to just sleep with you or be in a relationship with you? What exactly does he mean by them both wanting you?"

"I'm not sure."

"All three of you flirt with each other all the time and even before the whole sex dream with Nate, Matthew and I always said you'd end up marrying a Greyson. By the sounds of it you could end up with two," she winks. "But I think you should ask them what they want from this Ryan. Is this something they want in the long run or a temporary thing, like friends with benefits? Did Nathan not tell you want they wanted out of this?"

"No, he didn't. So you don't think it's gross?"

"No I don't, there's no judgement here Ryan. I've seen how you are with them and how they are with you, I've always said they loved you more than you thought and anyone would kill to have another person look at them the way they both look at you," she smiles warmly. I was worried Sophie would react differently, like she'd judge me that I'm even considering it. A three way was not the conventional 'norm' when it came to relationships, either psychical or emotional and I was glad she didn't turn her nose up like the old women next to us. "But find out what they want from this, because in my eyes, I don't see them ever letting you go."

"Thanks Soph, I guess I should talk to them about it," I say smiling at her.

She was right. I didn't know what Nate meant when he asked me how I felt about being with both of them. I've dreamed about it, fantasied about it even, but what did Nate really mean? Did I want them both together physically and it just be sex between us? Or did they want more from me? A real relationship, with real feelings? But more importantly...

What did I want out of it?

"But just so you know," Sophie says, breaking my train of thought.


"You may not want the details about my relationship with Jackson, but I definitely want to hear all the sex god details," she winks.

*word count - 2610*

Update numero dos!

I had been itching to write a chapter with just
Ryan & Sophie, thinking this would be the perfect chapter for that.

Would you of been as supportive as Sophie if your friend told you that
two guys wanted to be with a friend of yours?

Don't forget to vote & leave me a comment to let me know what you think!

Stay safe,

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