Chapter 22

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        I FINISHED up my lunch with Emma, taking the file with me that Nico needed before heading home. It was lovely catching up with her and I was so happy to see a friendly face I was already close with. The sexual tension between me and Nate didn't go unnoticed by her, but I just shrugged it off which I think I did unconvincingly.
I couldn't help it. Every time I looked at him I remembered how he kissed me, gentle and soft. How he touched my burning skin, making me moan his name and I had to press my thighs together to rid the ache I kept on getting between my legs every time he looked at me. Even when I went to say bye to him before I left, he left me hot and bothered.

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"Nate? I'm leaving now," I say as I poke my head round his door.

Nate looks up from his computer, his pen dropping from his mouth as he stares at me. I walk into his office, making sure I left it open so it would stop me from pouncing on him - or vies versa. Looking around the room as I take step by step towards him, I look at how the room is more him than outside in the reception area where my office is. It had changed since the last time I had been in here considering this use to be his Mothers office, while she decorated the room in pastel colours, Nate had a different taste and completely changed it.
His desk is black, with a glasswork top just like the ones outside - only his is bigger with two screens instead of the one and he has a few picture frames facing towards him. The sofa, with matching chairs along the wall on the far side is grey with blue cushions and there are shelves with binders next to it. On the far side is a door that I remember leads to the bathroom and the view from his floor to ceiling windows is just as amazing from his window then it is on the rest of the floor. Everything in the room screams Nate, even down to the blue accents and decor on the walls.

"All set beautiful," he smiles as he gets up from his seat and walks towards me.

"Nate, you can't call me that here," I whisper out as he steps up to me, invading my space. His strong scent consumes my mind with thoughts of him and I step back, trying to put a wall between us. Only he takes a dangerously close step forward towards me.

"Call you what? Beautiful," he grins.

"That... you can't call me that while I'm working here. It's too unprofessional," I state taking another step back.

Nate wraps his big hands around my hips, pulling me towards him - crashing his body against mine. Our noses touch and I can feel his breath fanning my lips as he breathes in and out. Nothing is said between us, we only stare at each other, drinking each other in.

"Then what do you want me to call you?" He smirks.

"Nate," I groan rolling my eyes at him. He only smiles at me widely, tracing his eyes all over my face and I feel my body react to his gaze on me. "Thanks for the paid vacation by the way, you two didn't need to do that," I say changing the subject.

"We wanted too..." he whispers, " haven't been home in two years and we thought you might want some time to yourself before you start," he smiles.

"Well thank you, at least I'll be able to spend sometime with Sophie and Matthew before they head back to college in a few weeks," I say, looking deep into his stormy grey eyes as they bore holes through me, as if he's studying me.

"I want to kiss you so badly, beautiful..." he whispers cupping my cheek. I want him to, I really do, but Emma is literally feet away from us and will catch us any minute. The pad of his thumb follows the lines of my lower lip, softly caressing them and I stick my tongue forward to lick his thumb timidly. "I've only ever thought about you these last few days," he smiles, still whispering as he continues to trace the line of my lips. After a long pause, our breathing in sync with each other then he speaks, bringing us back to reality. "Did you think about what I asked? About Nic and me?"


"Ryan?" Emma calls and I use every muscle in my body to wriggle out of his grip to step back from him. I don't want her seeing us in that kind of position and luckily enough, I do it just in time as Emma comes through the door to Nate's office. "There's a car waiting for you downstairs, he'll take you straight home."

"Thank you Emma... I'll see ya later," I say blushing and turning the other way to get out of there before I really jump his bones.

"Bye beautiful," I hear him whisper.

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I still hadn't made up my mind about what Nate asked me, because I needed answers to questions that were unclear. Before anything could happen between us, I needed to know how serious or how casual this arrangement was going to be and what would happen if someone wanted more. My mind was foggy with everything about the Greyson Brother's and what could possibly happen in the future with us that I didn't even realise the car had pulled up to the house.

"Here you are Miss," the driver says in the black SUV he was driving.

"Oh!" I say, shaking the thoughts from my mind and taking in my surroundings questionably. "I'm sorry, I zoned out for a minute there."

"No problem Miss, you have a good day," He smiles and I return it - exiting out the car and walking up to the front door. As I get to the door Mrs Greyson comes walking out, like she's in a rush and crashes into me, knocking me back a few steps.

"Oh Ryan dear, I'm so sorry, are you alright?"

"I'm fine Mrs G," I smile and she places her hand on my cheek, smiling back at me.

"When are you going to start calling me Judy?" She chuckles.

"Mrs G sounds better, it's got a nice ring to it," I smile.

Mrs Greyson always wanted me to call her by her first name, even Jackson started calling her Grandma Judy, but I just couldn't do it. She was like family to me and Mrs G just fitted her. I liked that it was our thing, like with Nico and Nate.

"One day you'll call me Judy and that'll be the day hell freezes over," she smiles fixing her suit jacket. "If your wanting to see his royal pain in my ass, he's in the den, unfortunately he's in one of his moods so be warned."

"Great," I say as I roll my eyes with a small smile.

"Take care sweetheart," she says and she kisses my cheek softly before flying down the front steps and into her car.

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        OPENING THE door to the man cave, I forget how big this room actually is and how much of the Brothers personality was around the room. On the far back corner - the wallpaper grey and white geometric pattered, there is a bar, with four black stools. Along the wall next to it are shelves with different bottles of alcohol and tiny LED lights that are hidden underneath each wood plank are on. Nico's down here so they can only be one colour - red. There's a large corner sofa, black with cushions everywhere and a coffee table that I know hides all the PlayStation games in the draws. The large tv is mounted on the opposite wall, which is painted blue with hidden compartments where the DVDs are kept and there is a pool table with a red surface in the middle of the room.
Nico bends over the pool table, lining up his shot, pulling the cue back and forth as he decides when he's about to make his shot. He hasn't noticed me enter yet and I quietly take small slow steps towards him, fearing my known presence will ruin his shot. He hits the white ball, knocking it into the red sphere near the top right hand side and it goes in the pocket. I watch as he slowly stands lining up his next shot, taking in all of his appearance.
He's dressed in a pair of black washed jeans, feet bare with a black tank that shows off his tattooed arms. Every inch of his torso is covered in ink and I'm still unsure if he has any on his legs. His dark brown hair is tied into a man bun on the crown of his head and his face looks hard as he concentrates on his next shot, rubbing his goatee covered chin. Bending down again, his arm muscles flexing as he slides his arm forward lining up his cue and I can't help but bite my lip.

"Wow, he looks really sexy," I think.

Taking the shot he hits the black eight ball, sending it down the side into the lower pocket, disappearing into the hole. A moan of lust quietly leaves my lips, but not as silent as I thought when Nico's eyes shoot up, snapping straight to mine. His stare is intense, burning holes into my body as his eyes scan me up and down. His gaze covers every inch of me and when he reaches my lips I unintentionally lick them which only makes him smirk.

"Princess? What are you doing here?" He says standing up, talking to me huskily.

"I-I errr... I went to the office today, Nate said you needed this?" I say holding up the blue file I came to deliver to him. He nods, putting his cue on the pool table and walks over to me, holding out his hand.

"Thanks princess, everything sorted out with your contract?" He says standing really close to me.

I don't look up at him, afraid if I see those sparkling blue eyes I'll somehow melt away with how beautiful they are. My mind has been consumed with how Nate made me feel on Saturday, but my curiosity wanted to know if Nico was any different, seeing how Nate said they both wanted me. What was Nico's touch like?

"Yea-yeah, Emma got me to sign it before I left."

"And your security card?"

"Leon sorted it out for me," I say still looking down, never meeting his blue eyed gaze.

Bringing his fingers under my chin, he pushes my face up slightly so that we finally make eye contact. Studying my face then locking eyes with mine he says, "don't look down princess... eyes as beautiful as yours should always been seen."

"Oo-okay," is all I manage to whisper out, but you can barely hear me. We stare at each other for what feels like a lifetime, however, it's only seconds when I finally break free, taking a step back and placing the file in his hands. "Here."

"Thank you," he says taking it and stepping away from me, placing the file on the bar in the far corner. I take the opportunity to take a deep breath, sucking in as much air as I can, straightening my clothes to regain composure. I feel so nervous around him all of a sudden and it's only because of one thing. "Wanna play a round?" He says gesturing to the pool table.

"Aren't you suppose to be working?"

"I'm stopping for lunch," he smiles.

I shrug my shoulders, looking down at the table, "sure." Walking over to the back wall, taking the blue cue that is always used by Nate - but now mine considering blue is also my favourite colour to, I watch Nico as he removes the balls from the lower compartment, placing them in the rack.

"You wanna break?"

"I'll try?" I question him, knowing full well I'm a great pool player and completely hopeless when it comes to breaking the balls away from their confined triangle.

"Try?" He smirks, taking the rack off the table then leaning his hands on the side while he looks up at me.

"I'm really bad at it, but I'll give it a go." Lining the white round ball, I lower myself, aiming the cue where I want to hit it. Back and fourth I aim the cue to hit the centre where the white ball shoots off, knocking the corner of the red ball at the top. Hardly any of the rest of the balls move and I groan out in annoyance. "See," I chuckle.

He smiles at me, showing me his pearly white teeth and he scoffs a laugh while lining up the balls in the rack again. "Try again princess, but this time..." he says, bringing the white ball back in front of me then standing behind me - whispering in my ear. "Hit harder."


When I take the white ball, again placing it in front of me, I slowly lower myself to line up the shot - only I feel his presence behind me. Closer than I actually thought he was and he makes me nervous, distracting me from the shot. I try my hardest to concentrate, but his body is so close to mine that I feel the heat radiating off his body.

"You want to hit it hard, aiming for the top ball, just to the side - like you do when we go bowling," he says knowing my tactics when we go to the bowling alley. I do as he says, but I hit the ball a little too hard, sending the ball flying off the table, crashing to the floor with a hard knock near the wall to the side. "That's too hard princess," he laughs.

"I told you I'm no good at it, you do it - otherwise we'll be here all day."

"Your not getting out of it that easily princess," he chuckles as he walks over to where the white cue ball had stopped rolling.

"C'mon, you do-"

"Ryan," Nico warned with a raised eyebrow as he stalked towards me, "do as your told." If there was one thing Nico hated, other than disobedience, it was people who gave up too easily. He was very much a, if at first you don't succeed, try, try and try again until you do succeed. "Here," he says lining the ball up and taking my cue from my hands, holding my hip as he lines me up.

His body his flushed against mine, his chest to my back and I'm completely consumed in his vanilla spiced scent. He smelled heavenly and I can't help but breath in deeper. He encourages me to take the cue from him then pushing his body down on me as we both lower our bodies over the table - I'm suddenly aware of my bum sticking out against him and I can't help but wonder how it would feel hard against me. I feel his breathe fanning my face as he moves his hands over mine, tucking the cue under us to line up the shot. I'm pushed down onto the table, my boobs pressed against the surface below me and there is no space between myself and Nico that I can't seem to concentrate on what I'm actually suppose to be doing, until he whispers close to my ear, his voice husky.

"Just here princess," as his lips brush my skin, sending shivers down my spine.

My mouth is dry and I know he's only trying to help me, but there are a million dirty thoughts running through my head; I know I'm crimson. Taking a shaky breath, swallowing the lump in my throat, I calm myself as much as I can, but it's no use, I'm so lost in him. "H-h-here?" I say biting my lip.

A low throaty groan echos in my ear and when my lustful eyes meet his ocean blue orbs I'm lost in his gaze. Nico has always had the bluest eyes you've ever seen, but now all I see is a crave of lust behind his ocean blues. His eyes transfixed to my lips and I bite down harder, "don't do that," he says, demandingly and I look at him confused.

"What?" I whisper.

"Don't bite your lip like that," he groans again and my teeth releases my lower lip, breathing in deep. Our bodies are so close to each other, almost too close but a small part of me loves it as my inner goddess screams at me to lean my head in just a little bit. The weight of him feels so good over me and goosebumps prickle my skin. I lick my lower lip slowly and his eyes watch with fascination at my action as I feel something hard press into my bum cheek and my face flushes hot as I remember the tangled mess I was in the back of Nate's car. I'm so curious if Nico can make me feel that good too. "Fuck!... princess, your making this very difficult," he says closing his eyes, taking deep breathes in.

I can see him mentally count to ten, slow steady breaths pump in out of his lips and I study his face, appreciating every beauty mark, every freckle, even the scar across his left eyebrow. I always knew that all three Greyson men were handsome, but Nico to me looks mesmerising right now as I watch him slowly loose control over me that I can't look away. "I'm sorry, Nico," I whisper biting my lip again unintentionally.

When he opens his eyes, they travel down, locking on to my lower lip trapped between my teeth once again and his eyes darken. A shade of navy orbs bore into me, full of lust and the tension in the air is thick. His breathing speeds up and he presses his body into mine, sending sparks all over my body as he rubs himself against my bum cheeks. I'm not sure if he's doing it unintentionally or not, but the room suddenly feels hot.
My cheeks flush, blushed to the heavens when he twitches behind me, sending sparks of electricity tingle between my legs. His face looks like he's in a battle within himself as I see the cogs turn in his mind.

"Oh god!" I think.

He has this effect on my body that is driving me crazy and I feel like I'm now loosing control too. Again, he slowly presses his pelvis into me and I close my eyes, biting my lip feeling him against me, a small moan leaving my lips. There's no sound in the room but us. Our ragged, intense breathing is all you can hear, until he finally speaks.

"Fuck it!"

Crashing his lips to mine, his mouth completely devours me, nipping at my lip to gain access and I gladly give him what he wants without thinking about it. His hand finds it way to the back of my head and he grips my hair, pulling at the roots making me moan out in pleasure from the small pain of his grip.
The first time Nico kissed me, he was gentle and soft, but there is so much dominance this time, so much eagerness that I'm completely lost in him. I feel him grow behind me, rubbing himself against me as we continue to glide our tongues over each other in perfect sync. I always thought Nico would kiss me gently like he did the first time, but in actual fact, he's a lot rougher than I thought.

And I like it.

As he stands up, he pulls me with him, lifting me up off the table - one hand still gripped with a handful of my hair and the other holding my cheek. I feel him grind into me from behind again, pressing me into the table and a soft moan escapes my lips as I feel him, getting harder against me. The side of the table bites into the skin of my thighs while he dry humps me, rubbing his erection on me.
Images of us in this situation before flashes in my mind, but they were only in my dreams and fantasies. And now... I'm in his arms, kissing him like my life depends on it. Nate's kisses were soft, sending my body into overdrive with how he made me feel, but Nico is so different. They really are like day and night - Nico being the latter. I've always known that, but now I get to experience just how different they are.
Slowly bringing his hand down from my cheek, he pulls back a little, placing his hand on my hip and spins my body round to face him while never disconnecting our lips. Minutes pass and with each move of our lips we both try to gasp for air as we continue to kiss each other, neither one of us wanting to stop. Pulling my body closer to him, he grunts out, pulling his lips away from me and we try to catch our breaths, foreheads pressed hard against each other. My eyes are still closed, afraid if I open them he'll disappear and this just turns out to be another sex dream my head has imagined. I want this to be real so badly.

Resting his forehead on mine still, his death grip on my hips sending sparks through me he says, "I've waited to kiss you again for far too long," he slowly lick my lips, a moan escaping the back of my throat. "Shit, that sounds so fucking sexy princess."

He crashes his lips to mine again, completely dominating my mouth with his as his tongue explores my mouth. His hands travel down my sides, tucking under my knees and lifting me up onto the pool table while I grip his arms. The bulge in is pants presses even harder into me and the echos of my soft moans fill the air. I just want him to touch me all over, kiss me all over. I never want this feeling to go away.
The tingles in my body intensify and I love how good he's making me feel. Slowly he moves his head down, kissing along my jawline and he pulls my hair, titling my head back for better access to my neck. His mouth hot as he trails open mouth kisses, grazing his teeth against my skin and I can't stop the tingles between my legs. Suddenly I hear a rip and the white ruffled shirt I'm wearing rips away in front of me, sending my buttons flying.

"NICO!" I gasp, his hot tongue licking a sensitive spot on my neck, as a loud moan of pleasure hits me when he reaches a sensitive spot.

"It was in my way," he growls against my skin, animalistic as he continues his assault on my neck and collarbone, leaving bites on my skin. I dread what my upper body will look like in the morning. Both of his hands find my breasts and my head is thrown back as he squeezes each one, rubbing his thumb over my swollen nipple he has found through my bra. Trailing his tongue up my neck, his lips on my ear he whispers, "lay down."

Biting my earlobe I keep feeling a jolt between my legs, that oh so desperate feeling of throbbing for release. "Nico, I-" I try to question him, but he just pulls my legs forward, wrapping them around him, pressing his hard bulge into me, grinding his hips as he rubs himself against my core and nothing but a gasp full of moans escape my lips.

"Lay down, princess," he asks again only I don't think it's a request, more like a demand. I do as I'm told, slowly lowering myself down as my legs dangle off the side. His eyes roam over my body as he pulls my ripped shirt open even more, making sure I'm not covered up as his fingertips start tickling my skin as he explores me. There's a buzz of excitement in my stomach as his hands cover every inch of my body and I'm on fire with want. My white laced bra is exposed and the peaks of my nipples stand to attention as he thumbs them through the material again, placing kiss after kiss along my hot flesh. "Your so fucking beautiful Ryan," he says and I swallow the lump in my throat, listening to him talk in a low sexy voice.

When his hand travels down, his finger brushing the rim of my trousers my eyes shoot open to look at what he's doing. He's undoing the button and a small panic in my chest makes me stop his hands. I'm not ready, just like with Nate I'm not ready to go that far and I squeak. "I'm not ready for th-"

"I'm not taking your virginity princess," he whispers and my eyes widen. How does he know? But he soon answers my burning question, "Nat told me... I just want to kiss you," I hesitate, feeling the tingles in my core and I try to clench my legs together, only I'm still wrapped around his waist. His fingers still burn a trail on my abdomen, but he doesn't move, almost like he's waiting for me to agree. There's fire between my legs and I know I'm dripping wet with how turned on I am and all I want is release from my horny prison.

It's just kissing, all he wants is a kiss and I'm all for that. Even touching is good, Nate touched me down there and the memory of his fingers working my aching bud makes me arch my back, wanting that feeling again. They said they both wanted me and Nate asked me if I would have both of them, but I was conflicted with what having both of them meant. But right now all I wanted was Nico, touching and kissing me.

My questions can wait, but my body can't. My body wants more. "Okay," I say as I sit up, holding the back of his neck to pull him towards me and he just smirks.

"I said I wanted to kiss you princess," he whispers, leaning forward on his hands on the pool table underneath me. "But I don't wanna kiss you here," he says in his velvet voice, a small smile tugging at the corner of his lips as his finger glides over my lips, tracing a line. His finger slowly moving down my chin, down my neck, between my breasts. Looking up at me, he smirks and says, "I wanna kiss you down here."

*word count - 4288*

I know you must hate me right now for stopping the chapter right there but
it was over 4K words & unless you wanted a 8k chapter I had to.

But you won't have to wait long.... keep scrolling!

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Stay safe,

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