Chapter 32

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        TYPING AWAY AT the computer, I try to finish off what I started at work earlier this week. It's only Wednesday and everything should of been finalised for the project in the Bahamas by now, but I'm so behind schedule because I can't stop my mind wondering. It's my first big project on my own, a hotel I've designed myself, taking the last six months to do; it was only last month the owner was happy with what I came up with and construction is starting next week.
Normally on the bigger projects both myself and Nic take on together with our design team, but when I saw the pictures of the location I had a vision in mind of what it should look like and I couldn't get it out of my head. Nic gave me full control of the project, which I was surprised and grateful for. I'm so excited to do it on my own, but both of us had been working hard to finish off Noah's birthday gift and with everything going on with the Bahamas project I feel guilty I've left most of Noah's surprise to Nic.

Once I'm done with what I needed to do, I send everything attached in an email to Emma asking her to proof read everything before being sent to the owner of the hotel. I know I could of gotten Emma to handle the paperwork, but I wanted to make sure everything goes according to plan and on my first major project alone, I don't trust anyone to not mess things up even though she is our temporary assistant. With the email sent I sit back in my desk chair, glancing over at my phone to see the time.
It's almost seven at night and I'm glad I decided to work from home today because I don't think I would have the energy to drive right now. Plus side; it meant I worked the whole day and didn't even need to put a suit on, meaning my dark blue jeans and grey tee was way more comfortable. With a small smile playing on my lips I hover my thumb over my messages, thinking about her. I want to see her and I don't think I can wait till tomorrow.

What you doing? xxx

Patiently I wait for her to type back. Ryan hasn't left my mind since Sunday night, but to be honest she never leaves my mind - only more so these last few days and I think it was because I'm worried about her. After all this time, to hear she gets nightmares about what happened to her in high school fills me with rage because I know Nic is still badly affected by his own skeletons. Only his story is worse then some high school kids.
   Ryan was badly affected by her past, something her and Nic share in common. All I can do is not only be there for Nic when he has his bad days, which is not as often as it use to be, but I one hundred percent will be there for my girl too. My phone pings in my hand as my mind wonders and I quickly pick it up to see who it's from, hoping it's my girl. I smile from ear to ear when her name pops up.

Nothing xox

I'm just watching tv in my room
Well... house, its not really a room 😂

Watching what? 😁

I fancied a slasher for a change 😂😂

I chuckle to myself knowing full well that's not true. With Ryan it was either a classic 80s film or a horror movie. Sure she would come with me to watch the new marvel film or the odd action film like Fast and Furious, but my girl knew what she liked and she was very practicable.
   Without a second thought I grab my black hoodie on the couch in the corner and slip on my sneakers. I can't leave my girl home alone watching something scary now can I? I text Nic that I'm going out and head next door, locking up before I leave. Nic is at the gym so I would of been on my own anyway, but now I won't be. As I cross the lawn to her backyard door my phone beeps, another message.

What about you?
Doing anything interesting?

Not yet 😋
I'm just about to go see a girl
Can't get her off my mind 😋

Sounds like a special girl

She is...
Not to mention one of the most beautiful girls I've ever seen
The sweetest lips I've ever tasted... if you know what I mean 😝
The prettiest eyes I've ever seen
The softest skin I've ever touched
She's amazin!

I dont remember us discussing adding another person to this relationship Nate!

We didn't...
But I can't seem to get rid of this girl
She's always on my mind and right now I need her...
I want her, I need to feel her lips on mine
All to myself

Open the door beautiful 😉

I didn't have to wait long before her door creaks open, her cheeks flushed pink with embarrassment and my breathe catches when I look at her. She's wearing her hair up in some sort of messy bun, wearing a blue vest and ripped shorts, the natural beauty of her face without makeup makes me smile because she's always been beautiful to me.

She's perfect.

"Hey beautiful."

"Hi," She says with a shy smile, "thought you was off to see a cute girl," she smiles still playing along.

"I am and I think I've found her," I smile as I step forward, wrapping my arms around her and lifting her off the floor, our foreheads touching. I kick the door with my foot shut, turning the lock so we won't be interrupted - the last time I was in her room her mom walked in without knocking and I really don't want us to be bothered. "Where's the rents?"

"Out. Dad has a business dinner and took mum with him, they'll be out till late," she says and I see her look down at my lips. I know she wants to kiss me, believe me I really want to feel her lips on mine, but I'm in that teasing mood and I wonder how long it will take to drive her crazy enough before her lips attack mine.

"Perfect, we've got all night and a bunch of movies to watch," I smirk, letting her slide down my body. "Your room or down here?" I question pointing to the couch along the wall behind her and I see her look at me in confusion, probably wondering why I haven't kissed her yet.

"Ummm... I've already got the movie on upstairs," she points to the stairs in the far corner and my insides twist as she looks at me with that innocent look in her eye.

"Lead the way beautiful," I smile at her, locking her hand with mine and she starts to pull me.

She walks in front of me and I don't know if she realises, but her hips sway as she inches closer to the stairs. I can't help my eyes wonder over her body. Her amazing body. I've wanted her for so long and I can't believe how lucky Nic and I are to finally have the one girl we've wanted for the longest time. Not just physically, but I want all of her.
   Ryan has been endgame for me for a long time and there's no one else for me. I haven't told her or Nic yet, but every time I think of her she makes me feel things I've never felt before, I've always craved her and this last week or so I've felt like I needed her to breathe.

"Movies only twenty minutes in, but I can restart it if you want?" She says as she reaches the top of the stairs and letting go of my hand, her gaze looking at me over her shoulder.

"Nah, I've seen it before I don't mind."

"Okay," she whispers.

Her queen size bed has blue bedding with black cushions pushed up to the headboard, on the side a teal lamp is dimly lit and sitting on her black dresser on the side of the room is a TV with the movie playing in the background. Kicking off my sneakers I lay down on my back on the right side, resting my head on the head board and I look on at her confused as she climbs towards me, her head resting on my thigh and her body laying long ways off the side of the bed. I wanted to cuddle up next to her, spoon her, but then my dick twitches when I see how close she is to it.

Myself and Nic have always been about pleasuring women first, it has never bothered us if we didn't get something out of it because a women screaming out in complete euphoria was always enough for us. Ryan has never touched us and to be honest we're both happy with how things are right now between us. I'd happily spend my whole day buried between her legs, hearing and seeing the pleasure take over and I know Nic feels the same. When she's ready she'll tell us. We want to go slow with Ryan - at her own pace. We won't force her to do something she's never done before and honestly I won't lie when I say I haven't thought about her pleasuring me because I have. But she will only do it when she's ready.

We watch the movie in silence, her legs shifted round towards my torso, but her head still lays dangerously close to my southern region. I waste no time to start drawing patterns on the skin of her thigh, caressing her skin that I loved feeling under my fingers. Her skin is always so soft, so smooth and I just love touching her.
   As soon as my hand swiped on her skin her body reacted to my touch, goosebumps forming along her skin and I definitely noticed her taking a shaky breath, still looking at the screen. When the credits start to roll I watch her amusingly as she shifts off the bed to take the dvd out of the player, she's so obviously affected by me being near her and I can't help but smirk because I'm the same.

"Another one?" She squeaks, holding up Scream 2 in her hands.

"Sure," I shrug, my smirk still plastered on my face. She changes the movie, pressing play and setting the remote down on the side. When she goes to reposition herself where she was before I grab her and cuddle her into my side, half her body laying on mine. "This is more comfortable," I smile and she smiles back.

"But I was comfy down there before," she says with a little tease to her voice, "plus I can't see the TV."

"I know, but I want to cuddle," I wink.

"Okay," she whispers out and I wrap my arms around her tighter, her face naturally falling into the crook of my neck. My mind is telling me to kiss her, bring her lips to mine, only, I want Ryan to make the first move. To kiss me first because she wanted to. I've seen her ooze with confidence these past weeks, but she's still that shy, innocent girl inside. "Ummm... Nate?"

"Yes beautiful?"

"Why... why haven't you...?"

"Haven't what?" I smirk, knowing full well what's on her mind.

"Kissed me? Why haven't you kissed me yet?" She whispers.

"Do you want me to kiss you?"

There's silence, nothing but the movie playing in the background, and then I hear her take in a breath to speak, "yes."

I pull back slightly to look at her, her green orbs stare back at me and a smile creeps on my face as I whisper to her. "I'm all yours beautiful, if you want me then do it, I definitely won't stop you."

The air is thick with her nerves and I watch as she bites her bottom lip while looking at mine. This girl is going to be the death of me, if she isn't already. I don't move, waiting for her to reach over and pull me towards her, but my eyes widen when she shuffles onto her knees then straddles her legs either side of me. Her hands rest on my abdomen and I lean on my elbows to watch what she does.
   Slowly her hands rake up my torso, feeling me through my t-shirt, inching slowly up and grip my shoulders as she leans forward. Lightly her soft lips meet mine, the gentlest kiss I've ever felt and I want nothing more than to deepen the kiss, but I want her to make that move first. Her lips part slightly, then wider, then again wider and then I feel the tip of her tongue on my lips. Her hand travels up, gripping the back of my neck, pulling me towards her when our tongues meet, sliding against each other slowly. A soft moan escapes her throat when we connect and I follow her lead, slowly massaging her tongue with mine. I will never stop loving the touch of her lips on me.
   We kiss gently, but the tension in the air is thick and I waste no time to dominate the kiss. Bringing my hands to each side of her neck, I pushing her back, sitting up with her on my lap and encourage her to wrap her legs round me. This has always been one of my favourite positions, bodies close, legs wrapped around me, her core close to my growing bulge and when she's ready we will definitely do this without our clothes on.

Our lips never disconnect as my hands find their way up and under her vest, touching the naked skin of her back and hips. There had been something I wanted to try with her, something I said to her last week that's been on my mind since and now we're alone I can't stop myself, especially as she's not wearing a bra and can see the prize I want. I start to pull her vest up, her naked chest exposed to me and her skin hot with need.
   Finally our lips break free and we both gasp for air. She pulls at the hem of my tee, pulling it up and over my head, throwing it down to the ground of her bedroom floor. Last time she had me this naked she asked to take it off, but the confident vixen in her just did it this time and I feel myself twitch. Her hands slide down my chest, over my pecs and down to my abs, but as soon as our eyes lock our lips gravitate towards each other, her hot skin pressed against my naked chest, her lips lightly touching mine as I whisper to her.

"I want to try something with you beautiful."

"Okay," she says with no hesitation, but then I notice her eyes widen. "But-" she says quickly, her body stiffening and I already know what she's going to say.

I grip on to her neck, cutting her off with a kiss, my tongue attacking hers as her hands grip the back of my neck before she continues to speak. Finally breaking apart, our foreheads resting against one another, "I'm not taking you tonight beautiful, I can wait until you're ready. Only when you're ready, okay?" I ask and she nods. "Right now there is something I want to try with this," I tell her as my hand slowly glides down her chest and pulls at her nipple bar.

I can't help but grin, my other hand stroking the skin of her hip as her torso is pressed against mine and she bites her bottom lip. "Try what?" She says breathlessly.

"Let's see how sensitive you really are," I wink.

I lower my head to her jaw, leaving small kisses on her sun kissed skin and I trail a line slowly down her throat towards her collarbone. Her breathing is hitched and my lips feel her gulp as her head tilts back for better access. I swipe my tongue against her skin, slowly moving down to her breast, her bud already hardened from excitement. I cup her breast in my hand, pushing it up towards me and my mouth covers her swollen nipple, the metal bar clanking against my teeth and I start to suck gently.

"Uhmmmmm," she moans softly and I pull her body closer to mine.

Pulling back a little, I flick my tongue over her pink bud, a loud gasp sounding from her lips, her hips already rotating in small circles over me, just like I told her to do before. Again I cover my mouth over her, bringing her nipple between my teeth and biting her with a little bit of pressure. Nic is the rougher one out of both of us, definitely Mr Grey if you really wanted to name him. I don't mind a little roughness in the bedroom just not fifty shades of it, more like thirty.

"That feel good beautiful?" I ask to her, pulling my fingers around her now wet bud, copying the actions of my mouth with my fingers.

"Don't stop!" She whisper yells at me, arching her back and bringing her hands round the back of her as she grips my thighs.

I grin from ear to ear, satisfaction evident on my face and I cup her breast again, bringing my mouth down to cover her nipple while I suck hard. My other hand glides up her body, cupping her other breast, but I start to give it just as much attention as her pierced one when I pinch her nipple between my fingers. She moves in circles over me and my dick stands to full attention as it grows harder and harder beneath her, she's completely driving me crazy, but I always control myself.

It's about her pleasure, not mine.

"Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck," she whispers through moans and I flick my tongue quickly over her bud, imagining it's her core I'm pleasuring. "Uhmmmmmmmmmmm, Nate."

Pulling my lips away briefly I whisper, "you close beautiful?" And I lock my lips back on her aching bud, wanting to bring her to sexual peak.

"Y-y-yeah," she squeaks.

Grinding her hips on me harder, her core rubbing over me as her legs begin to shake and she pants on top of me, releasing her orgasm into the room. The movie is still playing in the background, but all I hear are her moans of pleasure. It's like music to my ears and I can't help my own moans rumble in my throat. I grip on to her body, pulling her closer to me as I keep her bud hostage in my mouth, flicking and sucking hard, her nails digging into my legs as I try to keep her moaning in ecstasy.

"N-NATE!" She pants, trying to catch her breath, but her body is my orchestra and I am the conductor, playing her body to contentment.

Her hands let go of my legs, her body no longer supported and she starts to fall backwards. My mouth let's her nipple go with a pop as she lays on top of my legs, catching her breath. I gentle flick my finger over her swollen bud, her body automatically twitching while her eyes roll back as another orgasm hits, her hands gripping the sheets underneath us. I watch her beautiful body, wiggle on top of me, her teeth trapping her bottom lip as her legs try to shut together to get some friction, but she's still wrapped around me and can't.

"You look so god damn hot when you come beautiful." Her breathing evens out, her eyes slowly opening and I rub the sides of her ribs, tickling her skin softly. "Who would of thought you was that sensitive," I smirk.

"Urgh, Nate."

"Don't be embarrassed beautiful," I chuckle as she tries to cover her face with her hands and I quickly pull them towards me, lifting her body off my legs and wrapping her arms around my neck. "We're definitely doing that again," I grin.

"Now?!" Her eyes widen and her cheeks turn red as she's blushes.

"I'll give you time to recover first." We sit there, in silence and I caress her skin as we watch each other. There's no noise in the room, the movie still in the background and we never break eye contact until she looks down, biting her bottom lip. I feel her fingers fiddling behind my neck, tickling the skin; it's a nervous twitch she picked up that she only really does when she has something to say and is thinking about how to say it. I give her time, watching her as her mind ticks away, but she doesn't say a word. I pull at her chin, bringing her gaze to mine then whisper, "say what's on your mind beautiful," and I push her hair out of her face, behind her ear.

"Nate... I-" but she stops and I can tell her mind is still running a million miles, calculating. She gulps thickly while I use my hands to make soft patterns on her skin, hoping my touch gives her the confidence to find her voice. "I want you to show me?" She says, finally, her head cocking to the side.

"Show you what beautiful?"

"Show me how..." she swallows thickly again, her nerves thick in the air, but the tension between us thicker. Then her eyes turn a darker shade of green, a small glint in her eye when she whispers, "show me how to touch you?"

*word count - 3450*

Told you I'd be back!!!

How was this chapter?
I really wanted a chapter with Nate & Ryan alone because it felt ages since I wrote a chapter
with just the two of them & as much as I love Nico, Nate is also in this story.

Please don't forget to vote & leave me a comment, you know
I love hearing from you beautiful people!

Also... I hit over 55K reads this week!
I am so happy & that's because of you reading my work, thank you so, so, so much!

Stay safe,

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