Chapter 35

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        I STAND in front of my wardrobe, trying to find the perfect outfit for tonight. It's Noah's birthday and the Greyson brothers have organised a surprise party for him with Tori's help. The youngest Greyson men have been working for months to build Noah his own restaurant, trying hard to keep it a secret and that's where the party is being held in a few hours. Tori has been working hard on the party with both Nate and Nico, trying to make the party special for him, but I think giving him his own restaurant was going to be special enough.
After Nate spent the night with me, then waking up next to his god given smile, it had me in a good mood until he left me early this morning to get everything ready for Noah's party. Last night was a whirlwind of emotions and falling asleep in Nate's arms made me have some comfort that no matter what, I always had my boys. My happy mood didn't go unnoticed by my mother who constantly smirked at me all day while I was in the kitchen baking brownies and Noah's favourite cheesecake that I'm bringing to the party later.

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"What's got you in such a good mood?" My Mum says at she steps into the kitchen, turning the kettle on in the corner.

"No reason, you know I like to bake," I smile at her, but my cheeks blush a little thinking about the things I did last night.

The intense orgasm Nate gave me, the pleasure I gave him - then waking up to morning kisses this morning and then the way Nate snuck across the garden like a ninja to his house in his jeans and hoodie because I still refused to give him back his t-shirt. It just made me smile because Nate and Nico are mine.

"No reason huh?" She smirks, but I just shrug her off, carrying on with what I was doing. "You sure, cause if I didn't know any better, I'd say my baby got lucky last night," she chuckles and I close my eyes, only to cringe at the thought that my own mother spotted Nate leaving my room this morning.


"What?" She chuckles, lifting the kettle up and pouring the hot water into her mug with a tea bag. "We're both adults Ryan and it's no secret my baby has grown up. You should hear some of the conversations I've had with your sister while she was growing up," she smirks as she dunks the teabag in and out of her cup, then discarding it in the bin.

"Urgh," I screw my face up, not wanting to have this conversation right now while she continues to make her tea.

Mum and Tori have always been close, so no wonder they had that kind of relationship, but I was closer to dad and I always have been a daddy's girl. But like hell am I going to discuss my sex life with either of my parents! Especially my Mother.

"I'm just saying, I didn't have my glasses on this morning, but I'm sure-"

"Does this taste okay or should I add more sugar?" I cut her off, shoving the bowl under nose when I'm saved by my Dad who calls her into the other room. She winks at me, giving me a "you know this conversation isn't done young lady" look and I just sweetly smile at her as I watch her walk out the kitchen door with her cup in hand.

I will tell her about Nate... and about Nico; about the three of us together, but just not right now. We're not yet officially dating right now, it's still too early to tell and I'm not sure how serious they are about me. I just don't want to jinx something that is so good right now.

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"Ryan?" My Mum calls as she knocks on my bedroom door and I hear her voice at the foot of the stairs.

"Yeah Mum?"

"We're leaving in an hour, so make sure your ready, okay?"

"I'm getting dressed now Mum, I'll be up to the house in a little while," I yell down to her, still looking at my wardrobe, trying to figure out what to wear.

I hear my Mum shuffling and the door closing downstairs. I don't know why it's so hard to pick an outfit, but nothing in my wardrobe is screaming at me to wear it. I shuffle through everything, thinking I should just settle for a nice pair of jeans and top when something black catches my eye, something I've only wore once, but still nice enough it can be worn again. I pull out the black material that's draped on the hanger, a small smile playing on my lips.

"Perfect," I smile as I run my hands over the dress in my hand.

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        WALKING OUT my en-suite, a towel wrapped around my waist I walk over to my dresser, pulling out a pair of black briefs. I towel dry before sliding my legs through the material and pulling them up, throwing the towel over the bathroom door to dry before I put it in the hamper. My clothes, minus a t-shirt that I was wearing yesterday are still on the floor from this morning, I didn't get a chance to put them away so I pick them up, placing them in the black basket in the corner. With my hoodie in hand, I get a sweet smell pass by me, her smell. I bring the hoodie to my nose to smell her sweet marshmallow scent, she's all over my hoodie and I hesitate by the hamper, do I really need to wash this right now?  It smells like Ryan and I love how she smells. I woke up this morning with the biggest smile on my face, the first thing I did was bury my nose in her neck to smell her. She always smelled divine.

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"Why do you always smell so good?" I whisper against her skin and she giggles, my breathe tickling her skin. Her back is to my chest, her ass shifted back into my groin where she slept comfortably last night while I spooned her, never not holding her in my arms.

"Nate," she groans, her eyes still closed as her hands wrap around my own that rest on her stomach.

She fell asleep on me while we watched a movie and I really didn't want to move her. Ryan's cheek was pressed to my bare chest, resting like the perfect angel she is and as uncomfortable as it is to fall asleep in my jeans I had no choice unless I woke her up. I took one look at her face; her lashes twitching as she slips further into dreamland, the small smile on her face and the grip she had around my waist, I just can't wake her up to leave. I turned the light off and cuddled more into her as her deep breathing soothes me to sleep.
When she started to twitch and moan in the middle of the night, then those moans turned into cries I wasn't leaving her even if I was forced to. I sometimes hear Nic late at night, moaning and crying out from his nightmares; even though he never wants to talk about them it still pains me to hear him and it was just as bad to hear Ryan last night. She was crying and in a panic more last night then she was on Sunday while she slept on our couch. I hate that two people I care about the most - my brother who is basically my other half and my girl, suffer from nightmares of the terrible things they been through in their lifetime.

"How did you sleep beautiful?" I ask her as I pull her body more into mine, running my nose up her neck.

"Good," she croaks out in her morning voice.

"All good dreams?"

"All good dreams, no more nightmares after I knew you was here with me," she whispers and a weak smile crosses my lips knowing I gave her some comfort last night.

I know Ryan isn't much of a talker when it comes to her problems and neither is Nic, but I hope she would come to one of us if she ever needed to speak about what's going on. I don't know if coming back home after so long is messing with her head or if all the bullying, the beating and abuse haunts her because she never spoke to anyone about it.

"You know you can talk to me right?" I say and her body tenses in my grasps.

"I know," she whispers.

"I'm not going to push you to tell me what these memories you keep dreaming are about but, I'm here, whenever you're ready. I'm always gonna be here," I whisper into her ear, her back still flush against my chest.

"I know Nate. I know both you and Nico are here for me," she says and I hear her smile in her voice.


"When I'm ready... Okay?" She whispers.


After we cuddle for a bit she stretches her body out, arms out in front of her and her ass pushed up against me, causing a groan to pass my lips. "You shouldn't do that beautiful, he's already awake and your gonna make it way worse than you already are," I tell her, holding her hips in place as her ass rubs up against me. I took my jeans off in the middle of the night and the thin layer of her panties and my briefs is not enough to keep my dick at bay.

"Oh really?" I hear her tease.

"Yes really, you telling me you can't feel that?" I say and I push my painfully growing bulge into her, rubbing against the cheeks of her ass. My hand is gripped to her hip, my teeth trapping my bottom lip while she wiggles her hips on me and I know I need to stop this right now before I spend all day in bed with her.

I groan out in frustration and a small giggle escapes her lips as she twists her body round, looking at me over her shoulder, a blush creeping on to her cheeks. "Want help?" She says with a cheeky smile and I smile down at her confidence that's slowly climbing its way to the surface.

"The tiny voice in my head is screaming at me to say 'yes'..." I look over to the clock behind me and see the time is 08:37, it's late and I'm due in office in twenty minutes.

"But?" She playfully says.

"As much as I want to spend all day in bed with you, hearing you moan and teaching you new things..." I smile as I roll her onto her back and settle myself between her legs. "I'm gonna be late for work and I need to make sure everything for the party is set before tonight."

"Okay," she whispers out, a smile tugging at the corner of her lips.

"Believe me I want to, but Nic will nail my balls to wall if I'm late and everything is not done..." I chuckle planting a small soft kiss to her lips. "And he'll be jealous as hell if he finds out I didn't do my brotherly duties because I was with you all morning."

"He can have me all evening," she smiles, wrapping her hands around my neck.

"He'll have you to himself anyway... if I let him," I wink. Her green jewels twinkle, staring back at me and I use everything in me to take myself away from her to leave, I give her one last peck on the lips before resting my head on hers. "I gotta go," I whisper.


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I literally saw her just a few hours ago and I already can't wait to see her again. She is completely addictive and I don't think she knows just how addictive she really is. A small part of me winces, thinking about last night and the cries of her voice while trapped in her nightmare. It broke my heart to see and hear her last night; I just hope her nightmare's don't haunt her all the time. I pull my hoodie to my nose again, smelling her scent and place it on the seat in the corner, probably to never wash it again until her smell goes.
I walk to my wardrobe, sliding the mirrored door along and pulling out my navy blue suit and a white shirt. We're leaving for the party in a little over thirty minutes to help finish off the set up before Tori brings Noah to the restaurant. She had been working most of the morning to help set everything up with Emma, then myself and Nic were going to make sure everything was perfect, adding any finishing touches before he finds out it's all his.

It's going to be the best birthday present he has ever got.

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        BOTH MYSELF and Nat sit in the back of our hired car, driving towards the building Noah will call his own once we hand over the keys to him later. Months of hard work has come down to this moment and both of us have put other projects on hold or gave them to other members of our team to make sure this one went perfectly without a hitch.
It was both our visions on how it was going to look, but we left a lot for Noah to pick himself. We asked Melanie to personally set up a meeting with Noah when he's ready to sort out a color scheme and decor when he's thought about it, plus we didn't put up a sign on the outside yet, knowing Noah would want to name it himself. I tried asking him a few times if he ever had his own restaurant, what would he call it and every time I asked I got more than three answers so he was no help to me.

"Tori says he still believes they're going out for a meal together, just the two of them and we're seeing him on the weekend. He thinks we're stuck in a business meeting and Mom is in bed with the flu," Nat says next to me, looking down at his phone.

"Great. I don't think he suspects anything."

"We actually was able to hide something from Noah, can you believe it?" He chuckles.

"Honestly I'm still shocked we're gonna pull this off. Even Mom kept her mouth shut," I snicker as I wipe my sweaty palms on my black dress trousers.

I tap my foot nervously - my left knee bouncing and I tug on the collar of my black short sleeved shirt. Normally I'm dressed in a suit, but today Nat is the one wearing a suit while I was too hot and sweaty from nerves to even think about putting on a long sleeved shirt, never mind the suit jacket and tie. Moms gonna kill me when she sees my tattooed arms out in front of everyone, but with the weather so hot and my nerves up in flames, it's worth the ear full shell give me. Mom don't fully hate my tattoos, she just don't like the reminder of why I have so many. A reminder of a life she thought was a dream come true, until the truth came out and painted everything as a lie.

"You need to calm your shit Nic, your making me nervous as hell," Nat complains next to me with a chuckle, my leg still bouncing up and down, his eyes never leaving his phone.

"Sorry I'm just..." I rub my hands down my face, anxiety building as I start to wonder if Noah will like his present or not. I haven't had this much anxiety in years, in fact, I haven't had this much anxiety since I was a kid. I thought I grew out of it. "I'm just nervous is all."

"Not like you to be nervous," he says, putting his phone in his pocket.

"It's just a big thing, something he's wanted since he was eight Nat... I just don't want to disappoint him," I say, looking out the window.

Even though myself and Nathan are the closest out of the three of us, Noah is still my big brother and I love him just as much as I do Nat. Noah has been there with me through thick and thin, the good days and bad. They both have. Even though I know he'll love the restaurant, I just don't want to disappoint him with something I know he's wanted since he was a kid.

"He's not going to be disappointed and if he doesn't like it..." Nat says, placing a slap in my shoulder, "we can beat him up," he smiles and I can't help but laugh.

"He's nine years older, he'll probably beat the shit outta me."

"Yeah, but your the boxer in the family, plus we can tag team him. We use to when we were kids," he shrugs.

"Yeah... and he still beat the shit out of both of us," I snicker and then both of us start to chuckle out loud from the memory of us wrestling on the furniture, until we were scolded by our Mom for ruining the couch.

"Relaxed enough now?" He smiles at me.

"Yeah..." I say, sitting up, "until you give the speech and I hand over the keys."

"Wait a minute, your doing the speech! We agreed!"

"Well I'm older than you and as your the brat of the family, I've changed my mind. Your doing it."

"Dickhead," he mumbles, playfully.

"I heard that," I grit out

"Well you was suppose to... dickhead," he mumbles again with a smirk and I roll my eyes.

After a few minutes of silence, Nat breaks the quietness of the car ride, clearing his throat before he speaks. "There's something I never got a chance to speak to you about today," he says, the playful tone in his voice gone and I know he going to say tell me something serious.

"What?" The worried expression on my face says it all when I look at him, nothing good can come from Nat's serious face.

"She had another one..." he says and I furrow my brows in confusion. "Ryan... she had another nightmare last night. You know she's never spoken to anyone about what happened to her in school and I'm not gonna lie when I say I'm not worried about her because I am Nic."

It was no secret where Nat was last night, he messaged me to say he was with her and when I didn't hear him shuffling around his room to get ready or the smell of him cooking this morning - his unmade bed confirmed he stayed with her. Fuck was I jealous, but at least I knew she was with him and not someone else. And now hearing she had another nightmare, only makes me feel better that Nat was with her.

"Was she as bad as she was on Sunday?" I ask, hoping he says no, but those aren't the words he spills out.

"Worse," and my heads snaps towards him.

"Worse?" I repeat to myself in my head.
"It was bad enough the other day."

"Did she tell you what she was dreaming about?"

"No... she just said it was another memory... she-" Nat starts to say, but stops mid sentence like he's trying to find the right words to speak. I see his mind run around in circles as the pain of what she was like last night clearly resurfaces in his mind. Then I click, I know what he's going to say when our eyes meet.

"She reminds you of me... doesn't she?" I question and all he does is nod, slowly.

It's no secret how my childhood was before the age of thirteen, not from the people closest to me anyway. My younger years still haunt my mind with images and I've got the scars hidden underneath countless amounts of tattoos you can not see, but you can feel on my skin to prove it. And even though I still get those images in my mind late at night, sometimes only managing a few hours sleep at a time, I've had the therapy to help me. Ryan has never spoken to anyone, not even us when we've literally begged her to tell us.

"I don't want her to break Nic... not like you," he whispers the last part and he looks out the window as we drive pass the building downtown. I know he's holding back tears because not only was my childhood ruined, but so was Nat's, Noah's and our Mom's life.

I remember us having this conversation before - the day I found her sitting on the dock behind our house. The day we saw all her bruises, taking care of her and rubbing aloe vera on her skin to help. The day I screamed at her for the first time, reminding myself of who I'm trying to not be like. The day that was one of the worse I had ever seen her and the fear within me that thought she did something when she didn't answer us while in the bath. But Nat was right that day, "she won't you know... break... she won't."

He looks over at me, his brows furrowed with not only confusion, but somewhat concerned. "You don't know that Nic," he says turning back to look out the window. But I just had to remind him what he told me.

"Yeah I do," I say softly, "because like you told me before. She's ours and we always take care of what's ours," I tell him, mimicking his words from that day and he turns to me with a small hopeful smile.

"She's ours," she repeats.

*word count - 3438*

*is it safe to come out from behind the sofa now? Do people still like me?!*

I know, I know...
What took me so long to post?
Honestly... life. I planned to write & post a bunch of chapters a
few weeks ago while I was off work but I had some personal things come up while off.
Things still aren't out of the woods but I'm all good, just had some things to deal with/still dealing with. Updates won't be as frequent as I would like but I'm trying my best to get as many put as possible when I can.




😲 😲 😲 😲 😲


On another note,
I've tried something new with this chapter, seeing the P.O.V of all
three of our favourite people. Reason for this was I started writing the chapter
as Ryan as a filler chapter but then I realised it was only going to be a few hundred words
then thought.... what's the point. Didn't want to delete so I included our boys.

Let me know if you like this sort of chapter with multiple P.O.V & I'll try
to write some more like this.

Don't forget to vote & leave me a comment, I love hearing from you all!
Stay safe,

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