Chapter 42

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MY EYES FLUTTER open, taking in the early morning sun through the window on the far side of the room. The light grey blinds are wide open and the curtains were not drawn close. The room is bright, too bright for me to sleep and I lift my head up from the soft pillow to peak over the large body asleep next to me. The clock that sits on the bedside table reads 06:04, way to early to be awake, but early enough to be awake on a Friday morning. I've got no plans until later on today, thank god and now, I can't go back to sleep with how bright this room is.
My eyes flicker to the body next to me, my head lowering back down on to the pillow to get a better look at him. He looks so peaceful as small puffs of air make his lips pout after every exhale, his eyelashes flicker as he dreams sweetly and even though he's not smiling, his dimples are there faintly showing, like they've permanently been indented on his gorgeous face. My eyes trail down Nate's face, along his shoulder and down his arm which is wrapped around my waist securely. His hand is limp on my back and twitches every now and then, clearly having some sort of active dream. I can't hide the smile on my face as I watch him, memories of last night flooding back to me.

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"You tired princess?"


"Good... because the night is still young," Nate whispers, brushing his fingers along my cheek.

"What did you boys have in mind," I say bravely with a blush.

"A late night snack," Nate shrugs, leaning in to kiss my lips as his hand tangles in my hair and Nico attacks my neck.

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I replay everything in my mind as I remember them touching me, kissing me... worshiping my body like I'm a precious treasure and I loved every minute of it. No one has made me feel as special as they do, like I'm the only person in the room with them even if there's a hundred people around us, they see me. The looks, the stares, the smiles... all for me.
Even though I hardly spoke to him at the party because I was mad at Melanie, I felt Nico's gaze on me, burning eyes of want and longing; no one has ever looked at me like that before. They are both so caring when it comes to us being physical with each other, never doing anything I'm not comfortable with and they let me go at my own pace, being so patient with me. Both Nate and Nico never made me feel inexperienced, both letting me learn how to please them and the eagerness of their teachings wasn't unnoticed by me, especially when we showed "Nat what Ryan learned tonight," hearing Nico's voice in my head as I remember touching Nate and I can't help the smile on my face with the memory of him on my tongue.

I never thought I'd find anything like I do with the two younger Greyson men... so far.

I smile at Nate, thinking back on his face as his face contorted in pleasure, his mouth shaped in an 'O' and Nico's face matching his brother shortly after. I did things I thought I'd never do and that little vixen that proudly sits on my shoulder while I'm with them smirks at me smugly, knowing I can be a beautiful, sexy women when I'm in their arms. I turn to look over my shoulder, turning my attention to Nico, wanting to see his peaceful sleeping face too, but when I look at the space behind me, it's empty - cold. I crinkle my brows together wondering where he is. I fell asleep with both of them in a tangled heap on the bed and I was expecting to wake up to both of them, but I'm only with Nate.

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"Have we worn you out now princess?" Nico's voice whispers close to me ear.

"Mhm-mm," is all I manage to say in acknowledgement, fatigue taking over me slowly as I close my eyes.

Laying on my back, my right leg draped over Nate's waist while my other leg lays trapped between Nico's, both of their arms wrapped around my midriff, making small patterns with their fingers and I'm panting a little, trying to regulate my breathing to some sort of normality. "I'll take that as a yes," Nico chuckles.

"Mhm-mm," I hum again, my eyes slowly closing.

I feel fingers glide over the left side of my face, turning me slowly towards the owner before cupping my cheek and a thumb running over my lips, Nate's breath fanning my face while he whispers, "sweet dreams beautiful... only dream of good things." I feel his lips brush mine softly for a sweet kiss, then a small peck to my nose. It's gentle, pure and even though I'm exhausted, my eyes practically shut, my stomach flutters with butterflies.

"Yeah," I say lazily.

His hand drops from my face, sliding down my body to rest on my hip; my eyes still closed and another hand cupping the right side of my face is turned towards the other warm body next to me. Repeating the actions of his brother, Nico cups my cheek, his thumb running along my lower lip, pulling it down slightly before he whispers, "sleep well princess, we'll see you in your dreams," he whispers before he also places a soft and gentle kiss to my lips.

"In... my dreams," I say slowly.

And then the darkness over takes me, wrapped up in the warmth of my boys.

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I fell asleep with both of them last night and I won't lie when I say I'm not disappointed I only woke up with Nate, because I am. I remember them both kissing me goodnight and being engulfed in warmth from there heated bodies, the comforter being pulled over me. And now only Nate is here.

"Where is he?" I think.

Turning back to Nate, I place a soft kiss to the corner of his mouth before I pull his arm off of me, his face twitching like he's going to wake up, but I manage to peel myself away from him, heading to the en-suite bathroom. I pick up Nate's light blue shirt he wore at the party last night, pulling the material over my body and buttoning it up. It's big on me, hitting the middle of my thigh in length, but I have to roll the sleeves up, just so I can use my hands.
I walk over to the bathroom counter, not noticing last night that there's bunch of things on the counter surface that the brothers clearly got for me on those nights I do stay with them. Aside from the toothbrush, toothpaste and mouthwash I used last night; there's also face wipes, face wash and my marshmallow body spray, the only body spray I've used since I was fifteen before adding my perfume. A small smile appears on my face, my heart strings tugging at the sweet gesture and I use the toothbrush to brush my teeth.

After using the bathroom to freshen up, I walk back out to see Nate hugging the pillow I laid on, his nose buried deep into the soft white cloud and I quietly tip toe out the room, following the hallway towards the kitchen. I need water, a gallon of it and hopefully I'll find Nico too. I know they have no morning meetings, given that it's a Friday and they mentioned that they were closing the office, giving everyone a half day because of the party last night. Truth be told I knew that they didn't want to go in hungover and if they took the morning off, so did the rest of the building because that was the kind of bosses they were.
I step into the empty kitchen, hoping Nico would be in here already, only, he's not. My stomach growls at me and I open the fridge, taking out a bottle of water - gulping it down before looking at all the fresh fruit inside, thinking I'll make pancakes for breakfast. I take out everything I need, even finding some chocolate chips in the cupboard by the flour and start the mixture.
My R'nB playlist plays softly in the background, not wanting to turn it up too loud so that it will wake up Nate - even though he's down the hall. It feels weird making pancakes without him, because we always made them together, but it will be a nice surprise for him when he gets up and I'll make sure to leave some for Nico.
An hour later there's a spread of freshly chopped strawberries with raspberries and blackberries, a stack of pancakes sits on a plate and I'm just finishing off the mixture in the bowl. It's now just after 7.30am, my stomach excited about the food I'm about to eat when I suddenly feel arms wrap around me, pressing me back into a hard chest. A pair of lips kisses me softly behind my ear, squeezing me gently and I can instantly tell which brother this is by their intoxicating smell.

"Couldn't wait for me?" He says and I can hear the smile in his voice.

"I was hungry," I say biting my lip, trying to pay attention to the task at hand. I don't want to burn the food - even though I have enough to feed the five thousand, but these are the last few left to cook.

"And I woke up hungry," he growls, biting my earlobe as his grip on me tightens.

"Nate!" I giggle out loud, trying to wiggle out of his hold. He attacks my neck with sweet kisses, biting on my neck gently as his grip tightens around me, "did you sleep okay?"

"I did, a guy can get use to sleeping next to you every night," he smiles down at me, "smells amazing beautiful."

"Hope your hungry, there's enough here to feed an army," I chuckle, flipping the pancakes over. "Just save some for Nico, he wasn't here when I woke up this morning and I have no idea where he is."

"He's probably still in bed," Nate says against the skin of my neck, he kisses me softly, unwrapping himself from around me and picking up the plates of food to bring to the round table in the kitchen.

"But he wasn't there when I woke up?" I say my eyebrows furrowed with confusion.

I look at him walking away from me, his hair messy on top of his head like he's run his fingers through it a million and one times, but it wasn't his fingers that ran through his hair... they were mine. I bite my lip looking at his bare back, flexing as he carries the plates on both hands, his tattoo on his rib cage peaking through on the side and the thought of me running my tongue up his spine fogs my mind.

"This man is delicious," I think.

"Nic doesn't like sleeping with other people beautiful, he only gets a few hours a night and spends most of it reading when he can't sleep. He most definitely is awake, but probably lost in a book."

"So he's in his room?" I ask confused and Nate nods his head placing the cutlery on the table from the draw, he looks up at me with a smirk, a small glint in his eye.

"Go tell him to get his ass downstairs for breakfast, before I devour everything. And I mean, everything," he winks with a smirk before biting his lip and looking at me hungrily. "I'm surprised he hasn't come down yet from just the smell alone."

"Okay," I whisper out before placing the last cooked pancakes on the plate.


"Please... with honey," I smile.

"Of course," he winks.

I leave Nate to finish off setting the table and making the drinks, heading up to the second floor to Nico's room. Climbing the stairs my confused mind lingers on the fact that Nico went back to his room last night and didn't sleep with us. It's not that I mind, but twice now I've woken up in Nate's arms and I want that with Nico too. What's even more confusing is what Nate said in the kitchen, "Nic doesn't like sleeping with other people beautiful, he only gets a few hours a night and spends most of it reading when he can't sleep," the biggest question I have is... why?
I walk along the hallway, passing black painted doors of the rooms on the second floor that I've never been in apart from Nate's room. Drawing's and painting done by him hang proud along the egg shell painted walls until I am standing outside Nico's room. I knock softly, so soft that I barely touch the door, after a few seconds and no answer I knock again, this time louder and a shuffle from behind the door tells me he's there, awake and I turn the handle down, opening the door with caution.

"Nico?" I say peaking my head round the door, my body half covered.

"Princess?" Nico is sitting up in bed, his back against the headboard; the blinds and curtains are open with the morning sun shining brightly into his room and the window is wide open too, letting in the fresh morning air. His upper body is bare, a silk sheet wrapped around his lower region with one leg out bent, "what are you doing up?" He says, taking off the black rimmed glasses off his face.

"When did he start where glasses?" I think.

"I've been up for awhile, we didn't close the blinds last night and the room was too bright to go back to sleep," I say moving forward into his room slowly. His gaze is filled with a hidden desire as he drifts his eyes over my face, down my body to my bare legs, licking his lips which doesn't go unnoticed and my stomach flips from the way he's looking at me.

I get a good look around, taking in my surroundings for the first time in his room. The walls are painted red, except for the one wall his bed is pushed up against which is black panelling, the rooms deep and rich in colour. It has a dominate feeling to it, definitely an essence of Nico. The bedding he's wrapped up in is red of course with extra black pillows and comforter. His fitted wardrobe has black panels and one door in the middle is mirrored. There's a chair in the corner with a small side table, with a red lamp next to a bookshelf and I smile thinking about all the books on those shelves that we've exchanged back and fourth between us over the years.

"Come here," he whispers with his hand out, his voice low and deep. He places the book in his hand and his glasses next to him on the bed then pulling the red sheets up his body, almost covering him more over his torso while I walk over to him, taking his offered hand in mine. He pulls me onto the bed towards him, sitting me on his lap, my legs draped to the side and his hand cups my cheek, caressing my skin softly, "morning," he whispers with a smile before bringing my lips to his.

My eyes flutter shut and he kisses me once, twice, three times, each kiss sweet and gentle before pulling back, "morning," I say back to him.

"How did you sleep?"

"Good... until I woke up and you weren't there," I small smile tugs at the corner of my lips and I look down a little embarrassed that I was disappointed I didn't see him first thing this morning.

"I uh..." he starts to say and when I look up he's staring down at my fingers that are playing with the hem of Nate's shirt.

"Nate says you prefer to sleep alone."

He doesn't say anything, taking a hold of my hand and lacing his fingers with mine. I see him opening and closing his mouth to speak before I see the gulp he takes as he swallows the words in his throat. I don't want to push him for an answer, I can tell he's already uncomfortable. When I go to say something else, trying to fix the tense atmosphere between us, after a long pause he finally speaks.

"I do," he says, his brows furrowed together. "I've never slept with anyone in the same room with me since I was a kid... and even then... I was always with my brothers," he says softly.

"Why?" I say without thinking, closing my eyes shut and I mentally kick myself for even asking as his body tenses next to me. "I'm sorry Nico, I shouldn't of asked, I can tell your uncomfortable and I-... soooooo, when did you start wearing glasses?" I say, cutting myself off from my rambling then pulling my hands from his and picking up the pair of glasses on top of his book next to my legs. "I think they look good on you," I say turning to him with a smile.

His face is hard, like his thinking a million things at once and he grips my thigh hard - the silence from him makes me regret ever bringing up his preferred sleeping arrangement. "I... I can't..."

I cup both of his cheeks, his blue orbs lost with some sort of pain and if I could kick myself for being so nosey I would. "It's fine Nico, I won't ask again, I'm sorry I'm so nosey."

"I will tell you... I will, but not today princess," he whispers bringing his forehead to rest on mine, bringing his hand to the back of my neck and his lips closing in on mine. "I'm not ready yet... not yet," he whispers on my lips.


"I promise I'll tell you everything one day, just not yet."

"It's fine Nico, you don't-"

"No princess, I do... you deserve to know the truth. Why I am the way I am, it's just hard... I need time," he smiles softly at me, caressing his fingers along my skin that instantly sends goosebumps along my skin.

He kisses my lips passionately as he pushes his hand at the base of my neck, his fingers tangled in my hair like I'm his life line to deepen the kiss. There is a need in this kiss, a hunger, but not like his heated normal kisses. His normal needy kiss holds desire - a primal lust, but this kiss, as he pushes his way pass my lips with his tongue slowly makes me feel like I'm his reason for forgetting, like I'm his air. Minutes pass and his eagerness gets pulled back, slowly down his assault on my lips and he finally releases me, "last year," he says when he pulls away.


"I started wearing glasses last year," he smiles gently. "I only need them for reading or typing on a computer, nothing else and most of the time I wear contacts, especially at the office. Only my brothers or my mom have seen me wear them. And thankfully," he says before pausing to kiss my nose, "I don't need to wear them to see your beauty... I'm glad you find them sexy on me," he says and my cheeks heat up with a blush.

"I never said sexy."


"No... I said they look good on you," I smile.

"Same thing," he shrugs.

"If you say so sir," I mock in a joking way, but the dark look on his face tells me I probably shouldn't of called him that. I gasp, shouting out his name as he flips us over, pushing his knee between us to spread my legs apart and laying between them. The red sheet is still wrapped protectively around him and he pushes himself in to me, my hands trapped above my head in one of his as he nuzzles my neck to pepper kisses on my skin while giggles escape my lips, "breakfast is getting cold."

"You are my breakfast," he mumbles on my skin, still placing open mouthed kisses along my heated skin.

"Nico," I continue to giggle as his hands roam my body through the material of the shirt I'm wearing, "I'm hun-gry."

"So am I."

"Noooo-nooooo," I gasp with giggles as he still assaults me with kisses. My stomach makes a gurgling noise, making Nico stop with a smile and I feel my face heat up with embarrassment.

"Could that of been any louder?" I cringe to myself, placing my hands over my face.

"I think my breakfast can wait," he says, his voice deep and husky as he wiggles his hips between my legs. "Let's feed the beast inside you princess. C'mon," he says, pulling my hands down from my face and lacing our fingers together.

He sits up, pulling me with him as he slides off the bed, the sheet slowly falling down and I get the full view of his body, grateful his manhood is covered by boxers. I know I've seen him naked already, even pleasured him, but I still feel the pink hue I know that's dusted along my cheeks. It's the first time I've seen him naked in the bright light, his tattoos like exquisite pieces of art along his skin and I bite my lip looking at this amazing sex god in front of me.
He kisses the back of my knuckles, letting go of my hand with a wink before walking to the dresser along the far wall and pulling out a pair of black basketball shorts. I watch as his back flexes, sliding himself into the holes of the shorts and I quickly check for drool, ogling over his muscled back - the massive piece covering every inch of his skin.
The tattoo is of an soft looking angel that sits on a cloud; wings spread out wide above him - running across Nico's broad shoulders, while the angel looks down at a demon with bat like wings. The face of the angel looks almost familiar and so does the demon, but I push the thought to one side as I take in the whole thing. The demon is laying down, a scared snarl on it's face as bolts of lightening in a white, red, pinky colours rain down on the demon on his lower back.
I'm mesmerised by the beautiful piece of art, wondering how long he sat in a chair for while getting it done. When I stand up, as Nico rummages for a top in a lower draw I notice up close that the lightening bolts are not just greatly detailed, but they actually look like... scars?

No... they can't be scars on his back?

I'm broken free of my trace, looking at the detail of the tattoo and what look like scars when he pulls a vest top over his torso, covering him up. He turns towards me, his hand out waiting for mine and I place a smile on my face, hiding my curiosity, taking his hand in mine. As we walk to the kitchen, the smell of my pancakes hits me, but my mind runs a million miles thinking about what I've just seen.
Nico's entire lower torso is covered in jagged lines, going from the middle all the way down to his lower back, even pass his waist. If every single one of them are hidden behind tattoos to disguise his scars, how did they get there in the first place? Who would hurt someone as kind as Nico?

But the biggest question I do ask myself is... if there is any more scars hidden on the rest of his body?

*word count - 3809*

I hate that I can't update as often as I would like but I prefer to take my time & write
something worth reading... I hoped you liked the chapter.

So this chapter reveals a bit about Nico's past...kind of.
I promise you will find out what happened to him, I know it sucks to wait but I've had that
chapter planned since the very first chapter & things needs to happen first.

But aren't you happy your girl & favourite brooding man have kissed & made up.
Oh!... and now he wears glasses in private, I dunno what made me write that but I just had this image of Nico laying on the bed, reading with glasses on.

Thank you all so much for the votes & reads, welcome to all the new people who have been binge reading as well... I see you voting! 😁 As always keep them comments coming, you I love to hear from you all.

Stay safe,

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