Chapter 46

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          MUM AND DAD left for the airport in the early hours of Saturday morning. Nate offered to drive them and we dropped them off, the three of us coming back home to curl up on the sofa with a movie before I eventually fell asleep on Nico. The rest of Saturday and Sunday was my ideal weekend. We had left over pizza, watched movies and I helped Nate cook dinner like old times. On both days I woke up, again wrapped up in Nate's arms either in his bed or like this morning in mine and once again I was disappointed that I didn't wake up with Nico by my side on either days. Even if I did fall asleep with him, but like he said, he doesn't like sleeping with other people.
   Monday morning creeped up on us so fast that I was disappointed it came so quick, but excited at the same time because it's my first day back working with the Greyson family. I unpacked everything I bought with me from my house, even the new clothes I bought for the office and now I'm staring blankly at all the new clothes I bought, trying my hardest to look smart on my first day.

"All these clothes and I still don't know what to wear," I grumble to myself, shifting through hanger after hanger. I'm only in my underwear, a matching white set with a baby pink trim; it was a spur of the moment purchase and not a colour I normally would pick, but Amy said I had enough dark coloured sets and a woman needed at least one white bra in her lingerie draw.

"The black trousers?... no... the purple pencil skirt?...
nope... the blue skirt? Or is trousers better?....
Urgh, why can't I just pick something?!" I moan to myself in my head as I huff at everything in front of me.

To be honest I have no idea why I'm stressing about what I'm dressed like. I know my bosses already so there's no need for a good first impression and most of the people who knew me from before when I worked for their mother still work there. But I still want to look professional.

"Princess? You coming down for-" I hear Nico say, stopping mid sentence. I turn slowly towards the door and I see Nico, dressed in a dark charcoal suit, crisp white shirt and black tie, marching up to me like I'm his prey, his bright blue orbs laced with lust. There's a deep rumble of a growl in his throat as he latches onto me and tugs me to him, my back pressed to his chest.

"Nico!" I giggle as he wraps his strong arms around me, kissing the skin on my neck.

"I'm going to make this a rule if your not careful?" He growls in my ear and then bites my earlobe.

"A ru-le," I giggle as he continues to kiss my neck, each kiss tickling my skin.

"You walking around in your underwear... I should put it on the list as a major rule at all times. You've never looked so innocent yet sexy as fuck in what your wearing right now," he growls again and my insides jump, a throbbing forming between my legs.

His playfulness stops and slowly he bites and sucks on my sensitive spot, "Nico?" I say, trying to sound unaffected as he hums in response. "When..." I pause sucking in a deep breath as his grip tightens on my body, "when are you... going to tell me the rules?"

He bites into my skin, not too hard, but not gentle either and runs his tongue up my neck to my ear, nibbling my earlobe again, "when your ready princess."

"But I want to know... I want... to see your playroom," I say between pants.

"And I want you to be ready for what I have planned for this beautiful body princess," he says, trailing his hands over my abdomen and pressing his fingers into my hips as he presses my body against him, his excitement pushed behind me. "I like things a little different when I'm not with Nat," he whispers in my ear, "and I want to make sure your okay with that before I show you."

I twirl in his arms, my body twisting round and I wrap my hands around his neck, staring into those dark blue orbs of want, "I trust you Nico... I've never trusted anyone more than I trust you and Nate in my entire life... please, please show me?" His eyes flicker, tracing the lines of my face and I see his mind ticking over with thoughts. The curiosity of his playroom is all I can think about when I look at him. I wonder what's in there and what sort of toys he keeps referring to.

The room is silent, the only sounds is our breathing, but even then it's mute. He brings his hand to my face, tucking my loose hair behind my ear and caressing my cheek, his thumb running along my lower lip, "Wednesday," he whispers.

"What?" I say confused. I heard him clearly, but I'm just not sure what he means.

"Wednesday night... I'll tell Nat your going to be all mine and I'll show you my room," he says, the corner of his lip tugging up into a half smile as his eyes ping pong between mine.

"And the rules?" I ask, getting up on my tip toes and leaning my body into his with a innocent smile, hoping I'll get my way.

Slowly he brings his lips to mine, placing a delicate kiss on my lips until he pulls back slightly, his lips brushing my own. His hand moves from my cheek, down to my neck as his large hand covers my skin and he squeezes gently, my hands falling down from his shoulders. "We will go over the rules and then I'm going to punish you for being a sexy vixen just to get your own way," he says then slowly runs his tongue over my lower lip and I think I'm ready to melt to the floor with how turned on I am right now. I moan when his lips cover mine, pulling my body to his with his free hand while the other is still wrapped around my neck and I hear a hum of pleasure from Nico when our tongues clash together.

"Ryan?... Ryan you rea- hey, hey, hey, enough of that you two, we gotta be at the office in forty five minutes and she still needs to eat breakfast Nic!" Nate says and our attention snaps from each other to the annoyed looking man at the door in a very delicious blue suit, his hands on his hips.

"Yes daddy," I say rolling my eyes.

"Careful princess, I don't have a problem being late if I have to give you a spanking for being rude," Nico says sternly. I look up at him, a twinkle in my eye at the thought and my lips perk up into a smirk - surely we could spare ten minutes right?

I didn't even hear him move, but I know Nate is right behind me when I feel his fingers on the back of my legs, fingers dancing over the back of my upper thighs. "As much fun as that would be to see you all hot and bothered," Nate's husky voice says close to my left ear, his body heat radiating off of him as his presses me to him, a shiver running down my spine as I'm wedged between both of them. "We have an important meeting this morning, we need to get going and you need to eat."

"I could alway spank you during your lunch break?" Nico's husky voice says and I have to push my legs together to feel some type of friction between my legs as I growl with want from his words.

"Today will definitely be interesting," Nate purrs in my other ear, his fingers still dancing on my skin.

"How late can we be today?"

"We can't," Nate hums with a chuckle, taking my lobe between his teeth and biting softly, "c'mon, you need breakfast," he says and he reluctantly pulls himself away from me, heading for the door.

"Get dressed princess, we'll be downstairs waiting," Nico says, kissing my temple.

I'm alone again, the room silent and I take a steady breathe to calm myself as I look at the clothes hanging up in the wardrobe staring back at me.

"But I still don't know what to wear," I huff to myself in my head.

▪️ ▪️ ▪️ ▪️ ▪️ ▪️ ▪️ ▪️

I SIT NEXT TO EMMA at my soon be to desk, around lunch time. The morning has been busy with both of the brothers having meeting after meeting, not to mention that the floor receptionist has called in sick this morning so all floor calls have been coming in straight to Emma. Luckily enough I can handle the phones so she can handle everything else while she refresher trains me for when she eventually heads back down to the legal floor.
   My red blouse that I finally chose this morning, pairing it with a on the knee pencil skirt matches almost perfectly with Emma's clothing in the same skirt but her red blouse, with alternate dark red and deep purple stripes almost looks like we matched on purpose.

"Now... Nicholas has a meeting at 2pm while Nathan has one at 2.30, which one do you want to sit in on to take notes?" Emma says grabbing the boxed salad we just picked up from the canteen on the lower floor.

"I don't really mind, I'm happy with either."

"Well you take Nicholas and I'll take Nathan's. His meeting should be finished first then you can head over to conference room three for the end of Nathan's? Nicholas's meeting is by video so it'll be easier to take the notes," she smiles.

"Sounds good."

"Is this how you normally split the meetings?"

"Mostly, but I leave Chris to handle the face to face meetings. It's good experience for him," she smiles and I still wonder about my work buddy that will sit on the desk in front of us.

"Has Chris worked here long?"

"A little over two years, his dad is a friend of Mrs Greyson, they've known each other since high school and Chris wants to be a designer so his dad asked if he could work here to gain some experience," she smiles taking a sip of her water.

"What's he like?" I ask interested.

With my shyness so bad with new people I want to get a friendly insight into the man I'll be spending most of my time with. Even though I'll only be with Chris for one day a week, both Nico and Nate have hinted that they will eventually want me here full time which means my working days will increase with the other mysterious PA.

"He's nice, we both have a laugh with each other, definitely makes the days go quicker when the bosses are in one of their moods or should I say when Nicholas is in one of his moods," she chuckles.

"Ahhh," I say chuckling, knowing exactly what she means, only now his broody days do kind of turn me on a bit.

"You've got nothing to worry about Ryan, you and Chris are the same age, I think you two will get on fine, now Molly?" She says pointing towards where the floor receptionist desk is, "just get ready for her to piss the bosses off, which she successfully does daily. She's always doing something to get on theirs nerves, not to mention the revealing clothing. It's so unprofessional and desperate," she says rolling her eyes.

"She seemed okay when I met her."

"Oh just you wait," she chuckles. We continue to eat, both of us answering the phone that rings because of Molly's absence and then Emma picks up the conversation again. "So how was Noah's party Thursday, I'm sad I missed it," she says taking a bite of her lunch.

"Amazing, he looked so happy with everything. I can't wait till it's all finished and it's finally open," I smile, taking a sip of water.

"I'm sure Melanie will make it look however Noah envisions it to be," I can't help it, but my body stiffens from just the mention of Melanie's name. When I first met her she was so kind and lovely towards me, but I don't know how I feel about her now; now that she's had me in almost a fit of rage with how she acted with Nico at the birthday party, knowing full well our situation. I haven't answered Emma, slowly chewing my food, but with no response to Mel's name Emma can sense somethings wrong.
"You know... she came by the morning after," my eyes snap to hers straight away, eyes wide like saucers. They never mentioned her coming by and I'm wondering if Nico spoke to her like he promised. "She stormed out of here with the sourest of faces, mumbling under breathe, let's just say I overheard Nicholas put her in her place. I've heard him be assertive with people before, but I've never heard him be so deadpanned and serious with Melanie. He even told me to tell Leon not to allow her in the building unless they're notified first."

"Did... did you know why he did that?" I ask swallowing thickly.

"Let's just say, no one messes with their girl," she winks.

"Emma, I-"

"You don't need to say anything Ryan and I'm not going to judge you. I know what it's like to be judged because of the person you are in a relationship with. My parents still don't speak to me or my older brother because one, I'm a lesbian while two, Henry is in a relationship with not only a girl but a guy too," she smiles at me, my eyes wide at this information. I know Emma is proudly gay, but I had never met her brother. She's only ever spoken about him and the dance studio he has downtown.

"Henry has two partners?" I asked surprised.

"Yeah," she smiles sweetly and for some reason I feel myself relax a little, knowing that Emma won't judge my relationship with the brothers. "They met in college, regularly "having fun" together, that's what Henry use to say, but one day it all changed when Ricky admitted his feelings for both of them. Only he didn't want to choose between them, saying that both Henry and Celia both gave him something the other didn't. They said all they were willing to try, test the waters together, it's now been fours years and they're happy. All three of them in a loving, caring relationship. Of course our parents loved Celia, but when Henry told them about Ricky, our father flipped his shit like you wouldn't believe. Our parents said they didn't understand our life style, didn't like the fact that I liked girls or that Henry had a boyfriend even though they were fine with him having a girlfriend."

My stomach twists in knots, thinking about my parents and wondering if they would react in the same way as Emma's, even though I know for a fact that they love both Nico and Nate. But the harrowing thought of loosing either of the brothers or my parents because of the choice to be with them makes me feel sick to my core.

"Does it hurt?"

"Does what hurt?"

"To not have the people closest to you support your life choices?"

"Not at all," she smiles, picking up her chain around her neck and fiddling with it. "Me and my brother have our younger sisters who care for us more than our parents ever did. Now my parents have lost four children. I don't need them because unlike most people, I chose my family and the family I always had, that loved me no matter what, followed us."

"Do you miss them?"

"Honestly? I miss my mom... it was my dad that had the problem with me dating a girl and of course Henry with Ricky saying he had two children that disappointed him. A year ago my sister came out as bisexual, he chucked her out the house along with her twin and said it was our fault and that we shouldn't of kept in touch with her, filling her mind with our nonsense. Apparently that's why she likes girls, because our 'gayness' rubbed off on her, if you even believed that kind of bullshit," she snorts.
"Ashley's family makes up for the family I've lost because of who I want to be with and I've made peace with that," she says smiling as she clearly thinks of her girlfriends family. "Ashley's mom makes me feel the love of family that I never had at home and I'm just grateful she treats my sibling's the same as me, like we're hers."

"Have you ever tried to call your mum?"

"Once... but she heard my voice, didn't say a thing, then I heard dad in the background and she slammed the phone down. The only one of us she'll speak to is Chloe, probably because she's the only straight one out of the four of us and even though dad doesn't talk to her, she's the only one mom's allowed to speak to and there not be a argument," she smiles uncomfortably.

"I'm sorry Emma."

"Thanks but, I'm okay," her smiles is sweet and there's a pain behind her eyes like she's hurting on the inside to talk about it, but I've always known Emma as a strong person. "What about your family?"

"My family?"

"Do they know?" She points at the two doors that have each of the Greyson men working hard, "about the three of you?"

"My parents don't... yet," I smile, forcing my lips to hide my worry once they do find out. "We're not officially dating, we're just seeing how things work out and I think if it does turn into something serious then I'll tell them."

"How do you think they will react?"

"Honestly, I don't know, but I'm more scared of my dad than my mums reaction," I say picking at the leafs in my salad box.


"It sounds so stupid but I'm scared I'll... I'm scared I'm going to..." I can't finish the words because that's how much it worries me, but I don't have to finish my sentence because she can read my mind like a book.

"You don't want to disappoint him."

"Yeah," I say, a uncomfortable smile tugs at the corner of my mouth and I gulp thickly thinking about my dads possible reaction.

"I don't think you have anything to worry about Ryan, honestly your dad is a good a man... a man I wish I had in my life growing up," her face softens and she leans over to grab my hand. "It's hard in this world to find a good father Ryan and I have no doubt your dad will only care about your happiness. As long as your happy, I think he'll be fine with it."

I can't help the smile on my face as Emma calms my nerves down. Even though I'm not ready to tell my parents just yet. I think about their reaction so much I drive myself crazy without even knowing it. I get this sickening feeling every time my dad or my mum looks at me, like I want to test the waters and see how they would react to a three person relationship. My parents have never been judgemental, always accepted people the way they are, but they were strangers, not someone who they are blood related to. And honestly, sometimes that's when people's true colours come to light. I just hope that no matter what happens, I'll have the support of both my parents when they finally know about Nico, Nate and I.

"I really hope your right Emma," I smile.

*word count - 3298*

Sorry for this boring chapter but I needed a filler chapter & the problem with
filler chapters is they aren't planned & I just go with the flow but
it always takes me longer to write these type of chapters then a chapter I've planned in my head.

I hope you liked the update, I'm not going lie
I'm really, really, really looking forward to writing the
"Wednesday Night" chapter with Nico & Ryan.
I promised some naughtiness with our favourite brother...
well... my favourite brother 😋😋 not sure about you but I always have fun
writing his chapters.

Again I'm sorry for the big gap between updates, but I just don't wanna post the updates
unless I'm completely happy with a chapter even though I'm not a hundred percent happy
with this one but I'm okay about it 😂

Don't forget to vote & leave me your comments,
you all know I love hearing from you!

Stay safe,

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