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"Oh wow, look at the view, Jin" I muse as the alpha drives his car along the ocean where is situated a large and rich looking harbor filled with docked yachts and smaller boats, all of them definitely over the million dollars budget.

He smiles and hums softly, his opened window allowing the wind in his hair, he looks gorgeous like this and it takes my breath away every single time - the blue water surrounding us and the mountains behind him really suit him.

But he hasn't given me any hints since we departed from his shop earlier, and it's been an hour already of driving on highways after highways before we made it here and I still don't know where he could possibly be taking us. I'm getting slightly impatient now, I won't lie, I'm curious.

His vehicle smoothly goes down the gentle hill that takes us closer to the sea before slowing down, and my mind blanks completely when he turns into the fancy parking lot where reside many luxurious cars, multiple families, couples and even friends gathered in separate groups with bags and luggages behind them as they head to what I assume to be their boats.

Jin whistles along to the sound of the waves as he looks around the lot while driving slowly, and when someone waves at us from a calm corner facing the beach, he makes a small noise of joy before going their way to park besides the car already in one of the three reserved spots.

As he turns off the engine, I stare at the endless horizon in front of me with wide eyes, mind unable to figure out whether I'm dreaming or awake, this has got to be a joke, we're not here because they own one of these huge and crazy expensive things, are we?

"Aaaaand we're here. Get out of the car, sweet pup, it's already pretty late so we need to leave now if we want to enjoy the salty air for a few hours before we need to head back to the docks, we asked a captain to take control of the boat today so we could enjoy our time properly, he should already be waiting in the yacht right now" the alpha informs me, his words going in one ear only to cause chaos in my brain, did he say yacht?

"You own a yacht?" I utter in shock, lips parted in disbelief just as my door opens to an alpha with a blinding smile in the shape of a beautiful heart, and strawberry pie, he smells like freshly cut strawberries over a warm pie pulled right out of the oven, it's... comforting.

"A unique model, actually. We're the only ones on the globe to own it, Yoongi pulled some strings to get in contact with our desired company and after some... persuasion, they made this one just for us to fit our requirements" he muses before offering me a hand after I've unbuckled myself to help me out of the vehicle.

Unsure of what to say, because that must have cost a fortune, I shyly slip my hand onto his own to allow him to pull me out gently, his strong and warm palm acting just like it did for the others - it fills me with a belonging and rightness that is becoming harder to ignore the more alphas I meet.

My feet touch the ground after a small hop down the van and I end up nearly flush against the tall alpha who stares down at me with stars in his eyes, his protective and gentle aura already calling to me, and one look at him is all I need to swoon.

He looks... wow.

With the black sunglasses pulled back over his natural brown hair, his white shirt slightly unbuttoned at the chest to reveal more of his toned golden skin, sharp collarbones where rest an arrangement of simple but pretty chains that disappear downward to where he sports black shorts and tropical slippers, there's no other way to describe him - he looks breathtakingly hot.

"Y/N, right? My name is Hoseok, I've heard a lot about you so it's a pleasure to finally meet you, I was incredibly happy when Jin told me yesterday that you were willing to meet more of us despite the... unfavorable circumstances" he muses with a gentle husk to his voice, one that gives life to goosebumps all over my skin, is this legal?

With my hand still held by him, I use my other one to scratch the back of my neck, every single one of my senses leaning his way, it makes it hard to focus on what he's saying when he's so close to me while looking like... well, this.

"I... I think Yoongi and Jimin really did try their best with what they thought was right, there was no reason for me to deny this forming bond once it was all explained to me. It's nice to meet you too, Hoseok" I mumble softly, and gratitude fills his soul at my words, such an understanding little omega they were given.

"Can you believe that she didn't even get mad at them? I probably would've threatened them a few times if that was me in her situation, she's too kind for people like us. They're incredibly lucky for having been allowed to come back home with a smile on their face yesterday, if it were me, they would've cried" Jin adds himself into the conversation as he joins our side of the car with his bag's handle over a shoulder and a playful smile on his lips.

My eyes widen at his awful scenario, as if I could ever do something like that! How could I dare threaten an alpha and make them cry? I'm more likely to be the one crying in the end!

"Please don't say something like that, Jin, it wasn't their fault. You're going to bring me bad luck if you say things of the kind too often" I let out sheepishly, and the two alphas chuckle lightly before the older of the two ruffles my hair sweetly.

"Oh baby, who told you that? You're allowed to get mad at alphas if they bother you, especially if it's us. As for strangers... well, you can leave it to us if that makes you more comfortable, we're not afraid of chewing heads if needed" Jin tells me with a teasing voice and though he says that with a smile, it feels oddly... ominous.

I have no doubt that this pack would go to great lengths to punish someone who did me bad, even if it's nothing too dramatic and... how am I supposed to process that?

"Please don't, Jin, having you all arrested because of me doesn't sound like a good thing to me" I counter meekly, and to that, Hoseok's eyes crease with powerful knowledge, posture tall like a king, one that changes his whole aura instantly even though his scent remains sweet and warm.

"That might be true for your average alphas, but they'd have to get through me first if they wanted to arrest my mates and not many can put a warrant on my head, I assure you. You're talking to the Chief of Police right now, not many hands can touch a hair on our head without having to live with terrible consequences" he states with a raw confidence that makes me tense up like I was just put behind bars.

Chief of police? As in... he's at the top of the Police Department? At his age? And he's holding my hand? Me? A lowly janitor? Oh my gosh.

My hands turn sweaty in an instant and Hoseok quirks an eyebrow before cocking his head to the side as his eyes stare right into my soul, and w-what? Did I commit a crime without noticing? Have I done something bad in the first few minutes of meeting him?

He lets go of my hand and I immediately shut my eyes in nerves, I can't look at this, he's going to fine me for standing too close to him, I should've bowed when I got out of the car, I'm dead meat, this is my end-

Palms squish my cheeks together and I peek at the alpha with one eye to find him grinning a dimpled smile at me, a coo on his lips when the blood rushes all the way up to my ears, he didn't hear all of my stupid thoughts, did he?

"Aigoo, such a cute little omega you are, the most adorable fluff bun. Beautiful, lovely and with the softest skin I've ever had the pleasure of touching. Even your blushing is all soft, it's like rose petals melting and spreading to share how shy you are. You are absolutely perfect, you sweet little-" I begin patting his hands and arms urgently when it looks like he won't stop with the compliments, my body's temperature beating new records the more words that leave his mouth, this is murder, he needs to stop-

He bursts into laughter when my scent becomes an explosion of whipped cream, the softest and purest drop of vanilla used to create this divine taste that accompanies and maybe even overwhelms both of their scents, they can easily see that I'm not used to compliments and they love to see how it affects me.

"So, am I still scary now, soft bun? What went through your mind, hm? Did you really think I would punish you as soon as you heard of my work title? You think I would ever use my job against my mates?" Hoseok muses gently as he releases my cheeks to instead curl my hair around his fingers, the heat of my skin felt even through the distance, it makes a purr build up in his chest, I truly am too cute for my own good.

I ashamedly hide my face under my hands with a shy noise when they both coo at me, Jin spectator of a scene that he finds absolutely fascinating because it's not everyday that he gets to see his Hobi act like this, teasing and a soft flirt, such a fire he can see in his orbs that speaks of how intensely enamored he is of me already.

Jin would make this last forever if he could, just to see what other ways his mate can come up with to tease me, but time is ticking and standing in the parking lot isn't what the two of them planned for today, and so he must take it upon himself to bring an end to this delightful bonding moment.

"As much as I love observing the two of you interact, I think we should get going for now, we can continue this once we're on the yacht or we'll never leave at this pace" the oldest alpha speaks up firmly and I jump on the opportunity with large and pleading eyes that pull at his empathy.

Jin, my savior. A break is much needed right about now, else my heart will sprint around the planet in a single day with how fast it's beating, that Hoseok is dangerous!

"My poor baby pup, Hobi scared you, he sure did, hm? Come here, I'll protect you" the alpha chirps softly while opening his arms for me, a pleased rumble filling his chest when I almost trip on the way to hide in his chest, my skin still burning to the touch, those alphas have too much fun teasing me.

"You're all too much, it's not fair" I complain in a soft whine as he closes his arms around me, a chuckle past his lips when Hoseok shrugs his shoulders with a content smile on his face, he couldn't help himself.

"Sorry, soft bun, you just make it so easy to tease you, the others were right about that. You give us all the right reactions and it's addicting, I'll try to be careful" Hoseok admits from behind me and I look over my shoulder to stare at him before pursing my lips. "You promise?".

He seems to hesitate for a moment, a promise seems a bit much, but at my worsening pout, he quickly relents with a sigh. "Alright, alright. No making your heart drum a new song whenever I feel like it. I promise I'll try to... dose those urges properly".

With no time allocated for waiting to see how I react to that half promise, Jin happily pulls me with him towards the docks where can be seen so many boats of all sizes, and when I put a foot on the wood that floats and moves over the water, I hold onto the alpha with a tight grip, how do people walk so confidently on such a floor?!

"Is this your first time in a place like this, baby?" Jin asks with a laugh when a sudden wave makes me gasp, I don't want to fall in the water!

"I-it is, I went on a boat only once in my life but it wasn't boarded in a place like this" I mumble while he makes us turn a few times, ups and downs that bring us closer to a magnificent, but terribly big boat that definitely has cost them millions if not billions, it's by far the most expensive around the place.

"You'll get used to it, you'll see. You weren't sick the last time you went on the water, were you? Because we have pills you can take if you feel a little seasick" he asks next with concern in his eyes but I shake my head with a nostalgic smile on my face.

"No, I'll be fine, Jin. It doesn't matter how far back that was, I can still remember the way it made me feel as if it happened yesterday. Being surrounded by water, the waves rocking against the hull... it made me feel right at home" I muse, words that make both alphas preen with pride, is that so?

"Then you truly were made for us, Y/N. We love going on the water whenever we can, we'll do a full weekend one of these days so you can experience it for yourself. We could start by sailing along the coast and visit a few different towns to see what they have to offer, and when you think you're ready for it, we could go to Japan, we could visit Greek islands, we could go to France, to Italy, there's no limit to the places we can go with a yacht" Hoseok says with a dreamy voice that makes stars appear in my eyes, is that really possible?

"Is that why you went for a yacht instead of a regular boat? Can you really travel to all those places with it?" I ask, my marveled eyes settling on the alpha who nods with a pretty smile, my attention so captivated by his words that I don't focus anymore on the unstable floor beneath my feet.

"Absolutely. We went to Spain last year, it was quite the trip, the islands we visited were absolutely beautiful, and the summer before that, we went to Norway, starting with Oslo, you would love it there, we should go there again when the opportunity arises. Anywhere you want to go, we will take you" he promises and an excitement bubbles from deep within my chest at the prospect of traveling the world on a boat, that sounds... amazing!

"It must take... months to make it there though" I wonder aloud as Jin makes us stop at the back of the yacht, himself going in first before he helps me in while Hoseok stands near me, hands ready to react in case I would trip, which doesn't happen, thankfully.

"It takes time, that's true, a lot of planning goes into such trips but it's worth it, and nothing keeps us from making stops when we feel like going on land for a few days, it's all about discovering the world. You come to lose track of time after a while, it's just you, the sea and the sky, it's very peaceful" Hoseok admits and I sigh softly, that does sound peaceful.

Jin smiles, seeing me get more at ease as we talk all he needs, and when Hoseok joins us on board, they both take me inside a very large and bright space filled with a living area, a kitchen and even a dining table with enough space for around ten people, not to forget the staircase that goes up while another one goes down by the kitchen.

I shouldn't be surprised that this room is so big but... I am. This isn't your regular boat, that's for sure.

"So this is the main living area, Y/N, we mostly use this space when it's time to eat, I won't lie" Jin begins as he motions for the room around us before pointing at the staircase that leads up to a cabin where we can hear someone mumble something under their breath, which is why Hoseok pats my shoulder before walking up the stairs to talk with them - it must be the captain Jin mentioned.

"This up there is the bridge from where the yacht is controlled and there's another seating area that we usually use when one of us is at the helm. It can get lonely when you're on your own while everyone is having fun downstairs so we have a nice rotation going to make sure everyone has some time to relax, it's tiring to always be the one sailing the ship otherwise" he continues before pulling me with him to the stairs going down with a pleased smile when a look at me reveals amazed eyes.

As we reach the corridor that shows many closed doors to separate rooms, it's not hard to guess that the bedrooms must be here. They must have many nesting materials down here because it smells a lot like their pack, most scents ones I can recognize, though a little weak on the nose since there are so many merged together, my nose struggles a little with telling them apart.

"And here we have the bedrooms. There are a total of three, two with the biggest sized beds we were allowed and another smaller one with a twin sized bed. We have in total three bathrooms. One in the master bedroom, another one right here and the third one is in the bridge. We have a laundry room over here and a walk-in closet space where we stock pretty much everything, towels, food, cleaning products, toilet paper, that kind of thing.

It's important to let us know when we're running out of something so we can buy more before leaving the harbor or make the required trips to nearby towns" he says more seriously as he opens a few cupboards to show me the contents and I nod my head, aware that he's not saying that lightly, we don't want to run out of butt paper in the middle of the ocean, I'm not sure I'd want to show my buttcheeks to the fish.

"Makes sense. This is a very charming boat, Jin, I can somehow easily see your different personalities merged in here, it looks a lot like the alphas I've met so far" I admit gently once the visit over and his eyes crease with a smile, they are pretty proud of it themselves, it garners a lot of attention from fellow marine lovers.

"I'm glad you like it, baby. Have a look at the bedrooms if you want, I think you'll love them too. Namjoon made some nice nests for pack cuddles so it can give you an idea of how his mind works when he's in building mode" Jin offers and... now that's making me greatly curious, I really want to see what kind of nests he makes.

Hesitant at first, I make my way to the door at the far end of the corridor, and when I open it, I'm immediately greeted by a very large bedroom with tones of royal blue where rests a gigantic bed against the wall facing the door, and indeed, here it is, the oddly enchanting nest that was made big enough to fit seven cuddly men.

Unable to help myself, I step closer to graze the surface with a hand on the soft blankets, the joyful and warm intertwined colours as well as the scents pulling me in as if they need my own added to the lot, and it's easier to tell them apart now that I'm so close.

Jimin's cedarwood, Yoongi's lavender green tea, Jungkook's hazelnuts, Jin's vanilla mochis and Hoseok's strawberry pies.

There is also a soft hint of... violets, a lovely garden of pretty violets, and the most grounding of them all, the most gentle scent I've ever been allowed to smell despite it being very light to the nose, so much that I'm afraid of being unable to smell it were it any weaker than that - petrichor, the earthy smell that comes after a rain, fresh and pure to the lungs.

When was the last time I could smell it? Just like flowers, I hadn't realized that this was a scent I had missed due to my nose being weaker ever since I broke my mate bond. It smells... safe.

"Do you want to lie down for a bit, sweet pup? I'll go up and join Hoseok in the bridge, I have yet to greet our friend so it'll take me a few minutes" Jin muses softly as he stands in the doorway, and one look over my shoulder is enough to let him know that not only would I love that, I also need it.

It's hard to resist such a nice nest when it calls to an omega.

"Hop in, baby, it's okay. I'll come get you once we've left the docks, it's been a while since you last went on a boat so take it easy here in the meantime" he assures me with a gentle smile, and when I turn my gaze back to the bed, his heat soon joins me from behind to help me in, the tall bed requiring some efforts from me if I don't want to mess up the nest.

He grabs a few blankets from the side and throws them over my body before grinning pleasantly when I immediately pull them to my nose for a hug, instincts getting soothed in such a way that I had never experienced before, this is the effect of a pack nest?

Namjoon's nest is... perfect, and suddenly, I cannot imagine my bed without one like this, I want his magic at my home too.

"I'll be back soon" are Jin's last words before he closes the door behind him, and once I'm left on my own in the soft rocking of the boat in this wonderful sea of scents, I close my eyes for a little nap, one that brings me daydreams of what it could be like to be part of such a unique pack.

Hoseok's POV

When Jin joins Taemin and I in the cabin upstairs without Y/N, I sigh in relief when it dawns on me that he must've shown her the master bedroom where pretty much all pack cuddles happen when we take a day off to go sailing for a break.

Chances are that she simply couldn't resist the pull, and a look at Jin's eyes confirms it all for me - Namjoon will be thrilled when he hears about her love for it.

"Hey Taemin, thank you for accepting our request on such late notice, it's good to see you again" Jin greets the man with a friendly but brief hug, this human one we're used to see whenever we come here, he is the harbor's owner after all and he's always eager for a chance to sail our beauty of a ship.

"Jin, I wasn't going to pass up this chance, of course! I was getting bored anyway, not much has happened this week around here if not for a stupid dispute between two young men with too much pocket money from absent parents. Apparently they've been sharing the same lady and they didn't know, so yeah, there's a free dock up for rent now" the man explains with a tired sigh and I wince, what a mess.

He then brings his gaze to the stairs with curiosity. "Where's the sweet one you brought with you today? I was excited to meet who this new mate of yours was, is she a shy one?" he asks and I naturally look at Jin for that, because despite our lovely first meeting, I can't say I really know much about her yet.

"A little, but I don't think that would keep her from meeting you. I just showed her the pack nest in the main bedroom and told her to get in for a while, she would've felt slightly upset otherwise, she'll be fine in a moment" my older mate answers with an assured voice and Taemin hums with a chuckle. "She's an omega, right? I did hear that it's hard for them to resist a nest when it's well made".

My soul flutters at his words, because that's true, and so if she couldn't resist it, it means Namjoon did a good job. Not that we ever doubted it, his nests really are comfortable, but it's not like alphas need to nest, we only do it for the comfort and the closeness it brings us.

The man turns his gaze to the window and hums deeply, a look at his watch before he nods his head. "Well, how about we get this beauty moving for now? I saw an alert that there will be a storm later tonight so we'll play it safe for now, I won't head too far and we'll go slow, we'll just have to come back before the sea becomes too rowdy, is that alright with you?" he asks us, and I nod firmly, anything to keep her from having a bad experience, we were expecting it anyway.

"That's perfect, Taemin, thank you, really. It's our first day meeting today so we really want to make this great for her, having to stay behind the helm would have bored her" I say softly, and he shakes his head with an understanding smile.

"I get it, it's totally fine, Hoseok. Go join her, I'll get everything done here. And bring her a snack if she hasn't eaten anything!" he exclaims the end as we make our way down the stairs, and to that, Jin rushes to the kitchen to get some tasty biscuits and some cheese from the fridge, that should do it for now.

"Go and see if she's awake, Hobi, I'll make us some easy to eat bites in the meantime".

I wave a hand to notify that I heard him well and then make my way down to the bedroom from where I can smell her sweet scent seep in constant waves, she's really settling in well, a lot better than I was expecting, which is nice.

I knock softly on the door and then turn the knob before pushing it open, and my heart instantly melts at the sight in front of me, one that makes me want to join her in the nest for lovely cuddles, she must be a wonderful cuddle partner and I just know that holding her in my arms would feel like a dream.

"Y/N, soft bun, are you asleep?" I ask as I edge closer to the bed with a slow pace as to avoid startling her, and when her eyelids twitch before raising to reveal her blissed and sparkly orbs, a deep purr begins to rumble in my chest at the sight, oh dear goodness.

"Aren't you just the softest little bun, look at you" I muse with admiration before sitting on the bed in front of her to caress her soft skin, the pretty pink that colours her cheeks worth worshiping, I could never tire of the sight.

A small, broken little purr begins to rumble from her chest and my heart breaks at the sound, one that is so very far from what a healthy purr should be like, but seeing the bliss on her face like this... she's too cute, all of her is absolutely precious.

"Jin is making us a snack, you should get up and eat something before we get moving, it'll be good for you, you didn't have anything for lunch, right?" I ask her, a question that brings some more alertness to her eyes, mind coming back under her control as she becomes aware of her hunger, it's good that Taemin reminded us.

"Food would be great" she admits in a murmur and I hum before offering a hand once more, which she accepts, just as shy as the first time.

I resist the urge to pepper her face with thousands of kisses and instead pull her into a seated position, and then towards the edge of the bed so she can make it to her feet, always careful of the nest, because breaking the shape would be enough to bring tears to her eyes and I don't think I can handle her tears like the others have.

The boat's motor takes that time to come alive with a faint sound and I grin when her heart skips a beat of anticipation, she looks excited to get moving, which is perfect - she's perfect.

"There you go, soft bun, let's go eat something" I say, and she nods before following close, her hand's grip around my fingers holding on with purpose, something that makes my heart and soul roar with joy.

I can't wait to let the pack know about how well our date went when we make it back home.

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