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The singing of birds and the soft rays of the morning sun on my face are the first things that manage to crawl within my subconscious, the first signs of a storm passed and gone.

It is a gentle awakening, and the softness against my face, a fabric that smells and feels good against my skin, earthy morning rain so very soft on the nose, is a sweet invitation to sleepily rub my cheek against it with a pleased though somewhat bumpy purr pushing out of my chest.

I have no recollection of how I ended up here whatsoever as I scent the mass of heat right in front of my face - until another purr begins to accompany my own, a strong, healthy vibration that further wakes me up, an unusual thing that makes me pause the scenting to better register the weight over my hip as well as the regular breathing that both come from the same source.

What... who? What's this scent... oh!

My eyes open immediately and I raise my head away from the large body to find Namjoon gazing at me with a calmness that I cannot match right now, skin flushing an intense red as I try to squirm away from him, I just did something so embarrassing, oh dear!

I completely forgot that he and Hoseok were here! Or was, as Hoseok doesn't appear to be in my bed anymore.

However, the alpha seems to have no intentions to allow any space to take place between us when his grip tightens and pulls me back to his chest firmly, his other hand resting over the small of my back in a wordless warning, his purring never ending as he keeps his gaze locked on me.

"You can scent me, pretty girl, I like it. You don't have to be afraid" he says assuredly before invitingly dipping his head back to give me access to more of his throat, and my heart thumps away in my chest at the sight, my instincts need to have traces of my scent on this beautiful golden skin, yet is it really fine?

We just met in the middle of the night, a meeting that was filled with me being terrified! What kind of first impression is that?

"Y-you don't have to accept this just for my sake, Namjoon, I- I know that my scent doesn't blend in with other ones that well, I've always been told to stop when I begin so it's nothing new, it really is fine" I try to explain so he won't feel too guilty for refusing but instead of replying, he growls before gently pushing my head forward so my nose brushes against his scent gland, a contact that has petrichor mist puffing out around me, strong and comforting.

My tension lowers as the weight of his pheromones get me to melt into his warmth again and he smiles, he will not have his omega afraid to do something as natural as to scent a mate, the new odour that he can smell trying to push out from behind my personal scent sign that everything is going well - the bond is solidifying.

"Whatever experiences you had with other wolves before doesn't apply with us, little omega. We will never refuse getting scented by you because we want it as much as you do, I promise. You should see how giddy everyone gets at home when one of us comes back with traces of your whipped cream on them, you don't need to worry about a thing. I will certainly be very proud to be that guy when I'm back with the others".

His voice is confident, grounding as he speaks, petrichor and pheromones gaining in intensity around me as if his way of convincing me, and encouraged by his honest words, I allow myself to give in, my wolf more than happy to finally be given the opportunity like this - it changes from the pain we'd feel from the constant rejection in the past.

I inhale deeply, face resting in the nook of his neck while slowly adding of my scent onto his skin, by the same occasion getting his on my own, an exchange that soothes me in ways that go further than the surface of my soul - this is instinctively gratifying.

His purr builds around me, his arms holding me tightly as if afraid that I might disappear if he lets go, and he has to give it to his mates, omegas really are so soft and comforting to hug, something about our constitution that is made to seek their adoration, it sure works on him because he does not want to let go.

We remain like this for what feels like a long hour, myself nearly pushed into a scent coma as not a single breath I take can be freed of his scent anymore, and the sound of a door opening barely makes it to my mind, too lost in the comfort that the pack alpha is providing to care about some outside distractions, he can deal with them himself.

Or that is what I would wish for, but when a soft hand caresses my cheek to get me to open my eyes, insistent enough to get me slightly out of my trance, it is a tremendously tough task to turn my nose away from Namjoon's puffy scent gland to see who is trying to get my attention.

I would surely complain if it was anyone else, but when I find Yoongi half-climbed onto the bed and gazing at me with a softness that I've come to assimilate as his, my whipped cream pushes out happily, fluffy and light sweetness on their tongues while my purr regains in strength.

"Yoongi" I chirp softly, and his heart twists with too much love crawling out from deep within his soul - it is stronger than him when he cradles me in his arms and out of Namjoon's hold to get me to himself, the way I droop into him when he pulls me to his chest all he needs to kneel and praise the Moon Goddess until the end of times, he will give Her anything she needs as long as he can keep holding me like this.

"Good morning, little one" he murmurs as he softly noses at my neck to lather his lavender green tea onto my skin, it merges deliciously well with Namjoon's earthy tones, the latter's eyes creasing as he observes our delightful interactions, my hands clenched on his arms from how happy I am to see him.

"Did Hoseok and Namjoon take care of you well during the storm, sweets? Did they keep you safe from the scary night?" he asks next as he sits comfortably by the nest with me on his lap, my droopy state not quite yet recovered from the heavy scenting session that I haven't been allowed in forever.

The last time... was with my mother, when I was very young, but she was already dead then. That's the last memory I have of her, her cold body on her bed, completely unresponsive to a scenting that did not give me of her wild flowers.

That's why I began to smell the flowers I'd find during my walks outside, when I could still smell them - they reminded me of her. She was a good mom, though that's exactly what ended up killing her. We were too poor to afford more than one meal a day, and she would always give it to me.

But despite the sad ending... I feel at peace with that part of my past. My mother truly loved me and did her best to take care of me on her own, so while my growth as a kid was lacking, knowing that she did not give up on me until the very end brings me comfort.

"They did, so thankful that they came for me" I answer into his neck, my chest still rumbling with the under-developed purr that is mine, one that is beginning to endear them more and more, there is something... vulnerable to the sound that tugs on their protective instincts, they would do anything to keep me safe.

Yoongi rests his lips on the crown of my head with a pleased hum. "I'm thankful too. We'll be careful from now on, sweets, no more staying alone like this, okay? Let us know when you're scared, when you're lonely, hurting. Tell us everything from now on, we are your second chance mates, there's no need to be afraid of rejection when it comes to us".

I close my eyes at those words, heart absorbing each one of them, because I know that he meant what he said. It is becoming... scary how quickly I am getting used to their presence by my side, as if losing them would be like losing a part of myself now.

This is something I have experienced once already, and where I never expected to find someone who could sincerely love me one day, someone who could make me feel whole again, I was proved wrong by this pack of gentle and kind-hearted alphas.

"I am starting to believe that... you truly have an amazing pack, Namjoon, Yoongi, I'm very glad that you were made my second chance mates. There is no one else who I'd rather be with than you so... thank you for accepting me so easily. You could have refused the bond when you understood what was going on, yet you welcomed me in so graciously, I am so grateful to you for that" I muse in a soft whisper, and both alphas break into loud, proud purring, is this another step forward for the future of their pack?

The pack alpha scoots out from underneath the blankets to join us, and he presses a strong kiss to my cheek before offering me a beautiful, dimpled smile that makes everything around us blend out of sight, he is captivating.

"You are too lovable for us to possibly let you go, pretty girl. Jimin and Yoongi adored you right from the beginning, that was all we needed to know that we would feel the same soon enough, and indeed, it took me all but a glance to know that I wanted you as our pack's omega" he begins before humming deeply as he snuggles close, his cheek rubbing softly against my own, an act that makes my heart flutter.

"You are probably unable to smell the change on us, but we can smell it on you - firewood, warm and crispy, the scent we carry as mates. You are already one of ours, little omega, the bond is gaining in strength with every one of us that you meet. My belief is that your meeting with Taehyung will fully seal our fate together".

I open my eyes to stare at the two of them in surprise, so soon? I thought it would've taken... I don't know, longer than that!

Firewood is a scent that fits this bond so well for some reason... they are all like a fire that is made not to hurt, but to protect. I wish I could smell it too but it must be too weak still, maybe my senses will catch on it when I meet the last alpha, I would really like that.

"And so that leads us to a question that we were all concerned about this morning" Namjoon speaks up next, his tone of voice forces me to steady myself to have a nervous look at him, is there something about the completing bond that bothers them? Is it anything that I've done?

The alpha's hands rest on my squishy hips to keep me close and comforted, his and Yoongi's scents not turning bad in any way, the only thing that currently reassures me.

"Having to take the car to come to you all the time... is unpractical, to say the least. Our bond is strengthening, true, but that also means that we now want you in the pack nest with us, it is making the pack very uncomfortable to have you live so far away from us, especially when you're on your own like this" the pack alpha begins to explain the matter at hand and I tense up immediately, something they both feel and react to, hands soothing skin as they push pheromones out to calm.

Are they asking me to move in with them? Already?

What about all of the things they bought me then? Was that all a waste of money? That is bad enough all by itself, but the most important question I should ask myself at the moment is... am I ready to share my immediate space with so many people so soon?

What is the right thing to do here? I don't know, I really don't know.

Yoongi pushes some hair behind my ear to get my attention before continuing what Namjoon started, it seems like they all talked about this already - how long was the pack alpha awake for before I woke up earlier?

"Of course, we all understand that it might not be something easy to do for you. Moving in with such a big pack is not an easy matter, so Jimin had the idea of buying you a place a lot closer to the house in the meantime, you would be at most... five minutes away from us on foot so it would make us feel a lot better.

He already has the amount ready at the bank in the scenario that you would accept. The house is new and the perfect size for someone living alone, yet not so small that you can't invite anyone over - be it us or friends of yours. Would... what do you think? Is that something you think you could go along with for now?".

I blink blankly at Yoongi, then at Namjoon, then at the plushie that sticks out from the mess of blankets within the colourful nest.


"You'd... buy me a house just to have me closer to you?" I repeat, still in disbelief, did I get that right? They're ready to buy and move me into a brand new building near their own house... just to respect my own boundaries?

Yoongi's lips purse slightly as he shares a glance with Namjoon, they can't say that they were expecting an immediate yes, a no is actually more likely to happen, but they do wish that I would give in anyway. This is a very important matter to them.

"I promise that it doesn't have anything to do with controlling you, Y/N, nor will you owe us anything, it's mainly to soothe our instincts since it is very hard to know you isolated and away from the pack like this. Hoseok told us earlier when he got back home to get ready for work that your place was freezing during the night, the windows are old and even the walls shake at the slightest bit of wind, you deserve better than that.

If you worry about us coming to knock on your door all the time, I promise that we will do no such thing, we will always ask for your permission before visiting you and we will never insist. You'll always be free to come to the pack house though, anytime you want company, even if it's only to eat dinner with us before going back home, we'll be more than happy to accommodate you. Your comfort is what matters the most to us".

I swallow thickly before biting on the inside of my cheek, that's... to buy me a place like this... isn't it too much? How can I accept something so big? Yet at the same time, refusing would continue to make them worry about me so really, what's the worse option of the two?

"W-what about rent? How would that work?" I ask quietly, and the two alphas stare at me in silence before Namjoon's brows furrow lightly in confusion.

"What rent? There will be no rent to take care of if Jimin pays the full amount right from the beginning, pretty girl".

I start sweating at what this silently implies. "B-but I- you will make me pay rent, right? To pay you back for buying the place?".

Their reaction to my question lets me know that this was actually a very stupid question to ask and I let myself fall back against Yoongi's chest to hide from their staring.

That was an honest concern of mine, they didn't have to look so offended...

"Do you honestly believe that we would have you pay us back for something that we're offering you of our own free will? And even if you'd asked us to buy you a mansion for whatever reason, we would've done so happily without ever asking for anything in exchange. You underestimate our willingness to take care of you, little one" Yoongi soothes with his gentle voice while stroking the back of my hair, and I pout into his neck, I can't help but feel like I've been using them for their wealth all this time, it makes me feel uncomfortable.

"How about a deal?" Namjoon blurts out all of a sudden when he sees that I am still unsure about the whole thing, and our eyes fall on his hopeful face, what deal?

"You don't want to feel like you owe us anything, right? Then once a week, invite us over for a sleepover. In exchange for getting you a better home that will be rent-free, open your door to our pack once a week. It doesn't have to be anything complicated. It can be a movie night, it can be video games or card games, it can be cuddles and naps, it can even be all of us doing our own different things, or a meal planning and cooking night - as long as we're in the same space. This can be a good way to have you get used to us, what do you think?".

They're willing to buy me a new home, and all they ask in return is that I host sleepovers once a week?

"Does that include dinner? Do I have to make dinner too? Because I've never cooked for seven people, I don't know how much I need to make for everyone to eat enough" I ask sheepishly, and the two alphas' faces light up in surprise, does that mean what they think it means?

"We can take care of the cooking together or we can order food, don't even worry about that. Does it mean you'll accept the deal? Can we go ahead and buy the building?".

Wait... "If you buy it now... when do you expect me to actually move in there?" I ask with a frown, and Namjoon shrugs lightly, like this is the last thing he would worry about.

"Probably sometime during the weekend? It's already empty and ready to be moved in but we can have the walls painted to a different colour of your liking if you want, we can have the kitchen renovated too if you're not a fan of it. Same goes for the bathroom... actually you know what? We should go visit it today, tell us what you think of it and then we'll get started with everything. A moving company can pack your belongings too when it's time so there's not much to do on your end".

Is this the life of all rich people? They buy buildings and delegate things to other people without ever breaking a sweat?

Yoongi grunts and stretches with me still on his lap before he wraps his arms back around my waist to pull me closer, he cannot get enough of this feeling and he would keep me there forever if he wasn't so conscious of my hunger, it doesn't seem like I've noticed that my stomach has been making noises since earlier.

"I bought food on the way so how about we eat first? I'm too pissed to go back to work for today, we're already in the middle of hiring new people anyway so even if I went, there's no one to supervise. MinTea is going to feel like a brand new company when I'm done with all this bullshit, can't believe all the rats that were hiding in the corners right under my nose. That'll teach me for neglecting my tasks, I owe Jungkook big time for this".

Namjoon huffs before getting out of the nest and to his feet. "I told you things would get out of hand if you kept this up and never showed up in person. Hire someone to take your spot if you don't want to do the work, but don't leave the seat empty, you lazy alpha. Even Jungkook does a better job of handling his gaming company than you and he's got less experience than you".

"Don't compare us, Namjoon-ah, Jungkook was blessed with success from the moment he was born into this world. Luck was never my strong point, problems though... those follow me like the pest" Yoongi grumbles before pushing himself to his feet as well, myself still cradled in his arms because he does not appear to want to let go.

"They follow you like the pest because you'd rather spend your days on the yacht to avoid your problems rather than do your part, hyung. Then you come back to problems that have multiplied and the next thing you know, they take over your building".

"You don't even own a company... stop talking like you know how it works" Yoongi grumbles again while following Namjoon out of my bedroom, a snort on the tip of the pack alpha's tongue.

"Jin's the one who told me that so don't even try to pull that excuse on me, hyung. Jungkook avoided making the same mistake as you did because he heard everything. He also has reliable people working for him so when he does take time off, he doesn't come back to the bullshit that you now have to deal with".

I purse my lips as the two of them begin to quarrel like children, this is... not what I was expecting those two to be like when together.

"Yoongi, maybe I should walk by-"

"No, the floor is cold and so are the chairs. You'll just have to sit on me while we eat".

I sigh.

"Alright Yoongi, but please, do spare my ears from this silly fight. My head is beginning to hurt".


'Say what now?' In-yeop utters as I walk away from Yoongi and Namjoon to take the call in which Dal is also participating, their concern for me making them both want to make sure I made it through the night intact after the storm, especially since I never ended up replying the alpha's messages in the end.

"Yeah so... you know our boss, right? Yoongi? Well... he and his six mates are my second chance mates, and I've been meeting them all during the week so now I only have one of them left to meet. Anyway, they insisted to buy me a new place that would be closer to their house because they don't like knowing me so far away on my own, but they thought moving in with them would be too much for now, which is why they made that offer. We're visiting the place right now and... it's actually a house, it's very pretty and luminous, they said we could renovate anything that's not to my liking but really, everything is perfect as it is".

My voice sounds so carefree to the two wolves standing on the other side of the line that they need a moment just to process what they heard, a bomb is what this is, what happened in such a short amount of time?

'You're saying that our boss is now your mate? So Jungkook is also one of them, is that it? And since they're rich, they're spoiling the shit out of you because they can' In-yeop resumes bluntly and I hum for a few seconds before nodding, that sounds about right.

'That means you have a pack now? You might not live with them just yet, but you're not alone anymore?' Dal asks next and I smile at the hope I can hear in his voice, that still feels a bit weird to me but he's right, isn't he?

"That's... exactly it, Dal. I have a pack watching over me now, they're all very kind alphas, I'm sure the two of you would love them" I muse softly, something that makes Namjoon and Yoongi smile despite their attempts to not listen in, the empty rooms simply echo my words too much.

'Yeah, no, I'm afraid I'll have to skip becoming friendly with my boss, but I'm glad that they're being good to you, Y/N, you deserve to be treated well. Just don't go ignoring us when the rich vibe gets up your nose, I'd hate to lose a good friend' my alpha friend utters and I giggle a little, heart feeling soft at his admission of not wanting to lose me, I really want to spend more time with the two wolves who've had my back for all this time.

'Does that mean we can't spend time together this week? Are you free tomorrow? I can't do this weekend because my pack and I are going to Jeju Island and we'll probably head back to work starting next Monday' Dal asks with a dramatic gasp and I make a small noise, it's true that time has been flowing by this week, we're already Thursday.

"I could do tomorrow, we should definitely meet up if In-yeop is okay with that, I said that we'd do something this week and I really want to keep my promise, it's long overdue" I answer easily, to which Dal cheers excitedly while the alpha gives his approval with more calm, he's always been the 'cool' kind of guy.

'That's fine with me. I can come get the both of you by car and we can head out somewhere for breakfast, what do you think? Then we can see what we do when we've a full stomach on ourselves, there's a nice restaurant downtown where I usually go with my pack and it's right by a mountain trail that is pretty soft to follow, what do you think? The view at the top is worth it'.

My eyes light up at his idea, I can't remember the last time I stood at the top of a mountain, that's such a nice activity to do! "I'm in! The weather's perfect for hiking, we'd just have to bring bottles of water and snacks with us, I should have the right shoes for that in the closet! What do you say, Dal?".

'If noona loves the plan, then I love it too! I don't care what we do as long as we get to do it together, I've been dreaming of spending a fun day together for ages' the soft omega chirps and I both feel thankful and guilty that they had to be so patient with me.

'Good, let's do that then. Is eight in the morning okay? Is it too early?'.

'Nah, I'm good!'.

"Same for me!".

'Awesome. Y/N can tell us all about what's been going on in our absence, Dal can tell us all about his new life with his pack, and I can listen. Sounds like a good day. I'll see you tomorrow then, I got to go so I'll text you in the morning before leaving, don't go to sleep too late'.

We end the call at that, and once my phone back in my pocket, I smile to myself, already excited about tomorrow, I haven't spent a day with friends in forever and I can't wait!

I make my way out of the room I hid in to find Namjoon and Yoongi smiling at me, their postures relaxed as they lean against the kitchen island while waiting for me, they must have heard everything, right?

"Sorry for taking so long, In-yeop and Dal were worried about me after the storm of last night" I explain sheepishly as I reach their side and Yoongi hums softly while Namjoon pats my head once within reach, a move that makes me blush happily.

"Are you going to meet up with them tomorrow?".

I nod quickly, about to explain what the planning is so far when I suddenly purse my lips softly upon a realization. "Is that okay? I'm sorry, I didn't even ask for permission first" I mumble in concern, what if they already had something planned tomorrow? I should've asked them before agreeing so fast.

The two alphas stare at me, a little shocked by what I said. Where did that come from?

"Sweets... you don't need to ask for our permission for something like that. You can spend time with your friends whenever you want, we don't have a say in what you do during your free time" Yoongi counters gently from his side of the kitchen and I bring my gaze to him, huh?

"But..." I start before stopping, head tilted to the side, this felt right a moment ago but now I'm not so sure anymore? He's right, I don't need to ask for their permission for something like this... that was weird.

"Right, sorry, I don't know why I said that" I let out with an awkward smile and they both hum before smiling back, though in the back of their mind they do have an inkling of why. Some echoes of abuse don't always show up until the circumstances repeat themselves.

"It's fine, pretty omega, don't worry about it. You visited the house now, what do you think about it? Is there anything you would like to change? Do you see yourself living here?" the pack alpha directs my mind back to something easier to handle and I perk up immediately.

"I thought I would feel intimidated but I'm actually pretty excited about this now! The house is perfect, the rooms are luminous and I love everything about it, even the bath in the bathroom is gigantic, I would definitely love to use it regularly. I especially love the fireplace in the living room, I see myself sitting in front of it while reading a book on a cold night" I muse in a happy chirp, my entire mood brighter than the sun, it makes them feel relieved.

I hesitate a lot at first when they bring up something new, but when I'm thrown in the middle of it, I seem to adapt to the situation pretty quickly, something that can only be seen as a strength in their eyes - doesn't it mean that I trust them?

"That's good to hear because it's now your house, Jimin just finished the bank appointment with the previous owner" Yoongi reveals as he glances at his phone and I freeze, already? That fast? Does that mean he was signing all the papers while I was visiting it?

"There's the master bedroom and three guest rooms, do you want to have two of them furnished for when you invite your friends over?" Namjoon asks so lightly that I find myself nodding easily after thinking about it for a few seconds, In-yeop and Dal could come for sleepovers sometimes, that'd be fun.

"We should take care of that today as well, then, if you're up for it. It's my job to decorate rooms so we can do it together, you have a taste that I really relate to so I'm curious to see how your mind works" he offers with an excited glint in his eyes, and only then do I realize - again - that this means more spending from them.

I'm about to refuse the plan, I can't possibly ask more out of them but then I stop.

Using that excuse is not going to be an acceptable reason to stop them, they'll just say that they're rich and that they don't care, right? Then I'll end up saying yes anyway because they'll ask me again with their convincing smiles and their sweet scents and-

The two alphas grin as they see my inner turmoil all over my face, they already know that this is going to go their way because they can see that I'm beginning to understand how it works with them - money has never been an excuse with enough worth to stop them, they hope to see the day when it doesn't even cross my mind anymore.

That day will surely feel like a victory when it comes, but in the meantime, they'll take this as it's good enough at the moment.

I release a nervous breath before nodding my head, it's not like I'll be able to furnish the rooms by myself and... empty rooms make me uncomfortable so that's not really an option either, I hate the way they echo so loudly.

"Alright... we can go, but once we're done, we should do something more... free" I eventually utter, and Namjoon agrees easily with a laugh while Yoongi's mind fills with hope, would I accept to cuddle in their pack nest with them then?

Maybe I could even stay for dinner if I feel ready to meet Taehyung.

He's definitely going to make that offer to me later, when I'm more tired from the running around because shopping with Namjoon can definitely get exhausting. He's going to have more chances to convince me then.

His chest rumbles at his perfect plan, yes, this ought to work well, which means...

More cuddles for him.

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