Chapter 6- Is Shiva in love?

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Shivas POV

After Shiva came home he could not focus on anything. He did not understand his feelings. Gaumbi noticed his uneasiness. After dinner when everyone left to their rooms, Gaumbi told Shiva to stay. 

What's up Gaumbi is everything okay?

I should be asking this to you. Are you okay Shiva? Your mind seems to be somewhere else.

No nothing like that Gaumbi, I am just really tired it was a long day.

Shiva, why are you lying to me come on just tell the truth.

Did you fight with raavi today? 

No Gaumbi I did not fight with her. 

Shiva was slightly blushing and smiling thinking about Raavi.

So it is defiantly about Raavi because your eyes lit up with her mention. Now tell me everything. 

Shiva sighed. Gaumbi I am just so confused with everything. I do not know how to explain my feelings. In the last few days things have been good between us and we decided to have a fresh start to our relationship. We will always fight but it will be our childish fights. We wanted to start our relationship with friendship. So today, a customer came and just harmlessly flirting with Raavi and I do not know why I felt so possessive and jealous. I have never felt this way before. Everytime I am around her I don't know how to describe how complete and happy I feel and when she's not around me I find myself searching for her. What is this Gaumbi? 

Gaumbi laughed. Idiot you are in love with her. 

Gaumbi what are you talking about? You know I do not believe in love it is all nonsense. 

Shiva both you and Raavi do not understand the connection you have. I am not talking about now but I am talking about since childhood. Shiva, she is the only girl I have ever seen you interact with. You were so blinded with hatred for her that you did not realize what she meant to you. She has always been a big part of your life. Shiva, when you came home drunk, I thought it was because of a friend but no it was you doubting yourself. I have always seen you confident, but when it comes to anything that could take away Raavi's happiness even if that you yourself you distanced yourself from her. You love her and want her to be happy even if it means sacrificing your own. Raavi could have easily left you because you were being an idiot. She stayed because she always has cared about you. She is ready to fight the world for you Shiva. You have put the label of friendship on a connection that runs so much deeper. Shiva you in love with her. You need to realize that your relationship has changed and for the better. 

Shiva was shocked. Gaumbi's every word was true. His life had always revolved around her, even when he claimed to hate her. He was in love with her. Shiva Pandya was in love. He had to tell her his feelings. He wanted the moment to be special because he knew his wife was romantic when it came to stuff like this. He wanted to make this moment special just like she made his wife special. 

Thank you so much Gaumbi. I love you and he kissed his cheek. 

Oyy idiot you should say this to raavi not me. But do not just kiss her on the cheeks, he said teasingly.

Gaumbi, not you to come on. Shiva was blushing like crazy. 

Shiva then went to his room and found his cute wife sleeping. 

He could not wait to tell her how much she meant to him. 

Shiva went to sleep happily knowing that he was in love with the most perfect women in the world. 


Hey guys!

Here is the next chapter!!!

I hope you enjoyed this conversation. 

Our boy is in love:) 

Now it is time he confesses so stay tuned :)


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