chapter forty four.

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Chaotic — Tate McRae

Gianina hadn't spoken to a Mikaelson since that one phone call with Klaus. Part of her knew she was growing way too close to them for comfort. They were just a bigger, older, more dysfunctional version of her family, and although part of her wanted to believe she belonged with them, she couldn't let herself fall down that path.

Maybe family just wasn't her thing.

"Want to dance?" Lost in thought, Gianina jumped slightly as her best friend tapped lightly on her shoulder.

"To a slow song? I didn't know you could." The Salvatore girl joked, taking Jeremy's hand into her own. "But how could I say no to seeing you try?"

"You're about to eat your own words, Gia. I was born in Mystic Falls, of course I know how to slow dance." The Gilbert girl replied, walking his friend to the absolute middle of the dance floor.

He was right, it seemed as if this generation of Mystic Falls had a party or gala every week, if you didn't know how to dance, there was probably something wrong with you.

"I'm impressed, I have to say." Gianina commented, the Gilbert boy leading the slow dance, her head on his chest.

"Yeah, right." Jeremy replied dryly, both friends laughing in unison before a pause consumed their area. "I wanted to say sorry, for acting all weird on the trip, especially after Klaus called—"

"I get it. You're my best friend and you don't want me to hang out with the big bad wolf." Gia smiled flatly, shrugging her shoulder as the song continued. "Don't worry, i've come to the same conclusion myself."

"Well, that's not what I was going to say but—"

"Do you ever get tired of our siblings keeping secrets from us?" Gianina raised an annoyed brow, her lips pointing in the direction of Stefan, Damon, and Elena all trying to secretly leave the gym. "Come on."

She gently took her friends hand into hers and dragged him through the crowd, making their way towards the trio of secrecy.

"I suggest we put him out of his misery." Damon spoke, referring to Alaric who had been going through somewhat of a personality crisis.

As in, he wasn't himself at all.

"No way in hell." Jeremy protested, everyone turning their attention quickly towards his direction.

"Oh, come on. It's what he would want. It's a mercy killing." Damon spat back almost instantly, rolling his eyes.

"You are out of your mind." The younger Gilbert replied, obviously upset by the mere idea of someone he looked up to dying, again.

"Jeremy—" he cut his sister off by holding a hand up and walking away, leaving a trio of Salvatores with Elena.

"I think maybe he needs his sister on this one." Gia suggested, gesturing towards the direction he had run off.

The Gilbert girl sighed before nodding lightly and running after him. Which left Gianina with her less than sensitive brothers who were on a high of hurting anyone who was not Elena at that point. She pinched the bridge of her nose in frustration, at a loss for what to do.

"You are both complete idiots." Was all she could say before walking off to get some air.

Sometimes she thanked god she didn't share dna with the Salvatores.

Gianina's eyes drifted off to the side, almost aware that someone was staring at her. She inhaled a sharp sigh upon realizing who it was. A Mikaelson, arguably the most persistent yet charming of them all. No matter how much she hated to admit that last part.

"Klaus." She spoke, lifting her head up to look at the moon.

"Gianina." He replied with a sly smirk, gripping a bouquet gently in his hands. "These are for you."

The Salvatore vampire gently took the flowers in her arms, not daring to make eye contact. She could never tell weather to be angry or happy to see Niklaus. It was like he clouded her mind without even trying to, another thing she hated.

"Thank you." Gianina spoke gently, nodding her head. "This is a nice gesture."

"It is more of an apology, really. For getting angry about your little field trip with Damon and Elena. I acted irrationally—"

"You're right, you did and a bouquet of flowers won't get me to accept your apology. Especially because I know you'd make the same decision in a heartbeat if you had the chance." Gia wished that long ago when she was a human, she could have stayed that way, saved herself from all this mess.

Damn Katherine Pierce and the day she was born.

"Killing someone to stop my plans isn't okay, and in a million years, it's still won't be okay." Gianina finished her sentence sternly, finally making eye contact with the man, her eyes formed into a harsh glare.

"I agree. I also would like you to know I have plans of leaving Mystic Falls, and in order to keep me in check, I think you should join me." Klaus spoke confidently, as if just the mere mention of him leaving would bring Gianina to her knees.

Little did he know, she was used to people leaving.

"I have a life here, family, friends—"

"Where has family gotten you in the past hundred years, love? Where have they been during your darkest hours? Do they even notice that look in your eyes that says you are crying for help?" Klaus was quick to respond, so quick he couldn't even let her finish her own sentence. "I will let you think about that."

Gianina was at a loss for words as her eyes teared up, she wiped any water away from her face before looking back up at the sky, completely silent.

Maybe there was a lot to think about.

Esther Mikaelson was back in the lives of the group from Mystic Falls and Gianina's mind was racing. There was no limit to what the original witch could do, they seen that the last time she popped up in their lives, and with how she put a boundary spell on the entire school, they were seeing it now. The Salvatore girls hands were shaking as she thought about Matt and Jeremy venturing out to find her.

It just didn't feel right at all but, they were the only ones who could leave the school.

"He's going to be okay, you know?" Stefan spoke up next to his sister, swaying back and forth nervously.

"We both know you're saying that for yourself." Gianina folded her arms across her chest as she looked out towards the dark, waiting for her best friend to come back safely. "You feel responsible for bringing Elena into this life, and it's true. It is your fault. Just like what Katherine did to us."

"That's different, and you know it." The younger Salvatore replied, almost angrily.

"How?" Gia asked calmly. There was no anger, hurt, sadness, or emotion in the question, really. It was just a question, one her brother had absolutely no answer to, his silence proved that. "Exactly."

"This is your fault, you know." Klaus called out from behind the siblings. "You never should have let Esther out in the first place."

"We've dealt with her before." Stefan shrugged nonchalantly. "We can do it again."

"The three of us were once an amazing team, in fact, this theme brings me back to those very days. Stefan, you and I were like brothers—"

"Stefan already has a brother, not to sound territorial or anything." Damon spoke, joining in on the conversation. "Gia too, when she wants one."

"Ah, yes." Klaus responded with an annoyed chuckle. "The unbreakable Salvatore bond. I wonder what will happen with you two when Elena finally makes her choice, then I wonder if the loser will then run to Gianina for comfort when you have both ignored her so long. Maybe that will shake things up a bit?"

An awkward silence fell over the group as the trio of siblings exchanged nervous glances, was Klaus right?

"It's done." Bonnie broke the uncomfortable minute long internal debate within them all as she walked out of the school, lights flickering behind her. "Esther's not fighting me anymore, the boundary spell is broken."

That was enough for Gianina to speed off toward the cemetery, for Jeremy.

It seemed as if death was just a reoccurring theme in the guardians of Elena and Jeremy Gilbert. Gianina stood in the cemetery holding Jer's hand as tight as she could without breaking it. He needed the comfort in that moment, Alaric was going to be gone in a few hours and it meant he was losing someone else in his life.

The whole group stood waiting for the Saltzman man to come out and say his goodbyes. He was brave, that was for sure. Not completing the transition into becoming a vampire was something most people couldn't do.

The others couldn't handle being a vampire even in the least bit, which is what got him here in the first place.

Her teacher rounded the corner with Elena, and Gia knew that would be the last time she'd ever see him. No more making fun of him being friends with her brother, or his horrible teaching, just gone. She figured everyone standing around her would be gone at one point, hell, maybe she was even next.

... but right now, losing someone in the group hurt like hell.

After taking in what was now his family, Ric turned around and reentered the tomb to wait for whatever was next for him, nothingness, the other side, whatever it may be.

A single tear ran down Jeremy's cheek and splashed down onto Gia's arm, making her frown. She wanted to take the pain away from him, but knew she couldn't. Even as a vampire, turning off your humanity only pushes those feelings of regret and sadness away, it didn't solve anything.

"Goodbye, Alaric."

Author's note:
Not a huge fan of this chapter but i've been slacking on his book and y'all have been wanting updates lmao.

Favorite relationship/friendship/etc. that Gia has with any character and why?

Hope you enjoyed!

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