chapter ten.

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Theme song:Therefore I am-Billie Eilish

Apparently,the night of the masquerade,Tyler had triggered his werwolf curse.Stefan and Damon obviously warned Gianina not to go near him tons of times but,it didn't really stop her.She didn't care or listen to what anyone told her to do,she was off the rails.

"Sad isn't it?"Gianina asked as she walked up to Tyler,she was referring to the memorial set up for one of the girls that Damon deemed "collateral damage."

"Mhm."Tyler nodded his head slowly as he observed the memorial.

"God,he's boring."Gia mumbled and let out a sigh.

"What did you say?"Tyler turned to face her with a confused look on his face.

"Nothing,oh look!I see Stefan and Jeremy,bye Ty."the Salvatore girl sent him her fakest smile before leaving the area,she couldn't bore herself anymore than she already had.

After walking over her brother and Jeremy,Stefan came to the conclusion something had happened to Elena.Gia did not care at all but,she did like the drama so,she followed her brother to go talk to Damon.

"This has Katherine written all over it."Stefan said after throwing his hands in the air.

"Your obsession with that woman is extremely frightening."Gia let out a sigh as she swung her legs back and forth.

"Katherine's in the tomb,trust me,i'm the one that shut her in."Damon shook his head at the possibility that the Pierce woman had anything to do with it.

"Thanks for that piece of information."Gia smiled and bit the inside of her lip slightly.

"One,Gia if you go there I will kill you myself and two,i'm not even sure you shut her in,Damon."Stefan accused.

"What are you insinuating,Stefan?"the eldest Salvatore tilted his head to the side slightly.

"Well,I know the hold that Katherine has on you."the youngest Salvatore stated,making Gianina chuckle to herself.

"...and she has no hold over you,Steffy?That's not very true either is it?"Gia hopped off of the picnic table she was sitting on.

Stefan sent her a glare before Damon continued to speak.

"She's in the tomb,period.End of story."Damon contemplated whether or not to continue talking."She did say something to me right before I shut her in.I thought she was lying."

"Didn't this get interesting."Nina crossed her arms as she waited to hear whatever lie Katherine conjured up.

"What did she say?"Stefan asked quickly.

"Elena is in danger."Damon let out a sigh.

"...and you didn't think you should've ask her to elaborate?"Stefan questioned angrily.

"Everything she says is a lie,how am I supposed to know if she's gonna start spouting the truth?"the eldest Salvatore asked defensively.

"The funny part about this is,your girlfriend is missing and you are sitting here talking about her doppelgänger."Gianina giggled."I have somewhere to be,later losers."

With that,they watched their sister walk off to cause all sorts of mischief that they would have to clean up later but for now,Elena was the main priority.


"Oh,Katherine."Gia opened the tomb and sat down by the edge of the entrance,while opening a blood bag."Here,Katherine."

The Salvatore girl felt small gust of wind as the Pierce girl rushed over,she immediately smelled the blood and wanted some.

"You are here to save me,god I love you."Katherine let out a sigh of relief and settled down across from Gianina.

"Not exactly."Gia took a small sip from the blood bag."I'm here to ask some questions."

"What kind of questions?"Katherine narrowed her eyes slightly as she realized Gianina still had her humanity off,meaning she was screwed.

"Questions about this whole wolf thing,you look like shit by the way."the younger vampire commented.

She then rested the blood bag against her lips again,with her eyes still on the Pierce girl.

"Ask away."Katherine bit her lower lip slightly,completely and utterly seduced by both Gianina and the blood she was drinking.

"Answer honestly and you'll get a sip."Gia informed Katherine."Of course,it won't be as tasty as when you used to drink from me."

"You are hot when you are all schemey but,I prefer the old you."the Pierce girl commented.

"You know what the amazing thing about that is,Kat?"Gianina raised a brow.

"What?"Katherine was curious to know what the bright side was,she sure as hell couldn't see one.

"I don't give a shit what you think."every single word was spaced out very carefully,making Katherine's blood practically boil.

"Just ask your questions."the vampire said through her teeth,there wasn't much she could do in the tomb but,once she got out she was determined to get Gia's humanity back on.

"Tell me how I can trigger my werewolf side."Gianina demanded as she poured some blood into a small plastic cup."Now."

"You can't."Katherine sat up straighter knowing full and well that Gianina with no humanity and a werewolf bite would be absolutely deadly to her.

"Wrong answer,Kitty Kat."the Salvatore girl dumped the blood from inside the cup onto the floor.

"Stop!"Katherine yelled." don't know how please,Gigi.I need to feed."

Gianina chuckled slightly,this version of her found pleasure in Katherine's pain,it was almost intoxicating to her.

"We both know you know the answers that I want,you help me,I help you,it's not that hard."Gia shrugged her shoulders and stared into Kat's eyes."Now,are you willing to help or should I just find out on my own and let you rot in here?"

"Gia...don't make me tell you."Katherine pleaded,there was only a few people she had ever been vulnerable with and of course,Gianina was one of them.

"I'm not making you do anything."The Salvatore girl got up to her feet."If you don't want to do it i'm not forcing you."

"Why do you even want to be a hybrid?"The Pierce girl asked,it was a good question in all honesty.

"I am sick of just being Stefan and Damon's sister,I want to embrace my real side,my powerful side."Gianina folded her arms."I'm just taking a page from your handbook,aren't I?"

"You can't handle what it takes,Gigi.It will break you and you won't be able to come back from that once your humanity is back on."Katherine refused to be responsible for more of Gianina's heartbreak.

"That's fine,i'll go now."the Salvatore girl spun on her heel and began to walk away.

"Wait!I'll tell you!"Unfortunately Kat's overwhelming need for blood got the best of her."I'll tell you everything."

With a smirk,Gianina turned back around again and strutted over to Katherine.She then threw the blood bag in front of the girl,waiting for her to consume it.When she did,Gia wanted to get straight to business.

"So,tell me everything."

Authors corner:
Idk I actually liked this chapter lmfao,what did you guys think about it?

Gia used to be a SIMP for Katherine and I wouldn't say the roles are completely revered but,it is interesting to see their dynamic now.

Any predictions for the upcoming chapter?

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