chapter thirty nine.

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Brutal — Olivia Rodrigo

Gianina thought that getting her own apartment would grant her the freedom of people not coming to her house. Obviously, she was sorely mistaken because, for about the fiftieth time that week, someone was knocking at her door. The girl lazily threw on her robe and made her way to the door, her long hair flowing over her shoulders as she did.

"My place isn't a tourist attraction—" the Salvatore paused, surprised who was at her door as she opened it up. "Elena? What the hell are you doing here?"

"I wouldn't have come if it wasn't important." The Gilbert girl pushed her way into the apartment, making Gia furrow her brows.

"Come in, I guess." The woman muttered, rolling her eyes slightly. "What can I help you with?"

"It's about the Mikaelsons, and Esther." Elena's movements were scattered, frantic as the girl ran her hands through her hair. "I didn't know who else to come to."

"I'm not their babysitter, if they killed someone take it up with them." Gianina ran a hand over her face. "I was really enjoying my bath, i'd like to get back to it."

"Esther is planning on killing them all, tonight." The Gilbert girl blurted out, her words hitting the hybrid like a ton of bricks.

"Say it again." The Salvatore vampire spoke, the brunette across from her not uttering a word. "Say it again, or i'll rip your tongue from your mouth."

"She's planning on killing them all, tonight. They are all linked to each other. She did it last night at the ball." Elena explained, a look of guilt on her face. "Elijah doesn't deserve to die, no matter how badly I want Klaus gone."

Gianina felt her eyes water in that moment, shaking it away in hopes that if she didn't cry, this would all be a dream. It wasn't though, and as the silence in the room continued, she realized that. She was going to die, and there was nothing she could do about it.

Or could she?

"Do my brothers know you're here?" The Salvatore asked, picking up a small, yet heavy decoration from her coffee table.

"No." Elena responded, lightly shaking her head.

"Good." Gianina lunged forward, hitting the girl in the head with it. The Gilbert doppleganger fell to the ground, making the Salvatore let out a sigh.

Her brothers were going to hate her for this.

Gianina anxiously bit at her finger nails as she waited for Elijah and Rebekah to meet her in the woods. They were mostly clueless as to why she had invited them out there but, with Esther and Finn lurking around their home, she figured that was best. She exhaled in relief as they pulled up, both siblings getting out of the car together with confused expressions.

"I almost thought you weren't coming." She commented, pushing herself off of the trunk of her car.

"We weren't exactly sure why we were asked here, but, I am sure you have your reasons." Elijah responded, straightening out his tie with a smile. "So why is it that you required our presence?"

Instead of answering, Gianina opened up her trunk, revealing an unconscious doppleganger laying there. Rebekah let out a slight chuckle, obviously not caring about the reason of this sudden act of violence but, her brother was still wary. What could be a good reason to catch the Salvatore woman so far out of character?

"Esther is planning to kill you all tonight, and if you die, I die." Gia lightly shook her head, thinking of all the things she could have accomplished if she had just stopped worrying about her brothers, or Katherine, or just stopped wasting her life in general. "I'm not ready to die, and i'm not going to let it happen to any of you either."

"Huh, you were right, Elijah. Mother was planning something." Rebekah was obviously trying not to show emotion, yet, she looked completely heartbroken.

"I had my suspicions but I wasn't for sure." The Mikaelson man narrowed his eyes towards where Elena was. "I assume you have a plan."

"Oh yeah, I have a plan." Gianina replied, confidant that things would go slightly smooth. "We use her as leverage, my brothers would do anything of it meant keeping her safe, even trying to find a way to stop the spell."

"She's right, they are head over heels for her, if we even pull a hair off her head, they'd swear we killed her." Rebekah spoke, nodding along with where the plan was going.

"Elijah and I will go to them, discuss our terms, and Rebekah can stay here and watch Elena." The Salvatore girl finished off, making the blonde pout.

"You're making me a babysitter?" She questioned.

"No, she's posing a threat towards Elena, if Stefan and Damon know that she is with someone who attempted to kill her, they'll feel more inclined to save her." Elijah explained to his sister, his words obviously more clean and precise than those that were spoken by Gia.

"... and if she tries to leave, or they break the deal, i'll let you kill her."

Things all seemed to be going according to plan until Elijah began to desicate on the way to get Klaus and Kol. Gianina parked in the lot for the grill, searching the mans face for any sign of life, yet, there was nothing. His face was pale, his veins showing through his skin, and his body cold to the touch.

"Those bastards." The Salvatore mumbled to herself, punching the steering wheel before she leaned her face against it. "Damn it damn it damn it."

If the rest of the Originals were daggered, and she was still awake, that meant Klaus was. Which also meant, Esther could still kill him, and she could still die. Yet another example of her brothers not believing her when she says something.

... because neither believed she was linked to Klaus.

Elijah gasped awake, and Gia looked up, letting out a sigh of relief. They still had time to fix this, all they had to do was make sure that the spell didn't happen. Which would be a lot more complicated than everyone was hoping.

"We must find my brothers." Within a blink, the Mikaelson was gone, and the Salvatore ran out of her car to follow.

They ended up behind the girl, where Klaus was surprisingly, yet not surprisingly about to kill Damon.

"Leave him!" Elijah demanded, making his brother look at him. "We still need him, Niklaus."

"What did mother do?" The Hybrid asked, his whole body now facing the two people he probably trusted most. "What did she do?"

"While you explain that, i'm going to up the anti." Gianina went down the stairs, finally over trying to be nice, trying to be herself when a situation called for a monster. "If you don't tell us where the spell is happening, i'm going to call Rebekah, and Elena isn't going to have a head by the end of the night, okay?"

"Don't do this, Gia." Stefan begged from the steps, recovering from an earlier fight with Klaus.

"If I don't, I die. Whether either of you choose to believe it, or if you don't want to believe it, I die. I am not going to keep picking you both over me. So, i'll repeat myself, tell me where they are, or Elena is going to die along with me." Gianina gritted her teeth together. "and I won't feel the least bit sorry."

"You said we had till after nine." Damon reminded them, nobody caring about the original plan after her brothers tried to stray.

"Well, i'm sure my sister would be happy to start her work early." Elijah confirmed, making the eldest Salvatore sigh.

"Fine, we'll handle it."

As Gianina walked up the hill alongside the Mikaelson brothers, she hoped that her brothers would follow through for her, just this once. There was times that they hadn't but, those times didn't put her life in danger like this, they weren't as severe. Those, she could forgive but, this one? If they managed to mess this up she knew she'd spend an eternity on the other side praying for their downfall.

"Gianina, my sons, come forward." Esther spoke, like she knew the Salvatore girl would be there.

She was just as much of an abomination as her children, which meant she needed to die along with them.

"Stay behind me." Finn said to his mother, who lightly shook her head.

"It's okay, they can't enter." Finn and Esther linked hands, and as the quartet approached, the flamed around her got bigger, scarier.

"That's lovely, we're stuck out here while the favorite son plays sacrificial lamb. How pathetic you are, Finn." Kol spoke, his words laced with venom as he glared as his eldest brother.

"Be quiet, Kol. Your brother knows virtue that you cannot even imagine." Esther snapped, a smug smile on her face.

"Whatever you think of us, killing your children and a girl who has nothing to do with you would be an atrocity." Elijah cut in, his mother narrowing his eyes at him.

"Nothing to do with me? Our precious Gianina has everything to do with our family, and I will not continue to let any of you live. My only regret in life was not making sure you died a thousand years ago." The older woman let her words flow, like she wasn't speaking to her own children.

"All this talk is boring me. End this now, mother, or i'll send you back to hell." Klaus threatened, not scaring his mother one bit.

"For a thousand years I have been forced to watch you, felt the pain of every victim, suffered while you shed blood. Even you, Elijah. With your claim to nobilty, you are no better. All of you, you're a curse on this earth. If you've come to plead for your life, i'm sorry. What's done is done." Esther had a glint of tears in her eyes, yet, that meant nothing because what she was doing, was dreadful.

Never in a million years could Gia ever think about killing a child she had given birth to.

"You are every bit of monster as they are, as we are. You created vampires, and you are so hell bent of naming Klaus a monster when you are the reason he is a hybrid. You forced this on your children, and now that you can't handle it, your best solution is to kill them all?" Gianina scoffed, shaking her head as she realized her words had started to cut the woman deep. "If I rot in hell, at least I know i'll see you down there."

Just as the Salvatore girl finished, the flamed around Esther rose up, making her yell out in protest.

"No, sisters. Please do not abandon me." The ground beneath them began to shake, and fire came up higher, making everyone close their eyes.

... but once they were open, Esther was gone.

Authors note:
I'd just like to take the time here to say thank you to those who still read/comment. I started this book a year ago, and I kind of cringe when I go back and read the first few chapters. I hope that I am still creating a fanfic that you enjoy even though my writing style has changed since last year.

How do you think the Mystic Falls gang will feel about Gia now?

Hope you enjoyed!

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