chapter thirty one.

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Heathens — Twenty one pilots

Back to Mystic Falls, square one, all over again.

Back at the dreaded high school, chasing after stupid teens. It was all very repetitive, really and it was downright annoying the Salvatore girl. How could all these idiots cause so much trouble?

"These doppelgängers really know how to stay alive when you want them dead." Gia mumbled as her and Klaus walked quietly down the hallway.

"Not for long." The Mikaelson man grinned. "Unless of course their little witch finds a way to make our hybrids."

"I hear her." The girl stopped as the door opened, Klaus disappearing from behind her. "Well, don't you look pretty today, Elena."

"Gia!" The girl yelled, the Salvatore hearing her heart begin to beat faster as she turned to run away.

She was met by Niklaus, stopping right in front of her, "You're supposed to be dead. What are we going to do about that?"

The hallway went dead silent as Elena looked around, trying to find ways to escape. Of course, a human wouldn't be able to escape two hybrids but then again, the Gilbert girl was ballsy enough to try. She ran towards Gia, trying to get passed her but once the Salvatore flashed her eyes and new set of teeth, the girl recoiled and stepped away.

"It was adorable you tried though, really." Gianina giggled slightly as Klaus took a hold of Elena's arm, dragging her down the hallway.

"You've put a rather large kink in our plans, sweetheart." The Mikaelson man said as the three of them walked. "The whole point of breaking the curse and becoming a hybrid was to make more hybrids. We haven't been able to do that. Now, my guess is, it has something to do with the fact that you are still breathing."

"If you're going to kill me, just do it!" Elena yelled loudly, her body twisted from being pulled along.

"Believe me, i'd love to." Gia rolled her eyes slightly at the girls antics, she thought that if she died they'd leave her friends alone but, that was far from true, they helped keep her alive, they pay the price too.

"But she can't, not until I figure out if i'm right but, I will let her make you suffer and believe me, she can." Klaus said through gritted teeth as he pushed the gym door open.

"Attention seniors." The man said in an American accent.

"Oh, Nicholas is making an appearance." Gianina leaned her back on the wall as he continued, unwrapping a lollipop she had in her pocket.

"You have officially been busted, prank night is over. Head on home." He announced, making all the kids groan and begin to shuffle out of the room. "You two, I remember you."

"I'm sorry, who are you?" The girl asked, brows furrowed. Gia figured they were around the same age as all her brothers obnoxious friends, not that she cared enough to remember their names.

"Oh, don't worry, I wasn't in my right head last time we met. Lift your foot up, please, Dana." Klaus compelled the girl. "If she drops her foot, Chad, I want you to beat her to death. Understood?"

Gianina grinned as she pushed herself off the wall, popping the lollipop in her mouth. She fixed her jacket slightly, walking over to the group to get a closer look. The Mikaelson man really knew how to get under people's skin, especially Elena's.

"Don't Klaus." The Gilbert girl whined. "You don't have to hurt anybody!"

"If he does, I just want you to remember..." Gianina bent down slightly to the brunette's ear level. "It's all your fault."


After about half an hour, all of the obnoxious teens of Mystic Falls were in the gym. That included Matt, Tyler, Bonnie, and Elena. Klaus and Gia stood side by side, Rebekah not too far off from them, holding onto Tyler.

"Meet my sister, word of warning. She can be quite mean." The hybrid man explained to the group.

"Don't be an ass." Rebekah pushed Tyler towards them, Klaus taking him and dragging him to the middle of the gym.

"I'm going to make this very simple. Every time I attempt to turn a werewolf into a vampire hybrid, they die in transition. It's quite horrible, actually." The man bit his wrist feeding it to the Lockwood boy.

"Oh yeah, blood pouring out of their eyes as they yell out in pain, it's terrible." Gia nonchalantly said as she took her lollipop out of her mouth.

Everyone's eyes widened at the way she was acting and they practically came out of the teens head as Klaus fed his blood to Tyler.

"I need you to find a way to save our hybrids, Bonnie, and for Tyler's sake... you better hurry." Klaus snapped his neck, all of the Mystic Falls kids gasping for air as their friend fell dead onto the ground.

"Hm, that was anti climactic." Gia shrugged as she bent down, picking up the boys arm and letting it fall to the ground, Elena, Bonnie, and Matt all glaring at her as Rebekah and Klaus went to sit down. "What? He's not dead, yet."

"Right." Elena ran a hand through her hair. "He's not dead yet. Klaus' blood will turn him into a vampire.."

"...and if Bonnie is successful, he'll live through his transition." Klaus added on, a smirk on his face.

"If." Gianina said, her arms folded across her chest.

"Yes, go on then." Rebekah and Klaus started to approach the group again. "Go fetch your spells and grimoires and enchantments and what not. We'll keep a hold of Elena for safe keeping."

Bonnie glanced at the Gilbert girl for assurance, the brunette nodded slightly, making Gia nauseous.

"As if you had a choice either way." The Salvatore waved her hand. "Shoo, shoo."

The Bennett didn't sat another word, she grabbed onto Matt's arm and two quickly ran out of the gym as fast as they could.

"So, this is the latest doppelgänger." Rebekah commented as they left, giving Elena a one over. "The original one was much prettier."

"To think, there has been more of these running around the earth." Gia grabbed the girls face gently and looked at it closely, just to piss her off before harshly letting go of her.

"Enough, both of you. Why don't you take the wolf boy elsewhere?" Klaus said seriously, the only reason the Salvatore girl agreed was because she knew he had a plan, one that she really wanted to see be carried out.

"Come on, Beks. We'll get some alone time." Gianina walked towards Tyler, reaching to grab his arm and drag him.

"That's alright, i'll get him." Rebekah ran over, grabbing a hold of the boy as she dragged him across the ground.

The Salvatore girl grinned slightly to herself, pushing her hair behind her ears. If one thing was for sure, she had learned something from Katherine Pierce. Something very useful, seduction.


Gianina and Rebekah posed cutely for a few selfies, the brunette placing a kiss of the blonde's cheek for photos. They seemed to be enjoying themselves, sitting there while Bonnie tended to the heavy duty part of finding the correct spell. Both knew things would fall into place, eventually.

"That one is the best one." Gia said, pointing to the photo. "We look good."

"Speak for yourself." The Mikaelson girl mumbled, inspecting the photo. "Oh look, she's waking up."

The she that was being referred to was Caroline Forbes, she had been knocked out by Rebekah not long before and was now waking up next to her dead boyfriend.

"You know, we didn't have mobile telephones in my day. Would have made life a whole lot easier, I suppose." The blonde held up the phone once again for another picture, both the original and hybrid posing once again.

Once they were content with the picture, they let their faces rest and turned their attention to Caroline.

"Where's Tyler?" The Forbes girl asked, struggling to focus her mind.

"He's dead." Rebekah paused for moment. "Ish."

"Don't worry, i'm sure he'll be fine...for a little while at least." Gianina shrugged slightly, leaning her head against the locker door.

"What did you do to him." Caroline gasped slightly, sitting up and reaching over to him.

"Don't be so dramatic." The Salvatore girl rolled her eyes.

"Think of it as a little nap. When he wakes up, he'll be a hybrid." Rebekah shrugged as she scrolled through the phone's pictures, stopping at a photo of Stefan and Elena. "Ugh, vomit."

Gianina simply rolled her eyes at the self righteous couple, crossing her arms.

"Is that my neck—" the Mikaelson girl stopped herself and got up quickly, directing her next question at Caroline. "Why is that doppelgänger bitch wearing my necklace!?"

The girl stormed off, leaving Caroline, Tyler and Gia.

"Well, get your boyfriend, i'm sure he wants to be comfy when he wakes up."


Apparently, they had found a way to fix the hybrids. It needed to be tested of course but that besides the point. If it didn't work, a lot of people would by dying.

"It's Elena's blood. Drink it." Klaus said, leaning in front of Tyler and holding out the vial of liquid.

"No, no, no! Tyler don't!" Caroline insisted, trying her best to get away from Rebekah's tight grip.

"If he doesn't feed, he'll die anyway, love." The Mikaelson man said calmly as Gia watched closely, if this worked, she'd have the first component to her army. "Consider this an experiment."

"It's okay, Tyler. The worst that could happen is it doesn't work but if it does.." the Salvatore girl focused her eyes on him. "You'll feel amazing."

The Lockwood boy looked at her for a second before agreeing to drink, guzzling down the whole tube of blood. Even as a humanity-less vampire hybrid, he believed the bond that their families had shared would make Gianina do right by him. The only thing that was left was for her to prove his theory to be true, which was seemingly the theme of the night.

Tyler started to spasm quickly after drinking the blood. He fell onto the floor as Caroline yelled for him, almost in tears. Neither hybrids were quite worried though, he was just going into transformation like they had done before.

"Don't be so dramatic, Ty. Chin up, fight through it." Gianina kneeled down to him, placing a hand on his back.

...and as he looked up, she knew her first hybrid was made.

Author's note:
Is this a new chapter? Unbelievable, unheard of. I AM SHOCKED. Anyways lmfao, I just have been feeling inspired for this book so i'm here with more updates.

Predictions for the next few chapters? I didn't add Klaus leaving because he heard Mikaels name or Stefan turning off his humanity because I didn't think it fit Gia's storyline but it did happen.

Hope you enjoyed!

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