chapter twenty six.

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Theme song: You should see me in a crown- Billie Eilish

Gianina glared at Klaus, placing her hand on her hip as the two of them continued to argue. It seemed as if it was never ending between the two, always having disagreements about what to do or what not to do. In the end though, he always ended up listening to the Salvatore girl.

"If I was still a human and seen a random guy approaching my house wanting to use the phone, i'd freak. If I seen a loving couple, maybe i'd be more inclined to let them in." Gia stated firmly, she seemed to be the brains of this entire little hybrid operation.

"She has a point." Stefan said with a shrug. "Just like she had a point at the last house, and the one before, actually, she's kind of way too good at this evil stuff."

"Alright, that's enough. I get the point." Klaus said angrily. "Shall I put on my American accent? It's quite good."

"Whatever floats your boat, Timothy." Gianina said, giving her fellow hybrid a fake name.

"Are you ready, Julia?" The original questioned, a smirk pulling at his lips as he extended his hand.

"Of course." Gia took the mans hand and the two plastered worried looks on their faces as they began to approach the home they intended to get into.

"I wish I didn't have to experience that." Stefan mumbled, rolling his eyes as he leaned up against a tree.

The two hybrids were quite convincing as a couple, Klaus knew it was because of the prophecy he had been avoiding for years but Gia was still unaware of the whole situation. When Elijah was around, he wanted to tell her. It was a goal to make it known, in hopes that she would be the woman to save his brother.

"We're so sorry to bother you." The Mikaelson man said in his American accent, scaring the woman who was bent down on the ground.

"I'm so sorry, my husband didn't mean to scare you." The Salvatore girl said in a sweet, southern accent.

"Can I help you?" The blonde woman asked.

"Yeah, uh, our car ran out of gas a couple miles back. It feels like we've been walking forever and yours is the first house we've come across so we were hoping we could use your telephone?" Klaus questioned, looking down to his fellow hybrid with a smile that she returned.

"Neither of you have cellphones?" The blonde questioned warily.

"The service out here sucks. We spent half the walk trying to find a good spot and then both our phones died." Gianina said, letting out a frustrated sigh. "It's a pickle we've gotten ourselves into."

"We aren't serial killers, ma'am. We'd just like to use your phone." Klaus said, still smiling.

"Sure." The blonde nodded her head.

"So, we can come in?" The Mikaelson man asked hopefully.

"No, i'll get the phone and bring it out to you." The woman stated as she headed towards her house.

"It's reasonable, sweetie." Gianina said angrily through her teeth as his face contorted.

"I thought these country folk were supposed to to more welcoming." He responded with a menacing look upon his face.

"Shit, I guess we are taking this route." The Salvatore girl sighed, rolling her eyes slightly.

"I'm from Florida." The blonde retorted, crossing her arms sassily.

"I guess that explains it." Klaus sped over to the girl, wrapping his hand around her neck and looking into her eyes. "Now show me a little southern hospitality and let me and her in, sweet pea."

The blonde quickly nodded her head, leading them to the door.

"Come in, both of you." The girl said, her voice shaking as the two hybrids entered her house. The trio ended up in the kitchen where another woman was standing.

"What's going on?" She asked, scared out of her mind.

"Please don't be alarmed." Klaus said with a smile.

"We heard that Ray Sutton lives here." Gianina tilted her head slightly. "Things would go pretty smooth if you just let us know where he is, beautiful."

"He-he's hardly ever here. He's on the road mostly." The woman defended, shaking slightly. The Salvatore girl could hear her heart beating ferociously against her chest, sending a thrill throughout her body. Scaring people was a thrill with her humanity off, she loved it.

"But I expect he makes it home once a month." Klaus spoke up, moving closer towards the woman standing in the kitchen. She stayed completely silent confirming the answer to the question. "Yes, that's what I thought."

"How about you tell us where he is now?" Gia raised a brow as she waited for an answer, once that didn't come after a few seconds. "I would enjoy sinking my teeth into both your pretty little throats if you don't."

The girl quickly ran from the kitchen, being stopped as she opened the front door to find Stefan waiting.

"Good one, little brother." Gianina stated, an impressed smile on her face.

"That's what i'm here for." The younger Salvatore replied, never taking his eyes off the girl.

"I love when they run." Klaus announced enthusiastically as he entered the room.

"He's in Tulley, it's near the border. A bar called Southern Comfort, it's off highway 41." The woman said quickly, hoping to save her life.

"God, that was pathetic." Gianina groaned out, hoping the girl had more willpower in her.

"Thank you, my love." Klaus said before glancing at the blonde he was holding. "Now, will you let our friend in your home?"

The girl shook her head no but uttered a small yes signaling Stefan to come in, his attempt to do so was successful.

"Stefan gets these ones, sorry, love." The Mikaelson said to Gia before glancing at her brother. "Kill this one quickly, make the other suffer, we'll be in the car."

The two hybrids left the room, Gia angry she couldn't participate as they walked away from the house full of screams.

"Your obsession with my brothers killing techniques is concerning." The Salvatore girl stated as they approached the car, yelling still being heard from the house.

"He is quite good, you do have to admit that." Klaus said with a smirk, opening the door for his fellow hybrid.

"Sure, until he pieces them back together like the little saint he is." Gianina shrugged. "He's flawed."

"and you are not?" The hybrid questioned, quirking up his brow slightly.

"Not like this, with my humanity off i'm as good as it gets. I'm never going back to the girl who couldn't even walk out of the house without wondering how it would change someones day." The Salvatore girl stated.

"Fair point, but that humanity switch doesn't last too long. Once you get old enough the kill is all the same, remorse or no remorse." Klaus said to the girl, trying to give her advice. He wondered who would be the one to inevitably turn it back on.

Stefan? Damon? Katherine? Jeremy? Could it ever be him to truly be the one she cares for enough?


Gianina let out a sigh as she stepped into Southern Comfort. Klaus and Stefan had walked in before her and she was still hesitant to follow them. Quite frankly, the place was gross and she didn't want to ruin her new shoes.

"This guy better be worth it." Gia mumbled, moving some hair away as her face as she watched Klaus talk to Ray.

"Nothing is going to be worth it to you." Stefan said in annoyance as Ray tried to walk away from the hybrid. The Salvatore boy approached him, making the wolf stop in his tracks. "Yeah, I wouldn't do that."

The Sutton man tried to walk in the last direction he could, being stopped by Gianina.

"Yeah, try to get through me, hot shot. I dare you." The girl stated, narrowing her eyes at him.

"Damn vampires." The man mumbled angrily as the Salvatore girl pushed him against the bar.

"You're swifty swift, Ray. Yes, Stefan is a vampire. He's compelled everyone in the bar, so don't look to them for any help. Now, this beautiful lady and I however, we are something else, a different kind of monster." Klaus said, trying to subtly push information on to the man.

"Cut to the chase, even i'm falling asleep." Gianina said with a sigh, glancing down at her shoe which had a piece of gum stuck to it. "Fuck."

"Now, now, Gia. Cut out the fowl language, there are children present." The Mikaelson man said jokingly, referring to Ray.

"Right." The Salvatore girl rolled her eyes harshly as she removed her heel, hoping there was no icky diseases plastered on the ground. She couldn't exactly get sick but it was still gross.

"As I was saying, we are half werewolf, half vampire.—"

"What?" Ray stuttered out, his eyes widening slightly at Klaus's nonchalantness as he talked about a species that was completely unheard of.

"Oh my god, Ray. Do you not listen? We're hybrids." Gia snapped her fingers. "Catch up please I don't have eternity..well, actually."

"We want to create more of us and you being the first werewolf we've come across in many a moon, pun intended, Ray. I'm going to need you to direct me to your pack." The Mikaelson demanded politely.

The trio waited, nobody hearing an answer.

"You can't compel me, it won't work." The man said, shaking his head.

"Answer the question Ray or so help me, I will stab this dirt ridden heel through your eye socket" Gianina threatened.

The man shook his head, making the trio all glance at each other awkwardly before nodding their heads in agreement.

"I'll tell you what, Ray." Stefan said as he cleared his throat. "We're going to play a little drinking game. Something I like to call truth or wolfsbane."

"This is going to be fun, Ray." Klaus said, relaxing in his seat as Gianina placed her head on his shoulder and wrapped her arms around from behind him.

"Lots of fun." The Salvatore girl chuckled, a smile on her face.

She was going to get her army.

Author's note:
Here is the first chapter if part one which begins in season three! I really hope you enjoyed and it wasn't too boring<3

This book really means a lot to me and i'm so happy anyone supports it tysm!

Lastly, if you want to add feedback, predictions, or hopes for the future lmk (ive seen some comments wanting Jer and Gia together or Gia fighting Elena so lmk what type of things would interest you!)

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