17 | so, i was right

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No one's POV

"What are you doing here!?" The blonde boy asked, shutting his bedroom door behind him slowly, trying to keep himself calm. Also, he didn't want to alert his father or Natalie (if they were even here) that an akumatized victim was in his room, practically waiting to claim her vengeance on him.

What was she even doing here?

"What does it look like I'm doing?" She made her way across his room slowly, almost as if to taunt him. Still, her yo-yo remained wrapped around her fingertips, and her gaze turned to fix on the open window he assumed she'd came through to get inside. She contemplated the view he had from his bedroom. "Admiring your bedroom?"

Wow, her sarcasm was on point.

Adrien shook his head, watching carefully as the villain continued to pace slowly around his room. "You know exactly why I'm here." She said, her tone dropping from a playful tone, and instead, replaced with a more serious, dead tone. It was somewhat frightening.

He cringed at her tone of voice and gulped. "But, I thought I had three days? You said so yourself."

"Please," She laughed sarcastically, turning to face him once more. "I got tired of waiting. I'm a pretty impatient person, and I just couldn't wait to get my hands on that precious miraculous you promised me."

Adrien suddenly turned pale. "I don't have the r-ring yet." He watched her reaction nervously, gulping as Lady Luck continued to pace around him, slowly, almost predatory. "But, I can get it tomorrow."

Lady Luck continued to circle him, and suddenly, she giggled, "Oh Adrien," she stopped in front of him so that her eyes could lock with his. "How stupid do you think I am?"

Adrien's face suddenly filled with confusion. "Huh?"

Leaning closer towards the boy, her breath fanned his ear as she whispered, "You already have the ring."

Adrien froze and his eyes went wide. "What?!" He pulled a face, confident he could pull off his lie. "No I don't."

"Don't lie to me!" She shouted, suddenly extreme angry with him as she pushed herself his chest away to create space between them, her sudden outburst causing him to flinch.

"I'm n-not. I swear!" Adrien tried to defend his lies.

"Is that so?" Lady Luck questioned as she backed up a little further, a smirk once again plastered on her lips. "Then what do you call this little rat?"

And suddenly, she slowly lifted her hand and used her magic to create a clear sphere to appear into the air... and inside that sphere was a small, black, cat. "Let me out!" Plagg's voice was barely heard, as he pounded on the glass with his tiny paws. For some reason, it was immune to his ability to phase through matter.

Adrien gasped at the sight. "Plagg!" He shouted, his eyes widening in horror. "Hang in there! I'll get you out!"

"So," Lady Luck smirked, her suspicions confirmed, as she caused the sphere, with Plagg in it, to disappear again. "...you do know who he is."

Adrien hung his head low, ashamed of being caught in his lies. He nodded, knowing there was no possible way he could escape freely now. Avoiding eye contact, Adrien helplessly listened to Lady Luck's crackled laughs.

"I knew it." The villain chuckled. "My suspisiousions were correct. You really are Chat Noir."

Hesitantly, Adrien looked up to meet her gaze. "How did you figure it out?" He asked, letting his eyes gaze fall back to the floor almost instantly.

Lady Luck scoffed lightly, "What do you take me for, Adrien? A fool? Did you forget who I am? I know you, and I know you would never betray any of your friends. You care for them too much, and you would sacrifice yourself for one of your friends if you had to. So, when you were so willingly ready to betray your so called 'friend', I just had to assume you were the hero himself."

With a defeated sigh, Adrien mentally cursed himself. It was only predictable that Lady Luck was bound to discover his lies. What a fool he had been to think he could've ever fooled her.

However, that's when an idea suddenly popped on his Adrien's head, and he couldn't help but smirk. Though plan A had failed miserably (just like Alya had predicted), not all hope was entirely lost. "Well, I guess you caught me." He slowly pulled out his phone from his back pocket and held it behind his back. "I'm trapped, aren't I?"

"You could say..." she smiled, but it wasn't friendly. She turned around and approached the window to close it, and that's when Adrien took the opportunity to text his friends for help.

Group Chat: 3 Stealthy Ninjas (what an amazing name Adrien)

Adrien 3:30pm: guys! operation plan B is a go! lady luck is in my room keeping me hostage! SOS!

She turned back to look at him, and because of his quick reflexes, Adrien was able to quickly hide his phone behind his back once more, and leave her oblivious to his plan. Smiling somewhat nervously, he watched as she simply eyed him from head to toe before turning her attention back to the window.

Adrien felt his phone vibrate in his hands.

Nino 3:30pm: on our way! hang in there buddy!

That's all he needed. Adrien shoved his phone back into his back pocket just as Lady Luck was finished with his window. She looked at him, but Adrien couldn't see any emotion in her face.

"Are you gonna stand there all day? Or are you going to sit?"

The blonde froze.

Why was she acting all formal?

She was a villain trying to get his miraculous and she wants him to sit down and chill like they're currently not at war. "Um... I'm fine here actually." He supplied, though in all truth, he'd give anything to sit down right now.

Lady Luck didn't bother to reply. Instead, she sat down on his white couch, lounging herself against the cushions, which made things even more odd.

Why was she just chilling?!

"What exactly are you doing?" Adrien questioned her.

She turned her head to face him. "What does it look like I'm doing? I'm sitting."

Uh what?! No duh.

"Okay...?" The blonde was officially confused.

What was happening. Was this some kind of prank?

Or maybe she was tying to trick him?

He cleared his throat. "Isn't that a little weird? I mean, most akumatized victims are out for vengeance, not to chill out in my room."

And that's when he saw her smirk. "I'm not like the rest of them. You should know that by now."


She's smart, clever, beautiful...
And... God Adrien you IDIOT... she probably knows you contacted your friends YOU FOOL! SHE'S NOT STUPID YOU DUMMY! GAWH... WHY DO I EVEN BOTHER....!?

*readers stare at me like I've complete lost my mind* "Okay Dippy don't freak out—"

*clears throat as eyes all stare at me* um... I mean... alright I'm done.

Edit from future self:


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