36 | help to the rescue

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Alya's POV

While Marinette was following those clues from that letter she received from 'Nathanial', who was secretly Nino, I was on my way to find out what that brunette boy was up to. What exactly was the point of him writing that? What the heck was it even for? And what did it mean? Marinette wasn't the only one completely confused about this.

Knowing Nino well enough, I knew that on a perfect day like today, he would not be cooped up in his room playing video games. Most of the time, his mother insisted he get outside on days like these, and always scolded him from playing so many video games.

Nino most likely left the house with his phone so he could play video games outside without being yelled at.

And the only place where he'd be perfectly safe from his mother's constant yelling would be the park.

I ran right by the park in search for that boy. Not long after searching, I spotted Nino sitting on a park bench, talking on the phone. I knew he would have his phone on him.

However, I couldn't call him if I didn't want him to know I was secretly looking for him.

I watched him closely as he grinned and laughed while he spoke on the phone. Common sense would say that whoever he was talking to definitely was saying something funny.

I begged to differ.

I furrowed my eyebrows at him in curiosity as I approached him silently from behind as I tried to sneak up on him. I knew he was up to no good.

That's when I was close enough to hear his words clearly...

"Dude, it's so perfect!" The DJ laughed to whoever was on the other line. Who was he talking to?

"Yes... yeah... it is. I got a text from the people she's visited so far."

She? Visited? People? What was Nino up to?

"Alright... okay... yeah. I'll talk to you later."

Right when Nino hung up, I swang into action. Jumping out from the bushes behind him, I shouted as loud as I could in attempt to scare him.

And it definitely worked, because the boy jumped forward and stumbled off of the bench and onto the ground. I began to crack up laughing, and when he realized who'd scared him, he looked up at me annoyingly.

"Dang it, Alya! Really?"

I continued to laugh and clutch my stomachs as I walked over on the other side of the bench where he sat on the ground.

"You almost gave me a heart attack!"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." I apologized, sticking out my hand for him to grasp so that I could help him up.

He took it, and I pulled him up. He began to brush himself off. "What was that for?"

"It was just for fun," I giggled, and he just groaned. "So, who were you taking to?"

"Huh?" Was he trying to make it look like I didn't hear part of his conversation? "What are you taking about?"

"Don't play dumb with me," I sassed him, placing my hands on my hips. "I heard you talking to someone over the phone."

He gulped, and I automatically realized he was hiding something. Well, I had already assumed he was hiding something.

So, he had proved all my theories.

"So, what are you hiding?" I asked, smirking in his direction. "Because I know you're hiding something."

He began to laugh, but it was definitely a nervous one. "Me? Hiding something? I don't think so!"

I began to tap my foot on the ground impatiently. "I'm not stupid Nino. Does this have to do with that mystery letter Marinette got by any chance?"

When Nino didn't answer, I knew I had hit the jackpot. So, it did have to do with it.

"H-How... did... y-you... know?" He stuttered out. Was he... afraid?

"How do you think?" I chuckled, "Marinette tells me everything. Plus, I was there when Nathaniel showed up with the letter, saying it was from you."

"Dang it," I heard Nino mutter under his breath.

"I heard that," I glared at him. "So, what's going on? Why did you give Marinette that letter? Did you write it?"

He shook his head. "No... I-I didn't... write it."

"So if you didn't write it... who did?" I questioned him and myself.

When he didn't answer me again, I smirked at him. "Do you know?"

He refused to answer me again.

"I think you know." I added.

He continued to stay silent, so I continued to speak.

"Is it Kim?" I began to play the guessing game. It had to be a guy... right? "Ivan?"

He still remained silent, so I continued to guess.

"Don't tell me it was Nathaniel this whole entire time? He did have a crush on Mari a while back."

He shook his head.

"So, it wasn't you, or Kim, or Ivan, or even Nathaniel, and it couldn't possibly be Max since Marinette's been over at his house for a clue..." I trailed off in thought, then I snapped my fingers. "Omg! wouldn't it be funny if it was Adrien who wrote it?"

Once I had let the blonde's name leave my lips, Nino choked on absolutely nothing.

I made eye contact with him at his reaction, and my eyes widened so far I feared they would pop out of my sockets. It was Adrien!? "No way," I gasped, "It's Adrien! Are you serious?!"

When he kept quiet, I approached him and grabbed him by the shirt collar. "I swear Nino, if you keep ignoring me and don't explain to me right now what's going on... I will bury you in a hole!"

He nodded, understanding what I meant and I let him go. He took a breath of air before he spoke.

"Ok you're right..." He trailed off. "It is Adrien, but you can't tell Marinette!"

"And why not?" I questioned, crossing my arms. Marinette and I told each other everything; keeping something from her meant it had to be something that was a matter of life and death. "He's the one who broke the poor girl's heart."

"He's just trying to fix his mistake." Nino tried to defend his best friend. "Please don't tell Marinette. It'll ruin everything he's got planned for her."

I rubbed my chin in thought.
Was I really that evil? Should I let Adrien's plan succeed or should I ruin it? As much as I wanted to ruin it all and crush that poor blonde's soul... I guess giving him a second chance couldn't hurt.

"Alright," I finally gave in. "I won't tell her."

He sighed in relief.

"But, only on one condition." I added, raising my pointer finger to emphasize the number one.

He looked back up at me and his eyes filled once again with worry. "What?"

Rubbing my hands together almost mischievously, I grinned, "You let me help." I then stuck on hand out towards him, awaiting for his handshake. "Deal?"


Dun dun duuuuuuuuuuuuuuun
Welp, what can I say? Reporters always get what they want.


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(All letters are lowercase)

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