38 | secret admirer

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Marinette's POV

"You know what, Tikki? I think I'll skip all the other spots I need to visit on the map."

"What?" Tikki eyes met mine once we had made sure to exit the museum building. Her eyes then gazed over to the map I held between my palms as I studied all the places I'd been asked to go. "You can't do that!" She exclaimed, then purses her lips. "Can you?"

"They're aren't any rules are there," I shot back smartly, rolling up the map to lay my eyes back to her. "I don't think this person gave me a specific rule as to which place I had to visit next."

"I suppose," came Tikki's unsure murmur.

"They also didn't specify who I could ask for help, or if anyone was allowed to help me." I added with a smirk.

Tikki immediately shook her head. "Come on Marinette, wouldn't that be cheating?"

"What is this? A video game?" I growled in annoyance. "I'm done playing games with the fool who thinks this is funny. I'm not a toy."

"I know Mari, I know you're not a toy."
Tikki replied sheepishly.

"Well, I feel like one," I sighed sadly, my eyes returning to look down at the map I held in my hands. "Why is it that everyone feels like they can treat me like a toy? Play around with my feelings?"

"Not everyone," Tikki's tried to cheer me up. "The only one who has played with your feelings is Adrien."

I shook my head. "It doesn't matter. When Adrien was out of the picture, he decided it would be funny to also play with me as his alter ego. How does someone even do that?"

"I don't know," Tikki's responded sadly.

"I need help," I admitted, looking from the map to meet my kwami's eyes. "I can't deal with all these feelings by myself and I need some advice."

"Mari?" Tikki's raised an eyebrow at me. "Have you ever thought about asking your parents?"

"My parents?" I repeated, as if the whole idea sounded completely stupid.

"Yes, your parents," Tikki's raised her eyebrow, unimpressed at me. "Parents are there to guild their children in the right paths and teach them to do the right things. They're also there to give advice. You should tell your parents what's going on."

"I don't know if that's such a good idea," I replied shakily, "What would I say? That I told Adrien I liked him, he rejected me, then say he's Chat Noir too, and used his alter ego to also play with my feelings? Oh, and let's not forget that he brought me a bra! My parents would flip!"

"Marinette, you're thinking too outside the box," Tikki's shook her head. "You don't need to mention Chat Noir, all you need to mention is the situation with Adrien, and this secret admirer you have."

"It is not a secret admirer!" I defended, watching as my kwami giggled at my reaction.

"Then what is it?" She continued to giggle. "Because this looks like something a secret admirer would do."

I crossed my arms. "Secret admirers give gifts as anonymous people. I haven't received any gifts."

"What about that pin?" Tikki asked, her eyes focusing on the little pink pin that was still pinned onto my shirt. "You wouldn't call that a gift?"

"No," I watched as her eyes landed back on me, and she raised an eyebrow. "Oh alright fine. Maybe it is, but who would get a gift like that?"

"Your secret admirer~" Tikki's giggled, which caused a groan to leave my lips in return.


Posting this chapter because I'm kinda trying to finish this book faster. I'm kinda on a slow schedule and this book is nearing the end anyway.

Plus, the next chapter is what you guys are really going to be looking forward to!


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