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I'll be playing the headmaster and his three children that are already there.

~The Humans~

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

<The Misunderstood>
Taken by...Me
~Loner, barely has friends
~ Sympathizes the magical
~People think of her as a creep, stays away from her
~<Bird Of a prey> is close to her. So is <Should I Just....>
~Very blunt and reckless

<When did the Sun come out?>
~Gets two hours of sleep at night
~The one that falls asleep almost everywhere
~Crushing on <The Sunshine>
~Stubborn But doesn't show it
~Hopeless romantic

<Seriously? This shit again?>
~Serious anger issues
~Often bullying anyone they can get their hands on
~Sucks up to the headmaster
~Friends with <Man...maybe we should throw ourselves at the Vampire>
~Either Gender
~Most likely has killed someone
~Calm sometimes
~Loves cute things

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

<Man...maybe we should throw ourselves at the vampires!>
~Kinda wanna gets killed by a vampire
~Close Friends with <Seriously? This shit again?>
~A big flirt
~Provokes the magical though
~Trouble maker
~Headmasters favorite delinquent

<Popularity is fine>
~Popular But really doesn't want to be
~Center of attention
~Huge magical nerd
~Loves to talk to <This is Awkward, how do I function?>
~Has insecurities
~One of the believers in aliens
~Probably has a few conspiracy theories

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

<Silent as the moon>
~Pretty quiet
~Calm and collected
~Video game player
~Little Sister of <Seriously? This shit again?>
~Romantic person
~Rather helpful once you get her talking

<Should I just...>
~Pretty Timid
~Gets ignored a lot
~Friends with <Bird of a prey> and <The Misunderstood>
~Bottles emotions inside
~Lover Of horror movies
~Could solve a murder mystery

<Hey there!>
~Pretty popular
~Loves sweets
~Girlfriend/Boyfriend of <Parkour anyone?>
~Secreting has been cheating on them for a while
~Loves drama
~Really big flirt.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

<Parkour anyone?>
~Dating <Hey there!>
~Big cinnamon roll
~Reckless And loves to jump over stuff
~Gets along well with the magical
~Will drag anyone into his recklessness
~Probably a food junkie
~Also loves to exercise
~Oblivious to their boyfriend/girlfriend cheating on them

~The Magical~

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

<The Sunshine>
Taken by Me
~phoenix, basically a hybrid of using light and celestial magic.
~Dubbed the sunshine because of his excited and overly positive manner
~Has a dark side however, can scare people shitless on occasion
~Crushing on <When did the sun come out?>
~Easily scared

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

<Bird of a Prey>
~Animal Shifter, any type of bird
~Close with <The Misunderstood> and <Should I just...>
~Likes to shift into a bird when problems arise
~Will most likely punch a person
~Very chill
~Acts like a badass
~But isn't one

<This is Awkward, how do I function?>
~Stumbles over words
~Really awkward in drama situations
~Doesn't like tension
~Nervous almost all the time
~Doesn't take bullshit well
~Often the victim of bullying
~A cinnamon roll
~May act awkward but it's endearing
~Tries to help others

<Oh, drama filled room>
~Seems to hate drama
~Really just causes it
~Mischievous little shit
~Male Or Female
~Has killed some people before
~Doesn't get along with <Can we leave?>
~One of the arrogant ones
~Likes to cause tension between humans and magical

<Siren's Song>
~Very casual
~Likely to be a singer in the real world
~Loves to swim
~Romance fanatic
~Gets along really well with <Heartbreak sucks>
~They are matchmaker buddies
~Has a hypnotic voice
~Pretty friendly
~Hates tension

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

<How does one not do the Thing?>
~Barely can control themselves
~They are the reason "Hoe don't do it" meme was born
~Most likely to kill themselves one day
~Gets into fights with humans

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

<Heartbreak sucks>
~Angel of Love (Basically like a Cupid)
~Knows <Hey there!> is cheating
~Comes from a failed relationship
~Strong when it comes to standing up for themselves
~Tries to get <Parkour anyone?> to date someone else
~Really close with <Sirens song>
~Huge Romantic
~Has a business back in the magical world for finding people love

<Can we leave?>
~Just constantly done with everything
~Knows <Oh, drama filled room> is up to some shit
~Tries to get everyone to see that
~not happening
~Wants to leave almost everyday
~Loves the Tinkerbell movies.

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