Chapter 4: A Horny Teenager's Shitty Fanfiction

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Nico writing fanfiction is just going to be a reoccurring thing now, kay thanks babe

Tw: abuse

Previously on You Can Shoot In My Hoop:

""Oh yay, Frank's here!" Hazel exclaimed.

Frank, Piper, and Will walked back in the room, reclaiming their spots.

"Now that everyone is here we can play a game," Jason said, taking a bite of his pizza.

"Truth or Dare!" Kayla said, flopping across Will's lap.

"Yeah!" Percy cheered.

Oh gods no. I was really starting to regret my decision of coming. "

Leo slapped his hand down on the floor.

"Kayla, since you suggested it, you go first. And then whoever you picked Will go. If you are a cHiCkEn and you don't want to do the dare or answer the truth, you have to take off one article of clothing." Leo said

"Are you serious? What is this, some horny teenager's shitty fanfiction?" Reyna said, rolling her eyes

Leo glared at her, "UM rude."

"Okay I'll go. Truth or Dare, Jason." Kayla said.

Jason bit his lip in thought. "Dare"

"I dare you to write my name on your forehead then take a picture and post it on Insta," Kayla smirked.

Jason's eyes widened. "Oh gods."

He did as she said, then set the phone down. I looked across the room for his next victim. "Piper, Truth or Dare."

"Dare. I never back down from one, so hit me with your best shot"

"I dare you to-"

He was interrupted by the sound of his phone pinging. His face paled, and he slowly turned his ringer off.

"I'm not even going to deal with that. I dare you to give us the username to the Wattpad that we all know you have."

Piper's eyes widened. Leo grinned.

"Has Beauty Queen finally met her match in the dare world? Will she back down from the ultimate challenge?"

Piper shot him a glare. And then muttered something inaudible.

"Louder, Piper," Percy said.

"@PIPERLUVSHEITH!" she yelled.

She's @PiperLuvsheith? Huh.

"Sheith? The fuck is that?" Will snorted.

"Keith Kogane/Takashi Shirogane from the show Voltron. Although in my opinion Klance is superior," I said without thinking.

I froze as everyone turned to look at me. Heat raised to my cheeks.

"Shit," I muttered.

"You like Voltron?" Piper asked excitedly.

"Um, it's okay," I said.

"But you have an opinion on Sheith and Klance?"

"Well anyone with a brain would know that Klance is superior to Sheith in everyway!"

"No! All Lance and Keith do is argue!"

"Well Shiro and Keith are like brothers!"

"Weebs! Shut up!" Annabeth exclaimed.

Piper clapped an offended hand over her chest. I huffed and crossed my arms.

"Okay guys, I found Piper's account!" Hazel said, "Oh, oh no."

Hazel, handed her phone to Jason before burying her face into her hands. Piper looked like she wanted to die. Jason gaped at the screen before him before throwing it to Percy. Percy laughed, as Leo crawled over to see.

"Oh my Piper, quite the writer aren't you?" Percy giggled.

Piper groaned, throwing a pillow at Percy.

"No nonono I don't want to hear! J-just pass the phone around," Frank said.

So they did. Everyone giggled and laughed, but I already knew. I had gotten in a Sheith/Klance pm battle with her once, and so of course I had to do my bio research. Piper, at 946 followers, was a popular smut writer. And not even just for Sheith. For several other anime ships too. I passed the phone on to Kayla, not really bothering to look.

"Pfft- Piper, omgs," Kayla wheezed before tossing the phone to back to Hazel.

"Okay, Piper's turn to bully someone."

Piper smirked, rubbing her hands together mischievously. "Hehe, who shall I choose...Leo, truth or dare."

"Dare. Hit me."

"Hmm... I dare you to... kiss the hottest person in this room."

"Okay... Jason?"

Jason's eyes widened. "Yes?"

"Do you have a mirror?"

Piper glared. "No Leo, and actual human, not your reflection."

Leo sighed. "Nico, you handsome man! Kiss me!"

Oh hell no. "No, come on, I am not the hottest person here," I said.

Leo frowned. "Ugh, fine, you're no fun. Percy, my dude, kiss me" he demanded.

Percy fluttered his eyelashes dramatically. "I thought you'd never ask!" he said in a high pitch voice.

They both leaned in for a kiss, making exaggerated kissing noises.

"Can you guys not?" Frank suggested.

Percy and Leo stopped, and Leo laid back down on the floor.

"My turn... Calypso, Truth or Dare."
"Since no one else has picked it, Truth."

"If you could have become anyone in the world, who would you become."

"It'd say that's a hard choice, but it's really not. Queen Elizabeth."

"...fair. Your turn Cal."

"Okay, Will, Truth or Dare," Calypso said.

"Truth, cause I'm to lazy to get up."

"If you had to share a bed with someone here for the rest of your life, who'd it be. And I mean to actually sleep, for you dirty minded people."

"Cough Piper cough," Percy coughed.

Piper threw a chip at him.

"...that's such a weird question. Um, that's actually really hard to decide. Maybe Hazel because I feel like she's least likely to kill me in my sleep."

Hazel smiled.

"Okay Will, ask someone," Reyna said.

"Percy! Truth or Dare!"


"I dare you to stand outside for 10 minutes with a sign that says 'honk if you think I'm cute'"

Percy grinned. "Get me a sign my dude."


18 people honked.

26 if you count the guy who honked 9 times.


"Okay...Nico! My man!"

"Ugh, don't call my that," I groaned.

"Truth or Dare," he asked. Ignoring my comment.

"Uh, Truth I guess."

"Oh, I was expecting you to pick dare... Jason, help me think of a truth."

The two boys leaned their heads by each other and began whispering. Percy pulled his head away cackling.

"Is it true that you have a crush on Willy boi over here?"

My face heated up, and I crossed my arms.

"No! Where'd you even get that idea from!" I ejaculated*.

"Just a hunch," Jason remarked.

I glanced quickly at Will. His face was flushed pink, and I felt a small sense of satisfaction. I changed the subjected by daring Thalia to stand on the roof for five minutes. (She didn't do it). After a couple more rounds of the game, Kayla stood up and stretched.

"I think you guys should leave soon. My mom will be home in like 25 minutes and I haven't done my chores."

Hazel got up, and helped Leo off the floor.

"Okay! Thanks for having us Will! And Kayla!"

Will grinned. "No problem, thanks for coming."

Hazel looked to me, "I'm going to Franks, want to come?"

I shook my head. "I'll walk home."

Everyone began to leave, and soon Piper Annabeth and I were the only ones left.

"Hey, Nico," Annabeth said, "Piper and I are going to her place. Would you like to come with us?"

Annabeth is the coolest girl I'd ever met. Piper is annoying, but was pretty chill for the most part. And, I didn't want to go home yet. I couldn't go home yet. So, I accepted the offer.

"Bye guys!" Will chirped. He attacked me in a huge hug.

He seemed so excited even I didn't have the heart to push him off. I awkwardly patted his back.

"Uh, bye."


Annabeth's car was practical and comfortable. She drove it steadily, unlike like certain high schooler I could name (Percy). Piper leaned forward from the back, resting an elbow on my seat.

"Are we almost there?" she asked.

"We're going to your house." Annabeth responded.

Piper pouted and Annabeth rolled her eyes, but there was a fond smile on her face.

"We'll be there in 5 minutes."

5 minutes later we parked in front of a large cream house with a white fence. There were red and pink flowers growing under the windows, and a woman was watering them.

"Is that your mom?" I asked Piper.

Piper shook her head. "I wish. That's one of the maids, Ms. Maddy," Piper explained.

Piper's house smelled like expensive rose perfume and wealth. I know that's not a scent, but if it were, that's what her house smelled like. The walls were pink and cream, and there was a cream couch, and fluffy white and pink throw pillows. The floor was wood with a white carpet in the middle of the living room. The sound of heels clacking came from a doorway, and a woman's high voice.

"I was told the package would be here today! Listen to me, I can get your little production shut down in seconds. I don't care it's for charity-"

The woman stopped in the doorway, placing a manicured hand on her hip. She was curvy and tan, with long legs going into a tight pink dress. Black hair spilled over her shoulders in curls, and her eyes were big and brown, like mocha. When her eyes landed on Piper, her lipstick covered lips spread into a smile.

"Listen hon, I've got to go, my daughter just got home. Toodles!" she cooed.

She hung up and stuffed the phone into a handbag which she shoved into the hands of a random maid walking by.

"Piper! You're home! And you brought company!" she clacked over to Piper and gave her a huge hug.

"Uh, hey mom," Piper said.

Piper's mom looked over at me, and gave me a tight smile.

"And who are you?"

"I'm Nico di Angelo."

Her mom grinned, "Ah, the small one who likes the tall one. I'm Aphrodite, Piper's mom. "

Piper laughed nervously, and grabbed Annabeth and my hand.

"Haha, where'd you hear that, c'mon guys lets go to my room."

Piper dragged us down the hall and up a staircase. She pushed open a door, to reveal what was probably the only room in that house not covered in pink. The room was huge, and also messy. Piper flopped onto the large bed and motioned for us to join her. I made my way over, careful not to step on anything and sat on the edge of the bed.

"Have you guys done the homework for History yet?" Piper questioned.

"Yeah," Annabeth said.

"When did you do that," I asked incredulously.

"During class."

"Of course you did," Piper sighed.

"Do you think you could help me?" I asked Annabeth shyly.

"Me too!" Piper said, poking Annabeth's side.

"Sure, no problem. Right now?"

We said yes, and got our things from the bag. Annabeth began to go through with us and show us how to do the assignment. It was helpful because I hadn't paid attention at all during class.

After we finished doing that, there was a knock at the door.

"Come in!" Piper called.

The door opened, there stood a guy. A hot guy. A guy with long straight black hair, ripped skinny jeans, and a tight white tee. He flashed me a smile, and held out a silver platter with chips, juice, and cups.

"Mom told me to bring these to you. Who's the new guy?"

Piper accepted the platter from Hottie, and looked over at me.

"Him? That's Nico. di Angelo. He always introduces himself with his last name. Even though he's the only person who ever calls people by their last name."

I rolled my eyes.

"Pleased to meet you di Angelo," he said with a wink, "I'm Eros."

I willed myself not to blush, and I waved a little.

"Stop it brother, we're trying to make a V.I.S sail and it involves him."

"Ah. my apologies. Carry on," Eros said. He waved goodbye to Annabeth and I and left.

"I didn't know you have a brother," I said slowly, hoping the rosy blush on my face wasn't obvious.

"Half brother. He's a fuck boy so don't get interested, you thirsty, thirsty boy" Piper said, placing the platter down.

My face felt hot. "I am not-"

"Thirsty? Yeah, you are." Piper said, smirking.

"By the way, before I forgot, why do you call everyone by their last name?" Annabeth asked.

I paused. I couldn't tell them the real reason. "I don't know."

Annabeth shrugged and Piper poured us juice. After handing us the juice, she raised her cup.

"Raise a glass to freedom." She said.

Annabeth groaned, but I clinked my cup to hers and said, "something they can never take away."


After Piper and Annabeth dropped me off at home, I tiptoed up to the door. It was 11 at night, later than I was supposed to be home. I turned the handle and it creaked open. I took two steps before I felt a hand on my arm. I froze

"You're late."

I turned to see the dark figure of Marie Levesque. Her curly white hair framed her face, her gold eyes illuminated in the dark. I licked my dry lips and swallowed hard.

"Where were you?" She demanded to know.

"I got caught up with team things," I stammered.

She pulled on my arm, and my things clattered to the floor.

"Ungrateful brat, all that I've done for you, and you can't even come home on time," she hissed.

"I'm sorry! It won't happen again!" I gasped.

Her sharp nails dug into my arm, and she brought her other one up to my face. A hard slap echoed through the room as she five starred my cheek.

"All that I've done!" she repeated.

Then she did something she'd never done. She brought both hands to my neck, and squeezed. My mouth dropped open as I gasped for air.

"All that I've done!" tears streamed down her face.

I thought that this was the end. I thought I was going to die right there and then. 'I'll see you soon' I thought to Bianca and Mama.

But then the light flickered on. A tired looking man leaned against the door frame. My father, Hades di Angelo. Marie's hands lowered to my shoulders, a wild look in her eyes.

"What's going on in here?" Father asked.

"Nico's home late! I was worried sick!" Marie cried.

"Nico. Where were you?"

"I was studying with the captain of the girls team. You know, team captain things."

Hades pursed his lips and gave a short nod. "Go to your room. Try not to worry your mother so much."

I grabbed my stuff and stalked down the hallway. 'That woman is not my mother.' I thought bitterly.

In case you were wondering why I used the word "ejaculated" I will tell you.

I felt like I was using the word "exclaimed" too much so I looked up synonyms.

😂😂😂 I'm literally dead I can't even-

I went 300 words over my top amount lmao. Y'all are welcome.

See you next chapter!

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