Chapter 1

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Sorry if I took a while to update this. I had a lot to do. Plus, I’m juggling 5 stories and 9 possible story lines for other stories haha… I know it’s crazy. I’m a jumper so yeah… please bear with me.

Alright, so I’m just gonna alter a lot of things from the series to fit the story of my story. Hope you don’t mind! Sorry for the edits and alterations but hey, mah story mah rules!!!

This will be in the 3rd person’s point of view by the way, I hope it won’t bore you to death!

Hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it!!



After the fight with Gaea, the seven demigods went home victorious and the two camps were finally united. Luckily none of the seven died due to the sacrifices of two unknown demigods. Thought their identities were a mystery, their sacrifice was enough to act as a stepping stone for the seven and gave them sufficient leverage to continue on fighting and defeat their suppressor once and for all.

At Camp Half-Blood, things changed quite a bit. One could see Nico’s long lost twin sister, Alessa roaming about with Camp Jupiter’s auger, Octavian every once in a while (long story). Reyna would pop by to spar with Clarisse or teach some basic survival tips to the new Campers. And every Saturday night, both camps would play Capture the Flag while they play War Games on the next Saturday after.

Other than the new-found friendship the Romans and Greeks have formed, there are some days were Camp would be pretty normal.

One day while Percy and the other seven were having a duel with each other in the arena, Nico di Angelo popped in with his sister, both wearing black hoodies over their CHB tee shirt. Needless to say, Alessa looked a lot like Nico with her black hair, which she ties up most of the time, and black eyes. She reached about Nico’s shoulder which is the only way one could distinguish the difference between them whenever they come back from shadow travelling, with their hoodies on and all.

“C’mon Nico!!! I’ll get it next time!!!” Alessa complained. Nico just smirked and too off his black hoodie and ruffled his now short hair.

“Nope, I said that’s enough for the day. Now go rest up.” He answered.

“Fine!” she said as she stomped off and took a seat next to Hazel.

“What’s that about?” Percy asked.

Nico crossed his arms and shook his head, “she wanted to extend our shadow travelling lesson cause she accidentally transported us to some old lady’s bathroom.” He laughed, “the old lady was all like ‘Mittens? Is that you dear?’”

“H-hey! I was close enough!” Alessa cried, her face red from the embarrassment.

“How is an old woman’s bathroom in Kansas be close to Vatican City?”

Everyone couldn’t help but laugh their ass off, an Alessa had never been this red since the time Octavian first kissed her in public! Ever since their quest, Nico hasn’t been that gloomy, emo kid that everyone was scared of. It was like he turned back to his old mytho-magic playing self (he still plays them too. Frank never won a game against him. J). He’s been sociable, well-mannered and surprisingly charming; who would’ve thought that after all this time, he was hiding this part of himself?

As the laughter died down, Nico took out his Stygian Iron sword- Nightmare- and faced the others. “So,” he smirked, “which one of you wants to get their buts kicked?”

“Oh, I’d love to kick yours if you don’t mind.” Leo said standing up with a grin plastered to his face.

“Here we go again.” Jason said in an exasperated yet amused tone, “Who’s keeping track of their scores again?”

“I am.” Annabeth said drinking the last of her water. “last time Nico won, so its Leo: 9 and Nico: 11 out of 20 duels.”

“Sweet, I’m going to enjoy my 12th victory.” Nico said with a grin.

“Dream on Death breath! Victory will be mine.” Leo said pointing the edge of his sword to Nico’s chest.

They positioned themselves at the center of the ring with their swords at hand. Usually, they’d wear their armor, but today they were both topless; exposing their well-built upper torso. The rule for today was: the first one to be cut, looses. Easy as that.

“It’s a bold move for you Valdez, making us fight with our shirts off.” Nico said as he started to stretch/ flex.

“What? You’d expect me to hide this work of art?” he motioned to himself.

“Nah, only your hubris.” Nico smirked.

“Let’s get this over with playboy.”

“Bring it on Hot Shot!”

Leo charged in and slashed his way to Nico. He on the other hand side stepped and dodged his attacks. They kept up a pretty deliberate yet upbeat rhythmfor a while until their swords clashed at one point and they were stuck at a stand-still.

“My turn.” Nico grinned. Now he was on the offense, he lifted his sword and started attacking. Leo parried his attacks but they still went on. The spectators were amazedby the pace Nico was fighting in. they knew he trained in the underworld in unknown and possibly inhumane conditions, but they’ve never seen him fight this fast before.

Then, he suddenly stopped, sheathed his sword and started to walk away. Dumb-struck, Leo ran up to him and asked, “Why’d you stop?”

Nico smiled, “I already won.” He pointed to Leo’s cheek left cheek, “See?”

Leo touched his cheek and was surprised that it stung, not only that, it was bleeding!

“How in Hades?” Annabeth said out loud.

“Dude how’d you that?” Jason asked, examining Leo’s wound while Alessa, Hazel and Piper try tend to it with a first aid kit and a bit of nectar.

The others expected an answer from Nico, but instead of explaining, he only tilted his head and asked, “What are you talking about?”

“The way you fought!” Jason stated, “It’s like you were…were…”


“…were at least 5 times faster than a normal demigod!” Annabeth said, “It was so unreal. How’d you do it?”

“Oh that!” he said as if he just noticed, “maybe because of the time I spent in the Underworld. Believe it or not but there are actually some parts there where moving can be harder than normal. I guess it kinda worked like resistance training for me since I train there a lot.”

“Cool!” Percy said slinging his arm around Nico’s shoulder. “Man, you gotta take me there sometime.”

Nico smiled. “Sure thing Perce.”

“Thanks! Now,” he said turning to the others, “who wants to fight me?”

“I’ll take you on!” Alessa said finally jumping in. “ I many not train in the Underworld, but I have been training, so don’t go easy on me ok?”

“Wouldn’t dream of it.” He answered as they moved to the ring and the others sat down to watch.

They started to spar and Nico couldn’t help but to admire the way Percy fights.

He won’t deny it, he had a crush on Percy, and yes, it was because of that reason that he felt like such an outcast, but now he wasn’t. Guess he was just a bit lonely back then when Bianca died and since Percy was the closest thing he had to a family, he felt attracted to him a way a person would to his idol. He’s moved on of course, and girls are checking him out once in a while when they feel lucky; asking him on dates and stuff but he’s politely decline. It’s not because he doesn’t like them or thinks he deserves better, but simply because he wants to make sure that if he starts a relationship, it has to last.

He wants to fall in love with someone who can bring out the best of him, the way Annabeth is to Percy. Unfortunately, he hasn’t found anybody like that for him. He blames Eros for it; it’s not enough that he made him confess to Jason about his feelings for Percy during their time in Diocletian’s Palace, now he thinks it’s fun to mess with his love life AGAIN by not helping him find “the one”.

Hmmph, that asshole.He said to himself.

“Ha! Guess you’re not as strong as you thought!” Percy said as he lent Alessa a hand.

She rubbed her back and muttered something in Greek. “I’ll beat you someday! Just you wait!”

“I highly doubt that.”

The others started to comment on Alessa about her fighting and he was about to join in too when he felt a dead presence behind him. Sure enough it was one of his informants. Ever since the quest, Hades has provided him with ghosts and spirits to keep an eye on things. It was part of the Lord of the Underworld’s way of letting his son know that he cares for him, as said on their talk at the church in Portugal.

“Speak.” He said giving  the ghost permission to talk. The ghost was a girl about 17 years old. She was a spy for Troy during the Trojan War and was wearing a blood-stained chiton with her used-to-be blonde hair tied up. Needless to say, she had her throat cut when they discovered she was a spy. Seeing her made Nico feel edgy.

It’s not that Nico’s not used to seeing the dead, it’s just that he gets uncomfortable whenever he sees her cause in a way, she reminds him of Bianca.

“Milord, I have urgent news.” she said in soft voice that rung like an echo. She relayed her message swiftly then bowed before disappearing in the shadows once again.

“Hey Percy-“ Nico started to say when a large, booming voice resonated through-out the whole camp, making the campers, Roman and Greeks alike, flinch.


“-your dad’s here.” Nico continued.


So? How’d ya like it? It’s not too boring is it?

Anyway, thanks for reading!!! Stay tuned for the second chapter! (don’t worry it won’t take that long to update, I hope...)

So yeah… comment, vote, share and love!!!

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