Chapter 3

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I am so stupid, I actually did that. I need to stop being nice, they'll find out my secret, that can't happen.

I look down at my notepad, I have done nothing all lesson. I can't think straight. God that sounds really gay.

Seriously, why didn't I just keep walking. I'm going to have to avoid her now, I know what she's like.

She thinks I'm the mean girl, just like everyone else, she is going to be very confused and the will want answers. I can tell by the way her face went when I smiled.

I shake my head, and try to concentrate, stupid maths, stupid mind. I don't know why I can't get her off my mind it's stupid.

I groan and lay my head in my desk. "You all good there?" Alice whispers from beside me.

"Yeah, I'm fine, just tired." I say playing a weak smile. I hear the sheer squeal of the school bell. Saved by the bell again.

I grab everything and head out of the class, ignoring me he teacher's snickers. Thank god it's one of the last classes of the day.

I look up from my books and see the nerd girl coming towards me. What was that name Love called her? Rommie? I don't know.

I look anywhere but at her, but she is still coming towards me. She stops when she reaches me. "Hey," she says

"Goodbye." I reply and walk to my next class.

"Um, you do realise biology is this way right?" I hear her say.

shit, I forgot I had biology. I am so doomed. Or..

"I'm ditching it today, I'm going home." I reply over my shoulder and walk away.

That was a total lie, I most definitely will not be going home. The last thing I want is to go home to my stupid mother.

I feel my eyes start to tear up and I start to run to my locker, I grab my books and get out of school.

I stop once I'm out of school grounds, this isn't going to work, if mum finds out I ditched a class I'll be grounded for life.

I take a deep breath, and start to walk around the block. I'll calm down and then go back.

I know I will never be able to live up to my mother's expectations, and if she finds out that I'm lesbian she will for sure kick me out.

I want my dad to be back already, he is the only one that actually cares about my retarded ass.

I know i'm not smart or beautiful or anything worthy of being loved. But I guess I can at least hope?

I wipe my eyes and stop, I look at the water of the stream behind the school, not many people notice it's here.

I sit down and get my phone out and some music on. I really need to calm down.


I've made my way back to school. I am back to my normal self and there is still 30 minutes left of biology, I'll be fine.

I leave my bag outside, and bring my book and notepad with me. I take a deep breath and open the door and walk in.

All eyes are on me, I put on a glare and sigh when I see that the semi popular girl is sitting next to my spot.

She saved it for me, and thank god for that too, I don't know what I would have done if Rommie sat next to me.

Okay I need to find out her actual name, I know I've probably been told but I have a bad memory.

I look at my phone and see a text from dad. He's home, he's come home from the funeral. My smile instantly fades.

The funeral that I wasn't allowed to go to, my grandmas funeral. She was like me, not straight. I wanted to see her one last time.

The only reason dad was allowed to go was because he didn't tell mum until right before he went. I tried to get him to take me, but mum found out and took my phone for a week.

I take a deep breath, and focus on biology. Making sure to take notes so I don't forget anything. I'm gonna have to ask Alice for the math stuff.

I look over at the nerd girl and she was already looking at me. She furrows her brows in confusion, it makes her look cute.

Her hair looks really cute today too, and the way she has her face makes her eyes look so cute.

I look away as fast as I can and trys not to look back again. She can affo d to have people know her secret.


Lucy dropped me back home today, I thank her and run inside as fast as I can.

"Dad?" I say as soon as I'm inside. He pokes his head around from the kitchen. I drop my bag and run to hug him.

"Wow, calm down," He chuckles, "I wasn't even gone that long."

I hugged him tighter, "It felt like for ever." I reply. He just returns my hug and gives me a forehead kiss.

"you look like you've grown already, I was only gone for a week." He sighs shaking his head. But you could tell he was joking.

"Yeah, I'm almost as tall as you now." I put my hand up to show my hight up against him, but move it up higher.

He laughs, gosh I missed him so much. I give a cheeky smile. "I missed you so much dad."

"I missed you too sweetheart," He gave a soft smile, "Mum wasn't too strict this time was she?"

I look at him with a scowl, he is the only one that gets me. I told him about how when he's away mum gets super mean and strict, and instead of yelling at me, he believed me right off the bat.

"That bad eh?" He shakes his head.

I roll my eyes, "It's fine though, I'm a big girl, I can deal with it."

"I know you can, thank you so much for staying strong for me." He gives me another hug the heads out of the kitchen, "And I really missed that smile while I was gone."

I just stood there smiling, but also about to cry. He has no idea how much I miss him when he goes away sometimes.

He is the stay at home parent, but he does have to go away sometimes, usually just for a week, but I always miss him.

Mother is the parent that goes to work, where she works I will never know. Do I care? No I really dont.

She never talks about it, and I don't care enough to talk about it. I guess that her secret, like mine being gay.

I go and get my bag and head up to my room. I really need to get this work done.

Time to ask for Alice to give me the damn math work. And maybe ask for the nerd girls actual name, that might be useful.

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