Chapter Six

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A/N: homophobic shit gets said by Jennie (not that she'd ever say that irl 😔🤟🏽) there's also a little gore- not too bad skip when you see "✋🏽" then continue when you see "😗"

Jimin and Nayeon walked into the prison after getting checked that they didn't have any weapons, drugs, or anything that could cause harm or get the prisoner out.

They saw Anthony talking to some other guy who was holding a 3 year old on their hip.

Jimin smiled and ran over to Anthony while shouting his name, jumping on him to hug him.

Anthony smiled as Jimin looked up at him and moved his black hair out of his eyes.

"Hey, Chim!"

"Anthony! How are you? Did you miss me?"

"I'm even better now. Hell yeah I missed you! Nana too!"

Anthony waved goodbye and carried a smiling Jimin in his arms. He sat down in front of Nayeon who smiled.

Jimin hugged Anthony's arm with pure love and admiration. The reason his big brother was in prison made Jimin find his brother even more powerful and protective.


Anthony is in prison, for murder. He murdered one of his father's friends after they took advantage of his little sister and his father just let it happen. He showed no mercy to that man. He was about to do the same to his old man but they had already called the police. He pleaded guilty. But he didn't even feel guilty. To Anthony, "that bitch deserved more than just fucking that!"

He knew his family would win the case of they pressed charges but the man wouldn't stay in prison long so Anthony said fuck it. He'd rather go to prison for getting rid of that fucker instead of him only getting a few years for his status. Anthony regrets nothing.

Because of this, Jimin knows if Anthony wasn't in prison right now, his father would never lay a hand on him.

"What's up with the scratches on your face? Did y'all buy a cat or something?"

Jimin shook his head, "My friend's girlfriend-"

"Ex-girlfriend," Nayeon corrected.

"My friend's ex-girlfriend slapped me. I told him and he broke up with her. Well, he said he would. I don't know if he has yet," Jimin sighed as he looked at his hands on the table.

"Oh! And this morning, when I walked into his room, that boy was squishing his cheeks. When Jimin tried to move away he threatened to kiss him if he did! They looked like a couple. How his arms were around Jimin's waist and how his nose was digging into his neck. Aww! So cute!"

Jimin started to blush quickly as he turned his head covering his cheeks.


"Is this boy going to be my brother-in-law? What's his last name?" Anthony grinned as he sat closer to Jimin.

"Jeon. Jeon Jungkook."

Anthony and Nayeon smirked at each other.

"Jeon Jimin," they said together.

"Yah! Don't say that! He's straight..." Jimin mumbled as he looked down with a pout.

"And he's doing that? I don't think so."

"Anthony, I found them at around 3am holding each other. Get this, Jungkook's hand was on Jimin's bare ass cheek!"

Jimin's eyes widened as he stood up and shouted, "WHEN?!"

Everyone looked at him as he sat back down.

"I'll show you the picture in the car."

"Ahh, so you let him hold your ass? But didn't let your ex-girlfriend anywhere near your ass," Anthony smirked as he rested his head on his hand.

Jimin shook his head, "We were asleep! I wasn't aware! Shut up!"

The two elders smirked at Jimin as he turned his head away.

The rest of the time was fun and enjoyable until they had to part. Anthony hugged his younger siblings tightly and kissed the top of their heads.

"We'll be here for your birthday," Nayeon smiled.

"See you two then, yeah? Maybe bring that boyfriend of yours too huh?"

Jimin shouted as he stomped off followed by a giggling Nayeon.


"I'm so sorry Jen! He doesn't know what he's missing!" Rosé encouraged as Jennie held back tears.

"It's all that freaks fault!" Jennie seethed.

Rosé rubbed her shoulders.

"We'll teach him a lesson! I'll call my father, have him send men to attack him!"

Later when her father came home she ran to him.

"Daddy! This homo freak took my boyfriend! Can I use some men to beat him up please?"

He smiled the pinched her cheek, "Of course baby. Anything for you."

She smiled knowing she was going to get exactly what she wanted.


Jimin woke up late and ended up walking to school by himself. He saw Jungkook standing at the gates while looking at his phone. He smiled and walked to him. Jungkook looked up with a smiled as he put his phone away.

"Why'd you wait? Everyone's inside already."

Jungkook shrugged as he wrapped his arm around Jimin shoulders, "I don't have a girlfriend and I don't wanna go to class yet."

They were talking happily when Jungkook noticed there wasn't any bandages on Jimin's hands and arms. During gym Jungkook ignored Jennie completely and talked with Taehyung and Jimin. The whole school had heard about Jimin actually being able to talk and it was strange to everyone except Taehyung and Jungkook. Jennie death stared Jimin more than usual. But she had an evil smirk on her face that grew as the day went on.

Come sixth period, Jimin started feeling eyes on him. When he got to his desk he saw a note that said "meet me behind the school~ :)"

Jimin thought nothing of it and told the group to head home as he walked towards the back oft he school.

"Hello?" Jimin voiced before he was pinned against the wall.

"Ms. Kim said you had caused her pain. Is this the boy Ms. Kim?"

Jimin's heart beat was speeding up as he looked behind one of the big men in black suits and saw Jennie walk from behind them with a pout. Another elder man behind her. Jimin assumed that was her father.

"Well boy, you're the one that hurt my princess?"

Jimin was huffing trying to gain air as the two men in suits pinned him to the wall.

"I did no such thing! You're 'princess' slapped and bullied me!"

"Not true Daddy! He's lying!" Jennie pouted.


Jimin scoffed before Mr. Kim clicked his tongue and one of the men punched Jimin in the stomach. Jimin yelped as he leaned forward. The world already spinning. His vision growing blurry.

"He slapped me then took my boyfriend! He's taking my best friend too!"


"Kim Taehyung!"

"Oh really? Hit him again," he commanded.

Another hard punch to Jimin's stomach. Jimin began coughing up blood. He groaned, the metallic taste coming back after a long time.

He saw how Mr. Kim sat on a large rock, Jennie standing next to him with her hands on his shoulder.

"Keep going until Jennie baby is satisfied!"

The men nodded then began to kick Jimin and punch him. Jimin yelled and groaned as his head started to hurt and his legs went numb. One specific kick on his back caused him to scream.

"Please stop! I'll apologize! I'll leave her boyfriend alone! Just please!"

Jimin's pleas were ignored as they kept kicking him. He covered his face best he could but he was sure he'd gotten a concussion.



The men stopped kicking and Jennie's smile died.


Jimin's clothes were soaked in blood as he shook, tears mixed with the blood on his face.

Jungkook ran over and pushed the men away as his golden chain tangled with his military tag.

"Who are you?" Mr. Kim asked as he stood up.

"That's my boyfriend, Daddy!"

"I am not your boyfriend! You broke us up after you slapped Jimin!"

"He slapped me too!"

"You slapped him first," Jungkook said dully as he stood in front of Jimin, who was breathing hard.

Mr. Kim laughed, "Who are you to tell us what to do? If I want to have my men beat him until my daughter is satisfied, that's what I'll do!"

"Who am I? I'm Jeon Jungkook. I'm sure you've heard of my father."

"Oh yeah? Who's your father?"

"Jeon Minho." Jungkook said with a smirk.

"CEO and creator of Jeon Empire."

Mr. Kim's smile dropped. Mr. Jeon was a partner with the company he worked for. Which was Taehyung's father's company.

"O-oh, uh, Mr. Jeon, I-I didn't know-"

"Shut up. Whats your name?"

"Maybe we can work this out-"

"What's; Your; Name?" Jungkook growled as the men in suits walked away.

Jungkook didn't care for using his father's power and status as a way to get what he wanted. He wanted to use his own ability. But this girl had gone too far. Messing with Jimin even more.

Jungkook had turned around and picked Jimin up bridal style.

"K-Kim Jungo."

"Look here, Jungo, my father will hear about this. I can't promise you'll still have your job or that your daughter will still have her place in this school."

"Jungkook I'm sorry!" Jennie cried.

"Sorry won't fix Jimin, now will it?"

Jungkook's eyes softened as he looked down at Jimin in his arms whose breathing was slowed. He pressed his forehead against Jimin's as he hummed. He looked at one of the suited men and ordered them to grab his and Jimin's backpacks. They did so and slid the straps onto Jungkook's shoulders.

Jennie was sad but Jungo was terrified. If he lost his job, his might loose his house. His wife would be extremely upset and his daughter wouldn't be able to buy everything she wanted. Jennie wanted to call Jungkook back as he ran off with Jimin in his arms but knew she'd already fucked up.


Jungkook didn't go home. He ran to a bus stop and held Jimin as he rocked him on the bench waiting for the bus. He was taking Jimin to the hospital.

"J-Jung-ah," Jimin whispered.

"Hush. Dont talk just stay with me."

Jimin looked into Jungkook's eyes. Jungkook's heart broke seeing the blood mixed tears on his face. He held Jimin tighter as he heard Jimin's shallow breathing.

As soon as the bus arrived near the hospital Jungkook ran inside and got Jimin the help he needed.

Jungkook sat in the waiting room texting whoever he needed. First Seokjin, then Taehyung. Taehyung arrived a few minutes after Jungkook had payed Jimin's medical bill.

"Where is he?! Where is my best friend?!"

Taehyung had dried tears on his cheek. Jungkook sighed as he walked to him.

"They're treating him, they'll let us see him after he's done."

Taehyung relaxed as Jungkook walked back and sat down.

"Who did this?!"

"Jennie's father," Jungkook sighed as he leaned his head backwards.


Jungkook gripped Taehyung's shoulder, "I agree with you," Jungkook said calmly.

Taehyung sighed as he looked over at Jungkook who was looking up at the ceiling.


"Yeah. . .?"

"Can you tell me why I was so terrified to see Jimin in that state? I was so tensed and wanted to cry seeing how his breathing was slowing down. I felt like. . . I could lose him if I didn't hold him close to me, tightly."

"Is that all you felt?"

"No. . . I also wanted to uh. I wanted to kiss him, honestly," Jungkook chuckled as he sat up and looked at Taehyung.

"I wanted to kiss his pain away. Make him feel better. I don't like him right? Maybe I'm just protective?"

"If you're feeling this way and want to kiss him then, Jungkook, you definitely like him. Didn't know straight playboy, was gay," Taehyung laughed.

"I can't believe it, Jennie was actually helpful. She helped you realize how great my best friend is!" Taehyung laughed.

Jungkook sighed, "Do I? I like him?"

"Mr. Jeon?"

Jungkook stood up, "Yes?"

"Mr. Park had some internal bleeding and a cracked rib but everything's fine now. He's resting right now. He'll have to stay here overnight and can go home in the morning. You can go in and sit with him until he wakes up," the doctor smiled.

Jungkook thanked him and bowed before waving Taehyung to follow him to Jimin's hospital room.

Jungkook rushed to his side and threw their backpacks on the ground as he sat on the chair next to Jimin's bed. Taehyung sat on the other side of Jimin's hospital bed. Jungkook brushed his fingers through Jimin's hair.

"Yeah dude, you're fucking whipped," Taehyung laughed while Jungkook clicked his tongue and sat back.

"I gotta go call my dad real quick, call me if he wakes up."

Taehyung nodded as Jungkook left the room. Soon he heard Jimin groan and then hum. Jimin slowly opened his eyes before he groaned while trying to sit up.

"Ah ah! Relax Chimmy. Lay down," Taehyung tried to have Jimin relax before Jimin started mumbling things.

"Jungkook. . . Where. . . Where is Jungkook?" Jimin mumbled as he looked around frantically.

Taehyung hummed as he rubbed Jimin's back, "He's out right now. He's talking with his father, rest now."

Jimin hummed as his eyes fluttered closed. Taehyung smiled weakly as he rubbed Jimin's hair back to have him calm down.

"Well he'll be back soon okay?"

Jimin nodded as he closed his eyes.

While those two were talking Jungkook had his father on the phone freaking out. Telling the rest of the house, causing them to freak out.

"He's fine, Father. Please calm down. He's just asleep right now. You can come visit tomorrow, okay? I'll be staying with him tonight, then head home in the morning to get ready for school before coming back after school," Jungkook voiced slowly.

"Who was he?! I'll fire him!"

"Uh, a Mr. Kim. Jungo was his first name. He works under Kim Enterprise."

"I'll notify Mr. Kim immediately. Go on and take care of Park."

"Yes, Father."

Jungkook hummed as he hung up the phone and took a breath. Moving to a new city, he didn't think all this would happen when moving to a new city.

He walked back into the room to see Jimin and Taehyung talking.

"Hey, how do you feel?" Jungkook asked at the foot of the hospital bed.

Jimin smiled, "I'm fine. Thank you, Jungkook."

The latter nodded as he sat on the couch near the window on Jimin's left.

"Your sister has been notified and she's told the school. Jennie has been suspended, the whole school will probably know about her actions. Mr. Kim, according to, uh, a source, has been fired. Everything's fine and has been taken care of," Jungkook sighed as he closed his eyes.

Jimin hummed as he nodded, "Thank you for everything, Jungkook. You didn't have to do that. You really do too much for a boy barely know," Jimin smiled.

Jungkook smirked as he opened on eye, "Then let's get to know each other. Park Jimin."


Its been a week since Jimin has been released from the hospital. At school no one has messed with him. Everyone knows he's close with both Jungkook and Taehyung. They also know Jungkook is cable to get you expelled or suspended and your parents fired.

Jimin keeps asking how Jungkook managed to take down a worker of such a huge company. Jungkook just winks and says, "I have my ways."

Jimin has asked Taehyung and all Taehyung says is, "I'm not in my father's business."

Jimin has grown annoyed of not knowing how those two boys managed to do so much. How did Jungkook's father have so much power to get Taehyung's dad, CEO of such a big company, to fire one of his best workers?

"Jungkooooook-aaaah!" Jimin whined as he stared up at the ceiling in Taehyung's room from his bed.

"Hmm?" Jungkook hummed not looking up from his book.

"When will we start taking photos again? We still need pictures of each other and 'off guard' pictures!" Jimin yelped as he laid on his stomach looking down at Jungkook.

"We can start in 2 weeks, if you'd like?"

"No! Sooner! So then we'll get it done and just hang out!" Jimin pouted.

Jungkook chuckled, "Fine. We can start come Winter Vacation. You can even come traveling with my family, we can bring everyone," Jungkook smiled.

Jimin grinned and nodded, "Sounds fun! Let's do it then! Next week! Winter vacation!"

How fun! A vacation while doing a work assignment! Sounds great. Should be perfect. . . Should be.


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