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Ackerman Household, 7:00 am, 3rd POV

"Mikoto! Are you ready?! You don't wanna miss the flight!" Mizuki, Mikoto's mother, yelled from the front door.

"I'm coming, Mom!", Mikoto yelled from upstairs in his room.

Today's the day! Today he'll leave Paradis and spend the next few years learning abroad in his dream school. He's been looking forward to this day ever since he got his acceptance letter two years ago.

His parents were, at first, against the idea as they were didn't Mikoto to leave so soon but they eventually agreed to it as it was what Mikoto wanted. Under the condition he calls every day.

Rushing down the stairs, he's dressed in shorts and a dark blue T-shirt along with some casual shoes. Nothing too fancy but nothing good either.

Hopefully, they'll broaden his fashion sense over there, his mother thought playfully.

"I'm here, I'm here! Can we go now?" Mikoto says excitedly.

"Have you said your goodbyes to your father and Mika?"

"I've been saying goodbye to all of you the entire day and besides, they're coming with us!" Mikoto exclaims as he points at his father and sister sitting calmly in the car.

"Hi, Mikoto! Have a great trip :D!" His dad waves from inside the car.

"Hi, dad." He said while rolling his eyes. "Now, c'mon! We're gonna miss the flight."

"Alright, alright. Ahh, my baby boy is leaving me so soon. Where has the time gone T_T?!" Mizuki cries while wiping an imaginary tear.

"You make it sound like I'm dying." He said with a deadpan stare.

"Oh, hush. It's a mother's nature to care for her children even if they're ungrateful. Although my perfect Koko would never deny my love!" A pink mist surrounds her as hearts float above.

"H-how are you doing that?"

"Now, let's move! We don't wanna miss your flight because of your procrastination!" She grabs Mikoto by the arm and drags him to the passenger side of the car.

"I've been saying that all morn-"

"Oh, too late. Reception's pretty bad out here *SLAM*!" She slams the door shut before he can even finish his sentence.

"WE'RE NOT EVEN ON THE PHONE! WHAT IS YOUR DEAL, WOMAN?!" He screams as his mother happily and leisurely skips to the driver's side of the vehicle, oblivious to Mikoto yelling.

"Hi, Mikoto. :)" His father, bless his soul, happily greets his son again.

"Hi, dad. How's work been?" Mikoto asks with an exhausted look on his face.

"Eh, same old, same old. Bills, education, tax evasion, more bills-" Ezekiel rambles on.

"Tax evasion?" The boy says with a very perplexed look on his face.

"Taking care of Mika, making sure your mother doesn't break my arms, eggs, The Rumbling-" Still rambling on.

At this point, both Mikasa and Mikoto are looking at each other, wondering if this man really is their father.

"I'm baaaaaack~!" Mizuki said in a sing-song voice.

"Oh, hi honey!" He finally stops.

"Oh, thank god. I thought he'd never stop." Mikoto whispers to Mikasa who tries to hide her snickering.

"Everyone buckled in?"

"Yeah!" "Yes." "Yes, honey."

"Shiganshina Airport, here we come!" The slightly deranged woman slams her foot on the accelerator pedal as the car zooms through the streets.

Where in the 9 circles of hell did she crawl out of?!, Mikoto thinks to himself as he mentally prepares his will, both written and mental.

Timeskip, Shiganshina Airport, 7:45 am, 3rd POV

"WE MADE IT! AND IN RECORD TIME!", Mizuki screams with excitement while her family looks as if they've seen the world being flattened.

Both father and mother calmly exit the car while their children cling to each other

"Great driving, honey! :D" Bless and condemn this man's soul.

"M-Mikasa, are you still alive?" Mikoto mutters to his lil' sis.

"I-I'm here, Koko. We...we're not dead, are we?" Mikasa whispers as she looks around.

"*sigh* Nope. Still can let go of me now, Mimi."

"Ah, sorry, Koko." Mikasa bashfully looks away. This's always with him around, she thinks to herself.

Am I living in some kind of anime?! Why is everyone brooding around me?!, Mikoto mentally exclaims with a deadpan stare.

"Weird." He whispers to himself. He gently grabs Mikasa by the wrist and leads her out of the car. "C'mon, mom and dad are probably waiting for us."

He's the one. Just like the stories described, Mikasa thinks to herself as her blush deepens.

"Ah, there you both are. Was beginning to worry you weren't gonna show up. Now, c'mon. The plane takes off at 8:30 and it's currently 7:45."

Mizuki leads the group towards the flight terminal. Mikoto looks back and sighs in sadness. He won't be able to see his friends for a long time. No more hot-headed Erin, no more futon forts with Amelia, no more combat sessions with Mika.

No! He shakes his head in determination. This is for my future. I'm smart, smarter than everyone else and I intend to use those smarts to secure a better tomorrow! Goals set, passion ignited, Mikoto marches behind his mother with determination in his step.

This isn't just for me, this is for them! They look up to me and I must set an example! The fire has been fanned and cannot be put out!

His mother glances back at him and smirks. She recognises that raw emotion anywhere. You're going to go far in life, Miko. And I will be there for you every step of the way. Like mother, like son, both of their eyes blaze with love and motivation respectively.

After a bit more walking, they finally reach the terminal with twenty minutes to spare. As they're waiting, a group of people silently make their way towards the unsuspecting family.

"MIKOTO! OVER HERE!" A young girl yells as she rushes towards the boy, hoping to catch him off guard.

"Erin, wait!" "Get back here, young lady!" "*sigh* I wish I had a son."

That sounds like "Erin? OOF!" Erin tackles him to the floor as she laughs victoriously.

"Hahaha, I've bested the so-called Boy Wonder! Not so tough now, are yo-WOAH *thud* ARGH!" Erin lands on the floor like a folded omelette.

"" She mutters through her daze.

Mikasa watches all this with a deadly look in her eyes. No one touches him. Friend or not, I must eliminate you, Erin.

Oh no... Anyway, Erin's parents along with the Arlert duo arrive at the scene. Amelia's parents were busy so only her grandfather could make it, but her parents made sure to give their gift to Mikoto before he left.

"Erin, what have we said about running off like this?!" Erin's mother, the beautiful Carla Yeager, exclaims as she berates her daughter.

"Yes, Erin. That was very reckless of you, even if you had good intentions." The wise Doctor, Grisha Yeager calmly says.

"But moooom! I wanted to be the first one to say goodbye." Erin moans out.

"Young lady, this is not the appropriate space for this kind of thing. Apologise to Mikoto right this instant." Carla's motherly powers kick in and reluctantly Erin goes to apologise to Mikoto but the boy steps in to defend his friend.

"Mrs Yeager, it's fine, really. This is just Erin's way of showing affection. Even if it does leave a couple of bruises." He chuckles towards the end not realising the repercussions of that final sentence.

Carla and Mikasa gain dark looks in their eyes for hurting the boy they consider to be their son/brother.

That bitch! Mikasa's fists clench at the thought of her bother being hurt.

"Sweetie, What does Mikoto mean by bruises~?" Erin's mother asks with a sickly sweet smile.

"U-uh n-nothing! It's just us playing around!" Erin says as sweat drips down her forehead. Before Carla could press any further, her husband intervenes.

"Ahem! While this is all well and fun, I do believe this is someone's send-off and not a family feud?" Grisha states with his doctorly wisdom.

"That's right! And I've got to get back home to clean Amelia's futon." Says Amelia's grandfather. "Gotta keep my swinging arm nice and tight, haha!"

"*GASP* Amelia! You're here!" Mikoto shouts with stars in his eyes as he rushes towards the adorable coconut blonde.

Amelia prepares her greetings before getting swept off her feet and thrown into the arms of Mikoto. She yelps as she blushes from the action and being in his arms.

Mikasa now looks downright murderous. Erin gains a similar albeit highly toned-down version of this glare.

"M-M-Mikoto! P-put me d-down!" Amelia screams in embarrassment. I'd enjoy this more if there weren't so many people here, she thinks to herself.

"Put down my favourite person? Now that just doesn't make sense." Mikoto says with a cheeky grin.

Favourite?! All she does is stutter and blush! Mikasa internally screams as she clenches her fists.

"P-please, Mikoto," Amelia whispers to Mikoto in the most adorable way possible.

"I- Ahem! Yeah. Sure. Sorry, Lia." Mikoto, struggling for words, gently sets her down with a light dusting of pink painting his cheeks.

You are my number one enemy, Amelia! Mikasa mentally writes Amelia's name on her hit list.

"Mikoto, the flight starts in twenty minutes!" Mizuki shouts in worry.

"Already?" A disheartened expression forms on Mikotot's face as a melancholic atmosphere lingers in the air.

The thought of their beloved Mikoto leaving them tugs at their heartstrings. It's silent for a bit until Carla steps forward and pats his head. "Cheer up, Miko. That is your big moment and I will not tolerate you being sad. Remember to always think with your brain..."

"And follow your heart!" Mikoto finished off with a smile tugging at his lips. Carla giggled at his expression before bringing the boy in for a hug and a gentle kiss on the forehead. "Thank you, Aunt Carla," Mikoto whispers through the hug.

"Take care, honey," Carla says with tears streaking down her face adorned with a sad smile. Grisha comes forth and opens his arms out for the boy as Mikoto rushes into them.

"Everything's going to be okay, Mikoto. A child as smart and as strong as you will do extraordinary things. You may even become the world's best doctor if you choose to go down that path." Grisha states as he stares at the boy, who reminded him a lot of Zeke, before pulling him in for one final hug.

"Heh, I could never surpass the legacy of the great Grisha Yeager...goodbye, Uncle Grisha. I love you." Grisha's eyes shoot wide open as his eyes begin to water. "I-I love you too, M-Mikoto. Take care, son."

He reluctantly lets go with a single tear streaking down his face as he nods towards Mikoto, who nods back with tears brimming in his eyes. Finally, Erin comes back for an actual goodbye.

"So, this is it then? You won' won't forget about us- about me, right?" Erin almost pleads as she says this. Mikoto looks at her in disbelief, surprised by hot-headed girls unusual submissive behaviour. The brief disbelief is cut short as he embraces her in a gentle yet firm hug.

"I could never forget you, Erin. You'll always have a place in my heart and my back considering all the bruises. Ain't that right, Chee-burg?" Mikoto chuckles at the end while Erin blushes at the nickname.

"Tch, bastard. You promised to never say that." Erin blushes as she grins into the crook of his neck. "I know you'll come back so no goodbyes. H-How 'bout see you later?" Erin whispers.

"Ha, sure. See you later. Love you, Eri." He ends it with a quick kiss on the cheek before Amelia steps forward.

H-he kissed me and he said 'love you'. Mikoto, what do you mean? Erin overthinks about his final moments before moving towards her parents.

"M-Mikoto, do you have to leave?" Amelia states with tears already running down her face.

"I'm sorry, Lia, but this is what I've wanted to do ever since I discovered the school."

"N-No! Don't apologise. It was selfish of me to ask that. I just...I just want you to know that-" Before Amelia could finish her sentence, Mikoto quickly kissed her cheek resulting in the blonde malfunctioning.

"" Mikoto pats her head. "I love you too, Lia. Don't tell the others but I've always admired that big brain of yours." He whispers with a wink.

Amelia laughs with a dreamy expression before slowly falling back into her grandfather's arms. Her grandfather steps forward and pats Mikoto on the head.

"Hehe, she could never handle affection from you, Miko. Thanks for looking out for her all these years. Believe it or not, she's started to break out of her shell thanks to you." The old man states with a warm smile.

"It's no problem, Grandpa. Lia's pretty much a second sister to me so I'll do anything for her, same as Mika and Erin."

"Ahhh, young love. Heh, reminds me of when I was your age albeit less smart. Take care, Mikoto." He hugs Mikoto and ruffles his head before moving back.

"You too, Grandpa," Mikoto says as he finally gathers his emotions and looks towards his family.

Mikasa comes barreling towards the boy with a tear-stricken face and bear hugs him with all her strength. "Please, d-don't go, big brother! I don't want you to l-leave me!"

Mikoto gently pats her head and just lets her get it all out of her system. "Shhhh...shhshhshh...calm down, little sister. I promise I won't be gone for long-"

"Y-You'll be gone for seven years! That's too long!"

"Mika, if I could, then I would gladly shorten my time there but-"

"B-But what if-what if I went with you!? I-I could study alongside you!"

"Mika, you know you can't do that. You're not of age nor were you invited. Besides, I don't think Mom and Dad could handle it both of us left them." Mikoto tried to reason with her but alas, the girl was dead set on keeping her brother to stay.


"Mikasa, that's enough. Your brother's decision is final and that's that." Her mother firmly cut in.

Mikasa casts her mother a desperate glance but Mizuki is having none of it. "Please, Mika. We all want Mikoto to stay but this is his decision and we will not stand in his way. Please understand, dear."

Mikasa sulks for a bit before solemnly nodding her head and hugs Mikoto one last time as she heads towards her father.

Mikoto thanks his mother as she approaches him and hugs him with all her heart, whispering her heartfelt words. "My little Koko bean. You grew up too fast, you know that?"

"I learned from the best, didn't I?" Mikoto replies with a soft smile.

"Indeed you did, you little charmer. Ahh, I promised myself I wouldn't cry but seeing you like this..." Mizuki tries to hold back her tears.

"Mom, it's gonna be okay. I won't be gone for long. Promise." Mikoto comforts her.

"I know, I know. Just seeing you all grown up makes me feel both happy and sad. Promise me something, Miko."


"Promise me you'll never lose that spark of yours, that passion to do what you want? Promise me that you'll always find hope in your hardships?" Mizuki practically begs the boy.

"I promise, Mom. I'll make you proud!" Mikoto says with conviction.

"Oh, Miko. You already have. Now go, get out of here. You stay any longer and I won't let you leave." Mizuki jokingly says. "Stay safe, Miko. I love you."

"I will, Mom. I love you too." Mikoto replies as he and his mother separate from the hug. Finally, Ezekiel approaches Mikoto and the boy engulfs him in a tight hug.

"I always knew this day would come but...but I didn't anticipate it coming too soon. *sigh* I tried to prepare myself for this day but it still hurts." Ezekiel states with a sorrowful expression.

"I'm sorry, Da-"

"No! Son, you have nothing to apologise for. This is your choice and I will not stand in the way of your dreams." Ezekiel's eyes burn with conviction. "Remember to keep fighting. Keep moving forward until you achieve your goals."

"I will, Dad. I won't stop until I reach the end." Mikoto says as determination burns in his eyes.

"I know you won't. But do try to pace yourself. I know how you get once you put your mind to something. Oh, and make sure to make some friends while you're over there. I don't want you to become some edgy anime teen or something, haha!" Ezekiel chuckles at the thought of Mikoto becoming a super midget badass beyblade.

"Dad, you really need to stop reading those fanfictions. They're confusing you." Mikoto deadpans.

"Pfft, I know what I'm talking about. Only an idiot would read those trashy union fanfics." Ezekiel confidently states.

"You do you, I guess?" Mikoto confusedly mutters.


Everyone perks up at the announcement and look towards Mikoto with a mixture of sadness and pride as the boy awaits his next step to achieving his dreams.

Mikoto pauses for a moment, trying to articulate his feelings into words but nothing comes out. Eventually Erin gets annoyed at this and rushes towards the boy to embrace him. Mikasa and Amelia soon join in and the four friends silently comfort each other until they break off.

The three girls looked at each other with stern gazes as they all swiftly kiss his right cheek before retreating back to their respective guardians.

Mikoto looks confused before a light blush adorns his face. "Aww, that's cute." The boy says, appreciating the sentiment.

The adults then embrace the boy and pat his head as they wave him off with tears in their eyes, except for his mother who is openly crying into Ezekiel's chest.

Mikoto gives one last farewell to his loved ones, a tearful smile adorning his face before making his way towards his flight.

Once settled into his seat, he looks out the window and mutters to himself. "Seven years. Seven years and I'll come back to you all."

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