Chapter 11

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I asked my house helper Raju to pack for two lunches Today...he gave me an amusing smile lowering his eyes putting the lunch box inside the lunch carry..

In the morning I mean yesterday morning he was surprised when I said him that I'll prepare the curry. he kept staring at me for some few seconds when I frowned back he averted his gaze and got busy cleaning my room..

Even today in the morning after coming back from gym ,I informed him that he would just prepare the roti and a sabjee but the other one I'll prepare. So before I would leave and have my bath I said him to get ready with the paneer taking it out from the freezer, that I'll prepare after having done my necessities.

Except my Mom and some of my very close friends knows about my cooking skills. I haven't ever prepared food for any other person out of this box not even ever thought to...
But unknowingly and definitely unpurposely Avni has entered into that list of my special handful people..

Is she someone special to me!!!

Intuitively a smile grew on my lips travelling through my eyes while putting the Paneer Do Pyaza inside an air tight micro waved container separately.



"Where are you dumbo!! Me and agent dada is waiting for you since one hour" I said almost shouting at Rehaan over the call.

"Chupkar Dramebaaz it's only 5mins past you people have reached there..and now stop your bakwas let me focus on the road it's just 2mins route farther..I'll be right there" Rehaan replied over the bluetooth moving his car gear in his left hand and the right is rolling the steering wheel...

"Shut up and come fast" Avni cut off the call pulling down her pH from her ear.
She turned her face and gave a cheeky smile to Agent dada..

Last night around 9 pm Avni informed Raj Sir that she won't be able to come to the shoot next day because she have to go to help her best friend Rehaan in search of a suitable apartment for settling in Mumbai.

Rehaan is her friend since they were in kindergarten. Studying in the same school and having houses in the same route they used to travel by the school bus together. And gradually they became best friends sharing their every single secrets to eachother including their crushes.
However at some point of time there togetherness had almost made Rehaan's Mom Dad and elder brother Ridaan believing that Avni will be their daughter in law soon. Whereas they both had never ever felt such kind of passion for eachother instead being close buddy.
Eventually their family soon realised that it's gonna be never happen with this two impossible soul.
Rehaan is that kind of friend of Avni who is a combination of friend and guardian at the same time.which is known as frian in friendship dictionary.
But their relationship always had been judged by the people around them as a love. Although in their friendship there is no such space had ever arose for possessiveness or jealousy which always ended up in a love relationships.These two adjectives have no place in this friendship.
Therefore the fact is they are purely enveloped with eachother in love and support excluding passion and romance.

Apparently until our 12th board we followed eachother and then eventually because of choosing our different career goals we parted.
Obviously visually not mentally. He chose IIT and Me Films study so I'm here in Mumbai leaving my homeland Gujarat as same as him. On the other hand he quit the Company in Ahmedabad in which he has worked for last two years. And recently joined another in Mumbai as per as his designation demands.


I was reading the script sitting beside Raj Sir. While my mind was somewhere else looking for a particular person in the set around..

Turning the pages of the script keeping my eyes on it I coughed a bit before I could ask about the thing circling around my brain the hour I have stepped here.
He was busy scrutinizing some scenes gluing his eyes on the monitor screen,a scene that me and my co-actor just now have the shot.

"Is Avni going to show up late today??" I kept my face straight as possible as I could but inside I was dying to know about her being late from last few days..

Today I called her around 9am to let her know that I'll be picking her around 10. That was our today's call time. But her pH was switched off. Though usually our call time doesn't match with eachother but since last few days either she is coming before me or leaving late or sometimes leaving the set before me.

"Nope she took day off today" Raj Sir informed typing something on the keyboard.

"Ohhhh" the only word came out from my mouth being infuriated thinking my efforts of making one of my best dishes for her according to the people those who have tested it ever, all went into the gutter. Instantly my mouth became bitter thinking of being dejected by the plan for spending some alone time with her.

"Her friend Rehaan has come to Mumbai so she is busy with him these days" Raj Sir added.


My heart skipped leaving me pissed off by this info of her being irregularity in work place..

"Heights of Unprofessionalism" Irritatingly the words popped out from my mouth along with an exasperating smirk.

Averting his eyes off the monitor screen Raj Sir turned straightened his eyes at me.

"Don't be so judgemental Neil!! Not atleast with her.
Avni is an extremely hard working person. Yes she comes late in the set few minutes more or less bringing up some of her silly excuses all the time but you can't tag her with the word unprofessional whereas she is the one of the most hard working member of my team.
She has been never seen taking rest around whether it is her work or not doesn't matter, she is always busy roaming around in the set helping others in theirs task as well. It shows how much she is dedicated to her profession." Raj Sir stated.

"And if you ask about Rehaan!!
He is not like any random guy that you are thinking about.
He is like a family or more than that to her." He gave a warm smile leaning against his seat.

I was happy listening those appreciating words for her from Raj Sir but those few last words about that guy caused me clenching my jaws. It felt so frustrating imaging her with any other guy.

I so wanted to ask him about that guy...

I wanted to ask him is this guy Rehaan is her boyfriend!!
But it would sound creepy, curious. So I kept numb.

I'm in lost of word to ask him anything further..

Am I jealous!!!

I know I shouldn't...

I'm not that jealous type or I would say I hadn't felt it yet for anyone. Not even for my cousin Pompy who used to come to our place in her every summer vacation and to whom my Mom my only world used to give all her attentions throughout the time she had been spending in our house. Because Mom's wish to have a girl hadn't got fulfilled.

I'm behaving weird, I know but right now I'm not at all happy having the info of this guy friend of Avni.

"Hello Sir" I flinched turning my face Instantly hearing a familiar voice came from behind.

Avni smiled looking at Raj Sir who was also turned his face at her now.

She said something to Raj Sir standing beside him and he stood up widening his smile looking at someone on the other side.

Following his gaze I looked at the direction and my heart stiffened staring at the person.
A handsome guy in a White Tee pairing with blue denim brought down the glares from his eyes and shook his hand with Raj Sir.

"And he is Neil Sir" I heard her said gesturing towards me next moment.

Giving a faint smile I lefty seet and stood up.That man came to me and extended his hands towards me for a hand shake smiled broadly.

We clasped our hands with eachother and exchanged some formal convo.

I got to know that he is a Software Engineer shifting in Mumbai soon joining his new job in one of the Multi National Company.

We both turned our head when Raj Sir announced the lunch break and put down the mike beside the monitor.

"Avni take Rehaan with you and let have him the lunch" Raj Sir said smiling at Avni and Rehaan.

"We had already" Avni smiled informing.

And looking at her smiling face what went into me I don't even want to know...I didn't waste a single second and stormed towards my vanity.


I slumped the door Stepping inside my vanity..
I ran my fingers through my hair frustratingly and sat on my bed with a thud.

I was so irked recalling her smiles staring at anyother guy,my fist tightened.
I inhaled shutting my eyes tightly trying to calm down my nerves loosening my clenched fist and jaws.
I have my scenes within few minutes next so I shouldn't be disturbed by any other thoughts except on my script or else I wouldn't be able to give my best into it.
I can't fill my mind with all such diversion showing my unprofessionalism.

Regaining myself I gently make my body comfortable on the bed and take the lunch container out from the bag.

Only food can help me to bring myself out from this state of my mind right now.
So I opened all the food container except that one I brought for her.

I was about to put the first morsel inside my mouth, I heard a knock on my door.

I bring down my hand on my plate furrowing my brows I responded " yes come in.."

And there she is standing towards the door stepped inside..

She inhaled closing her eyes before open it within some few seconds.

"Is that Paneer Do Pyaza" she widened her eyes.her voice was full of excitement, not leaving for me to have any idea Why.

"Yes" I said tightening my jaws putting the morsel inside my mouth being irritated slightly.

Yes she is reminding me of that guy so right now I'm very much exasperated by her presence.

"Waaaaow that's one of my fav paneer dishes...and my mo..."she stopped..

I raised my eyes immediately at her.

"Ummm...I'm sorry" She lowered her face rolling her mob...
wait it's my eyes stopped on her hand that is gripping my pH now.

"It's my pH!!! ooh shit!!!" I forgot there on the table aside the monitor. While going through the script sitting on the chair I had kept it there..And being furiated with that moment when Avni said she had lunch with that guy I totally forgot picking up my pH from there and left the place.

"Have you came to give my ph!!" I asked keeping my face straight again concentrating back on my lunch.

" hummm!!
Ooh Yyyeeeah!! Raj sir sent me to give it to you" she stammered nervously. I saw through my peripheral vision.

She extended her hand hesitatingly and put the ph on the bed seeing my both the hands engaged with the food.

When I didn't say anything further she turned to leave but immediately stopped by me.

"Wait" I sighed.

She turned to me fiddling her fingers nervously.

I extended the box I brought for her and motioned her to take it.

First she looked confused gazing at the box in my hand then rose her eyes at me, slightly creasing her brows questionably.

"Because you already had lunch, surely in that case you won't be able to have some more. So take it home, have it in dinner..if you want to" I said casually not showing my pissing off mood.

"Iiists okay" she tried to reason out but cut off.

"I had brought it for you" I said emphasizing the last word.

"For mee!!!" A small smile crept on her lips being surprised.

"And that's made by me" I didn't want to get her know this. Not after the incident that has happened few minutes back outside.
But I did. Rolling my eyes I sighed.

"Aw......" She paused abruptly shutting her mouth immediately with her palm on it then widened her eyes nervously.

"Take it" before she could have noticed my flushed face that was happened for her being awe by my gesture.I hid lowering my face having the lunch.

She took the container from my
hand and saying me thank you shyly she almost ran out of my sight.


Awwweee they are so cute😚😚

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As I promised you Pra_nita yesterday that I'll give the update of this story today..I hope you enjoy it.
Thank you for your those lovely lines of appreciation you have showered on me❤️❤️god bless you🥰🥰

Love MoN ❣️

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