Chapter 14

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Pehle sehi sorry mangleti hu🙏 if anyone gets hurt reading Avni's Pov in today's update regarding that shipping wala paragraph.
Trust me I just wanted to show a girl's inner turmoil, exactly what she feels seeing her crush being shipped by his fans with some other person.

Please before getting mad at me sochlena I'm also an Adiza shipper 😂🤗



I was beyond pissed.
Pissed of getting to know that another whole day I have to spend without her.

What's going on!!!! what's wrong with her!!! why she is taking day off so often these days.
These thoughts have been conjesting my mind since last night when I got the reply from her that she took day off today.

It's 9o'clock and from last few minutes I'm sitting in the chair having my breakfast being exasperated clutching the newspaper harshly close to my face, trying my brain out to concentrate in the news headlines that I haven't read more than two or three lines hardly. while my hot coffee has almost transformed into a cold one.
However not giving up soon I was in my way struggling to concentrate in that bunch of news headlines. Breaking my restlessness going on inside me from last few hours my pH rang throbbing a particular caller tune.

Last week I have set it for someone special.

Pushing the newspaper to the right side away off my face I saw the caller Id nonchalantly.
And immediately my heart beat became faster realising the caller tune. Swapping upward the screen to receive the call I immediately pulled the pH close to my right ear.

"Hello!!" I cleared my throat and responded very much aware of my faster heart pumping.

"Hi..Umm..." She sounded nervous.
"last night you had asked me to pick up on the way to the shoot...sooo are you already have reached the shoot or..." she mumbled timidly.

Putting the newspaper down on the table I straighten my back slightly.

"Ummm..Nope...not yet" I replied.

"Could you pick me then!!!
I'll be at my entrance around 10" I have never witnessed in my life till that some mere words could get me such boundless happiness.

"Yeah sure" gripping the edge of the table corner I slowed down my excitement not letting her know by my voice, I replied gently. My lips curved in a wide smile leaving a heavy sigh of exhilaration.

Pushing the chair backward I got up from my seat. Cutting the call instructing Raju to get my tiffin ready and other stuffs. I went towards my room to take a quick shower.

I hastened my steps towards the washroom humming my fav tune. My state was not less than a 16years old kid who has just got a permission from his dad to go for a trip with his besties.

If a single ph call from her could create such a drastic change to my mood then god knows what would I do if she will talk to me all day long...
I smiled flushing my face red at this moment. I guess my fans feel the same when they request me to call their name unwrapping their gifts, doing the segments.

She is my crush, I'm her fan..

Even I'm laughing at my state right now.

Silly me..

I wrapped the towel around my waist exited the washroom.
"Avni" this word itself gives me goosebumps all over my body whenever I called out this name inwardly under my breath. My heart beat goes crazily faster seeing her around me. Closer me.

She is driving me crazy urging to see her all the time in front of my sight.

I like her a lot. More than I had liked any other girl before.
May be I'm falling for her.
She has occupied my mind, my personal space,my seconds,my minutes,my hours.
I want my days with her.
I want to be in her mind.

I want Avni to be my...
To be my.....!!!!!I was searching the perfect word to be fitted to complete the sentence.

"Everything.." the word instantly came out of my mouth.

I want her to be my everything..Yess...

I sighed calming my excited brain focussing on my well organised wardrobe to choose the perfect outfit for the day.



Today Morning Rehaan called me to say that they have postponed the marriage to the next week. He and his girlfriend getting married.It had been fixed on today. Me and Diya would have been the witness if it wasn't got cancelled last moment because some of their personal issues. It's a secret registry marriage.
There some family issues have arose, so we have to wait till next week.

Around 8:30am I called Raj Sir to let him know that I'm cancelling my day off. I'm postponing it to the next week any day. And then dialled Neil Sir's number to ask him for the pick up. His voice felt weird last night when I said him that I'll not come today.
I don't want him to misunderstand me so I called him or he might think that I'm telling lies to avoid him. After all he is Neil Khanna not any other Random guy.
He is a nice guy, very humble, fun loving almost all the people in our set likes him a lot even his co-actors.

Co-actor, that Pooja..huh..

I know I shouldn't..I mean why I'm so irritated with her!!!

She is a nice girl not much friendly nor arrogant either or throwing tantrums types unlike some others I have dealt with.

My heart stiffened whenever I see them together doing some romantic scenes.
I feel to rip her head off..

So violent of me I know..yeah I feel the same when they do gift segments together. I want to report all those accounts, that fans posts VMs in their Insta feed shipping them together.

I can't understand this concept of shipping a boy and a girl. What solace people finds creating such things god knows.
If they are meant to be together they would definitely, you don't need to create things for them to show them, see how much you love eachother guys....look at you you are so guchi puchi... so lovey dovey...

My foot....

Love can't be intended to create. It happens with the most unexpected person in a most unexpected moment. It's all about destiny. Destiny of being together of two Soulmates.

Anyways bharmein jaaye.. I have many more bigger things in my life to worry about..
Papa called me today morning, usually as he calls once or twice every week.But today he called me to inform that Aditya is coming next month. He will let me know around this week the exact date of his arrival.

Why can't they leave me alone. I don't want to stay with them. why don't they get this inside their bloody brain.
How many times I said them to take Nonna along with them but they all are stubborn. Nonna won't leave India till her last breath. Papa and Aditya won't let me in peace. They will continuously try their best to convince me to settle and work abroad. I know there my career possibilities would be splendid . They have huge sources there. And that's one of the main reasons I would never agree to them.
I don't want a single piece of recommendation from my Papa's side regarding anything in my life.
Aditya is two and half year younger than me. He wants me to be with them I know. And I respect his feelings towards me but I'm fed up. I'm fed up with his pitiful gestures towards me. Or he truly see me as his sibling I don't know. I don't want to know either. I'm happy here in my own world.


"Avni look here...which one" Neil waggled his brows twice motioning Avni to choose any one shirt for him.

The designer was holding many shirts out of it he has chosen three. first one is Black second one is Blue and third one is dark Olive.

Avni was asking Raj Sir to have a look to the set Dd has just now did some changes for the next scene. Her brows creased by his call.
"Why the crap he is calling me know"
Excusing Raj Sir Avni ambled her steps towards his vanity.



Before I could knock on his vanity door he opened it, grabbed my wrist and pulled me gently inside. It seems he was waiting for me all the while.

As I stepped inside he immediately loosened his grip off my arm and stood facing me few steps away hanging those shirts in his hold.

Surprise would be understatement if I would say I was. It was something beyond that. I was numb, numb by his actions these days. First his offering, giving me ride for picking up and drop back home. Second cooking for me lunch, Third his constant gaze on me most of the time having his breaks in between the takes or scenes around the sets and his stealing glances while driving. And fourth one is this. This shirt choosing session going on right now.

What the hell I'm doing here!!
Why!!! a shriek was almost on my way inside my throat to come out before I gulped it down.

I have never seen him wearing anything green so I chose the third one that dark olive green Shirt. Smilling groofily he threw the other two on his bed and started unbuttoning his shirt to pull off it.

It would be the last thing I could have wanted to witness at that moment seeing him shirtless. So excusing myself making some pH calls I immediately left his vanity.......

My crush is torchering me mentally.

Okay fine it's physically as well.

Increasing my heart rate faster every minute. Making my skin active giving me goosebumps. And many more health issues I'm suffering from the day he stepped in here.

Should I consult any cardio or police!!!!


I hope my Cuties have enjoyed reading today's update🥰

Keep voting commenting and sharing.

Love MoN💝

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